Dota 2 Update - July 9, 2014 Phantom Lancer's Sunwarrior Set

UI Updates

  • The International tab has now been added as the default landing tab on the Today tab when you load up the client.
  • On the new draft screen, a hashtag has been added. Instead of reading "Radiant Ban 1" it now reads "Radiant Ban #1" - those details

Compendium Update

These changes are from earlier today and not with this patch but I'll document them here anyway.
  • Wildcard Results Updated.
  • All-Star Match Hero Requests Closed.
  • Arcana Showdown, Voice Vote and Model Rework results will be released before the end of The International.
  • Solo Championship new winner has been updated.

Portrait Updates

  • Phantom Lancer's Sunwarrior Set portrait issue has been fixed.

Item Drop List Update


  • Antennae of the Master Weaver

Raw Schema: Link
No changelog yet.
Patch Size: 33.8 Mb

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