Anti Mage early game build?

I rarely get to play him because i'm always afraid to pick him when i see those mid game heroes in the enemy team like Slark, Centaur Warrunner, Brewmaster, whenever i used to play Anti-Mage i always went for usual DK.Burning build and pretty much never tried any early game build , so can any of you suggest an early game build for Anti-Mage?

I remember reading something along the lines of Power TreadsPower Treads > YashaYasha > Vladmir's Offering Vladmir's Offering > Manta Style if i remember correctly ? Also i wonder what is the playstyle behind a build like that , do you still prioritize farm over fighting but this build also lets you fight if its really needed ? Or do you just hang around with your team all the time and if enemy team is pushing as 5 lets say and trying to force fights and you just fight them ?

It's a very old build, but basically Power TreadsTreads, Vanguard Vanguard into Manta. You can fight with yasha and Vanguard Vanguard, you don't need points in stats, this you deal more burn damage, you tank more magic damage, and eventually, by successfully turning ome fights around, you should get the Manta at whatever time rate.

The question remains, is Anti-Mage supposed to be played like that. I really don't think so, there's simply much better heroes in the game, not just for early game fighting but in general I think. Anti-Mage in current time has little to no place.

Basically you last pick him only if you know you're pretty very safe from opponent ganks, as in, no good lockdown against you. You farm up the  Battle Fury Battle Fury and play the usual playstyle, which essentially means trusting your team to not crumble 4 against 5. Really don't recommend forcing yourself to play the hero in a way he is not meant to be played.

If you like Anti-Mage that much, you can go offlane, and aim to purchase DagonDagon 5. Play Anti-Mage in the offlane whenever you see Storm Spirit in opposition and so on. You can pick Anti-Mage mid really often and play him vs. one of those baddie insta lock Pudge. That's actually a really fine winning strategy, since Pudge cannot do to Anti-Mage early, will lack in farm, while you get quick Power TreadsTreads into  Battle FuryBattle Fury. It's basically opposition coordinating a good and successful gank in mid to help thePudge , or you won the game.

The problem with antimage is that his really squishy as a hero, and his basically feared because of his ability to flashfarm with  Battle FuryBattle Fury, and totally outfarmed your enemy to the point where you can easily destroy them. That is his strong point.

But I have however seen antimage go Vanguard Vanguard + Manta and try to take the midgame fights. I wouldn't say that this is better than the standard rush  Battle FuryBattle Fury flashfarm build.

The tankiness with Vanguard Vanguard allows you to survive the fights and the Mana Break from Manta illusions allows you to dish some damage. Some things you have to watch for is low mana enemies, which gives you chances to use your Mana Void and take a chunk out your enemy's hp.

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