Smite - Reinforcements on the way!

Reinforcements on the way!

Posted: 18 Aug 2018 03:33 PM PDT

My favorite author is Ao Kuang

Posted: 18 Aug 2018 03:56 PM PDT

5 REASONS WHY TO LIKE A-Z: Agni, Ah Muzen Cab, Ah Puch, Amaterasu, Anhur

Posted: 18 Aug 2018 07:23 PM PDT

Hey guys,

Because the moderator suggested me instead of posting 1 god a day which would be removed for spam, this time, I am going to post 5 gods in each post but will only once a week.

That way, I won't get my post removed for spamming.

I sincerely apologize if you think my quality of these posts have dropped, I might've needed a bit more time for this but I'll try to do my best. So, here goes!

Today we are going to go through 5 reasons why to like in the following order.

Agni, God of Fire

Ah Muzen Cab, God of Bees

Ah Puch, Horrific God of Decay

Amaterasu, The Shining Light

Anhur, Slayer of Enemies


5 Reasons Why to Like Agni

  1. This Dude got two heads!

No other freaking characters have two heads, except for Agni of course! Not only he has two heads, but the two heads both have polar opposite personalities. So basically means, that Agni has bipolar disorder! (Not to say it's bad, it's unique).

  1. One of the few Fire-based Characters.

I like fire-based characters in general, and Agni is no different. The only other Fire-based character I can think of is Sol and Pele (to some extent), but the thing is, Sol doesn't have the DoT on her abilities like Agni does, and Pele is more of a volcanic/lightning character. Agni gains DoT from his passive, his 1 in some way, and his 3. This makes him a more "realistic" fire character that can apply burn damage from his abilities. He can also conjure smoke too from his 1.

  1. He is fairly easy to play and hard to master.

There is a reason why he is suggested as a mage for many of the beginners. He isn't too hard to play, and even though Smite classifies him as Hard diff, that is a bit misleading. His abilities are all AOE skillshots, but they aren't hard to land. His 2 isn't too hard because as long as the enemy is in front of him, it would land and his 4 isn't that hard either despite its delay. His 3 also gives him some mobility for safety as well. The only things that you could see hard is setting up the stun, or landing his 4 but that is why he can be hard to master.

  1. Has a very spammable Ultimate.

My god, this is what many other gods don't have. Agni's Ult has up to 3 charges and each charge takes 18 seconds to get 1 charge. Not to mention CDR actually reduces the time to recharge one charge which is actually pretty good. The fact that you can use this ult multiple times in a fight can be really strong considering this ability is an AOE. Not to mention the damage numbers on this is pretty decent.

  1. Got one of the best skin designs.

Have you seen the Swagni skin? Not only he got swag (no pun intended), but the design is really good. His voicelines are absolutely fitting for the skin, and can be quite humorous. Let's face it, I know some of you out there who like Agni is because of this skin, I know some of you do!


5 Reasons Why to Like Ah Muzen Cab

  1. He's a freakin' Bee God.

Dude's the only bee god in this entire game. Only Ah Muzen Cab will be the bee god in Smite and there will certainly be no other god that is a bee. Heck, I don't think there even is a god related to insects besides Ah Muzen Cab. He is a unique, no doubt.

  1. Can spawn hives everywhere.

His hives are what defines this god. It has huge range, it can give movement speed and attack speed bonus to Cab when he's in it, which gives him an advantage for late game. Not to mention he can spawn 6 of these and they last forever until they get destroyed. Enemies that are in your Hive radius are also going to take some damage, and even though it tickles, it will add up.

  1. A powerful late game.

Would you like someone, that is pretty bad early game but then you want to become a freaking beeast late game (See what I just did there?). Then Ah Muzen Cab is the one for you. With huge AS and Movement Speed steroid from his hive, meaning he can shred anyone with autos, as well as huge damage from his ult late game, the bee god is a terror to deal with once you get your items.

  1. A high damage Ult that can refund CD.

Oh, his ult, where do I even begin…

Damage: 275/355/435/515/595 (+110% of your physical power)

Huge freakin' base damage and scaling on his ultimate as the game goes on, which can finish low health targets off so easily. Oh, and I forgot to mention he can pick up the stinger he threw at his enemy that was killed and refund 80% of its CD? Yeah, this ult is nice.

  1. Bee/Buzz Puns

I mean, if you play this god a lot, then you will most certainly be hearing a lot of his bee/buzz puns.

Upon Death: "I'll bee back..."

Taunts: "To bee or not to bee, you don't get a choice!"

Direct Taunts: "She wants the B!" (Aphrodite)

Direct Taunts: "You just got buzzed!" (Bacchus)

Jokes: "Buzzzinga!"

Jokes: "I'm a real buzzkill!"

These are the kind of quotes you will definitely hear at least once when playing Ah Muzen Cab, so be warned.


5 Reasons Why to Like Ah Puch

1. He is a Zombie Master ffs!

If you like villains and necromancy, and zombies and stuff. Well, you're in luck! Ah Puch is basically a Zombie master who can summon zombie minions that fights for him at will. He murks people with huge numbers of his minions and kill them. No other god manipulates the undead like Ah Puch does, which makes him a unique character.

  1. Not high Burst but has Dps late game.

With a lot of CDR later on, Ah Puch becomes this DPS mage monster that can constantly spam abilities and deal damage. All his abilities do damage, and it can also sustain him too with dead zombies lying around which you can consume. He's not about burst at all and its all about doing sustain damage against enemies. If you like that kind of mage then Ah Puch is a good one for that.

  1. Voicelines for this character fits him well.

Sometimes when it is about liking the character, it doesn't just have to do with the abilities or in-game but also part of it is the character's voiceline. IMO, Ah Puch has a pretty good voice acting and it fits his theme of being this evil zombie master a lot. By just his voice alone, I can easily tell he's some sort of villain.

  1. You like Emptying the Crypts (No Pun Intended)

His Ult makes you feel like you are sending a huge zombie apocalypse towards your enemies. I can't even describe just how unique and how good this ult feels. How you can potentially wipe enemies away with this ability makes it a nightmare especially later on.

  1. Has a few really good skins.

There are a few skins that Ah Puch has that are pretty good and unique. Galactic Invader, Nutcromancer, Shadow Spirit, and even Freaky Tiki are all good skin designs. I personally like his Galactic Invader and Nutcromancer as when you play with those skins, it doesn't even feel like Ah Puch at all, it feels like a completely different character.


5 Reasons Why to Like Amaterasu

1. She can be an Anime character.

Her lore fits an anime storyline very perfectly. She is a hero that fights against evil and suffered a major setback, which is when Susano jealousy led to him destroying her rice fields and scattering her sacred looms everywhere. She feels down, and suddenly, gained her people's support and now she shines bright again, waiting to fight against any evil once more. I would like to see an Anime movie just based off her as the protagonist.

  1. Every skin she has is good.

I pretty much like every skin on Amaterasu. I don't know about you but not many gods in SMITE where all the skins they have is good. It doesn't even matter, it could be the lower cost skins like Cerulean Sky, or skins like Ordo Solarus, Foxy, Sun Kissed, Marvelous Maid, you name it! It could just be my opinion but that is what I think.

  1. You like to expose people's weakness

Your passive is what exposes people (literally). For those who don't know what her passive can do, she can basically auto-attack an enemy god three times, and they will take 10% more damage from all sources. What's even better is that it gives an aura to that target you hit 3 times on, so enemies near the weakened target will also get weakened too! That is a passive I like to see!

  1. Sword User = Badass

I pretty much consider any sword user a badass, and Ama is no different. I admire any sword characters from anything, whether it's anime, movies, or video games. I bet you can't even name one sword user character that isn't badass, because there are none. Kirito, Mugen, Ichigo, Dante, Guts. All those characters I've mentioned are all badass characters. If you like sword users, and you want a female hero, then Ama is the one for you!

  1. Girl Got dat CC.

A warrior that has 2 CC abilities? A dash that can silence enemies and an Ult that can both slow and stun? Yes please! I mostly see warriors with zero or one CC but ma girl has 2???? Yes! Yes!


5 Reasons Why to Like Anhur

1. He's a Lion Man

Who tf else is a Lion man in SMITE? No one. Besides Bastet, he is the only half-cat character. Do I even need to explain more? Like many other characters in SMITE, he is quite a unique type of god in terms of appearance.

  1. He's a badass (and good) in lore

For those again, who haven't read the lore. He is the son of Ra, and Bastet's brother. He and Bastet defeated a powerful serpent and Anhur later became the god of war after the victory, which is why he is named the Slayer of Enemies. He also has a heart of good will also. When another feline goddess named Menhet somehow ran away, he vowed to Ra he would bring her back. But instead, Anhur fell in love with her and ended up marrying her instead, which Ra was ok with. He is also the leader of basically every war march. So he not only is a badass, but a great hero as well.

  1. He Requires a Good Skillcap

Landing those spears can be tricky, especially landing his 2 and 4 against juking opponents. He is fun in terms of the skill-cap, getting good pillars off, landing spears and autos consistently in a fight is very much satisfying when playing the lion god and if you can't land those spears and die in combat, then you will feel pissed and want to do better. Anhur is very much rewarding when you are skilled with him.

  1. Terrain Summoner

Anhur can summon a pillar out of the ground, a terrain obstacle that he can summon out. A Pillar that not only can cockblock enemies, but it can also slow them as well. This is useful not only for defensive purposes but for offensive purposes as well. The slow will allow you to chase and finish your opponent off with a combo. This is something that only a very few amount of characters in the game have.

  1. He has a strong Early Game

Anhur has a pretty good early game that not many other hunters have. Although he isn't the best hunter to play, he still can do well early game in certain matchups. If you like that type of character than Anhur is a pretty good choice. Also, I've mentioned above that he is rewarding the more skill and experience you have on him as well.


Thanks to all who have read this, stay tuned for next week!

submitted by /u/Jiri897
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Susano Skin Concept ~ Casual Clothes

Posted: 18 Aug 2018 04:32 AM PDT

I think I qualify for most anticlimatic pentakill

Posted: 18 Aug 2018 11:33 AM PDT

Decided to see how high the Phoenix Damage could go

Posted: 18 Aug 2018 12:05 PM PDT

Another one from the wife. She calls it "Fallout Fatale"

Posted: 18 Aug 2018 06:04 AM PDT

Seeing the community's feedback, here's my second take on the Hera's dress.

Posted: 18 Aug 2018 02:01 PM PDT

Please don't buff Pele

Posted: 18 Aug 2018 07:24 PM PDT

Hear me out. I know yallz probably think, omg, she needs a buff, shes so bad. well you would be wrong. She is just a different feel and all you need to do is get used to her playstyle and there is no way that she needs the buff. Idk, I'm rank 5 with her atm and really dont think she needs it at all, in fact, she probably needs damage reduction to her Pyroclast cause of how much it does.

submitted by /u/Wally41195
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When Hera dies she gotta fall down like a life alert grandma and poly morph into a peacock and fly away like this.

Posted: 18 Aug 2018 03:02 PM PDT

So I got to play against Freya since the rework

Posted: 18 Aug 2018 03:00 PM PDT

Lol don't make my mistake. Always ban her. Always!

submitted by /u/Jay-Sweets
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I create a SMITE God Skins Overview website that lists all skins for all gods (1057) - search/filterable - what do you think? (maybe marking skins as have/want and listing skins by theme soon?)

Posted: 18 Aug 2018 08:45 AM PDT

Chibi Susano next?

Posted: 18 Aug 2018 09:38 PM PDT

Pressing O/B on Console Will Cancel Queue

Posted: 18 Aug 2018 05:21 PM PDT

Hey, so as of right now, if you press circle when your queue pops, it will just cancel your queue immediately. This is incredibly frustrating and just poor design in my opinion, as sometimes queue time is spent either looking through new skins, at your profile, etc. So whenever you press your "back button" to leave let's say your profile and the queue happens to pop at that time you will insta-cancel queue and be forced to wait another 12 minutes. It's just pointless to me because if you actually REALLY want to leave a queue, you can A. just not accept or B. navigate over and press decline. I'm making this post for me and about 20 of my friends I've heard complain about this very function and well, Hi-Rez, that means it's time for it to go. Thank you.

submitted by /u/geoprizmboy
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For those of ya'll who like the Soul Eater anime,,

Posted: 18 Aug 2018 02:55 PM PDT

Artists Hear Me Roar

Posted: 18 Aug 2018 06:55 AM PDT

To everyone that post art concepts/designs of gods whether they get picked up or not I really do appreciate the time you take in doing them. They are fantastic to look at on reddit. Always gives me a good break from seeing all the toxic crap trolls post on here. So please keep taking the time to do these things. I do believe the community as a whole enjoys them.

Have a good Saturday everyone.

submitted by /u/TrashTalkingPanda
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As requested, Erlang Ben skin concept!

Posted: 18 Aug 2018 01:16 PM PDT

No Norse gods in 2+ years

Posted: 18 Aug 2018 01:34 AM PDT

Is there a reason we've gotten gods from every pantheon including five new pantheons since the last Norse God (fafnir) from June 2016 till now August 2018?

submitted by /u/balthazor3498
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Chandra and Surya, Lords of the Sun and Moon (Duo) [God concept+insight]

Posted: 18 Aug 2018 03:23 PM PDT

Who are they?

Chandra is the Hindu moon god, and Surya is the sun. Chandra is described as a young and beautiful man, who had been cursed due to his many sins he committed. Surya is described equally as fair as Chandra, and is also known as the God of Light and Wisdom.

My Vision

They do not have much of a relationship personally, but are responsible for the changing day and night cycle, which is why I chose to do a duo god concept with indirect synergy between the two. They are two separate gods that can be played individually, however when played together whether the same team or not, they have interesting synergy and can have more possibilities throughout the gameplay.

Unique gameplay mechanics are:

  • Can be played as a duo which unlocks new possibilities
  • A day and night cycle mechanic
  • Synergy between the Gods whether same team or enemy team
  • New forms of CC
  • Vertical movement

Chandra, Lord of the Moon

Class: Assassin

Passive: Moonlight: When Chandra is out of combat he is enlightened with moonlight, giving him additional movement speed until he enters combat.

Ability 1: Crescent blades: Chandra throws three crescent blades one after the other, each doing increased damage if the previous ones hit an enemy god. If all three blades were hit on the same god, they will take additional damage over time and be blinded by moonlight for 0.5 seconds, and activate his passive for 3 seconds.

Ability 2: Crater: Chandra stamps on the ground underneath him, creating a crater that stuns enemies in a small circle around him, dealing damage.

Ability 3: Lunar dash: Chandra dashes forward in a direction of choosing. Dashing against a wall, however, will cause him to vertically jump up, hovering for a bit, and may dash again for a duration.

Ultimate: Lord of the Moon: Chandra summons the night sky, and brings the moon above him. Its gravity is so strong that enemies within range get pulled up and will float for the duration. Enemies take damage when they fall as the duration ends, and will also take an initial hit of damage.

Surya, Lord of the Sun

Class: Mage

Passive: Sunlight: When Surya takes 25% or more of his health as damage, rays of sunlight heal him for 10% of the damage received. This passive will share the same cooldown as his ultimate.

Ability 1: Light wand: Surya sends forth a line of solar energy that deals damage and slows enemy movement. If this ability successfully hits an enemy god, a bonus ray of sunlight will strike the enemy god. The bonus beam will stun if the enemy god is below 50% hp.

Ability 2: Solar radiation: Surya emits a cone of radiation in front of him, which will deal tick damage. If the enemy is affected by any form of hard cc within the cone they will take bonus damage.

Ability 3: Heavenly walk: Surya levitates in the air and can walk above the ground for 3 seconds, gaining movement speed. Here he is immune to damage, can go over walls but is silenced and disarmed. This ability has a percentage mana cost instead of fixed number, and costs 5% of remaining mana.

Ultimate: Lord of the Sun: Surya summons a blazing sky, and with it the sun. Enemies underneath take tick damage, and recasting this ability allows Surya to shoot 3 AOE blasts of solar energy, each dealing damage and increasing in size if they successfully hit an enemy god.

Bonus mechanics if played together

Joint passive: The cycle of day and night

If Surya and Chandra are on the same team, they create a day and night cycle for the entire team. Both gods will have a passive UI that shows the sun and moon turning, and the sky will be darker at night (can be similar to the global emotes we have just a simpler dark one). This effect is only visible to team mates to avoid confusion with having two duos on separate teams.

Each day and night lasts 3 minutes. When it is day, Surya becomes empowered, causing his ultimate to deal bonus tick damage and have an increased duration. When it is night, Chandra becomes empowered, causing his ultimate to cause the float effect for longer, increasing the duration.

Joint ultimate: Ultimate eclipse

If Surya and Chandra use their ultimates within each others durations and areas, the sun and moon will form an eclipse. Underneath this area, enemies will have their attack speed and damage reduced, and will take bonus forms of damage every time they use an ability.

Chandra and Surya will have have increased penetration and the eclipse will grant them HP5 and MP5 if they remain in the area.

If this joint ultimate is used, their ultimate cooldowns will be longer than the base cooldown when used separately.

Bonus mechanics when played against each other

Bonus passive: Day versus night

If Chandra kills an enemy Surya, his ultimate cooldown will be reduced, and vice versa with Surya. Killing an opposite enemy also speeds up the day/night cycle respective to your side.

Another concept:

I couldn't be asked the type out the notes but also wanted self promotion so read that please thanks :)

Feed back appreciated.

submitted by /u/allsmighty
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Ah Muzen Cab Shell Spikes Execution?

Posted: 18 Aug 2018 11:46 AM PDT

Hula Dancer Pele Skin Idea - obvious go to for a skin could be tier 2 or tier 3!

Posted: 18 Aug 2018 04:41 PM PDT

Kit concept for a true "pet class" god/goddess

Posted: 18 Aug 2018 05:18 PM PDT

So I had an interesting idea for a god concept that is inspired by Hera/Argus.

Smite has a few gods/goddesses that use AI somewhere in there kit (Skadi, Nu Wa, now Hera), and while you could consider these "pet class" type gods, I had an idea for a kit that would play almost exclusively off of your "pet".

The god/goddess will be unnamed for now (Don't really know there's anyone you could tie the kit to and be lore-accurate to be honest, but this is about the idea more than anything)

Class: Mage

Passive: Lose the ability to do traditional basic attacks. Gain control of a spirit. This spirit follows your ground target location, has no health (cannot be killed, unless you are killed), and has no collision detection (enemy and allied gods can move through the spirit). Using your basic attack commands the spirit to attack, causing AoE damage in a small radius around it. Does full basic attack damage to gods, 50% to minions.

  1. Line projectile. Does 60/110/160/210/260 (60%) Damage. Applies a debuff to enemies hit for 6 seconds. Enemies with the debuff take an additional 10/15/20/25/30% magical scaling damage from your spirits attacks. 14 second CD.

  2. Area of Effect. Your spirit comes to life, smashing the ground, dealing 50/105/160/215/270 (70%) damage and stunning targets for 1/1.1/1.2/1.3/1.4 seconds in a small radius. For 5 seconds after casting this ability your spirit gains collision detection. (this allows you to make pretty high-skill plays with a ranged body-block). 18 second CD

  3. Line projectile, followed by ground target. Command your spirit to defend you, causing it rush to your side, then do an attack on ground target location. Effect is different depending on whether your spirit has come to life or not.

If your spirit hasnt come to life: Your spirit rushes to your side, hitting enemy gods between you and your spirit. When your spirit returns to you, you receive bonus movement speed: 10/15/20/25/30% +10% per god hit for 4 seconds (This effect does no damage). Immediately after reaching you, your spirit teleports to your ground target location and attacks, damaging enemies in a small radius. 70/110/150/190/230 damage.

If your spirit has come to life: Your spirit rushes to your side. Hitting enemy gods between you and your spirit causes them to be knocked aside (this does no damage) . Immediately after reaching you, your spirit uses its momentum to leap at your ground target location, dealing damage + bonus damage based on the distance between you and your spirit when casting. Damage 70/110/150/190/230 damage + up to 50% bonus damage.

The reasoning for this ability having 2 attacks in one is mostly because of the way the passive works. The spirit follows your ground target, so if you're to cast an ability that causes your spirit to rush towards you, it sort of breaks the passive after the spirit reaches you (I guess it could then walk back to your target location but I feel like that would be rather clunky). The 2nd part of the ability would be delayed enough for you to change your ground target location before it activates.

Now for the ultimate, Im not to sure. I was thinking something like a mind control/transformation on the spirit. Where your character will disappear and you gain control of your spirit, getting all new abilities (Similar to how Raijin's Taiko Drums works). I just havent thought enough about what those abilities might be.

Hope ya guys like it, let me know what you think.

submitted by /u/Jride626
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Why is my favorite subreddit turning into a place just to whine and complain

Posted: 18 Aug 2018 02:27 PM PDT

I remember when there was constant memes, clips from streamers, and engaging questions. However it just feels like this place has turned into another place to just whine about how a game that you choose to play isn't up to whatever impossibly high standards you have for it. I miss the old r/Smite

Edit: I'm da bessssssss

Edit 2: Nerf Mcree Pls

submitted by /u/OrangeMooseCaboose
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A What-If post.

Posted: 18 Aug 2018 09:52 AM PDT

I've always wanted to make such a post, and i just remembered to actually post it.

How does it work?

  • Try to think of a What-If idea about anything in SMITE. A god release, an ability, ult, item, mechanic etc..

I'll start first!

What-if: Baron ult actually put you inside the coffin, hear me out.

No ult dmg, but you still get the tick dmg, however, when you're inside the coffin, Baron can to move you freely for either 2 seconds, or a specific distance! I think that would be so cool, and probably balanced as well because the dmg on the ult is madness.

What's your idea?

submitted by /u/XerXesKay
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