Destiny - [D2] Daily Reset Thread [2018-09-02]

[D2] Daily Reset Thread [2018-09-02]

Posted: 02 Sep 2018 10:04 AM PDT

Daily Milestone(s)

Daily Crucible Challenge: Complete a Crucible match.

Daily Strike Challenge: Complete a strike.


Vanguard (Zavala) Crucible (Shaxx)

Heroic Strikes Modifiers

  • Void Singe: Void damage increases slightly from all sources.
  • Brawler: Melee abilities deal more damage and recharge much faster.
  • Blackout: Enemy melee attacks are significantly more powerful, and radar is disabled.

Daily Heroic Missions


  • Solar Singe: Solar damage increases slightly from all sources.
  • Iron: Enemies have more health and are not staggered by damage.
  • Grenadier: Grenade abilities deal more damage and recharge much faster.

Heroic Adventure Modifiers

  • Solar Singe: Solar damage increases slightly from all sources.
  • Iron: Enemies have more health and are not staggered by damage.
  • Grenadier: Grenade abilities deal more damage and recharge much faster.

Gunsmith Inventory

submitted by /u/DTG_Bot
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I Am A Returning Player Who Hates Bungie Social Media, Is Existentially Afraid OF Search Bars And I have Questions

Posted: 02 Sep 2018 07:10 AM PDT

Hello, I'm a D1 alpha player who played for three days in Taken King but quit during D2 because the game still had too much/not enough grind. Now that the game looks good again I think I'm coming back but cannot make a decision without the assistance of a large mob of strangers on the internet.

1- Is Forsaken even good? I would hate to spend $240 on a game that is bad. I'm not going to waste my time mentioning what kind of things I enjoy or trying to do some research and form an opinion for myself, this is what the clairvoyants of reddit are for.

2- Bungie did a lot of things that deeply upset me on a personal level and I'm not sure I can ever forgive them. When they made fusion grenades not one hit kill anymore I was so hurt, I burned down my own house. Why would they make me do that? They're heartless monsters and how can I trust them again? After all they lied to us when they told us that D2 would have dual primaries, slower TTK, 4v4 pvp and less grind. we were BETRAYED.

3- WHY MONEY?? Out of all the things Forsaken could cost it had to be money, and so much of it! $2,000 is so expensive for an expansion, it should be free like Fortnite and make money through skins.

4- Is Eververse still a a thing? It should not exist, cosmetics should only be earned in game through minimal effort.

Thanks in advance for your answers, I won't be reading them since D2 just finished downloading and I need to make a post telling everyone that Forsaken loot is dropping and that there are all these mysterious wanted enemies roaming around.

Edit-Formatting and /s just in case.

submitted by /u/vyrsai
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The Drifter is an absolute mad man

Posted: 02 Sep 2018 05:08 AM PDT

Had fallen for one of the gambit encounters and this man said shit like "show the fallen why the traveler left them and chose us."

I love the lore call backs mixed in with the best shade throwing I've seen in this game.

submitted by /u/Thsttn
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Bungie, please don't nerf anything for us in PvE for the sake of Gambit. Please.

Posted: 02 Sep 2018 07:21 AM PDT

I know Orpheus Rigs were slightly nerfed to prevent breaking gambit, but don't need anything else further. We like burning through ads and bosses, and if people complain that we kill them too fast in Gambit, buff enemies in the game mode, but don't hurt our weapons and abilities. Thank you.

submitted by /u/TheWokeHive_
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Now that we need planetary materials for infusion, can we remove the chest cooldown timer?

Posted: 02 Sep 2018 08:53 AM PDT

For those not aware, if you open chests too quickly then you will stop getting loot from chests for a short period. In an article from gamespot last year, bungie stated that this cooldown timer was an intentional game mechanic, but they never gave a reason as to why it was implemented. Personally, I believe that they put this mechanic in the game as a quick fix to the infinite chest exploit. However, the infinite chest exploit no longer works due to the fact that chests will despawn if you attempt the exploit. Can we remove this cooldown timer now that it is bungie, or at least give us a reason as to why it is in the game?

submitted by /u/BleachSepaku
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Remember in RoI when we could pick between armour or weapons from package rewards? Can we get that back sometime in the future

Posted: 02 Sep 2018 03:30 AM PDT

Random rolls are returning and choosing between weapons and armour was a good way to streamline what loot you don't want from the loot you're trying to get. It would be very useful coming into the game. Also you could also have another option for Year 1 gear

Also where is chroma at?? I know the Solstice armour is kind of chroma but I mean true D1 chroma

Post note: the Gambit preview is gorgeous, thank you Bungie <3 <3

submitted by /u/Slav3_Edgeeww
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To those eager Invaders out there: Do NOT jump into the Portal as soon as it appears!

Posted: 02 Sep 2018 06:42 AM PDT

I´ve been noticing this a lot while playing Gambit. People eager to just hop in there as soon as it appears and kill stuff.

Invasion has a big strategic component to it. During the mote collecting phase, do not jump in when enemy has next to no motes collected. You will get some kills but you won´t deny any motes, and the enemy just respawns and collects them right away. Jump in when you see the grey bar over the enemy score rising-that´s when they have a lot of unbanked motes and when you should be jumping in there to deny them.

During the Primeval phase, do NOT jump in there as soon as the Portal spawns and their Primeval is full health. DEATH HEALS PRIMEVAL. It is much more powerful to get in there when their Primeval is missing a bit of health and the enemy team has started DPSing-you interrupt their DPS phase and every kill heals their Primeval.

Denying motes and healing the Primeval is so much more powerful than just getting there and making them lose some time with empty kills. It´s where comebacks are made and where you can get a huge strategic advantage. Press it, and it´s yours.

P.S: For the love of God, if you see the enemy grey mote bar big as fuck and you are sitting on 12 Motes that would allow the team to open a Portal, bank them! It is so much better to open up an Invasion and let your teammate hop in there to try and deny those motes than waiting for another wave of enemies to spawn and get a large blocker instead of a medium one...

submitted by /u/Yourself013
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There should be a "bank your motes" emote.

Posted: 02 Sep 2018 07:59 AM PDT

Maybe a piggy bank appears with your guardian putting a coin in it.

submitted by /u/mookystyx
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The 7th VoG chest being in ‘The Whisper’ was hinted at 2 years ago

Posted: 02 Sep 2018 09:37 AM PDT

Two years ago, someone on here claimed to be Luke Smith and said they'd reveal where the 7th VoG chest was if GuardianCon raised ~$450k that year. GC reached that goal so I sent Luke a tweet to jokingly ask where it was. Luke and Christopher Barrett replied.
What they said makes it seem like they already had plans back then on how they were going to implement the chest.

The idea of a Vault of Glass-like area outside VoG, to house the chest, might be what the Whisper mission area was originally created for and the actual weapon was only added to it down the line.

(25th of August, 2016)

Kyle - @Mlim_Kyle

@thislukesmith wheres that secret vog chest reveal, GuardianCon hit 490k :D

Luke Smith - @thislukesmith

You bought an imposter's promise, sorry man.
Ain't nothing like the real thing.

Christopher Barrett - @cgbarrett

What if the hypothetical VoG chest wasn't in VoG?



If you're out of the loop and don't know what I mean by the 7th chest found in The Whisper mission, have a look at this post I posted and edited to be a guide for the Oracles and ship blueprint.
The chest that drops the blueprint, which spawns next to the Vex Gate, is the 7th VoG chest.
Here's a pic from my post showing that The Whisper mission is connected to VoG through the dormant Vex Gate that was always at the end of the jumping puzzle.

submitted by /u/Mblim771_Kyle
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90 minutes after Gambit ended

Posted: 02 Sep 2018 11:38 AM PDT

We are still playing. Now desperately hoping to find two more guardians who were crazy like us to continue and not leave matchmaking. This is how you know you added a great new mode Bungie!

Last Edit: Played for an extra three hours. Could not handle one of our team mates anymore and decided we all needed food, a shower, to check the news and see our family. Food was great, shower was moist, news still sucks and our family did not miss us. We should have played more.

Edit: 2 hours a and 10 minutes later, still at it

Update: 1:41 pm central, we found the last two. Still playing.

submitted by /u/SilentBoiSoul
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An emblem that shows how many Invader kills in Gambit you have seems like a no-brainer.

Posted: 02 Sep 2018 08:56 AM PDT

All it should say is "DEATH HEALS PRIMEVAL."

I love healing Primevals.

EDIT: Spell check

submitted by /u/NovaHands
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The Drifter is the most "Alive" character in hole Destiny.

Posted: 02 Sep 2018 08:30 AM PDT

The Drifter, what a perfect character, he knows what we've done where we've been the enemies we've defeated! He is perfect, thats what all NPC should be in Destiny! I can't wait to discover all his dialogues when Forsaken drop.

Edit: i just noticed i wrote "whole" without "w". Fuck

submitted by /u/Ociron_
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I figured out how Drifter makes the coin marks when he shows us both sides but then it changes after the flip

Posted: 02 Sep 2018 04:13 AM PDT

His gloves have hidden protrusions that stick up in the shape of the races pattern. When he catches the coin and presses it against his backhand, he presses the pattern into the metal to bend it leaving behind a depressed mark of the enemy we are going to fight.

submitted by /u/Kahiyao
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Wholesome Destiny on Twitter!

Posted: 02 Sep 2018 09:31 AM PDT

I was reading through the comments on Josh Hamrick´s tweet and encountered this. Awesome to see that even the devs are trying to help Guardians who needs a teammate or two! This is also one of the reason why the Destiny community are the best!

Josh Hamrick, Mercules904 and Destiny Item Manager (DIM), you are all awesome for doing this!

Link to original tweet.

submitted by /u/aslak1899
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For the love of the Traveler, when the drifter tells you to bank for a Primeval, BANK YOUR FUCKING MOTES!!!

Posted: 01 Sep 2018 05:35 PM PDT

Title. Games could be won so much faster if the rest of my team isn't uselessly killing other enemies instead of summoning the thing that wins the game.

submitted by /u/cza55
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Well this happened

Posted: 02 Sep 2018 10:27 AM PDT

se me and my friends were playing gambit earlier on before it got removed (PepeHands) and this happened. Watch the clip and enjoy

submitted by /u/gingerninja1190
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I'd love an "I'm sorry half your team left and I wish there was something I could do" emote

Posted: 02 Sep 2018 07:44 AM PDT

Maybe I'm too nice, but I feel a little bad when I spawn in and there's only three other guardians right off the bat. Feels especially bad when they're down to 2 after the first round. Poor guys stuck it through til the end.

For now, I'll continue to use the 'sadness' emote and hope it doesn't come off as sarcastic.

submitted by /u/BlazeFusky
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if you invade with a colony: who hurt you in life to be this way?

Posted: 02 Sep 2018 12:28 AM PDT

Destiny 2 is a beautiful game! Here are hundreds of high-res screenshots of all the patrol zones [Titan (mostly Arcology), Nessus, Io, Mercury, Mars, etc.]

Posted: 02 Sep 2018 09:07 AM PDT

I think Scout Rifles ate a PVE nerf...

Posted: 02 Sep 2018 01:02 PM PDT

Let me start by telling you that I've spent some time testing PVE weapon damage once before, more precisely after Warmind was released. After 2.0 came out, I decided to go back to the Leviathan entrance to do some more testing and compare old with new damage numbers. While I'm not fully done yet, I noticed something odd.

While almost every weapon got a small buff at least, Scout Rifles were the strange outliers. And not just ones with Explosive Rounds, since we know that this perk got nerfed. Pretty much every archetype dealt lower damage regardless of whether it was a Primary or Secondary Scout Rifle. I'm talking like up to 30% less in comparison with pre-2.0. I even have some numbers:

All weapons were tested at 380 (before and after 2.0) against the orange health Cabal at the very beginning on the Leviathan on normal difficulty:

Garden Progeny 1 • Warmind (body/head): 416 / 583 • Update 2.0 (body/head): 318 / 559

Nameless Midnight • Warmind: 177+283 / 391+283 • Update 2.0: 145+188 / 289+188

Niflheim Frost • Warmind: 354 / 495 • Update 2.0: 289 / 463

Tango-45 • Warmind: 318 / 445 • Update 2.0: 275 / 441

Conspirator • Warmind: 271 / 407 • Update 2.0: 235 / 412

Black Scorpion-4sr • Warmind: 215 / 323 • Update 2.0: 210 / 356

As you can see, the higher the impact, the higher the damage reduction they received. I know Bungo said that some weapons had their bodyshot damage lowered in return for a higher crit multiplier, which is true for every weapon I've tested so far, with the major exception of Scouts. I think there might've been something gone wrong, especially because most of their headshot values are even lower than pre-2.0.

I really hope this is unintentional and that it will be fixed soon. If it's not, well… I would not approve ". Scouts weren't insanely hot since now to begin with (except the ones w/ Explosive Rounds).

submitted by /u/some_random_aut
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Shoutout to Bungie Dev u/psarrett who has been answering and commenting on various Gambit posts today

Posted: 01 Sep 2018 10:49 PM PDT

If you don't know who this person is, their flair is "Senior Technical Designer (Gambit)" and all this evening I have seen nothing but this person answering and commenting in various Gambit post here. Seriously, job well done. I can't speak for the masses but I'm sure most would say they appreciate seeing you collect feedback!

submitted by /u/CynicismXII
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What if Crucible/Gambit bounties only kept their progress if you completed the match?

Posted: 02 Sep 2018 04:01 AM PDT

A lot of bounties just require you to do a task and that's it, but nobody likes a quitter, especially in Competitive or Gambit.

So why not make it so that you have to complete the match you're in to keep the progress you made on bounties that match?

It'd further the incentive to stay and discourage quitting more.

Example bounty:

"Defeat 20 guardians damaged by grenades. Bounty progress is saved on completion on a match."

Say you're at 8/10 on that bounty from the last match you played. Load into the next one and get another 5, but you're team is getting stomped so you quit. You don't keep those 5, but if you stay and complete the match instead, you get to keep the progress you made and your bounty gets updated to 13/20.

submitted by /u/ParrotSTD
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Can the pick-up of motes be increased?

Posted: 02 Sep 2018 11:33 AM PDT

Some enemies, specially orange bars, take a few seconds to drop their motes after being killed. When they do, the rate at which you can pick up motes is really slow. I find myself going back and forth on top a mote for a few seconds without it being picked up.

I feel like it should be an insta-pick-up as soon as the motes spawn. Can the pick-up speed be increased, Bungie?

submitted by /u/LidiKun
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If you can show motes above our heads, can you change exp level to power level in the wild?

Posted: 02 Sep 2018 12:04 PM PDT

Some of The Drifter's comments are pretty lore-heavy, as far as character dialogue goes.

Posted: 02 Sep 2018 05:06 AM PDT

I don't recall any moments to date in D1 or D2 that mentioned the Whirlwind, or how the Traveller used to be with the Eliksni. The Drifter has, among other things, mentioned this in a way that gives some context as to what it is.

He even compares the Whirlwind to the collapse in the same comment, if memory serves me right.

Certainly better than Xol mentioning The Deep by name and then hearing no info about it.

submitted by /u/ParrotSTD
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Nova Bomb shouldn't damage it's user

Posted: 02 Sep 2018 11:17 AM PDT

Nova Bomb is the only super in the game that can damage the user. The initial Nova Bomb blast hits the user for ~100hp if caught in the blast, and if it's cataclysm the seekers will also do about the same amount of damage which just makes it insulting. Additionally, seekers frequently detonate from the initial explosion or void explosions, so the user is at even more risk of dying to his own super.

Why is Nova Bomb the only super in the game that damages the user? Either remove or drastically reduce the amount of damage the super can do to the user.

Edit: To all of the reddit users saying, "hurr durr, don't hit urself": you don't say the same thing about hammers or any explosions from other supers, so why are you suggesting this shouldn't also get that treatment?

submitted by /u/jpugsly
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