Dota 2 FAQ : Thoughts on Abaddon being a Hard Carry?

I did it today with Heart of Tarrasque, DaedalusDaedalus, MjollnirMjollnir, Sange and Yasha Sange and Yasha, Phase BootsPhase Boots, and Vladmir's Offering Vladmir's Offering. Did really well and it beat a well fed Ursa. Thoughts on Abaddon being a Hard Carry?

The fact is that Abaddon isn't a carry. In an early game strat where you plan on ending the game by 20-25 minutes with some heavy pushers, Abaddon can make a decent 1 spot early on. In some pubs, you might be able to get away with a carry build and do ok, but the same can be said about Omniknight, Treant Protector, Earthshaker, Axe and many others.

 Abaddon is best played as a 4 or 5 spot in farm priority though, using his Q to nuke enemies and heal carries, using shield to protect your carry and using his passive to debuff an important target for the carry to kill.

If the game drags on long enough you're generally going to pick up carry items but hes a wasted pick if you dont spend most of the game walking at people, not dying, and also not letting anyone on your team die

And now give those items to a Chaos Knight/Sven/Wraith King/Doom Bringer/insert any other str semi carry or support like Earthshaker and you will destroy them.

If you play Abaddon as something else then a support who transitions into a semi carry you are really bad and waste a lane for your team

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