How to make Eye of Skadi work with Diffusal Blade on illusion heroes?

How do you make the illusions burn mana but the hero have Eye of SkadiEye of Skadi?

You drop both, then pick up Eye of SkadiEye of Skadi first, then Diffusal BladeDiffusal Blade. Your hero will now slow and your illusions mana burn.
Only really relevant on Phantom Lancer though imho

Naga Siren needs Radiance Radiance, and Terrorblade's illusions are better in ranged mode so Diffusal BladeDiffusal Blade will be less useful.

Passive abilities that illusions can't use (even if the animation might show something different):
  • Raw damage or armor 
  • HP or mana regeneration 
  • Orb effects (except Feedback on melee illusions) 
  • Cleave 
  • Bash (it works in some rare scenarios, read more about it below), this includes the interrupt on
    Monkey King Bar 
  • Damage block 
  • Spell resistance from Planeswalker's Cloak Cloak, Hood of Defiance or Khadgar's Pipe of InsightPipe of Insight
  • Backstab 
So unless something's been

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