Factorio Very spaceworthy indeed...

Very spaceworthy indeed...

Posted: 02 Sep 2018 11:45 AM PDT

My factory has a complete Metro system with 3 lines. Just for me.

Posted: 02 Sep 2018 06:15 AM PDT

Im an 'engineer' (vocationally educated) working soley with inserters!! (Robot manipulator arms) feel free to ask me anything if you are wondering about what real inserters are actually like :)

Posted: 01 Sep 2018 11:40 PM PDT

My Seablock fan theory

Posted: 02 Sep 2018 09:38 AM PDT

The entire seablock world is actually a post apocalyptic planet where pollution and global warming melted all the ice and rose the sea levels. It would explain why the player finds all that ore and slag when pumping up sea water. They are actually collecting fragments of an older civilization.

submitted by /u/vinnvout
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Redmew - "Cave Miner" Map Generation

Posted: 02 Sep 2018 02:53 PM PDT

Conceptual spaghetti- all my messy supply chains have culminated in this mess.

Posted: 02 Sep 2018 10:46 AM PDT

My most compact 3 in 1 out setup thus far.

Posted: 02 Sep 2018 02:10 PM PDT

Why use put one belt per tile when you can fit 2! (Also give tips on potential inefficiencies of me and my friend's designs)

Posted: 02 Sep 2018 05:59 PM PDT

The 4-5 balancer on the wiki is broken

Posted: 01 Sep 2018 10:15 PM PDT

The 4-5 balancer on the wiki is broken

Ive been on this subreddit for a while now and a few weeks ago I saw a post asking about whey a 4-5 balancer wasn't working, the problem seemed to come from a loop around belt getting saturated, but this inspired me to look into the 4-5 balancer, which lead me to uncover an even greater issue, if all input belts are compressed the 4-5 balancer doesn't distribute items evenly across all 5 output lanes.

The 4-5 balancer on the wiki is not output balanced at full throughput. 4 of the output belts (blue circles) are being fed by only 3 input belts (red circles). This limits each of those output belts to a maximum of 3/4 of a belt of throughput, but at full load each output belt should be getting 4/5 of a belt of throughput.


Further testing shows that at less than full throughput the balancer works correctly, and it is only when the input is at full saturation (more than 15/16ths of max throughput) that the balancer breaks. To test this I built a setup that counted each item to pass on each output belt and a 3 second pulse extender to count the number of items that enter the belt over a 3 second interval. This is then used to create a bar graph representing belt load.

Here are some screenshots of my setup, taken with show transport line and show transport gaps enabled in the f4 menu.

First with input limited by yellow belts with everything else being blue belts.

4-5 with input limited to 1/3 max throughput by yellow belts, balancer is working fine.

For the bar graph each lane is represented by a column with white lights representing iron, and red lights representing copper (columns left to right represent lanes bottom to top). The top of the bar represents full throughput for the lane.

Yellow belt limited setup with throughput graph as expected all bars are the same height (meaning all lanes are getting the same number of items per second).

Now with input being limited by red belts.

4-5 with input limited to 2/3 max throughput by red belts, balancer is still working fine.

Red belt limited setup with throughput graph, the bars are still at the same height.

Now with blue belts (this is where it breaks).

Note that the top belt is solid blue (meaning no gaps while the other lanes have white sections representing gaps).

Bar graph of the 4-5 balancer with all blue belts (not that the columns for the top belt show significantly more throughput than those for the other belts.

What the graph should look for the 4-5 balancer:


Finally the 4-5 balancer also jams causing the inner lane of the top most belt to lose throughput if the balancer is allowed to backup and fill with items.


Note that the right most white bar is half as high as the right most red bar.

Fortunately one can always use a 5x6 or a 6x6 with a wraparound belt as both of those seem to be working fine.

Testing was done using the creative mode mod.

I can try and put the world up for download somewhere if people want it.

submitted by /u/Caps_errors
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Biters suck.

Posted: 02 Sep 2018 06:59 PM PDT

So I've been playing this game for 100 hours now, and I finally feel like I've learned the basics. I launched a Rocket on my 2nd map, and my third map is capable of launching a Rocket every hour or so. I understand the mechanics now. Except, I've been playing on Peaceful Mode this entire time.

I'd like to try to play the game with Biters on, but when I try that, they completely wreck me every time. By the time I need to expand into the enormous space I need to build a proper Main Bus and fortified base, the minimap shows Red Biter Bases *everywhere*. They're a huge pain in the arse. Laser Turrets eat all my power. Gun Turrets eat all my resources. How the hell am I supposed to juggle Normal Gameplay with Biter Maintenance?
I mean, I could always use self-contained Solar Panels/Accumes to power "minibases" of laser turrets, but even that is a huge space waster.

I think what I'm trying to say is... It feels like playing this game normally (non-peaceful) punishes the player for not playing aggressively. So my question is... how can I play this game normally, with biters, and still enjoy it without feeling pressured to constantly expand and murder bugs? Is it even possible, or should I just stick to peaceful mode?

submitted by /u/throwawaysmy
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Rampant AI, be very afraid

Posted: 02 Sep 2018 12:58 PM PDT

Just started playing - here's my 12 hour factory. Enjoy the shitty planning.

Posted: 01 Sep 2018 11:53 PM PDT

I asked my friend to expand power and he provided this masterpiece

Posted: 02 Sep 2018 07:52 PM PDT

Started learning blender, here's a rail signal.

Posted: 01 Sep 2018 09:38 PM PDT

Mod updates changed my coal and stone stack sizes from 2k back to 200. It made a mess.

Posted: 02 Sep 2018 07:06 PM PDT

First time trying to use signals. Why am I getting a "no path" on the iron train?

Posted: 02 Sep 2018 07:44 AM PDT

Planned Great Wall of Boom

Posted: 02 Sep 2018 10:37 AM PDT

This is my planned "Over engineered and way too expensive, but I can" defense. I've laid out segments based on Roboport coverage, and the leftmost segment has 3 artillery cannons at the segment joint (instead of 2, as between the rightmost and centre roboport) which allows a 1-tile gap between the roboport coverage areas for resupply segmenting and robot management purposes.

It isn't a straight line because I usually tend to plop down bland monolithic constructions of Lasers + Walls without many features, so I thought I'd give it a little zig and zag for aesthetic purposes.

The plan is to link 5-7 roboports together in a single logistic network to cover an area of the wall (maybe more?) and plop down one of the logistic delivery stations for each segment. Train delivery will be via 1-2-0 single-head trains from my main base.

Base is fairly large--I anticipate needing 20+ Roboports per side of the base to make a continuous wall. Three sides of the base are open, and I have a large lake/sea to my north. I plan to have this monstrosity border the completed loop of track around my base.

Imgur: https://imgur.com/a/9EniDK5

submitted by /u/Rhyme1428
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Long trains or short trains?

Posted: 02 Sep 2018 12:13 AM PDT

Like one or two cars, or 3 or 4?

submitted by /u/WackoDesperado2055
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I updated my 'Old School' 16RPM base to 0.16

Posted: 02 Sep 2018 11:58 AM PDT

I finally got around to upgrading my train mega (giga?) base to 0.16 and uploaded it to factoriomaps

The base can sustain 15 RPM (Rockets per Minute) and a modest amount of infinite science (200 SPM)

/u/madpavel was kind enough to test this base on his uber rig and it ran at 65-70 UPS. Although I still feel this is respectable

Here is the time used on madpavel's rig.

This is my original post about this base in 0.14.

Yea I know its a bit cheaty but I am currently working on a new purely vanilla (no mods, no console commands) infinite science megabase.

submitted by /u/Stevetrov
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[Bobs/Angels] Compact brass, invar, and sulfuric acid design

Posted: 02 Sep 2018 03:58 AM PDT

I designed this pretty neat 2-way RHD T-junction. Do you guys see any problems with the signalling before I start pasting it everywhere?

Posted: 02 Sep 2018 07:43 PM PDT

Problems with saved game (scenario supply mode)

Posted: 02 Sep 2018 09:31 AM PDT

Hi guys,

I'm loving the game of Factorio. This morning, I started with the scenario's (never did them before, mostly free games). I saw this tread (https://forums.factorio.com/viewtopic.php?f=18&t=30470) and liked the idea. So I did change the scenario, to play without the time limit. After some hours of gaming, I saved the game. Now I try to open the saved game, and it says right away: 'you have been defeated, game finished'.

How to fix this? Otherwise I can never save the scenario without the time limit, and play later again...?

submitted by /u/Saninl
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Oh yeah

Posted: 02 Sep 2018 04:36 PM PDT

Using steam as an accumulator (bobs/angels)

Posted: 02 Sep 2018 04:31 PM PDT

I started placing solar panels to reduce pollution, using my steam engines only at night since i cant produce any accumulators yet.

but i noticed that you can use electric boilers and i thought i could use them as a replacement.

My plan is: Electric boilers produce steam during the day, powered by solar panels -> the steam gets stored in tanks -> as it gets dark the steam engines start running, providing energy

the problem is that as soon as the steam engines start running, using the steam out of the tanks, the boilers start producing steam again, using up energy

I tried finding a way to prevent this but i just cant find it.

How can i make it so that my electric boilers run only during daytime when my solar panels are at full power and stop when they start losing power?

submitted by /u/SpaceSCC
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