Dota 2 Mirana Build Guide Semi Carry, Hard Carry and Roaming

Mirana is an excellent huntress and widely known for her  Sacred Arrow which stuns her victim with deadly precision. The arrow stuns longer when its fired from a farther distance. Mirana can bring down the stars with Starstorm to damage nearby enemies and an additional star to cast down on her one unfortunate target. Mounting with her trusted tiger Sagan, Mirana can Leap forward over a distance, to escape or chase, and enhancing her allies with a roar, increasing their attack and movement speed. Invoking the power of her moon goddess, Mirana uses her ultimate,  Moonlight Shadow to cloak all allied heroes and herself with invisibility. At any time, Mirana and her allies can break out of their hiding with an ambush and fade into the shadows again during the duration of the spell. With an array of mighty and supportive abilities, Mirana is a versatile heroine that can excel early in the game as a mobile ganker. She is not very heavily reliant on luxury items but she can benefit from almost any item that gives her presence in the battlefield.

Mirana Build Semi Carry

Mirana Build Semi Carry

Mirana Build Hard Carry

Mirana Build Hard Carry

Mirana Build Roaming

Mirana Build Roaming

Mirana Pros and Cons


1. She has a great body! <3
2. Potentially 5s stun.
3. Great hero for starting team fights, or ambushing.
4. A Stealth that effects the entire friendly team
5. Easily can accuire a good farm.
6. Can solo with ease
7. But also can play very corporately in a bottom or top lane.
8. Has 2 moves for escaping, or Chasing
9. Good choice for a roamer.


  1. MP problem = item dependent
  2. Skill Needed
  3. Quite Squishy (low HP, Easy to kill)

Mirana Abitities


Mirana's first move (Q), has a large nuke at level four of 300 damage to all surrounding enemys within 625 units. Its mana cost is pretty high at 100 level one, so make sure to use it sparingly in the beginning. But after around 6, you should use it as a great farming or pushing ability. Starstorm also will target a random enemy within the 625 unit area, and hit them again for half the original damage.

Sacred Arrow

Mirana's signature move (W). Its placement is everything. when using, and the enemy you are targeting it moving, do not click directly on the hero because spell is not lock-on. Try to lead the target, and place it where you think it will be when the gets there. This will take a while to get good at...but just keep practicing .
Sacred Arrow should be used in the beginning of a gank/team-fight, and try to pick off the enemy who your team wants to kill first.

Sacred Arrow has the potential to stun for 5s! So when ganking and you are confident enough with yourself try to land an  Sacred Arrow that is further away. If not, a 3s stun is still awesome, if you can hit them. Also use this spell to hit enemy heroes that are trying to escape, it does a huge amount of damage at level four of 360.


Used mostley for Escaping, or Chasing. If you can position yourself correctly, a good escape method would be, Leap, and then fire an Arrow back at the enemy when you land.
Also after activating Leap, you are granted a Attack and Movement Speed buff for you and your allies, at level four the buff is 16%.

Moonlight Shadow

Mirana's Ultimate. After activating, yourself, and all of the friendly heroes, are granted stealth for 11 seconds.  Moonlight Shadow takes 3s for the hero to fade into invisibility.
Use this right before a team-fight, or after when escaping.

Mirana lane or solo ?

  • This all depends on which build you plan on going.
  • If building Carry, then you want to head to the easy lane, with either a tri-lane, or a babysitter.
  • If you have a jungler, or a tri-lane you wont be apart of, head to the long lane.
  • Simply building semi-carry/ganker, Middle is all yours. 
  • If your roaming. go where ever you want

Mirana Build Semi Carry

Mirana will most likely be laning in the mid lane or the long lane. The easy lane should have a harder carry then yourself, and therefore taking up the most farm.

The build order for this is Basic.

Ring of AquilaRing of Aquila: Should be your first small item pickup, make sure to turn the armor buff off so you don't push the lane.

Power TreadsPower Treads : My boots preference for semi carry Mirana are the Power TreadsPower Treads offer good early stats and help you scale better.

YashaYasha: Yasha would be next, becasue you will be building into Manta Style at sometime.

Next you need to make an observation on the game, does the enemy have a lot of single target spells? Are you being initiated on? And could you afford to build a little more defensibly? If so

Linken's SphereLinken's Sphere: should be your next investment, it will slow down the build order of Manta Style and other late game items, but it's usually worth it.

Now, sense you were not rushing it, its time to build your Attack Modifier. On Semi-Carries, especially Mirana, i like the Diffusal BladeDiffusal Blade, for the great slow and Mana Burn
Now to finish up your YashaYasha > Manta Style

Assault CuirassAssault Cuirass: if you're having an exeptionaly good game.

Gameplay Semi Carry Mirana

When Mirana is picked up in higher level play, you're most likely going to be laning on the suicide lane.
In the beginning of the game, you have one rule : Dont die!

At the start of the game, have your support hand you the wards, and make sure to block the pull camp. Then (on the dire) in the jungle, to the right of the neutral behind the pull camp. Now, you have sight of the rune, and you can see any ganks that are coming towards your lane.

On the Radiant, again ward the pull camp (if they have any amount of skill, they will be able to pull from other part as well, but just in case) and then, use your other ward to simply ward the river, on the eye by your secret shop.

When the creeps spawn, you need to block at much as you can. then, Play Safe. If your wards are up, you should be safe enough to farm. 

Mirana Build Hard Carry

Phase BootsPhase Boots: My choice for boots, provides great damage, and lets you last hit much easier.

Maelstrom > MjollnirMjollnir: Pick this up first, again helps with the last hits. Wait on completing the MjollnirMjollnir until your Desolator Desolator is finished. or if you need to get a Black King BarBlack King Bar

Desolator Desolator: Because the Maelstrom proc stakes with this attack modifier. Also really helps with pushing towers. And you're trying to maximize your damage output.

Manta Style: Doesn't every carry need this? xD

Black King BarBlack King Bar: So you can wreak havoc onto the enemy untouched.

Monkey King Bar: More Damage

Gameplay Hard Carry Mirana

Mirana Hard Carry, Everyone loves to play this role, but i see so many people doing it absolutely wrong. First of all, last hitting creeps is just about your only job in the early stages. Players who are great "Carry" players are always finding time, and places too earn gold and experience, they never waste time.

One of the best carry players in all of DotA is of course Burning and I recommend people who are trying to get better at playing a carry to watch him play, you will learn alot.

In teamfights, focus the casters and other squishies, make sure to leave heroes such as Tidehunter or Axe alone until the rest are dead.

And remember, you're basically a Glass Cannon, you do done of damage, but if you get focused early, you're done. Stay in the back, initiate with your  Sacred Arrow, and save  Moonlight Shadow for escape or initiation.

Mirana Build Roaming

BottleBottle : You need this early, because the runes are yours. And they also decide where you will be ganking next.

Because you never want to waste time going back to heal, or regen mana your core will be:

Arcane Boots Urn of Shadows Ring of Aquila

To maximize your ganking:

Drum of Endurance

And if your team needs either one of these.

Pipe of Insight Mekansm

Gameplay Roaming Mirana

The idea of Roaming, is usually from the beginning of the game, roam around the map and hit the enemy at its weak spots, or cover for retreating allies. As a ganker, it is your job to position the gank where you know that you will suceed in. Places where you have a massive advantage against the foe.

Which is why Mirana can be so effective at it, with the element of surprise using her Sacred Arrow, even at level 1 can earn your team, and hopefully your carry a kill.

Also utilize the runes when roaming, they just make it so much easier. haha :P

A good roamer starts out ganking as early as possible, which is why
Mirana can be such a good one, with a well aimed Sacred Arrow, she is already a devastating ganker.

If you are Roaming, you are defiantly running far more support than usual, your main objective is to get your carries as many kills, and as much XP as possible. So after a solid gank, and the enemy heroes either die, or retreat. Get out! so that your carries can free farm to their hearts content.

That considered, you are guaranteed to be under leveled, and consequently earn less gold... So your item build should consist of team fight/ and push assisting items.

Friends and Foes


Crystal Maiden: This takes a bit of practice, but it is easily one of my favorite combos in the game. If the Mirana times her Sacred Arrow correctly

Bane: Another great combo which is much easier to accomplish. Bane and Mirana make a great roaming combo, and can really shut down a carry/mid with successful ganks.

Pudge: To name a few.


Bloodseeker: Rupture is really damn annoying because your Leap can't save you, and it will basically kill you no matter what.

Puck: He's to land an Sacred Arrow on, don't even get me started.

Souces: DotaFire, DatDota, Dota 2 Wiki, Dota 2 Official Site

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