Patch Notes - 5.6 (Live) Posted: 04 Dec 2017 02:27 PM PST Patch 5.6 is now Live! Thank you to everyone who participated and played multiplayer games in the Open Beta. We really appreciate your dedication and insight, it is essential to ensuring we're ready for live release! As always, we will continue to monitor the forums and we look forward to hearing your feedback in this discussion thread!Below are the issues that have been addressed: General Community Bug Fixes:- Main menu titles no longer disappears after changing languages
- Main menu help text is now displayed correctly
- History screen scroll bars are now aligned correctly
- History screen text is no longer cut off by the scroll bar for some languages
- Credits screen background images now cycle correctly
- Lobby Browser now displays ranked games correctly
- Custom campaigns are now sorted alphabetically in the campaign menu
- NOMODS launch option no longer skips the intro video
Campaign Improvements:- Main menu music now correctly fades out when advancing to the campaign menu
- Campaign menu buttons now play the correct audio sfx
- Campaign help text and highlights are now consistent
- El Cid 1 monks should no longer take the players relic
- Francisco de Almeida 1 scout panel text should no longer be cut off
- Holding escape while pressing ok to start a custom campaign should no longer crash
Editor Improvements:- Testing a scenario after deleting a garrisoned unit should no longer crash
- Enabling unique player colors is now less confusing
- Changing a player in trigger conditions no longer resets other lists in the trigger
- Changing the players starting age and civilization no longer disables imperial age units
- Scroll bars no longer appear on top of dropdown lists
- Researching any technology while units have modified HP / AP now functions correctly
- Mini-map is no longer cut off by the edge of the screen
- AI tribe names no longer persist in other game modes
- Setting max teams no longer gets incremented by 1 in the lobby
- Setting max teams no longer prevents right click cycling in lobby
- Disabled items now transfer correctly when players change colors in the lobby
- Arrow keys now function correctly on the save menus
- Modifying scenario dependencies should no longer create a corrupted file if it fails
Gameplay Improvements:- Treaty games now display a countdown timer
- Treaty countdown timer now displays a warning message
- Treaty 1-minute-left warning sound should now play
- Imperial Skirmisher and Elite Genitour are now available in Imperial Age scenarios
- Huskarls trained from castle and barracks can now be selected together
- Mirror civ option now functions correctly with co-op
- Tech tree hotkey button now functions correctly when pressing escape
- Tech tree tile should no longer crash when drag clicking
- Tech tree embedded techs should no longer have alignment issues
- Tech tree unit names no longer appear to be cut off in Simplified Chinese
- Same units created from different buildings can now be grouped correctly
- Idle AI monks should now attempt to retrieve relics
- Neutral and enemy stance descriptions are no longer cut off
- Market buttons should now be easier to read
- Terrain sound effects should now play correctly
- Recorded game UI button help text is now displayed correctly
- Post-game research percentage should now be more accurate
- Post-game mvp ribbons should now display correctly for each team
- Post-game co-op scores should now display correctly
- Data restrictions now fixed for Water Nomad, Sandbank and Pacific Islands
Mod Manager Improvements:- Buttons will now appear disabled when players have no mods installed
- Mod manger title is no longer cut off
- Lobby Brower filter now enables searching for modded datasets
- Modded datasets now use the cog icon in all drop downs
- Updating your published mods now remembers the published description
- Converting an Expansions Scenario to Base no longer hides units incorrectly