Meepo Tips?

I decided to start learning Meepo, íve been searching but couldnt really find any good tips, like keybinds or something to help me out learning this hero.
Do some of you guys have some tips or good guides i could read to start playing this Meepo?

Try to get mid if you can. You should rush Aghanim's Scepter Aghanim's Scepter once you get your Power TreadsPower Treads. Sometimes a Ring of BasiliusRing of Basilius can solve early mana problems coupled with Power TreadsTread switching if you're abusing Poof to lasthit or harassing the opponent(s).

Meepo is 10% more magic-resistant than most other heroes therefore you should know what's taking you down when you die, is it Magical Damage ? Good, then buy a Hood of Defiance, upgrade it into Pipe of InsightPipe of Insight if it's not enough or ask a support if he can.

Is it physical damage ? Good, buy a reaver if you can't or shouldn't farm like crazy, buy a Eye of SkadiEye of Skadi if you can and should farm a lot.

Meepo is a really good snowballer, you'll kick midgame if you didn't feed a lot. Late game Meepo is a bit tricky, if it's a close game, beware of lategame carries that were able to farm a bit. Scythe of Vyse Scythe of Vyse is a really good item indeed. Coupled with Ethereal BladeEthereal Blade Poofand you got yourself a legit lategame Meepo.

As for microing, you should enable the "unified control orders", and quickcast for poofing, you should also learn how to Blink Dagger Blink - Poof. Most likely the enemy team will focus the first Meepo they see (your main if you Blink Dagger Blink Poof). He is a BIT more tanky than the clones (even with Aghanim's Scepter Aghanim's Scepter ), wich is good news for you.  Blink Dagger Blink Poof, net-lock them, get the Meepo that is getting all the heat away while they watch him walk it off and are dying to the 4 other Meepos.

Beware of the following heroes : Earthshaker, Lich, Disruptor, Sven & Ember Spirit. You can absolutely wreck them but they have the "natural upper hand" with a good lineup and some game knowledge/basic skills.

Oh and almost forgot : Boots of TravelBoots of Travel has an individual cooldown for each Meepos, wich will allow you to push all of the lanes if you wanna splitpush and such.

Also, keep in mind that you should almost always get items that benefit all Meepos. Basically every item that only has "+damage" stat wise are bad on him.

Try to stack/pull with your second Meepo once you hit lvl 3 if you're playing in the safelane. Same goes with ganking the other lanes, if you send one of your Meepos instead of buying Town Portal Scroll Town Portal Scroll you'll save some money (and TP cooldown when you really need to get somewhere fast early and midgame)

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