How to counter Huskar? Dota 2 Counter

Huskar far less overpowered than he used to be, although like many other pubstomp heroes he snowballs fairly easily if you let him get a handful of early kills.

The most important thing against any hero like this is not to go around by yourself if you don't know where he is. Huskar can kill most heroes one on one (especially if he has an early lead), but if you've got an ally nearby with a stun he's far less threatening. He doesn't farm well and isn't great at coming from behind, so preventing that early snowball is crucial.

The kinds of heroes that you don't want against Huskar are magic damage dealers like Lina, Zeus, or Skywrath Mage - he gains magic resistance as his HP decreases, and these heroes will really struggle to hurt him. You should also avoid fragile ranged heroes like Sniper or Drow Ranger, due to his gap closing ability.

Good counters to Huskar are bursts of physical or pure damage (Ursa, Timbersaw, Juggernaut via his ult), Blade MailBlade Mail, and stuns. Blade MailBlade Mail when Huskar jumps on you will deal ridiculous return damage. Whatever you do, it's important that your team focuses their damage on Huskar at the same time - get him low, stun him, and then finish him off with physical / pure burst.
  • Doom disables his passive making him easier to kill
  • Legion Commander Duel  disables his passive, making him easier to kill. This one is my personal favorite.
  • Timbersaw deals tons of pure damage, rendering his passive useless
  • Tinker's Laser blinds and deals pure damage
  • Bane's  Brain Sap deals pure damage, and  Fiend's Grip is awesome. You can also enfeeble him to remove some of his damage
  • Outworld Devourer's Orb deals pure damage
  • As mentioned elsewhere,  Blade MailBlade Mail is a great pickup if you can time it well, and he doesn't use bkb
  • Ancient Apparition's Ice Blast can stop his healing/Lifesteal, and shatter him if he's brought under the HP threshold

Some things to consider once his Black King BarBlack King Bar is up :
  • Blade MailBlade Mail no longer works. Can still be  Fiend's Gripped, Dueled , Beastmaster's Primal Roar can still stun, Abyssal BladeAbyssal Blade can still stun, Pudge can Dismember him.

Aside from all of that, physical damage is the way to go. Phantom Assassin can even be a decent counter because Huskars don't like to build Monkey King Bar's and the miss chance will help you survive the early onslaught.

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