Pokémon GO - Found a shiny Pineco while washing the dishes

Found a shiny Pineco while washing the dishes

Posted: 04 Sep 2018 02:25 PM PDT

I was washing the dishes the other night and look what popped up: https://imgur.com/FlkNzLN

submitted by /u/SenorTortuga
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Took my photo with Celebi dressed as my avatar

Posted: 04 Sep 2018 08:25 PM PDT

So, it's been a tradition to take an AR photo with my catches. I was a goofy bike guy in colorful clothing next to my Mewtwo quite stoked, I held my translucent Mew.. but I had completed my Celebi quest and needed something new, so this time I dressed as my avatar, how'd I do?

submitted by /u/RealBlueHippo
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making friends is hard

Posted: 04 Sep 2018 10:24 AM PDT

I recently moved into my college dorm, so I got into the habit of playing Pokemon Go more to familiarize myself with the area. I also don't have many friends yet, so I decided that I would approach anyone who might also be playing.

Yesterday, I put my Pokemon in a Gym, and noticed that someone was trying to take it immediately after. I notice someone sitting right next to the Gym location and using his phone.

Our conversation goes as follows:

Me: "You fighting the Gym?"

Him: "Yeah..."

[At this point, I notice that he is extremely uncomfortable]

Him: "I'll stop..."

Me: "No, no, it's okay! If you can take it, go ahead!"

Him: [silence]

And then I walked away. I felt kind of bad for making him visibly nervous. But on the plus side... he didn't take the Gym.

Thanks for the 50 coin, bro.

EDIT: A big thank you to everyone who's suggested tips to help me join the community a little better! I really can't say enough how much I appreciate it.

submitted by /u/lemoncakes8
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PSA: This is a game, please treat it as such

Posted: 04 Sep 2018 07:50 PM PDT

Hi guys, this is as much a vent as it is a PSA, so my apologies if I seem a bit upset.

I have a friend. Let's call him Rob. I met Rob in college when he sat down next to me, and over the course of the next two years we became pretty good friends. Now, traditionally, Rob has a hard time making friends as he has some mild Asperger's but generally, he's a really cool, knowledgeable, and friendly guy.

We stayed in touch after we both graduated mostly due to this game. He's what you might call a fanatic for the game, while I'm more of a casual player. He helped organize events for his local area, going so far as to host some community days, and actually made a pretty large friend group / community which he did things with near every day. I cannot express how good this was for him - getting out of the house every day, being able to do things with other people, and being a valued member of the community for his game knowledge and acumen.

Unfortunately, this past weekend, Rob straight up quit pokemon go, because of an interaction with some members of his community wherein he was taking down a gym, he got verbally threatened, and then actually assaulted. All because some kids saw him as a personal offense and couldn't wait 5 minutes for him to leave and retake the gym. I honestly can't understand that thought process. One 2 minute interaction completely destroyed years of effort on Rob's part, his trust in the game, and his ability to play it. Put yourself in his shoes; the game is now 100% something that risks him bodily harm, and who knows what else; no game is worth that. You shouldn't have to wonder if today you're going to be able to finish your Celebi quest, or literally get punched in the face for trying.

So here's my PSA; Don't tolerate people like this. I know a lot of players have pretty tight knit communities, so I implore you guys who do, or even those who don't, to not condone this kind of behavior. Play this like a game it's mean to be. Call out friends who start getting too serious to other players, stop them if they want to get physical, or call the police if you see this kind of shit happening. Don't make it OK, don't be a bystander, and do something about it if you see it. Please. Don't let the few assholes take this game away from people who really enjoy it and better themselves through it.

Edit: I did urge him to call the police, but I do not believe he did. I can't speak for him, but I think he's just trying to not think about it

submitted by /u/BaronCS
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Found in Kew Gardens

Posted: 04 Sep 2018 12:11 AM PDT

Waterlily garden

I went to Kew Gardens yesterday and was shocked to find this guy loitering in the waterlily garden sitting on a bunch of Lotads.

submitted by /u/FurryButtWorm
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Well, this event in a nutshell

Posted: 04 Sep 2018 02:32 PM PDT

We're having a blast! But obviously we need some moderation guys!!!!


submitted by /u/Dalvenjha
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The expectedly unexpected

Posted: 04 Sep 2018 07:15 PM PDT

One of my oldest and most fondest memories of my Papa were the walks we took on the beach when I was growing up. We'd stroll for what seemed like miles for a tot with tiny legs, and yet he waited patiently by my side as I examined every shell and creature that washed ashore, searched endlessly in the shallows for shark teeth, and asked on repeat like a broken record "What's that?"

Two years ago I lost my Papa and as a family we planted a tree in our local arboretum to honor him and to create a place we could all go to feel close to him whenever we wanted.

I hadn't been introduced to Pokémon go at that time but it had quickly become one of my favorite places to walk. To my unexpected surprise this place that holds so much dear to me just happens to be filled with gyms and poke stops.

Now as I often walk along playing Pokémon go I think about my Papa and how much he would have enjoyed this game or at least enjoyed walking with me while I played since he saw how much joy it brought me. I can even hear him ask me "What's that?" with every new Pokémon I catch and his laugh when those stubborn ones run away.

I began playing only as a means to encourage myself to want to walk more. I never would have imagined that after a little over a year of playing this game would bring so much more.

It's connected me to a cousin who lives more then 4,000km away from me (I know this by trading the eggs I hatch from his gifts, lol), helped me fight back against my anxiety and find a local community to raid with, it even on days like today surprises me when I've been feeling sad by sending me a shiny purple Murkrow pick me up.

So thank you Pokémon go for making me feel a little less alone in this big wide world of ours.

submitted by /u/kokaine4kids
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100iv Lucky Shiny Eevee. Best day ever!!!

Posted: 04 Sep 2018 04:44 AM PDT

https://imgur.com/a/MoPeA3t I have always wanted a 100iv eevee, actually a 100iv Vaporeon. Now that I have this I am so happy. Maybe I will evolve it into something else... new gen8 eeveelution or keep it as eevee.. haven't decided yet. Thank you Arceus...

submitted by /u/dragonbreath94
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My first 100%, what else could I've wished for

Posted: 04 Sep 2018 05:23 PM PDT

My first 100%, what else could I've wished for

So today, finally, after many catches, I got my first 100%, and it was a dratini so Im ultra happy. The name is in spanish meaning pre heartattack, and that is because to catch it, I had to run like a mad man. Just wanted to share this.


submitted by /u/chimna2703
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Finally found a shiny Snubbull!

Posted: 04 Sep 2018 08:14 AM PDT

After weeks of checking every Houndour and Snubbull, I finally came across a shiny Snubbull! The one I was least expecting too because I've yet to ever see one in gyms or anywhere https://imgur.com/gallery/hVDiStp

submitted by /u/spenchanna
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[idea] More hair options

Posted: 04 Sep 2018 05:18 AM PDT

That's what we want, more hairstyles to customize our characters, just as much as the skin tones would be good, thanks!

submitted by /u/asdfiuro
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[idea] There should be a small mark indicating where you hit the Pokémon with the ball

Posted: 04 Sep 2018 05:05 PM PDT

Too many times I am confused by why I do not get awarded throw bonuses. I think it would be an easy switch, and would make the game feel much more intuitive, and fair. Especially low throws on Exeggcute, etc.

submitted by /u/OhhSoBlessed
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Pokemon Go has come a long way after 2 years

Posted: 04 Sep 2018 06:19 AM PDT

Let's take a trip back memory lane and remember when Pokemon Go first came out. Remember the step system? Yea it was fantastic it allowed us to actually find wild Pokemon. However, having this system out was making the servers very slow and almost unplayable. Gyms were filled with Snorlax and Dragonite but mostly Snorlax since it would endure so much damage it was the king of defending gyms.

Now you can just add Pokemon to a gym which can be great for those who can't spend a lot of time trying to prestige the gym for 30-60 minutes to add your Pokemon to it. It was interesting back then you had to train against your own team to be able to add your Pokemon to the gym. Then there was a time where we could play the game and there was no way to find wild Pokemon. Back then there were also no field researches, no events, no Legendary Raids and you could earn up to 100 Pokecoins.

We were then introduced to events that either gave extra xp or stardust which was a neat way to keep players engaged before we had events that we currently have where you can possibly get shiny variants of the featured Pokemon. Then raids were introduced and as you know you can either raid by yourself or with a few of your friends which I think is by far the best addition to this game. I have gotten to know such wonderful people from participating in my raids and at the start of the game I had no idea that there were Pokemon Go players in my area. Sure I could see that gyms would be occupied but I never got to meet or see really any of the players. I actually found out after doing a raid that my area had a discord channel for Pokemon Go. Field Researches are another great addition to the game you can catch certain Pokemon from completing the research and they normally have a Legendary each month you can catch on your own. Giving players a way to obtain creatures without having to do a raid is a great way for players who can't do Legendary Raids can still get their Legendary. Then lastly with them adding a friends feature where you can add players from all over the world where you can send and receive gifts from them. This has been yet another great addition to the game because it engages people even more by making sure they do tasks with players on their friends list to increase their friendship level.

My whole point with my post is I know that when people go on reddit and more often than not we see complaints about the game and I myself am guilty of posting complaints about the game. So I figured I would take a look at how Pokemon Go is now compared to in the past and it makes me really appreciate for what this game is today. Pokemon Go has really come a long way and I look forward to see what else they change or add to the game.

submitted by /u/PlayfulTitan18
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[Screenshot] Looks like the family took the gym

Posted: 04 Sep 2018 09:15 AM PDT

I left an Azumarill at my neighborhood gym and came back to the whole family getting together!


Somehow they hadn't been knocked out for a while too. I love seeing people catching onto the pattern.

submitted by /u/I_already_reddit_
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[Complaint] Defeated a Rhydon with seconds left to be told I lost

Posted: 04 Sep 2018 04:32 PM PDT

My brother and I duoed a Rhydon. There was maybe 4, or 5 seconds left. I blasted it with a Hydro Pump and he got in a solar beam. That motherfucker was done, yet it said we lost. What kind of fuckshit is that? I know it takes a few unnecessary seconds until it declares you have won and that's fucking bullshit. Why on Earth is that a thing?! I am untethered and my rage knows no bounds.

submitted by /u/magicalpussyjuice
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What is the craziest thing you have done because of Pokemon Go? I would love to hear your stories!

Posted: 04 Sep 2018 07:31 PM PDT

Here is mine:

I'm a f2p player and I'm very grateful that Niantic lets folks like myself still enjoy the game! With the Celebi quest release, the hatch 9 eggs was particularly daunting - especially since my inventory was filled with alolan garbage. Last Sunday I was determined to run until I hatched all 9 eggs. 4 hours and 20 painful miles later (yes I know I'm slow, but that's an ideal egg hatching pace), I had completed the quest! That's by far the furthest I've ever run and I can't imagine I would've ever pushed myself to do it if it wasn't for Pokemon Go!

submitted by /u/pggu1123
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Why can't we catch shiny evolutions in the wild?

Posted: 04 Sep 2018 03:21 PM PDT

So as the title says why can't we catch shiny evolutions?? I mean is there a specific reason behind this or has Niantic just not implemented it into the game? This would be such an amazing addition imo, imagine stumbling upon a wild ttar and then you click on it and it's shiny?! The amount of shiny Pokemon in pogo is constantly growing, but the amount of shiny Pokemon obtainable at all times through the wild and eggs, is only a fraction of that number.

submitted by /u/Sassycat6669
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I appreciate the visual detail going into these pokemon.

Posted: 04 Sep 2018 04:31 PM PDT


Just wanted to point out (with a horrible quality .gif) the muscle flexing in geodude's forehead from his shoulder blades. Not to mention the coloring seems more blended and translucent, and the speckled "rock" detailing.

I noticed cubone's mom's skull looks a bit touched up too. Have they been updated or am I just now noticing these things?

Either way it's something small that is aesthetically pleasing to me and I thought I'd share!

submitted by /u/anaoffant
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Hey Niantic, with everything going on, could you add current events to the app?

Posted: 04 Sep 2018 02:56 PM PDT

I imagine it being the first item in the news list with "current events" as a title. Under this there would be smaller items (so not the big regular news items), displaying the current active bonuses or spawns, with a link to the news item explaining the bonus.

submitted by /u/PM_ME_YOUR_APP_IDEA
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How many Tyranitars and Machamps would you power up?

Posted: 04 Sep 2018 04:13 PM PDT

I am at Level 39 and currently have 2 fully powered up 100% machamps and 3 powered up level 30 -33 machamps. If I want to duo a Ttar, how many fully powered up machamps would you need? Just wondering if I should spend the stardust given that Gen 4 is round the corner.

Also the same question for Tyranitar. I have 3 level 30-33 Ttars with Bite and Crunch and 2 Smack Down/ Stone Edge Ttars. I live in a large city and usually never had a problem for raids as people are always around in large numbers.

submitted by /u/jmartires
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PokeCast! - A Pokemon Podcast

Posted: 04 Sep 2018 08:37 PM PDT

This week, the guys discuss a lot of new Pokemon GO news such as new legendary's, new shinies, and the special stardust event! Listen along as the guys discuss Johto and their thoughts on the Pokemon franchise!


submitted by /u/masonthestorm
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Best trade ever?

Posted: 04 Sep 2018 02:06 PM PDT

Something really cool just happend with my wife. Epic trade transformation:

2016 y. 50 IV Vaporeon - 80 IV MewTwo




Lucky 91 IV MewTwo - Lucky Perfect Vaporeon

Can you beat it?

submitted by /u/darthmitriy
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Enable/Disable in game notification

Posted: 04 Sep 2018 02:09 AM PDT

Can we expect in Next update ? so Much annoying after opening game first 5 min I've to cope with this useless notification every time can't even disable 🤦‍♂️

submitted by /u/i4555in
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