4 tips rarely see in Dota 2 guides ! ember spirit and storm spirit


So many pub players don't even know these exist or ignore them entirely! They just alt tab out of dota when they die, a buyback is basically an aegis (except you can't earn gold)! At post-30/40 minutes and the game is relatively even i will put off my next "big item" to save for buyback and sometimes even buyback + Boots of TravelBoots of Travel!

Pickoffs and splitpushing

If you're pretty even with the enemy team, they're finding it hard to push into you and you're finding it hard to push into them, what you must do is get pick offs and turn them into towers, even if you pickoff ONE hero you may be able to get a tower, now if you get 2 you should defiantly be able to get a tower. If you have a really good splitpusher, like Lycanthrope or Nature's Prophet you may be able to get a tower while your team fights too.

Baiting ultis and pushing when they're on cooldown

In pubs, even I myself fall to giving up, raging or calling gg when faced with what seems impossible to win against: a bunch of big ultis. How can we possibly win against  Black Hole, Ravage and Chronosphere ? Well, you gotta do is bait them out, make them waste those ultis by spreading out the teamfights and even if you DO lose a teamfight, you can push after respawning due to the long cooldowns on those ultis! Hell, you could even all farm buyback and not use of your ultis but put up enough of a fight to get them to use theirs and then buyback, push and use your ultis. Hit em while their down!


When you die have time to see the enemy's items, offer advice to team and most importantly, reflect on how you died, why you died and hopefully how you can NOT die again! Sure you can check items while alive but some heroes need to focus on last hits. (Wish there was an easier way to check enemy heroes items instead of manually going to them on the map and clicking on them, ugh)

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