The International 4 Meta Game Analysis Phase 2 Day 1

Top 5 heroes in each category as well as an interesting trend (!), and the stats will include Wild Card data from Day 1 The International 4


Most relevant heroes

Rank Hero Pick/Ban Rate
1 Brewmaster 98%
2 Lycanthrope 93%
3 Doom 91%
4 Razor 88%
5 Tidehunter 81%
! Batrider 62%

Most Picked Heroes

Rank Hero Picks
1 Razor 23
2 Skywrath Mage 22
3 Shadow Shaman 21
4 Mirana 19
5 Tidehunter 19
! Invoker 2

Most Banned Heroes

Rank Hero Bans
1 Lycanthrope 30
2 Brewmaster 30
3 Doom 23
4 Tinker 20
5 Faceless Void 19
! Ember Spirit 10

Most Successful Heroes

 (Min. 5 games)
Rank Hero Winrate
1 Alchemist 80%
2 Enigma 79%
3 Brewmaster 73%
4 Lycanthrope 67%
4 Wraith King 64%
! Skywrath Mage 64%

Least Successful Heroes

(Min. 5 games)

Rank Hero Winrate
1 Lich 14%
2 Treant Protector 29%
3 Faceless Void 31%
4 Earthshaker 33%
5 Bane 36%
! Morphling 42%

Total Heroes Picked: 81
Datdota, Reddit

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