Learn Dota 2 - Hi! I've released my 4th Divine Storm Spirit replay analysis -- The First 15 Minutes:

Hi! I've released my 4th Divine Storm Spirit replay analysis -- The First 15 Minutes:

Posted: 02 Sep 2018 03:03 PM PDT

I'm a 5k Storm Spirit main, floating up and down in the top 100 Storm ranks.

This is my 4th video on advanced Storm Spirit playstyle and decision-making. I also hope to make these kind of videos into a full thing if I get enough viewership and interest.

Enjoy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ddjqq2u22mo

If it's not too much and you like the content, could you subscribe and spread the word around? Would mean a lot to me. Thanks!

submitted by /u/Captain_Iceblock
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What makes a hero be a good position x?

Posted: 02 Sep 2018 10:32 AM PDT

I am familiar with the positions context when it comes to priority in gold and xp, but in specific, what does make a hero be a good position 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5? I follow most of the pro scene and I found, as an example, Vengeful Spirit be played in so many different roles or positions, and I don't understand what makes it so versatile when it comes to that.

Thank you in advance!

submitted by /u/CherryIII
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How do you deal with team mates that don't gank?

Posted: 02 Sep 2018 02:36 PM PDT

This is not about midlane btw.

Im wondering about how do u deal with team members that dont gank the enemy in the game. For example, we took the enemy teams T1 tower and we have full vision of enemy jungle. Instead of rotations from my team, they go farm the ally jungle instead of killing the solo carry in the jungle to shut him down.

This leads to the game dragging on for 35+ minutes and allowing the enemy to farm items and get given a chance to make a comeback in the game. In these scenarios, our team typically has item and level advantages, and it is just thrown away by mindless jungle farming when we can just go and kill them before they come online.

How do you deal with things like this? Thanks.

submitted by /u/Rogurzz
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Could I get some recommendations on what support heroes to play for a beginner?

Posted: 02 Sep 2018 02:41 AM PDT

I've been playing Lich and Ogre Magi mostly because they're easy so I can focus on other aspects of the game. Are there any other supports in that same tier in terms of skill ceiling? Also, some recommendations on what supports I should work towards learning in the long term, would be great :)

submitted by /u/ThoughtfulFrog
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How can I get cool skins for heroes?

Posted: 02 Sep 2018 07:27 PM PDT

I don't even know how to browse skins that ARENT available right now. Is there some sort of list of all the skins and items for the characters or what?

The reason I want to know is so I can click on it and see which treasures I need to get to potentially get that particular set or weapon to drop.

There are like 5 thousand different types of treasures on the marketplace and I have no idea what the fuck they all mean.

They all have different names and some have weapons, some have armor and some have full on appearance changes. It's the most unorganized shitfest.

I just want to buy cool skins and spend money but I can't understand a simple way to browse skins.

Certainly brewmaster has more than 1 outfit?

I don't want to see JUST what's on the marketplace for them I want to k ow which sets of treasure contain items for them.

Please send help it seems so unnecessarily clustered

submitted by /u/Neuromancerrr
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How not to feed versus lc?

Posted: 02 Sep 2018 12:44 PM PDT

I just had this game: https://www.dotabuff.com/matches/4097112932

I was playing the zeus and got absolutely rekt by lc. I tried my best to last hit but she just seemed unaturally good at it for 1.8k, she never let me fill my bottle and then once she was level 6 she just dived me under my turret while I was at full health and instakill me. I felt very hopeless. From then on she just kept doing it over and over and then she basically just started running rampage through my entire team who spent the entire game flaming me for feeding mid. I'm usually pretty good at zeus so I really don't know what happened this game. Any advice?

submitted by /u/draidden
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Trying to reduce my hero pool, need advice

Posted: 02 Sep 2018 05:51 AM PDT

I play too many heroes, i think this may be one of the reasons i am stuck at the same mmr for years. Today i made a list of heroes i will play for each role.

Carry Mid Offlane Support
Wraith King Zeus Timbersaw Dark Willow
Spectre Ember Spirit Abaddon Keeper of the Light
Sven Windranger Axe Ogre Magi
Phantom Assassin Centaur Warrunner
Ember Spirit Windranger

Is this a balanced list of heroes for every situation? Are these too many heroes? What would you suggest based on my dotabuff(and my 2nd account)?

Edit: I am 1k, i think that might be important

submitted by /u/Tobix55
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Captains Draft League Starts in One Week! Signup Now!

Posted: 02 Sep 2018 03:49 PM PDT

When to pick Pugna mid? What are his matchups like?

Posted: 02 Sep 2018 08:05 AM PDT

Hey guys, this is a hero I've wanted to learn for a while and have a couple of questions since I rarely play against him mid as well. How does he stack up in lane against other common mids? And what makes him a good pick in a game?

submitted by /u/Limeyz
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Asking about clear midlane hero picking idea

Posted: 02 Sep 2018 01:25 PM PDT

Im a 3k player. I mostly play mid. My heroes are Storm, SF, Ember, Tinker, MK, SF, TA, QoP, Windranger. I generally do know which heores are good against me but going into a draft what should i think before picking my hero? I dont have the best of game / teamfight sense but i think my mechanics are good enough for 3k player. Any kind of information / insight on picking hero or even examples for the mentioned heroes would be really helpful. Thanks.

submitted by /u/abrarfaiazatuno
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This seems impossible...

Posted: 02 Sep 2018 11:55 AM PDT

I've been playing DotA for about a year and a half now. I had never played an online game before, let alone a MOBA. I played hundreds of bot matches with heroes I liked like luna, Sven, ck.

I'm at around 2.5k mmr right now with a 56.5% winrate. I play ranked only as heroes I'm good at. When I lose more than 3 in a row, I usually go back to normal or play some custom games.

But I still can't seem to climb from this trench. If I win 4 matches and come close to advancing to the next rank, I lose the next 5 in a row. I don't know what to do at this point. I can play pos1 with heroes I know pretty well. I play a few supports passably. And for pos 3/4 I usually go axe or clockwerk. I have good winrates with them too.

Plz, if anyone can analyze my OD and tell me what I'm doing wrong, it would be appreciated.


submitted by /u/BOOB-LUVER
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questions about axe

Posted: 02 Sep 2018 02:57 AM PDT

why do people take battle hunger now? iirc people use to go eqeeq and just forget about battle hunger until both are maxed. waaaay back when there were no talents ive even seen some people who just skip it until 21-25, particularly in shitty lanes where its useless anyway. what changed? ive even seen 0-2-1 builds at lv 3 on dbuff guides

how should i decide whether to go blink or vanguard first? i mostly see high mmr axes go vg first; why? and is vanguard replaceable by hood of defiance if the situation calls for it?

why do i seldomly see the attack speed talent getting picked over the str one? i thought the main reason was for the other talent where your helix procs with rightclicks, but that wasnt the case at all. im just surprised that the str talent isnt as dominant as i thought it should be

submitted by /u/Alice_Is_Third
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5v5 game turned 1v1?

Posted: 02 Sep 2018 09:36 AM PDT

Just played this game as TA, enemy PL was the main problem, he was a 7th pick but I couldn't counter him because it was random draft and there were no available counters.

It basically felt like a 1v1, I destroyed the enemy team (I even made the mid Alch sell his items and feed a couple of kills in the laning stage, he was around 0-7 at ~ 10 mins) while PL destroyed ours. I could kill everyone in fights, but PL was just too fed and I couldn't deal damage to him.

Is there any way we could have won?

submitted by /u/MrZipZap
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Helping new players/low mmr players!

Posted: 01 Sep 2018 09:58 PM PDT

I'm a ~4.3k mid player that's kinda bored at times. If anyone needs an intro to the game or is just low mmr wondering how to do more in mid, hit me up. Alsoopen to just replay analysis or whatever.

Obviously I'm not some super high level player but any crusaders/archons i could certainly help with some things. If you're legend we're probably a bit too close tbh

submitted by /u/Theviruss
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How do I play carry?

Posted: 02 Sep 2018 04:08 AM PDT

The doesn't really ask my question, but basically I am a main support player mostly due to feeling forced into the role. I do enjoy playing support however I would like to learn the carry role too, however when I do nobody else is eager to play support, buy wards and all that good stuff supports usually do which usually leave me (the carry) to buy that stuff to try and prevent my team from feeding to obvious ganks and being able to try pick off kills that the team never reponds too.

So needless to say I find it difficult to farm when I am not given the space to do so and was wondering what I can do to help myself, I am not claiming to be an amazing player and certainly not an amazing carry as I am new to the role.

submitted by /u/Sefearian
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Do I spend money for Dota improvement guides & un-sub dotaplus+?

Posted: 02 Sep 2018 06:47 AM PDT

Dotaplus has happened for 3 months now, I just feel like it doesn't matter at all. Is it wise for me to discontinue its service and instead spend my money on sites that offer dota improvement guides?

submitted by /u/mynameisyouen
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Team up with other people

Posted: 02 Sep 2018 03:15 AM PDT


I have been playing dota/hon/hots/dota 2 for 15 years now. (im 30) and have started playing dota 2 again the Last year or so. All my friends except 1 have dropped dota so i kinda am alone in the game only going solo queue.

I have tried finding other people on various lfg sites but nothing has Come up. Its like all register on the sites but never follow up.

I noticed another post in here staying there was a sticky with EU people finding guys to play with but I can't find it

Im 3k player from EU wanting to find other guys to play with. I play a couple of nights a week. Im Danish but speak english as Well. Sorry for grammar but was too lazy to fix as im on the Phone and its autocorrect that screws most of it.

Where can you guys recommend i go find people?

(i interract Well with randoms on the teams i get on in solo but going from their to actually befriending them is quite a step not working that Well in my experience).

submitted by /u/ThiaZ
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Help with PL build

Posted: 02 Sep 2018 02:58 AM PDT

Lately I have been spamming PL.
I often get to play mid and make diffusal then manta the heart?
I have been spamming this bulild.
Is radiance useful on PL?
What other items can also be made?
How good is Bf on him?

submitted by /u/achilles298
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With the slower move speed from phase boots, should windgingers still rush phase boots?

Posted: 02 Sep 2018 01:50 AM PDT

I often use phase or windrun, depending on whether I need evasion later on, to align ideal shackles. With the nerf to phased movement on ranged heroes, the increase from 345 movement speed becomes appreciable, especially when trying to stay away/chasing a melee hero, or when really needing movement speed for positioning.

Phase boots/treads:
345 movement speed.

Phased movement:
from 414 to 390.

Treads (agi):
+35 AS, +1 agi
Treads (int):
+25 AS, +10 DMG, +150 mana, +22.5 mana regen amp
treads (str)
+25 AS +180 health, + 5.5% health regen amp

Phase boots: +24 damage, phased movement every now and then.

While treads deal less damage and has no phase movement speed, it increases passive attack speed (allowing easier farming & pushing when powershot is on CD), gives better mana (and mana regen) to better spam powershot AND you can build it entirely using side shop AND build up is more valuable (Early game: Stats > raw damage).

Still, you lack burst movement speed from Phase to align your shackles better. However, the better farming ability provided and build up should allow earlier mael/blink. And an early blink can make windginger more broken than Clinkz when it comes to hero farming.

What do you think?

submitted by /u/Hoihe
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Help with PL

Posted: 02 Sep 2018 12:56 AM PDT

Does anyone know how to draw creep aggro with PL without wasting phantom rush cd?

submitted by /u/themeepjedi
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