In White Noise, Team Rainbow premieres two Operators from the 707th Special Mission Battalion for a rescue mission high up Mok Myeok Tower, our new free map. Joining them is our second GROM Specialist turned Rainbow Operator.This last season of Year Two aimed to improve player experience by introducing a new recoil animation for pistols, new UI indicators for Operators' abilities, and a grenade trajectory synchronization. Please find more details below.
To lead Operation White Noise, Team Rainbow recruits two of 707th SMB's finest: Dokkaebi and Vigil.
The new Operators are immediately unlocked for Season Pass owners, with exclusive access granted for seven days. All players can then unlock the Operators with Renown or R6 Credits after the exclusive period ends.DOKKAEBI


New Map - TOWER
In Operation White Noise, two 707th SMB Operators scale the snow-capped Mok Myeok Tower to lead a rescue mission in Seoul, South Korea. The modern communications and observation tower offers fresh vertical vantage points overlooking the entire cityscape, and sets the stage for diverse multilevel tactics.WHITE NOISE WEAPON SKINS
To celebrate the end of Year Two, flaunt our latest Seasonal Weapon Skins: Tiger Claw, Feral, Phoenix, Fearless, and Polish-inspired Husaria.
Seasonal weapon skins can be applied to the weapons available until the end of the current season.

For a full reveal of our new Operator from the Polish Special Forces GROM, please click
This season honors Mark R. "Mute" Chandar with an elite set. Inspired by the renowned bravery of the phantom special reconnaissance unit formed at the brink of WWII, Mute embodies the F Squadron.
Each Elite set is Operator-specific, and includes a distinctively themed Uniform, Weapon Skin, Gadget Skin, Chibi Charm, and Signature Victory Animation.
GRENADE TRAJECTORY SYNCHRONIZATIONWe will be testing a new synchronization logic for some projectiles, with a primary focus being on grenades.
The main purpose for the Trajectory Synchronization change is to fix issues where a grenade would desync on the game client and suddenly teleport back. This synchronization change allows us to align the trajectory between what the server sees and what you see on your client. This will reduce the chances that your grenade will return to you after releasing it. Below, you will find an example of the current issue that this will address:
Together with this change, we will take the player velocity into consideration when throwing a grenade. As a result, moving while throwing a grenade will alter the trajectory in various ways. The initial velocity of the grenade will now be combined with the thrower's movement velocity at the time the grenade was thrown. The thrower's velocity will therefore modify the trajectory of the grenade in these ways:
- Throwing a grenade while moving forward will result in a longer throw.
- Throwing a grenade while moving backward will result in a shorter throw.
- Throwing a grenade while strafing will induce a lateral movement in the grenade trajectory.

The initial reason for this change was that we found that it made grenade throws feel better with this new synchronization logic. We were also glad to see that after playing with it for a while and getting used to it, this change made us feel like it added depth and player control to grenade throwing.
This feature is experimental on the TTS, so we welcome your feedback on the
PISTOL RECOILWe have changed the pistol animation for greater player comfort. Our overall goal is to make pistols a true choice for players, not just a last resort when you are out of bullets.
Before this change, you always had to aim down the sights because the animation would make the barrel of the pistol lift up in the middle of the screen (where the bullet goes). As a player, you would then have to guess where the enemy is. This issue was especially true if you were aiming for their head.
We have also increased the rate of fire of all pistols. Players can discharge their magazine significantly faster with this change. This has the added benefit of making pistols more lethal, which ties into making them a real choice for players.
NEW UI INDICATORS FOR BUFFS/DEBUFFSWe are introducing buff and debuff indicators on the UI HUD. This will allow for better visualization of when you, for example, have Rook armor or step on a Lesion mine. With the new visual unification of all effects on the player's character, this means anything you have applied to you is now displayed.
This includes:
Rook Armor- Jackal's mark (and marking as jackal)
- Lesion's GU mine
- Dokkeaebi's Phone hack
There also is a color coding:
- Blue: Positive effect
- Red: Negative effect
- FIXED – Players can receive damage from a claymore, despite being behind a barricade.
- FIXED – A second breaching charge cannot be placed after the previous one is destroyed while being jammed.
- FIXED – The Yokai drone's effect can be broken if stacking a concussion effect on top of it.
- FIXED – Spectating an ally in DBNO mode will not show the blur effect.
- FIXED – Aiming down sights while fast descending in rappel will lock the fast descent on.
- FIXED – Shield replication can be broken in 3rd person if the player quickly changes from grenades to shield.
- FIXED – Reload animations repeat and players cannot fire or complete the reload.
- FIXED – Joining a session after the match has ended leads to an infinite loading loop.
- FIXED – Certain placements of Nitro Cells would damage players through reinforced walls.
- FIXED – In game voice chat issues leading to no comms for one of the active players in a match.
- FIXED – Projectiles fired from launchers can pass through obstacles if fired close to them.
- FIXED – Vaulting wide surfaces while sprinting with two and three speed operators would repeat the animation.
- FIXED – Partially damaged Deployable Shields would disappear from inventory after picking them up.
- FIXED – Shields could obstruct view when sprinting into a fall.
- FIXED – Impact grenades would bounce off window borders, instead of detonating.
- FIXED – Conflicting objective locations would be displayed at times during team selection.
- FIXED – Defenders could trigger claymores through walls on certain maps.
- FIXED – When a player would lose connection to the match while reviving a DBNO player, the DBNO player would stand up bleeding.
- FIXED – While in drone phase, the exit button in the Spawn Selection screen would not react to mouse input.
- FIXED – Sprinting then switching to prone, but cancelling the animation with sprint again would cause players to teleport forwards.
- FIXED – Users are able to use tight places in maps, or created by the Deployable shield, to force the character inside the Maps collision.
- FIXED – Players are able to stand on shields by using another player as a collision point.
- FIXED – When a Defender is put in DBNO while outside, the Attackers can see their life bar.
- FIXED – If a player puts their teammates in DBNO, exits the session and waits to return until after they have died, the player will not receive a sanction.
- FIXED – After pressing up on the controller, Alpha Pack buttons become unresponsive.
- FIXED – An issue that would cause the "Join Game" and "Invite to Game" options to not work.
- FIXED – Some extremely tough glass on black vehicles.
- FIXED – Breaching charges placed on destructible walls would not be destroyed if the wall were then reinforced.
- FIXED – If opening a menu while spinning a weapon preview on the Alpha Pack screen, spinning animation would loop endlessly.
- FIXED – Some specific cases of rubberbanding while vaulting for high ping players.
- FIXED – Scoreboard is not displayed at the end of a game.
- FIXED – Camera clips through the player if they are DBNO and holding the button to slow bleeding while being revived.
- FIXED – Some specific matchmaking issues causing squads of 5 to be split when entering a match.
- FIXED – Players can melee gadgets through a Deployable Shield and destroy them.
- FIXED – If a laser is equipped on a weapon with no sight, the laser does not react to EMP grenades.
- FIXED – Strange rotation of the player if taking armor plates immediately after falling from a surface.
- FIXED – Frag grenades not always destroying a barricade when detonating close to it.
- FIXED – Modifying settings allows removing most ambient textures, resulting in a player advantage.
- FIXED – Destroying Bandit's Shock Wire with a melee strike will reward the player only for the Barbed Wire.
- FIXED – Trajectory for Impact and Concussion grenades is not the same.
- FIXED – Issues with sticky gadgets, when falling from a destroyed barricade.
- FIXED – Players are able to climb onto other operators in order to stand in windows.
- FIXED – Players can be killed by melee above the head.
- FIXED – Vaulting while crouched and looking up can cause an obstruction of view.
- FIXED – Defenders can use a Deployable Shield and a teammate to reach elevated areas of the maps.
- FIXED – Players can clip into the wall at EXT Basement Entrance on Hereford Base by strategically placing a claymore.
- FIXED – Players can use the drone to see under the stairs at B Laundry Stairs on Oregon.
- FIXED – Some weapons are not aligned correctly with the ACOG sight while aiming and sustaining fire.
- FIXED – Smoke effect can invert with the player's view while rappelling.
- FIXED – Matchmaking issue that would cause players to be stuck in an open lobby, searching for other players.
- FIXED – Two players running side by side may cause issue with teleportation.
- FIXED – Grenades sometimes rubberbanding back at the player after tossing them through an open window.
- FIXED – Impact grenades bouncing off walls, instead of detonating.
- FIXED – Issue with the spectator Support camera becoming stuck in the location of the player death.
- FIXED – Rounds and crosshairs are misaligned with the L85A2 when used with various attachments.
- FIXED – When a player affected by a flash goes into drone mode, the HUD appears slowly on a fade in.
BOMB- FIXED – Users can not open the option menu if all the Attackers are dead and the defuser is planted.
- FIXED – Low frame rate when playing a Bomb Mission on Favelas in Terrorist Hunt.
HOSTAGE- FIXED – Operators escorting the Hostage could teleport if Hostage is put in a state of DBNO.
- FIXED – Audio prompt for losing the Hostage would be triggered late.
- FIXED – A collision issue between Attackers, Defenders, and the Hostage that would lead to a teleport.
- FIXED – Players would stop securing an area if standing at the ledge of a blown hatch.
SITUATIONS- FIXED – When accessing a Situation from the main menu, the mission specific text would not show.
- FIXED – Overhead icons disappear when switching to the view of a player on a different floor.
- FIXED – Upper floors block view of the Caster Camera in RTS mode when a player vaults an object.
- FIXED – Player DBNO indicator is missing in Caster Camera.
- FIXED – Following a player outside with the overhead camera can make the player invisible.
- FIXED – Casters are not displayed when attempting to join a playlist.
- FIXED – User can become stuck with no UI when rejoining a Custom Game.
- FIXED – Users kicked from a Custom Game can still see the game and attempt to join, leading to an error.
TERRORIST HUNT- FIXED – The Bomber's signal persists on IQ's Electronics Detector after the Bomber has died.
BLITZ- FIXED – Replication issue if hit by melee while running.
KAPKAN- FIXED – Destroying the barricade on a door or window would destroy the EDD.
- FIXED – Animation offset while deploying EDD.
- FIXED – The EDD becomes invisible at a certain distance due to LOD issues.
- FIXED – If an EDD is placed on the outside of a building and an Attacker rappels inside, the explosion won't damage them.
- FIXED – When the last Attacker in the round is killed by an EDD, the replay shows the Kapkan POV and not the trap POV.
MONTAGNE- FIXED – Shield Replication can be broken when tossing certain grenade types.
- FIXED – Montagne's shield is visible through the stairs in House if extended.
IQ- FIXED – IQ's device would appear to float in the middle of the screen after rappelling.
JACKAL- FIXED – All of Jackal's weapons snap to the idle position when activating his gadget.
- FIXED – Defenders leave footprints in barbed wire.
- FIXED – When tracking someone, the Gu needle icon overlaps with the position tracker when affected by the Gu mine.
CAVEIRA- FIXED – Leaving the match after the interrogation starts causes it to stop before it completes, denying the ability.
- FIXED – Caveira can teleport after interrogating someone in close quarters.
- FIXED – Interrogating someone with her back against the wall would cause Caveira to fall out of the map.
- FIXED – All players receive error code 2-0x0000B005 if a player disconnects while being interrogated.
- FIXED – Players can pass into nearby walls after performing an interrogation.
ELA- FIXED – The movement speed reduction after being hit by her mine was at 20% instead of the intended 30%.
- FIXED – Camera rotation speed would decrease gradually for a short time as the concussion effect wears off.
- FIXED – Winning a round with MVP honors on Plane at night brings out the dark side of Ela. We have corrected the glowing red eye effect present in this form.
- FIXED – Concussion mines can block drone entrances.
- FIXED – Mine can appear upside down if placed too close to a camera, nitro cell, or another mine.
GLAZ- FIXED – Enemies hair was not showing as yellow in the thermal scope.
LESION- FIXED – Support view does not see Gu icons.
TWITCH- FIXED – When under the concussion effect, the drone's crosshair is missing.
SLEDGE- FIXED – Sledge's hammer does not fully destroy a destructible wall if striking the corner of it.
BANDIT - FIXED – The battery remains attached to the deployable shield after the shield is destroyed.
- FIXED – The electric effect of the Shock Wire is not seen in Caster Camera when viewed in First Person View of the player being killed by it during gameplay.
TACHANKA- FIXED – After switching between gadgets and weapons, Tachanka will look broken in 3rd person when mounting the LMG
ECHO- FIXED – Yokai ignores the decorative fans on the ceiling.
FROST- FIXED – Attackers can activate the Welcome Mat during the pick-up animation.
HIBANA- FIXED – Pellets from her gadget can stick to unbreakable surfaces.
You can read the full patch notes here.[]