Civilization - Oddly Satisfying Aquahenge

Oddly Satisfying Aquahenge

Posted: 02 Sep 2018 08:15 AM PDT

About 800 hours in and this is the first time this happens

Posted: 02 Sep 2018 03:20 AM PDT

Todays Goodwill rescue

Posted: 02 Sep 2018 12:05 PM PDT

I'll trade you some blue jeans for hammers...

Posted: 02 Sep 2018 05:07 PM PDT

Hours spent in this game, loses to religion

Posted: 02 Sep 2018 06:33 PM PDT

Now that it's been out a long time, do you guys think Civ VI is better than Civ V?

Posted: 02 Sep 2018 03:52 PM PDT

I remember when it first came out a lot of people still preferred Civ V. How does everyone feel now?

submitted by /u/Ficklestein123
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Hypothetically - what is the highest possible tile yield in Civ VI, and how would it be attained?

Posted: 02 Sep 2018 02:36 AM PDT

One of the prettiest national parks I could manage yet.

Posted: 02 Sep 2018 08:44 AM PDT

I am constantly blown away by the magnificence of the music in these games. What are some of your favorite pieces of music from Civilization?

Posted: 02 Sep 2018 01:33 PM PDT

What do you really get from nuking country?

Posted: 02 Sep 2018 06:47 PM PDT

I have nuked my near by country India in my game so that I can continue to spread my empire outwards. Though, does nuking an AI really help you achieve victory? The location becomes radioactive though!

submitted by /u/Robot-Ann
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[VI] Are we getting a summer update?

Posted: 02 Sep 2018 09:59 AM PDT

It's getting later and later in the season. Are we sure we're getting a summer update? We've gotten an update every season since the game came out, but they're definitely behind schedule on this one.

submitted by /u/ostrich12
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Who needs walls when you have mountains

Posted: 02 Sep 2018 07:34 AM PDT

I just finished my first game of Civ! Boy, do I have a story!

Posted: 02 Sep 2018 01:44 PM PDT

I bought Civ 6 after a video on the music of the game got me interested in the game itself. I'd had experience with RTS games via classic Starcraft, and after playing the tutorial, figured this would be a good way to pass the time!

Oh boy. Oh boy, I underestimated that sentiment.

Figured my first "real game" (after a few runs of tutorial) would be easiest as a conquest/violence run, since I would be able to learn at least some nuances of culture and science along the way. After some research, Alexander seemed the best choice as my tutor.

Since I never half-ass anything, I figured it would be best to set myself against other war-types, so I used Create Game to generate a six-arm snowflake map, populated by myself, Harald, Frederick, Montezuma, Cyrus, and Gandhi. (Because why not?)

Early years were pretty peaceful. Cyrus declared war pretty early, which I shut down with a succession of armadas and Hetaroi. Was pretty pissed with me "occupying" one of his cities after he declared peace... which, son, please? I bought a builder and did way more to improve the surrounding lands than you ever did after I captured it! Idiot.

Then Gandhi had the god damn cheek to ask to establish an embassy in my capital, and one turn later declare a joint war with Monty. Just getting me to open my borders and then get his fingers all up in my districts a turn later. Pissed-off as I was, I was actually kinda impressed by the balls of that action.

After pillaging the shit out of Monty's shores, I got peace, which left me plenty of time to develop further nonsense.

Next to declare war was Harald, who apparently desired my riches so much that he couldn't get a sufficient boner over my navy (ah, a magnificent sight...). That was also resolved in a few turns of pillaging from my frigates.

Then, it was Freddy's turn to declare war! That was a magnificent era in which I was the only civ with gunpowder technology, so my musketmen (enhanced by some Great Generals) were practically untouchable compared to the archers and pikemen on the field I was up against. Suffice it to say, it was very satisfying to witness.

There was a bit of a sustained period of peace after that, which allowed me to research militaristic tech and culture until my heart was content. I mean, considering Alexander's strengths and desires, what need did I have for such pansy nonsense as religion or culture?

Meanwhile, Gandhi kept asking me to build an embassy in my capital, but no way was I allowing him that after his last attempt. Only after he requested formal alliance with me did I allow him even close to my borders.

The next major development was when I was granted Casus Belli against our boy Freddy for a War of Territorial Expansion. I waited a couple of turns to develop some submarine armadas (since I'd been granted two-for-one a bit before, to my surprise - I had no idea that was a thing!) before declaring war and going at it.

I was developing early flight at the time and making my way toward nuclear development at the time. By the time of Freddy's first request for peace, I had discovered Uranium and was well on my way to developing nuclear arms. I asked for Freddy's uranium, and he refused.

So I kept on bombing Berlin with my surplus of submarines! (I kept humming Cake's I Bombed Korea while I went about this.)

I did not let up until Freddy acceded to giving me his uranium. By that time, I'd researched aircraft carriers and destroyers, and was well on my way to completing the Manhattan Project.

Following that, literally every other turn, there was a leader requesting my uranium for their various Great Works and shitty luxuries. Hard Pass.

(Though I took particular pleasure in denying Gandhi my uranium, considering there was absolutely none on his part of the continent. No nukes for you, Bapu!)

I achieved my nukes in 2014, just after the predicted apocalypse of 2012, which I still consider a victory. I spent the next few turns building nukes in all cities that didn't need neighborhoods, until Germany (who'd already announced their GET YOUR ASS TO MARS mission a few turns back) won with a science victory. Considering the barren wasteland of the cinematic, I couldn't help but feel that Alexander (who had amassed 5 nukes at the time - one for each capital) just nuked the world and cried because he'd been denied further cities to conquer.

I'm going to try playing a science or culture-based Civ next - based on my research, probably Qin Shihuang or Peter, and after getting the hang of those trying Religion (of course Jadwiga!), all the while learning as I go.

I'm excited to be a part of this community and these games! I'm having a whole lot of fun, especially describing what's going on in my game to my family as I go.

I will have to admit that, at one point, Freddy's city of Manz was surrounded by pillaged tiles, of course depicted with fire.
I called my brother over and went, "Hey, with all that fire, you can't say Manz Not Hot."
He sighed and walked away.

submitted by /u/thetwelvecolors
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I forgot alliances give defensive pacts for all = world war

Posted: 02 Sep 2018 01:26 AM PDT

In Civ 6 alliances give automatic defensive pacts for the empires involved, so when I casually declared war against Gandhi who was my competition for culture victory, I also invited my pals Genghis Khan and Trajan to join the fun.


Unfortunately Gandhi had an extensive Alliance network with Russian, Egyptian and Mapuche empires + assorted city-states, so now it's a total war around the world.

As I write this cossack armies have landed on my shores..

submitted by /u/Uboat_friday
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Civilization VI wallpaper [1920x1080]

Posted: 02 Sep 2018 09:27 AM PDT

Had very cheap units prices in a city but don’t know why

Posted: 02 Sep 2018 04:22 PM PDT


I had in two games I played a city where I could buy units for a very cheap price, Amy e just a fifth of the price in other cities. But I don't know how I got this. Can anyone explain me how to get this? Or was it just a bug?

Thank you

submitted by /u/al_jam
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PolyCast Episode 317: "The Letters 'F' and 'O'"

Posted: 02 Sep 2018 07:45 PM PDT

Select combinations. The three-hundred-and-seventeenth episode of PolyCast, "The Letters 'F' and 'O'", features regular co-hosts Daniel "DanQ" Quick, Stephanie "Makahlua", Philip "TheMeInTeam" Bellew and Jason "MegaBearsFan" Grade with first-time guest Brian "Mr. Shadows". It carries a runtime of 59m59s.

PolyCast is a bi-weekly audio production recording live every other Saturday throughout the year, in an ongoing effort to give the Civilization community an interactive voice; sibling show ModCast focuses on Civ modding, TurnCast on Civ multiplay.

submitted by /u/thepolycast
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What does it mean when other cities become 'puppets' and what can I do about it? (Civ 5)

Posted: 02 Sep 2018 11:16 AM PDT

I'm very new to Civ 5 and I've enjoyed it quite a lot. In my most recent game, I've become quite good friends Italy/venice, and have been so from pretty much the start. However now a couple of Italy's cities have stopped being my friends (Not italy in general, just a few cities) and they've apparently become "puppets". When I google it, the only thing that show up is wether or not you want to turn other cities into puppets when conquoring them, but I only want my friendly cities back!

So can anyone more experienced please help me understand what this means and what I can do against it, IF I can do anything against it that is... Any help would be much appreciated!

submitted by /u/Otto_Mandias
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Next DLC being release on the 2 year anniversary of civ 6. I just have a feeling either the next DlC released then or announced

Posted: 02 Sep 2018 02:49 AM PDT


Posted: 02 Sep 2018 08:41 AM PDT

Don't you love it when AIs fall right into your trap and everything goes perfectly?

So I am playing Sweden, right around the early medieval she. Hiawatha is beside me with 3 cities(I have 6). With Rome on his other side. (Pangea, he's smudged between us). I haven't actually met Ceasar yet, but mostly the 5 of us civs in our area have all been good friends since the dawn of time.

Well that is until Hiawatha start moving his large army towards and through my territory st my newest city. Then moves back to hear my capital. We are good friends. I fear he will break it and attack me as the AI can be assholes sometimes. Ya don't move a large army around your friends border for nothing. So while his entire army was down south a bit, I started preparing a quick attack force a bit north east. He never ended up attacking me.

So I still have 3 pikes and 2 swordsman and 3 catapults ready to hit his eastern flank. I want to atleast take his eastern city while my catapults are still useful as my economy is in the shitter currently.(Won't be able to upgrade much anytime soon). So once my friendship ends I denounce him. Albeit since he's friends with everyone to I know I am going to create a lot of enemies.

He never ends up attacking me, I just go for broke and declare war. Move the rest of my army up to his csltisl borders to distract him and pillage. Kill a couple mohawks with my strike force and move my catapults in position. His city isn't walled so it falls pretty quickly. I then contemplate if I can take his Capitol. What my plan was originally I would take his second last city in a peace deal and leave it for later. But he refuses to peace out to it. So I am actually able to take his capital without losing anyone.

Lots of people denounce me.... But... Ceasar decides to go for his last city which is useless. I wanted to burn it to the ground since it's way to close to his former capitals and I plan on plopping a city a couple tiles down. Right before Ceasar takes it I save incase he decides to keep it. As I have my forces ready to quickly take it to burn it down. But luckily he burns it. Now my hands are basically clean.... As in literally everyone denounces Ceasar,and a bunch jointly declare war on him. Which not only removes his large army from my border but makes him the villain in all this. So for now I have avoided a grand coaliton against me 😂

Now currently in the early renaissance, once I upgrade my military to Cannons and the like. I plan on either moving against Sulieman or Wu. Depending on what my scout reports bring back. I am currently in first place (Playing on Emperor) aiming for a science victory(easiest). Unfortunately, my luck will have it that Nebuchadnezzar is a also doing very good. While also on the other side of the map. So I have no chance to stop him military wise.... My plan being to take over a couple more neighbors. Hopefully, this will give me the population boost I need to compete with him 🙄

Whether or not anyone reads this I just find it funny how wars turn out. Or when AIs make the decision to become my scapegoat lol

submitted by /u/HopingToDieLikeNow
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Domination victory question

Posted: 02 Sep 2018 04:04 PM PDT

Very new to Civ 6. Trying for domination victory condition where it states that I need to conquer the starting cities of the other civs in order to win, however, one of the civs (Egypt) doesn't have the star next to any of the city names to indicate that it was the starting city. What gives?

submitted by /u/reezeldeezel
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