Heroes of the Storm - HGC North America :: Team Octalysis vs Endemic

HGC North America :: Team Octalysis vs Endemic

Posted: 02 Sep 2018 04:00 PM PDT

Previous match thread: HGC North America :: No Tomorrow vs HeroesHearth Esports.

Please upvote this thread to make it visible after another one is stickied. Thanks!

Match reports, VODs

Official stats | Liquipedia | Upcomer


Not earlier than 16:00 PDT / 19:00 EDT / 23:00 UTC / 1:00 CEST / the same time as this post.


English (Dreadnaught, JHow)

Find more on: Master League | Heroes on Twitch

HGC North America

HGC website | Schedule and results | Standings

Master League | Liquipedia | Upcomer | Probuilds


Team Octalysis vs Endemic
buds support - ranged/flex bigempct
Drated ranged/flex - tank bkid
Goku melee - ranged/flex daneski
Justing tank - melee/flex Kure
Prismaticism ranged/flex - support MichaelUdall

Game version

HGC Phase 2 Week 7 is played on patch 36.2, which currently is the live patch. Whitemane is allowed.

HGC match threads are created by /u/lerhond. Please mention or PM /u/lerhond if you have any feedback.

submitted by /u/HeroesEsportsThreads
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Please reorder Jaina's Talents

Posted: 02 Sep 2018 12:51 PM PDT

The placement of the Frostbolt talent on level 7 is not consistent. More than once I've picked the [[Ice Floes]] talent instead of [[Ice Lance]] since you get used to picking the #1 talent for the first two levels. Minor quality of life change, would be nice.

submitted by /u/Evilbred
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Hammer need a slight nerf

Posted: 02 Sep 2018 09:56 AM PDT

Hammer right now lack counter-play in both HGC and Hero League. If well protected, her damage numbers are quite high and even tho she isn't often the main finisher, the pressure she applies is enouth to make the enemy team retreat/die unless they can dive her and kill her fast. The problem is that she has a rather big range and many tools to deal with incoming dive or burst.

The main reason is the incredible synergy between one of her lvl 4 and a lvl 7 talents. A good nerf would be to put [[Siege Tactics]] (grant unstoppable on top of the armor) and [[Hover Siege Mode]] (Hammer can move while in Siege mode) on the same talent tier.

This would allow more counter-play and also would make hammer player choose one talent depending on the situation : hammer wouldn't be able to move freely but can have the ability to negate incoming dive or be able to move freely but being countered by heroes who can dive her with CC like Muradin or Anub'Arak.

Finally, I think a slight nerf on her AA damage while in siege mode is needed.

submitted by /u/Griinty
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Suggestion: Add creature type to the target info panel (hero, minion, mercenary, monster, structure)

Posted: 02 Sep 2018 11:56 AM PDT

Could also add vehicle to that list, though I don't know any talent specifically call out vehicles (yet...Sombra?)

Could also add descriptions for the spellcaster minion (leaves a globe when dies) and the spellcaster bruiser (provides an armor buff to all nearby allied minions, mercenaries, and heroes)

All skills in the game reference these creature/building types but it is not clearly spelled out in the game anywhere (except I guess the notes that say "defeat this mercenary..." on the mercenary camps.

This would help clear up things for many players like:

  • Does Zagara's [[Infest]] talent affect mercenaries?
  • Does [[Amateur Opponent]] work on structures? Vehicles?
  • Can I heal XXX friendly creature with my heals as a support?
submitted by /u/TechTrans
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[Bug] Gul'dan's Darkness Within talent is broken with the PTR's Dynamic Spell Power change

Posted: 02 Sep 2018 05:41 AM PDT

Performance of Supports in Pro Play (Weeks 6/7 of Phase 2 of HGC for KR/EU/NA)

Posted: 02 Sep 2018 06:43 PM PDT

Note: Supports with <10 overall matches have been excluded.

Possible Impact Matches for a Support include:

Wins or losses in matches where the two teams are within 100 elo points of each other as determined by https://heroeshearth.com/b/dbsmiley/read/hgc-update-august-28-2018/

Wins in matches where the underdog defeated the favorite

Losses in matches where the favorite lost to the underdog

Deckard Cain

Overall: 67-39 (as determined by Masterleague.net)

KR 18-8

EU 23-19

NA 26-12

Possible Impact Matches: 29-18

KR 4-1

EU 9-9

NA 16-8


Overall: 23-23

KR 10-7

EU 10-6

NA 3-10

Possible Impact Matches: 9-12

KR 1-3

EU 5-4

NA 3-5


Overall: 13-29

KR 3-8

EU 6-11

NA 4-10

Possible Impact Matches: 6-8

KR 1-0

EU 2-3

NA 3-5


Overall: 6-12

KR 5-4

EU 0-3

NA 1-5

Possible Impact Matches: 0-5

KR 0-1

EU 0-1

NA 0-3


Overall: 5-9

KR 0-2

EU 1-4

NA 4-3

Possible Impact Matches: 1-3 (all in NA)


Overall: 5-6

KR 0-4

EU 3-1

NA 2-1

Possible Impact Matches: 1-1

KR 0-1

NA 1-0

Conclusion: The Current Support Meta in Pro Play consists of just 3 supports. Even worse, Deckard Cain is so much better than the alternatives (Malfurion, Whitemane) in pro play that I cannot understand why he isn't perma banned in every pro game. (Deckard Cain has been in more matches than Malfurion and Whitemane combined and has a winrate >60% in Possible Impact Matches)

submitted by /u/Fenix2424
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Compilation of varios StarCraft heroes for the nexus.

Posted: 02 Sep 2018 12:31 PM PDT


(I'm probably stealing ideas that other people have posted, but here's a rough blueprint:

  1. It is an immobile entity that sits near your core.

2) It can remotely push a lane (sends Zerg units down a lane or buffs minions)

3) It can buff allies too

But there has to be a way to kill him. And I think it can have like tentacules or something to attack on the lanes or something.) A lot of people is tlaking about the zergling swarm, we could have that with the overmind, with other zergs types, transform the minions in zergs or other things.


(as a support that focuses on sharing hp among allies, to deny burst. Also can have his Dark transformation to do different abilities using the corrupt)

I got something for that. Not quite sharing health, but she is focused around mitigating burst damage with shielding, healing, and armor. Her trait allows her to cast abilities from one selected ally anywhere on the map. Her ults, Preservation and Astral Wind, are also support focused.



(can be a good healer, i mean, he has a lot of scenes reparing that probe. Can do liek upgrades or something, maybe we can combine him with Rory Swann, seens they both make the same thing in the campaing (upgrades))


I made him more of a utility support, with a Chrono Boost, zoning, and damage mitigation. His level 13 talents are all new passive or activatable abilities. His ults are Solar Lance and Reclamation.



(I gave her a more up-front and control-oriented playstyle than Zeratul, with more CC, less burst damage and mobility, and no permanent cloak. I also gave her potentially one of the coolest abilities from SC2, Shadow Fury, as an ult, along with Dark Pylon.



I gave him a cloak, but don't worry, it's activatable and drains energy. He's all about disruption, with a single-target stun, a silence skillshot, and Hallucination for misdirection, but requires a lot of mana management. His ults are Consumption and Psionic Lash.



I made her an evasive melee assassin who counters ADCs. She's the first melee hero who can move and attack at the same time, but her range is pretty short so I thought that would be fine. I also gave her Carrier Suppport and Unity Barrier for ults.



This was one of my favorites to make. Adepts are anti-light focused units, so I figured out a way to make her deal extra damage to low-health enemies, which is her Trait (heads up, it involves math). I also gave her Psionic Transfer because no Adept would be complete without it. Her ults are Psionic Image and Solar Beam.


Ulrezaj, The Dark Archon.

He has 200 hp, but massive shields. As in, like 15k shields. He depletes these shields to do his abilities. None of his abilities have a maximum range, but the distance the ability travels determines the damage and amount of shields lost. If he wants to constantly poke from the other side of the map, he will end up very squishy and out of shields. He can poke forever when he is in the fountain, but it doesn't do a whole lot of damage (and he can't see you unless you are standing on the point.)

If you face Ulrezaj at melee, you are in for a real fight. Percentage damage does basically nothing to the guy, while his shields will barely budge with his own abilities. You need to force him to go deep with his skills.


would be an interesting hero to add. no idea how it could work though.

For that i can say, that he could be an Hibrid, that transform to multiple different Hybrids, seens there are many kinds. And then as ults he can show his true form.


would make a good Hero. An assassin with AoE DoT (Plague) with some zone controll ( Dark Swarm ). it could be a combination also with the scorpion to add more, variety?

Mira Han and Horner

There is a rumor to be a doble heroe like Cho gall, but the hate for Cho gall may cancel this. It could be very good, seens they added them to the Co-op mode in SC2.

Hellbat (suggested)

(My answer to that)may never come out, seens we have Blaze now, and it will be the same, yes, it could have the transformation and that, but is fire attack to, close melee., maybe a skin for blaze?

Alan Schezar

A golita unit, that I answer: (We already have an Odin that is way better than the goliat, i mean, kind the same, so i don´t see how they can add that unit to the game, also the goliat is already in the mercs camps.) Not that i didn´t want to see it, but we already have also D.VA mech, wich is pretty similar to the Goliat, maybe an skin with it, and they add the abilite to lunch missiles, like in OW.


Ulrezaj is a combination of too types of units already in the game, si how it can be in the game. And How Duran can be, because he is a ghost unit, and we have Nova, yet. I like the heroes you suggest, but hard to see them on the game. I hope we see him I love all the heroes of SC universe.


He maybe be like an infiltrador that could use disguise to pretend to be a teamamte, but he is going to betray u if you are not paying attention. He can also have his transformation like in SC2 Hearth of the Swarm. He is was very important in the Brood war.

Horace Warfield

He can be a tank Range, like the Marauder Unit, just like Raynor is a Marine, THt way we get an awesome character and the Marauder Unit, that I think is a great Unit from SC2. (I forget to add this Idea, lol)


There is peopel that still want to see them in the game. they mention the Vaevictus that never made it in Blizzard Dota.

Roach & Ravager

It can be a melee asassin with the range abilites. It can trasnfrom to the ravager or get other upgrades like in the campains by completing quests or getting levels until it become a powerfull force.

Adepth is a unit that i like how it looks but i know its not enougth to be a nexus heroe.

This are the mentions of other heroes, but no work on how they can be, just mention, on this recap:

Khas only showed up in Zamara's memory and Urun kinda just died when he actually go to be in a story.

Adun is a close follow up but he did have that time when he blew himself up to protect the to-be Nerazims.

Here are the rest that the people mention in the posts

Vorazun, Adun, Khas, Raszagal, Isha, Zurvan, Dugalle, Edmund Duke, Talis, Urun, Warbringer, Mojo, Daggoth, Zasz.

So, that is all the compilation of the last posts i have been looking. Thanks to Rezo, Orca, Maximus, that made the Selendis, tosh and some other heroe suggestiong. This post has been made by many people and let´s hope they pay attention to us and see some heroes in the nexus

submitted by /u/xAlisterx
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AlexTheProG as Arthas vs. Jaina in most honorable 1v1

Posted: 02 Sep 2018 08:10 AM PDT

Can we get an option to turn off HGC from Battle.net?

Posted: 02 Sep 2018 11:40 AM PDT

I watch HGC from time to time however it's really annoying that it opens up automatically on battle.net every time i want to play Hots. I know it can be paused but I hate having to pause it everytime i want to play Hots.

submitted by /u/josep25
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Heroes of the Storm in Smash

Posted: 02 Sep 2018 01:38 PM PDT

I'll start;

Muradin Bronzebeard

Up B = Dwarf Toss

Forward B= Storm Bolt

Down B= Thunderclap

B = Haymaker

Final Smash= Avatar

submitted by /u/mordoskull64
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Mini game mode during queues

Posted: 02 Sep 2018 10:06 AM PDT

As queue times are getting longer its really boring just waiting to play, so I suggest maybe there could be an option to play some kind of no rules game while waiting for queue, just choosing heroes and playing them against a bot or something, similar to what happen in overwatch when you're waiting for a match to start. Id be cool even if it was an smaller version of the "try hero" feauture, so you could mess around with builds or getting use to the range of some spells, or heroes mechanics.

submitted by /u/ImNotShrek
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HGC Europe :: Method vs Roll20 esports

Posted: 02 Sep 2018 11:00 AM PDT

Previous match thread: HGC Europe :: Team Liquid vs Team Dignitas.

Please upvote this thread to make it visible after another one is stickied. Thanks!

Match reports, VODs

Official stats | Master League | Twitch | Liquipedia

Method 1:3 Roll20 esports

Game Battleground Winner
1 Dragon Shire Roll20 esports
2 Tomb of the Spider Queen Method
3 Infernal Shrines Roll20 esports
4 Battlefield of Eternity Roll20 esports


Not earlier than 11:00 PDT / 14:00 EDT / 18:00 UTC / 20:00 CEST / the same time as this post.


English (Khaldor, Trikslyr)

Find more on: Master League | Heroes on Twitch

HGC Europe

HGC website | Schedule and results | Standings

Master League | Liquipedia | Upcomer | Probuilds


Method vs Roll20 esports
adrd flex - ranged Cris
Athero melee - ranged/flex QuackNiix
BadBenny tank - tank robadobah
Cursen support - support Shad
Nic ranged - melee Zarmony

Battleground bans

Method: Cursed Hollow | Roll20 esports: Braxis Holdout

Game version

HGC Phase 2 Week 7 is played on patch 36.2, which currently is the live patch. Whitemane is allowed.

HGC match threads are created by /u/lerhond. Please mention or PM /u/lerhond if you have any feedback.

submitted by /u/HeroesEsportsThreads
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HGC North America :: No Tomorrow vs HeroesHearth Esports

Posted: 02 Sep 2018 01:45 PM PDT

Previous match thread: HGC Europe :: Method vs Roll20 esports.

Please upvote this thread to make it visible after another one is stickied. Thanks!

Match reports, VODs

Official stats | Twitch | Liquipedia | Upcomer

Game Battleground Winner
1 Battlefield of Eternity HeroesHearth Esports


Not earlier than 14:00 PDT / 17:00 EDT / 21:00 UTC / 23:00 CEST / 15 minutes from this post.


English (Dreadnaught, JHow)

Find more on: Master League | Heroes on Twitch

HGC North America

HGC website | Schedule and results | Standings

Master League | Liquipedia | Upcomer | Probuilds


No Tomorrow vs HeroesHearth Esports
akaface support - flex Arthelon
Casanova ranged/flex - support BBJ
Jin tank - tank ishb00
Jschritte ranged/flex - ranged Khroen
Tomster melee/flex - melee/flex McIntyre

Battleground bans

No Tomorrow: Volskaya Foundry | HeroesHearth Esports: Sky Temple

Game version

HGC Phase 2 Week 7 is played on patch 36.2, which currently is the live patch. Whitemane is allowed.

HGC match threads are created by /u/lerhond. Please mention or PM /u/lerhond if you have any feedback.

submitted by /u/HeroesEsportsThreads
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Sombra - Try Mode Showcase

Posted: 02 Sep 2018 05:56 AM PDT

Forgive me for my poor explanation of stuff in the video, but people told me the last time I did something like this that it's better with someone talking over the video, as it makes it less boring or something. Don't expect anything fancy, I don't do video editing.


What better hero to showcase this with than Sombra?

Q: Hack

Target a location, hacking enemy heroes and globes within the radius. Only one enemy hero may be hacked at once, taking damage interrupts channel, and Sombra may move while the channel is active.
Once the channel completes, enemies are hacked for 2.5 seconds, and are unable to cast abilities, and any passives or auras are disabled. Globes are collected by Sombra, and then spread to nearby allies. May collect enemy-owned regen globes.

W: Translocator

Throw a Translocator at the target area. Sombra can reactivate her Translocator at any point, instantly becoming untargetable and teleporting to it after 0.5 seconds.

E: Unstable Anomaly

Detonate the active translocator after 1 second, dealing 180 to enemies near it, and 260 to enemies near the middle. Enemies near the Translocator when it explodes are also slowed by 40% for 2.5 seconds.


After 0.5 seconds, unleash an EMP, silencing enemies and dealing massive damage to shields on enemy heroes in the area. All shields destroyed are spread evenly between Sombra & nearby allied heroes.

D: Medkit

Activate to heal all allies holding a medkit for a portion of their maximum health and a portion of their missing health.
Passive: Every 7 minions killed near Sombra causes Sombra to spawn a Medkit beside her. Sombra may also use her basic attacks while moving

Z: Camo

Activate to gain cloak, after 2.5 seconds, the cloak is improved to no longer display a shimmer unless within proximity of an enemy hero. Taking any form of damage removes the cloak.
While the cloak is active, gain 25% bonus movement speed. This movement speed is increased to 40% while the cloak is improved. If an enemy is nearby, the cloak degrades to its unimproved state.

There are also a few talents, but coming up with what in my mind are "worthwhile" talents is hard:

At level 1, Sombra can choose between two talents - Double Agent, which can be toggled to cause Sombra to be ignored by enemy structures and minions, but lose the ability to target them with her basic attacks, and Recall Device, which causes Hearthstone to leave behind a Translocator upon completing.

At level 4, Sombra can choose between two medkit related talents - Adrenaline Shot, which causes allies healed by Medkit to gain increased movement speed, attack speed and basic attack damage for a brief period, and Is That a Medkit?!, which allows Sombra to manually throw a Medkit for her or her allies to collect.

At level 7, the sole talent is Hack The Planet, which grants Sombra access to a new active ability which can be targeted at Forts, Keeps, Towers and Healing Fountains. If the targeted structure belongs to Sombra's team, the structure gains 25 armor and can no longer be disabled by the likes of Sylvanas's Black Arrow or Arthas's Sindragosa.

At level 10 Sombra can choose between two talents that greatly empower one ability, the first being Radioactive Pulse, which causes EMP to now also deal damage to enemy heroes health, and the bonus damage dealt from this also increases the shields granted by EMP. The second talent available at level 10 is Hackerman, which causes Hack to no longer be interrupted by taking damage.

At level 13 Sombra has one talent to empower her basic attacks - Critical Focus. This functions nearly identically to the Darnassian Archery talent on Tyrande, but caps out at 45% bonus damage, and times out only after 3 seconds.

At level 16 Sombra can empower her Hack ability to cause it to also completely freeze the cooldowns of hacked enemy heroes, and also cause the cooldown freeze to persist for a brief period after the hack has expired or been otherwise removed.

At level 20 Sombra can further increase the power of Hack with the Deep Hack talent, which causes Hack to prevent all healing on the target hero, reduce all damage they deal by 50%, and also prevent any form of positive armor.

Ability showcase:

Hack - Silencing, disabling Avoidance

Translocator - Teleporting

Unstable Anomaly - Bonus damage, Slow

Medkit - Interactable

EMP - Varying shield amounts per number of enemies hit and number of nearby allies

Camo - Enabling\Disabling improved state based on proximity to enemy heroes.

It won't mean much to most people, but everything outside of moving & shooting and the minion tracking for medkit spawning is data-based. The hardest thing to make work by data was EMP - it's got 8 different accumulators it can use to decide the health of the shields, and uses the energy vital to track how much shielding it can provide. I could have also done a data-based tracking for the medkit spawn, but it was much quicker to hijack an already existing minion death tracker.

For the earliest rendition of this concept, here's a HeroesHearth concept page from last year

submitted by /u/SpazzoHOTS
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Extreme vs Lowest FPS 1% 0.1% low Benchmark Results & Conclusion

Posted: 02 Sep 2018 03:55 PM PDT

A follow up post for my original post: Graphics setting and frame rate comparison

Extreme settings (graphics & sound maxed out, standard resolution, fullscreen, V sync off)

Lowest settings (graphics & sound set to low, standard resolution, fullscreen, V sync off)

Opening UI (showing game settings) drops the framerate to 0 momentarily, which I did once in both videos after starting benchmark mode in RTSS.

Network rock solid, overclocks stable, every programs closed, so there were no abnormalities (lag) in testing.



FPS Low 1% (99th percentile) at the end of match : 65 FPS

FPS Low 0.1% (99.9th percentile) at the end of match : 49 FPS


FPS Low 1% (99th percentile) at the end of match : 86 FPS (32% improvement)

FPS Low 0.1% (99.9th percentile) at the end of match : 59 FPS (20% improvement)

FPS Low stats represent only stuttering frames, so averaging FPS in 1% and 0.1% lowest brackets of all FPS's give a good idea of how the game play feels during demanding situations (team fights).

The improvement in minimum FPS was modest compared to the approx 40% from previous experiment, but close enough to suggest that there was some merit in playing at lowest setting.

During 1/1000 of the game play we will briefly see 49 FPS at Extreme graphics and 59 FPS at lowest.

To hard core players, who practice at constant 100+FPS in Try Mode, sudden FPS drop to 49 could potentially mess up the hand eye coordination required during crucial moment in game. 59 doesn't seem like much improvement, but may very well be coordinated well with the player already (common refresh rate of Monitors and TVs).

But for most players, the difference in graphics quality will be more apparent than the improvement in smoothness of game play. A G-Sync or FreeSync adaptive refresh rate feature may even nullify any advantage in smoother FPS.

In the end, it's personal preference in how the game play looks and feels, but not something meaningful to compromise for the hope of better performance.

TLDR(W); Extreme and Lowest are both similar in game stutter, provided that hardware is not bottle necking. Lowest may feel smoother without adaptive refresh rate @60 Hz. Minor settings are not worth tweaking to resolve frame drops. Test Blizzard's in-game Presets to find out your acceptable quality & performance preference. Sudden game lag may have to do with other factors such as network and background processes (Windows update, XBOX, Game Mode, etc.)

submitted by /u/Drewafx
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Wanna feel like a pro? Play in the Nexus Gaming Series!

Posted: 02 Sep 2018 09:27 PM PDT


Just had our first casted gaming and it feels awesome to have a commentator for a match. Big thanks to Swingtime and BKL for the cast and I really want to encourage people to check out NGS to really experience HotS in a real competitive environment

submitted by /u/BrunedockSaint
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What is your favorite hero kit/ultimate synergy?

Posted: 02 Sep 2018 11:05 AM PDT

I personally love jumping with Calamity, throw some Missiles, then Wave of Force to push the enemy at max Orb range as Li-Ming.

submitted by /u/Azei_zei
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HGC Europe :: Team Liquid vs Team Dignitas

Posted: 02 Sep 2018 08:00 AM PDT

Previous match thread: HGC North America :: Tempo Storm vs LFM Esports.

Please upvote this thread to make it visible after another one is stickied. Thanks!

Match reports, VODs

Official stats | Master League | Twitch | Liquipedia

Team Liquid 0:3 Team Dignitas

Game Battleground Winner
1 Volskaya Foundry Team Dignitas
2 Cursed Hollow Team Dignitas
3 Dragon Shire Team Dignitas


Not earlier than 9:00 PDT / 12:00 EDT / 16:00 UTC / 18:00 CEST / 60 minutes from this post.


English (Khaldor, Trikslyr)

Find more on: Master League | Heroes on Twitch

HGC Europe

HGC website | Schedule and results | Standings

Master League | Liquipedia | Upcomer | Probuilds


Team Liquid vs Team Dignitas
Arcaner ranged/flex - tank JayPL
ethernal melee - ranged POILK
HasuObs ranged/flex - flex Snitch
NuroK support - melee Wubby
SportBilly tank - support Zaelia

Battleground bans

Team Liquid: Tomb of the Spider Queen | Team Dignitas: Braxis Holdout

Game version

HGC Phase 2 Week 7 is played on patch 36.2, which currently is the live patch. Whitemane is allowed.

HGC match threads are created by /u/lerhond. Please mention or PM /u/lerhond if you have any feedback.

submitted by /u/HeroesEsportsThreads
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Rich's Comeback Attempt with Medivh

Posted: 02 Sep 2018 07:41 PM PDT

Best song in heroes prove me otherwise

Posted: 02 Sep 2018 02:24 PM PDT

Greymane Can Fly

Posted: 02 Sep 2018 12:59 PM PDT

Potential Ragnaros Skin Ideas

Posted: 02 Sep 2018 03:41 PM PDT

Ragnaros, while unlikely to get a skin in the near future due to the amount of FX work necessary, is ironically one of the heroes with the most potential for a good unique skin. Potential skins range from simply being themed after other elements (water ragnaros would fit well into a new summer skin bundle for example) to skins based on other in-game skins, such as a "Candy Lord" ragnaros, in a similar matter to Kandy King muradin, with melted chocolate lava, a hard candy sulfuras, a jawbreaker living meteor, etc just as some ideas.

Does anyone else have some unique ideas for a rag skin? I'd love to see what the community's come up with.

submitted by /u/crotton989
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We need a place out of game for base stats for heroes

Posted: 02 Sep 2018 12:24 AM PDT

EDIT: My poor titling led people to believe I was just looking for a resource- I am actually suggesting these types of information just be put in game. I clearly am aware of the third party sites that have info available, and I detail that later on in the post in first section.

Currently, the only way to check basic values like attack speed, range, health, is to go into try mode or in game and see for yourself. And even then, some things like scaling, ability ranges, have to be guessed or calculated yourself (or find an external source of info online).

What I suggest is adding a Base Stats tab you can view while browsing heroes in the collection, which would give details on what a hero's base stats are at level 1 but also the scaling. Something like:

HP: 2500 (+4% per level)

Mana: 500 (+4% per level)

HP Regen: (another placeholder value per sec)

Attack Range: 5.5

Attack Speed: 1

etc etc

This should also apply to talents, abilities, and include things like damage scaling, ability ranges, but in order to avoid clutter this information should be under their own tabs. Personally, I feel that if damage scaling is going to be used to balance heroes, knowing exactly how effective a hero might be compared to others at one point in the game is really important. Heroes that have less scaling base damage like Azmodan or Kel'Thuzad should be communicated in-game in some way.

submitted by /u/UltNacho
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