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Visage can work in a lot of situations. He gets a lot of kills in 3v3, but he is perfectly fine in a standard trilane and is good for occasional roams (provided you have enough damage to charge him up).

His main weakness is cross-map movement. If you do not have re-summon, your Familiars are left in one lane while you rotate. That isn't always a bad thing because you can use them to apply pressure elsewhere (especially with a Drow Ranger on your team) while you rotate and spam Soul Assumption in fights.

The Visage
It is one thing to animate a corpse from beneath the ground. It is another to rip a soul from beyond the veil.

This will cover his skill set, item build as well as the basic micros required and more. Visage is my favorite hero and I hope you'll get to enjoy him as much as I do or at least get to play him decently.


Surprisingly enough, he can even be played as an additional carry. Visage is considered a top tier pick in the pro scene and is most often played as a support. The first time I tried Visage, I had no idea how to play him, couldn't chain my stuns and always let my familiars die. Hopefully after this guide, this won't happen to you. After my first game, I still wanted to give this hero a shot and quickly got hooked. Currently I have played 70 games with him with a win rate of 70% with a KA/D ratio of 4.22. Practice is the key to becoming a good Visage.
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