Guild Wars 2 - [Art] first time playing an mmo, here's my character clueless at level 20 |
- [Art] first time playing an mmo, here's my character clueless at level 20
- How to get someone banned for less than 3€
- I made this stylistic painting of Mordremoth!
- [Art] Drew a guild mate's asura as their birthday gift
- [SC] Updated Benchmarks (28/08 Balance Patch)
- [PSA] You can use GDPR to get your Kung Fu Tea account (and all personal data) deleted
- Draenei Salad
- Not Spending Any More $ If My Account Can Be Deleted By Others
- 6 new videos at GW2 YT channel. "Behind the voice"
- Mordremoth's domain screenshot looks amazing, might as well share
- My Crew
- here's my main elementalist as doll :D
- The new dragon crown headpiece is a gift given by the gods themselves
- My dissapointment is immasureable and my day is ruined.
- Any good gw2 life hacks & tips?
- Tried benchmarking Power Berserker on warrior- 29k
- Tempest Condition PS - 24.7k
- No permissions for Deep Cave Vault.
- Does anyone have an idea of what the Firebrand icon is supposed to represent?
- Your most hated class?
- So now I just need good fiery backpack
- difference between 400 rating tailor recipe?
- Enchanted Dragon Crown on female Charr (and colour behaviour)
[Art] first time playing an mmo, here's my character clueless at level 20 Posted: 05 Sep 2018 09:45 AM PDT
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How to get someone banned for less than 3€ Posted: 05 Sep 2018 08:37 AM PDT So everybody has that one friend who is extra funny. Yeah, you know who I'm talking about. So my friend thought it would be super funny to get me banned and here is how he did it. On the 29th of August I got this Email here: Hallo, Dein Account wurde für 720 Stunden gesperrt, da du von „Echtgeldhändlern" Gold erworben hast. Gold und Gegenstände, die du bei diesen Händlern gekauft hast, wurden konfisziert. Der Kauf bei diesen Händlern ist ein Verstoß gegen unsere Verhaltensregeln. Diese Händler gelangen häufig durch Betrug, Hacking und Identitätsdiebstahl an Gold und Gegenstände, die sie verkaufen. Falls du den Händler mit Echtgeld bezahlt hast, solltest du dich mit dem Händler bzw. deiner Bank in Verbindung setzen und das Geld zurückfordern bzw. zurückbuchen lassen. Ein weiterer Goldkauf bei diesen Händlern führt zu erneuten Sperrungen und/oder zur Löschung deines Accounts. Mit freundlichen Grüßen GM Zippy the Wonder Squirrel It says that I got banned for buying Gold. My first thought was that somebody is trolling me so I giggled a little and didn't think much else of it. Later that day I tried to log in and to my suprise i did not get trolled, at least not by that E-Mail. I was banned for 30 days. I told all my friends who play this game and not much later one of them confessed he bought some gold for me to see if he can get me banned. I am not even mad at him because it actually is rather funny that it worked. I am however mad at Arenanet for banning me for it because I never actually saw that gold. Yes, I never got the chance to reject that gold or to say anything. They banned me on the spot without warning. I have been playing this game for almost 6 years now and this is how they treat a customer. So, I asked my friend how he did it and he told me that you can buy gold online on all the shady sites and you don't even have to log in to your Guild Wars account. You just need the account name and the name of one character. Both of which are visible to all Players. I looked it up and it is true. You can just buy gold for people you don't like and they will get banned without notice and without a chance to reject that gold and I have proof for that. I got angry at the support because everybody here knows that it takes forever for them to answer. Yeah, I know i won't be able to get this sorted before my ban is lifted but i still wrote them an angry message and today I got an answer: vielen Dank für dein Schreiben. Entschuldige bitte, dass du so lange warten musstest, wir haben derzeit ein sehr hohes Aufkommen an Tickets. Wir werden deinen Account nicht entsperren. Du musst leider warten, bis die Sperrung abgelaufen ist. Wir sperren Accounts, die Gold von Echtgeldhändler bekommen, da Echtgeldhandel unserem Spiel schadet. Wie wir dir schon mitgeteilt haben, gelangen diese Händler an Gold und Gegenstände, die sie verkaufen, durch Betrug, Hacking und Identitätsdiebstahl. Jeder Account, dem illegal erworbenes Gold geschickt wird, wird nach unseren Regeln für eine gewisse Zeit gesperrt, denn es ist nahezu gegeben, dass bei jeder weiteren Sendung, weitere Accounts deiner Mitspieler gehackt wurden, oder weiterer Bankbetrug durch gestohlene Bankdaten ausgeführt wird. Mit freundlichen Grüßen GM Nacktschnecke In that reply he says that they will ban people for receiving gold. NOT FOR TAKING IT! FOR RECEIVING! Is this really how it should be handled? [link] [comments] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
I made this stylistic painting of Mordremoth! Posted: 05 Sep 2018 06:15 AM PDT
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[Art] Drew a guild mate's asura as their birthday gift Posted: 05 Sep 2018 11:51 AM PDT
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[SC] Updated Benchmarks (28/08 Balance Patch) Posted: 05 Sep 2018 09:25 AM PDT Hello everyone,After the August 28 patch, our players dedicated a lot of time into figuring out the optimal team compositions and best classes for raids. Once again, we are happy to provide our results to the community. Class Specific ChangesElementalist ( /u/---Roul--- , /u/DerpyMoa, /u/hintkei )The addition of overall 420 ferocity to the air traitline makes a lot more different builds viable, of which most have their use in different encounters. The change to Elements of Rage also makes Spotter unnecessary for weavers which is a buff for the weavers that aren't in the druid supgroup. Sword Weaver Thanks to the huge buffs to the air traitline, Fresh Air now is a very strong build which shines especially in short phased fights. Staff Weaver Staff weavers remains in roughly the same spot as it was before thanks to the buff to lava font, however it now seems worse in comparison since there are builds for ele now that are simply stronger. Due to the ferocity that weavers get by attuning to air, it is now worth it again to use Glyph of Storms in air on big hitboxes. Arcane weaver has a great burst, while Air weaver has a low burst but catches up in later phases, which makes them roughly even in the end. However thanks to the Tempest Defense trait in the air traitline, Air weaver has more uses in fractals and at Keep Construct than Arcane does. Scepter Warhorn Tempest The air buffs not only affected weaver, but also the long forgotten tempest scepter warhorn build. It now pulls off competitive dps with one of the biggest bursts within 17 seconds in the game. Static charge, a buff that gets applied to your entire party whenever you finish an air overload, also buffs your party dps by roughly 800-1200 dps depending on your group comp. Condition Weaver Arguably one of the worst balanced builds right now. While detonating fire auras made condition weaver even stronger on golem than it already was, it struggles a lot with other issues in real raids. First of all, if you don't get alacrity instantly, your weave self rotation won't work out, and you have to cut out important dps skills to make the rotation work, otherwise you won't be able to get the perfect weave (granted, that is not anets fault). Secondly, on any boss with a tank mechanic you are gonna have to force your Chrono to take more toughness to compensate for the huge toughness spikes weaver gets when attuning to earth with weaveself (1590 toughess with weaveself, 1270 without). Necromancer (/u/Amerika-jinn , /u/Target_Sc)Condi Scourge Condi Scourge received minor buffs this patch with an increase of 50 condition damage due to the change to Lingering Curse. This trait now also changes your scepter #3 skill into Devouring Darkness. This AoE skill will help significantly on encounters with adds due to the increased life force generation. Condi Reaper First I want to say shout out to /u/MajesticNoodle for testing Condi Reaper with Grieving gear and finding the improvement over the traditional gear. This build gained the buffs from Lingering Curse, as with Condi Scourge, and will perhaps benefit more than Scourge as now we will definitely have enough Life Force to be in shroud for as long as we need. This will also help maintain life force above 50% to get the 10% modifier from Strength of the Undeath. Condi Reaper sits in the same position as Power Reaper and requires a few more tweaks before it really enters into the meta. Power Reaper Power Reaper received a buff this patch due to the changes to a few trait changes that heavily increased its damage. The damage modifier from Strength of the Undeath was increased from 5% to 10% when above 50% life force. This meant that camping shroud, especially during the opener, increased this DPS from this build a fair amount. Death Perception was also changed and now provides an additional 300 ferocity while in shroud, again another reason to use shroud as much as we can. These two buffs in the Soul Reaping traitline now meant that this line was worth taking over Blood Magic. Overall these changes but Power Reaper in a much better position but some changes will be needed to push it further into the meta. Mesmer ( /u/VanGherwen , /u/Yujisa )Chronomancer Support Condi Chrono received a small buff thanks to the scepter buffs, however nothing changed for zerk chrono, so chronomancer stays in the same role as before. Chrono still has an irreplaceable spot in the meta on every boss. Chronomancer DPS Nothing changed here at all. Pchrono still has the ability to provide very strong cc as well as a strong burst(on a high cooldown) which makes it quite viable. Mirage Condition Chaos received a minuscule nerf in condition damage. It's still in a very strong spot. This patch the scepter got slightly buffed and reinvigorate the theorycraft for a scepter mirage. While the base damage of it is quite low, the confusion potential is high. The axe version of the shatter build still has the highest potential. Guardian ( /u/DerpyMoa )Firebrand Condition Nothing changed this patch. Core Guardian and Dragonhunter Power The buffs to longbow and hammer didn't affect the meta on guardian so nothing changed here as well. They still needs a few buffs to have relevant dps in PvE. Revenant (/u/Stan_SC)Renegade Condition The Instant cast/skill retargeting or 'scatter' bug for short affected the Renegade shortbow a fair bit on small hitbox. You now only hit 2 to 4 shots from Sevenshot. However on big hitbox it didn't change anything. The invocation traitline saw a dps increase when above 90% health in the new 'Rising Tide' trait. This replaced the previous 'Forceful Persistence' trait which gave 7% increased damage on an active upkeep skill. This in return hit Shiro a bit because its edge above Kalla (without allies) was this 7% on upkeep with Impossible Odds. This 7% is (or should) now be permanent. Due to this buff in Invocation, it made the gap between Invocation and Devastation even bigger to the point where you now need 3 power classes in your subgroup in order to make Assassin's Presence (Devastation) the better pick. Herald Power As with Sevenshot, Inspiring Reinforcements got hit with the bugfix. Due to this Jalis got scrapped from the line-up and you now run Glint - Shiro focused on some boon sharing, however Jalis is still more personal dps. Trait wise a lot changed in the Herald line, however damage wise it did not. The previous DPS traits were 'Enhanced Bulwark' as Master (5% damage buff when you have Protection) and 'Elder's Force' as Grandmaster (2% damage buff per unique boon). This added up to 23% with our 9 realistic boon set-up. This damage has now shifted to the new Minor Grandmaster 'Reinforced Potency' (1% damage buff per unique boon) and the new Major Grandmaster 'Forceful Persistence' (13% damage on an active upkeep skill). This adds up to 22%. The new 'Rising Tide' trait in Invocation didn't change much as you always had an upkeep skill active in the rotation. Not that big of a difference but keep it mind the dps loss comes from the loss of stacking Inspiring Reinforcements. Warrior ( /u/AlextheSneaky /u/ADTempys /u/GokuKr )Nothing changed here at all. Banner Warrior still has an irreplaceable spot in the meta and is as strong as always. Ranger ( /u/Ehryon)Druid Nothing changed here at all. Druid still has an irreplaceable spot in the meta and is as strong as always. Soulbeast Power Soulbeast received a slight nerf to the merge skill but it stays in fractal meta, also dagger mainhand is a viable alternative to sword now as well. Soulbeast Condition Condi Soulbeast received some buffs in PvE which resulted in a decent dps boost, even though it still is not very strong. You can, however, replace the druid with a condi soulbeast in fights where there is not a lot of healing pressure. Engineer ( /u/hintkei )Core Condition This patch core engineer got nerfed while it being totally balanced already. Overall it got 5% nerf on its condition damage output making it slightly worse (about ~1k drop in dps, including Confusion drop is bigger). So far doesn't seem its BiS/meta on any of the encounters. Holosmith Power Got a small buff to Orbital Strike Grandmaster trait, which is still underwhelming and still need either another buff or total rework as condition Grandmaster trait is still better on a power build unless adds are present. Overall Holo is on the same spot, maybe a bit worse as other classes got buffed. Holosmith Condition Same as Core Engineer, 5% nerf to its condition output (about ~1.2k drop in dps, including confusion drop is bigger). Only worth at VG and Cairn due to it being a bursty condition class. Thief ( /u/DerpyMoa )Deadeye Power Nothing really changed this patch. Deadeye remains in a great spot in PvE and is meta on a lot of bosses. Daredevil Power Nothing really changed this patch. Daredevil has great dps on samarog due to the stolen skill it gets there, and is also very good on Slothasor. Daredevil Condi The Spider Venom change is roughly a 2k nerf but Condi Daredevil is still really strong on Matthias and Cairn but it got replaced by Power Daredevil on MO now. BenchmarksFor a full list, see SC Benchmark Big Hitbox/Huge
Small Hitbox
SnowCrows.comWe are always working on updating our class guides. You can find all benchmarks here: here. As for the website, the builds and rotation videos have been updated but some of the full written guides have not been updated as of yet. The full written guides need a little bit of love but not a huge amount has changed. We are missing Condition Chronomancer and this will be making an appearance on the website very shortly. Team Compositions are a work in progress and will be completely updated soon." While "grinded" benchmarks do not represent the real state of the "raiding meta", they still reflect the maximum potential of a particular build. For this very reason we will continue to have some of our best players work on the DPS Golem to showcase the peak performance of each of the nine professions. However, we have also made an effort to find the most realistic numbers for each build present on our website, without intensive grinding. That way, the average raider will have a relatable number to aim for when practicing their rotation. We also have a Discord server which can be found here. There you will be able to discuss and ask questions about our website, our builds and the guides. The server also has 5000 members, therefore it is a great way to discuss ideas about PvE and on top of that to contact members from SC! We choose to be ad free so you guys can enjoy the site without the annoying pop-ups, we have been covering the costs of the website ourselves for a while and we really appreciate the support you guys have been giving us on our Patreon. We are thankful for every donation we get. Have fun with the changes ![link] [comments] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
[PSA] You can use GDPR to get your Kung Fu Tea account (and all personal data) deleted Posted: 05 Sep 2018 10:08 AM PDT Quick disclaimer: I did not get my account deleted yet, so I don't know exactly how KFT will react or respond. I will be requesting deletion as soon as ANET says if we (non-us peeps) can still get our stuff (I contacted them about it)... I suggest you do the same, because repetitive requests invoking any of these rights might be rejected, so only request deletion when you are sure you will not need the account anymore. General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is this European regulation that forces companies that deal with European customers (or more specifically, with their data) to jump through extra hoops when dealing with personal data AND gives you a couple of useful rights. Feel free to skip ahead. First set of rights is the right to request information about what data is being collected, for what purpose and how it is processed (if any automatic processing is done; In this context "Processing" is more of a profiling/statistics and such, process of storing your data is not really processing) Second one is to request a copy of all personal information. This one is a bit tricky, because in some cases they will consider some data irrelevant and you might need to request specific data and and prove that the data you are requesting is within the scope of personal data protected by GDPR. Feel free to look through this long post if you want to find read about a specific case of a tricky data request. The most relevant one to most of you right now will be the right of erasure (a.k.a. "right to be forgotten" ), which allows you to request your deletion of your account or personal details. Some companies support outright deletion, while others only offer deletion of personal information (so they might depersonalize the data you generated by using a company's service). One thing to note about 2 of the latter rights is the requests might be refused if on legally justifiable grounds (that might include your obligations, the company's obligations or lack of technical means to accomplish it, but not "we do not have an API for that" ). 2 Basic examples are: companies may omit how their security systems process your personal data; they might also refuse to delete/depersonalize your account if you have obligations to that company (for instance a loan, or if you worked for it). General guidelines, for account deletion, that should work with most companies:Luckily for us none of those restrictions (to my knowledge) apply in KFTs case. If you only want your account (and/or personal data) deleted you may simply write an email saying that you want to exercise your right under the GDPR and get your account and all personal data associated with it deleted (if you write from the same email you registered with you can word it like this "I would like account associated with email I am writing from deleted". If they comply your it ends there, but I suspect it will not. As far as I know it does not matter if you are from EU. As a commercial company that allows EU users to register, they have to comply with GDPR or risk getting fines. To my knowledge they are not allowed to offer different rights (discriminate) their customers based on region without branching their business, which means non-eu users get the rights too. They might ask you to prove your identity, but companies can only to request information that is necessary to determine who you are in scope of these requests. Based on that I can conclude that your email (username in their app) should be sufficient, if you write from same email you registered with. If they tell you that your account will be depersonalized and not deleted, remember your account has an email as a username. Be sure to ask that they remove that too. If they refuse your request ask for a legal justification and make sure to repeat something in lines of "If you have no legal justification for denying my request, please delete my account". If that happens I might write up a more specific response. If you run into other trouble that is not listed here, comment and if I see it I will try to respond. [link] [comments] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Posted: 05 Sep 2018 04:19 PM PDT
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Not Spending Any More $ If My Account Can Be Deleted By Others Posted: 05 Sep 2018 11:40 AM PDT I just read this post: "I told all my friends who play this game and not much later one of them confessed he bought some gold for me to see if he can get me banned." And it really scares me to think that someone can be mad or troll me for a small amount of $ and get my account permanently deleted. All the time and $ I've already spent on GW2 could be down the drain through no fault of my own. [link] [comments] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
6 new videos at GW2 YT channel. "Behind the voice" Posted: 05 Sep 2018 01:03 PM PDT
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Mordremoth's domain screenshot looks amazing, might as well share Posted: 05 Sep 2018 06:49 AM PDT
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Posted: 04 Sep 2018 10:56 PM PDT
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here's my main elementalist as doll :D Posted: 05 Sep 2018 07:27 AM PDT
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The new dragon crown headpiece is a gift given by the gods themselves Posted: 05 Sep 2018 04:48 PM PDT
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My dissapointment is immasureable and my day is ruined. Posted: 04 Sep 2018 11:40 PM PDT For the last 5 days I've been trying to refresh the app for about 20 times every a couple of hours. I didn't give 1 star rating to the buggy app because "they'll probably fix it, we still have 1 month after all". Hell, I even used my real facebook and instagram accounts. Yesterday when I was finally able to actually link my facebook and instagram accounts I felt hope. But now, after they annonced they changed the promotion and made it so the free dlc is limited only to the US - after all the time I wasted - I can't but feel deceived, angry and sad. [link] [comments] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Any good gw2 life hacks & tips? Posted: 05 Sep 2018 10:44 AM PDT Anything from farming hotspots , to boss timing locations , hidden locations etc [link] [comments] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Tried benchmarking Power Berserker on warrior- 29k Posted: 05 Sep 2018 11:16 AM PDT
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Posted: 05 Sep 2018 10:26 AM PDT
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No permissions for Deep Cave Vault. Posted: 05 Sep 2018 10:26 AM PDT Hi everyone- thanks for taking the time to read this. So my guild and I are working on some projects that require a lot of mats and gold so I put permissions very high up for withdrawing out of the top two tabs of the guild bank: guild stash and treasure trove. Later i found that because there were no permissions for the Deep Cave (lowest guild bank tab) people couldn't retrieve anything and that the treasure trove permissions also control the deep cave tab. I am not sure if an Anet dev can see this but I'd really love to be able to do permissions for the lowest tab and i think it would help a lot of other guilds out that work on projects that require expensive mats and gold and such. Again thanks so much for reading! [link] [comments] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Does anyone have an idea of what the Firebrand icon is supposed to represent? Posted: 05 Sep 2018 07:36 AM PDT Just a dumb, curious question. When PoF first launched I barely understood why any of the profession icons were what they were, and now the only one I really don't understand is Firebrand (and holosmith somewhat). Anyone have any idea? [link] [comments] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Posted: 05 Sep 2018 11:38 AM PDT I know a lot of people say necro, but honsstly mine is mesmer, i gotta commend you mesmers it takes a decent amount of skill, but being a single target burst ranger, and a double dagger and staff necro(no minnions) you guys are really good. I can easily kill a bad mesmer, but good ones annihilate me. After that itd probably be warrior [link] [comments] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
So now I just need good fiery backpack Posted: 04 Sep 2018 11:27 PM PDT
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difference between 400 rating tailor recipe? Posted: 05 Sep 2018 08:08 PM PDT I just hit 400 tailoring.. and i have Gossamer, Oiled Gossamer and Warbeast Gossamer, what is the difference? I looked on wiki and they all make exotics, is it just style? [link] [comments] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Enchanted Dragon Crown on female Charr (and colour behaviour) Posted: 05 Sep 2018 08:41 AM PDT
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