Pokémon GO - Trainers! Are you ready for Moltres Day? For three hours on September 8, Moltres will be available for Raid Battles—and if you’re lucky, you might even encounter a Shiny Moltres! ��

Trainers! Are you ready for Moltres Day? For three hours on September 8, Moltres will be available for Raid Battles—and if you’re lucky, you might even encounter a Shiny Moltres! ��

Posted: 29 Aug 2018 01:11 PM PDT

(Suggestion) Microphone Jigglypuff

Posted: 29 Aug 2018 08:46 AM PDT

I mean, do I need to say more? I'd absolutely love to be able to catch a jigglypuff holding a microphone. What do you guys think?

EDIT: Since it's come up quite a bit in the comments, yes it is /technically/ a marker, but in S4 E42 Ash finds it on the ground after team rocket throws it away and refers to it as a microphone. So, it could be both :)

submitted by /u/rs_xmas
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The craziest thing happened to me today in Pokémon go!

Posted: 29 Aug 2018 04:55 PM PDT

So every day that I don't play Pokémon go for hours, I go outside just to spin a pokestop catch a Pokémon and complete a mission for the streaks and the stamp, today was one of these days.

So I was playing outside at the park near my house, it was 11 pm (I always do it at the end of the day). I caught a Pokémon, spun a pokestop and completed a mission, and then I decided to stay a little bit more to see if there's anything good to catch, I didn't find anything good so I sat on a bench and caught some Pokémon that spawned there as I saw a guy coming towards me with his hand in his pocket, I was so stressed and thought he's going to attack me but I played it cool and tried not to make eye contact, he past by but was still looking at me while keep walking, then I slowly started to walk away to the other direction than he was, trying to play it cool, I was also afraid to run so he won't start chasing me, then I turned my head and saw that he changed his direction, and that he's walking towards me again, I was so scared and I made some shortcuts through the park trying to lose him and get back home, then after some time I saw that I lost him I left the park and was close to my house.

I opened Pokémon go while still checking around me to see if he's there, and as soon as I opened the game a Charizard spawned!! I was shocked! I forgot about everything that happened to me before with that man. the wild charizard had ??? CP so I knew it's going to be high, I took some AR shots and some screenshots and after giving me a hard time I finally caught it, I was so happy! It's also my first charizard and my first starter at its final evolution. Then I looked at how much CP it has and saw that it has 2018 CP, probably means nothing to you but for me it's the same number as the year I caught it so it's like a souvenir to me, something special. I felt so good after this! Then i got home and saw that a 7K egg is hatching I thought about how funny it'd be if It'll hatch a Vulpix because I hatched over 30 alolan eggs trying to get one, and it hatched a Vulpix! At this moment I didn't know what's going on I felt like the luckiest man on earth!! From the scary situation that happened to me before to getting a charizard and an alolan Vulpix in a row?! That's the craziest thing that ever happened to me in Pokémon go and the best luckiest day for me playing the game!!

So I just wanted to share it with you all, I'm sorry for any grammar mistakes English is my second language, and thank you for taking the time reading this! (:


submitted by /u/baryaakov555
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[screenshot] Stay Still! Their vision is based on movement

Posted: 29 Aug 2018 12:54 AM PDT

Stay Still! Their vision is based on movement

Alternatively, entering a bad neighborhood...

submitted by /u/Imperator_Helvetica
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Why is it that Ingress has items that highlight a "pokestop" to let other players know to come there, but we still cannot broadcast a raid?

Posted: 29 Aug 2018 02:22 AM PDT

We all know the base coding for Pokemon Go is ripped directly from Ingress, and players can buy beacons to let people know you are there. Why does this not translate right over?

submitted by /u/Majik518
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Golden Luck!

Posted: 29 Aug 2018 07:12 AM PDT

I finally met an online friend of fine for almost a decade and look at what he gave me!


submitted by /u/thedoctorjever
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[Photo] Poliwag now Shakes its Booty at You

Posted: 29 Aug 2018 11:04 AM PDT


Poliwag has a new animation where it will jump, turn around and then proceed to shake its rear end at you.

submitted by /u/FearMeIAmLag1
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Today was a good day.

Posted: 29 Aug 2018 07:07 AM PDT

For a lowly level 23 player that just recently started again after 2016, today was a really good day!

Completed my first raid, also my first research tasks reward so have a Raikou now.

Also caught my first Nosepass, Aerodactyl, Swablu, Mareep, Roselia and Carvanha.

Finally found Rhyhorn after a long long time and got enough candy to evolve my 830 CP Geodude all the way to a Golem.

Also got the Ditto for the Mew task and enough candy to also evolve my Doduo and Whismur.

Also hit Good friend status with a couple people.

So much XP and pokedex progress today!!

submitted by /u/AweMax
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[Photo] celebi at the rock of gibraltar

Posted: 29 Aug 2018 12:03 PM PDT

Just caught celebi so thought I would take a quick AR photo

Ended up being a 1304 with max HP so it's a 87-91 which I am happy with (much better than mew) so now powered up almost all the way


submitted by /u/JULTAR
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There are 3 certainties in life....

Posted: 29 Aug 2018 07:08 PM PDT

Death, Taxes and a Blissey being in a gym.

Oh, and that gym being Mystic haha.

(Pretty much adding this last part to make up the 100 characters)

submitted by /u/Gamerflair4
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Yup, Johto event is over... back to old Rattata event

Posted: 29 Aug 2018 12:17 AM PDT


Yesterday, shortly after the Johto event passed, I was curious if I would encounter something better then before the event. After all, people have made enough complaints about the poor spawns and the Johto event filed some missing spots.

The best pokemon I've found in my 10km walk were 2 Psyduck and 1 Ponyta. Other then that, nothing worth mentioning (I think even the Psyducks and the Ponyta aren't worth mentioning, but I got excited after seeing 100's Rattata, Whismur and Sentrets)

I think their the variety of possible spawns should become much better. Rattata, Pidgey, Whismur... should be very common, but in a city with 100's stops and over Gyms ever 100m I would expect to find something better then I do now.

Why don't they release shiny versions of those common pokémon? It's not like they ever going to have a Pidgey CD

submitted by /u/Sovorack
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Months have passed but I want my pixel pokémons again

Posted: 29 Aug 2018 08:24 AM PDT

The pokemon go's april fools day was fantastic. I really liked the old icons, the only problem was that they didn't change for shiny pokémon and the special ones, like hat pikachu. They should still have them so why don't make some icons for the skiny and the pikachu and then let us choose in the option wich one we want to use?

submitted by /u/Teo_Loves_Noob_Champ
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Pokémon trainers coming to PAX West

Posted: 29 Aug 2018 04:51 PM PDT

Just a heads up. You will get a chance to get unown P A X during this weekend. Maybe more but have only seen these three. They are everywhere around downtown Seattle.

submitted by /u/Whoami_77
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[Suggestion] Even more extra stuff: PvP and PvGym Leader Concept Art

Posted: 29 Aug 2018 09:43 AM PDT

It has been a while but here's another Thursday with even more extra stuff

With PvP coming end this year I figured I should share this:

PvP concept art

that I've had lying around.

Some of you might recognize it from our post from April Fool's Day but now it comes with its own tutorial (yay for reading!).


As always this concept is just that: a concept. Feel free to suggest changes, critize it or offer tweaks to the numbers.


The idea is simple: just like in Pokken (Pokémon version of fighter game Tekken), trainers have a 1v1 duel where each fighter is backed by 2 support pokémon.

This would:

  • Make for a more interesting meta (with more meta-relevant pokémon in it).
  • Give us 4 battle moves to chose from (without encroaching on main game territory)
  • Open up the game for strategies as trainers test out different teams


Why only 1 active battling Pokémon on each side?

Because smartphone games need to be quick (see ). Ain't nobody got time for 20 minutes of battling.

You want longer battles? DefeatChallenge your rival friend several times in a row.


About these NPC battles

In the last panel we see a gym defended by water pokémon. This would attract swimmers (when total CP is low) or the relevant gym leader (when CP is high). If no theme can be discerned, youngsters and similar trainers will show up.

These trainers will always battle with 3 of the pokémon present at that time.

They appear in any gym that isn't neutral, sports a raid egg or hosts a raid.

Figure they can make for good 1v1 practise battles and give communities a nice challenge, no? What with aiming to work together to draw the attention of a certain NPC.

And obviously for solo and rural players, these NPCs could be research rewards (probably special research for the gym leaders though, thinking something like "evolve a geodude", "use 3 rock moves super effectivel" and "power up a rock type 5 times" for a chance at a battle with Brock)

Heck, you could even tie breeding into this (if defeated the NPC has a chance of providing you with an egg bred from any two pokémon present in the gym at that time). Low chance with weak NPCs, high chance of egg drop with the strongest NPCs.



Previously on "More extra stuff":

  • Storylines: battle Team Rocket, free Mewtwo, protect the Legendary Birds, face off against Brock, Misty & the other Kanto leaders and Elites
  • New items: modules, incenses, berries, gems and something to influence the tier of raids
  • New features: pokemon abilities, mini-games, advanced sorting options, a powerful tracker, berry trees and bag compartments
  • and generaly more extra stuff
submitted by /u/liehon
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My son insists on bringing his pokeball walk-e talk-e's whenever we play "in case we get lost"

Posted: 29 Aug 2018 12:51 AM PDT

When Gen IV Releases, Gen I regionals should be abolished.

Posted: 29 Aug 2018 09:34 AM PDT

When Gen IV releases, there will undoubtedly be new regionals. These are going to be added to the 15 regionals there already are. Adding more would just be overkill imo, especially because most regions already have a regional. Since Gen 3 added 9 new regionals, (11 if you include plusle and minun who were originally regional), it's fair to assume Gen 4 will follow the trend of having a few regionals tied to regions, then some that are split into hemispheres. This can very well push the amount of regionals to over 20, which is very uncool in my opinion. There is an easy solution, however.

Pokemon Let's Go Pikachu + Eevee are releasing in November. It has a feature to link to Pokemon Go to send all your Gen I Pokemon from Go into the switch game. Now unless you've traveled to every region, (which I would think at least Game freak + The Pokemon Company wouldn't expect their entire fanbase to be able to do), you won't be able to complete the Pokemon Go Park feature in Let's Go. I don't believe Game Freak would want a feature in their games where it becomes close to impossible for their playerbase to complete the game.

There's an easy solution to both of these issues, though. If they dissolve the region locks on Tauros, Mr. Mime, Farfetch'd, and Kangaskahn, then that would solve both issues. If their regional status were abolished, then it would reduce the scarily growing number of regionals, while also allowing people to complete Pokemon Go Park on Lets Go Eevee and Pikachu.

I think this is a good idea, and the only real argument against it is "But they need to keep the rarity", which I couldn't disagree with more. Keeping the overwhelming majority of people from completing their Gen I dexes just so the minute few who have can keep it rare is simply not an okay thing to do, especially considering that there are two, soon to be three, other dexes to complete.

Let me know how you guys feel about this in the comments, and have a blessed day.

submitted by /u/PugPool47
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[Idea] Help Flags for Raids

Posted: 29 Aug 2018 12:36 PM PDT

I'm a fairly casual gamer (PoGo is life!) with my fiance and we do alright for ourselves and like to have fun and meet new people.

HOWEVER, there is often a raid we cannot duo and we live in a decently populated area (we do lots of travel around a particular sunshiney state to bigger cities). Yet, we seem to never run into other gamers when these legendary or even tier 3/4 raids pop up. I'm outgoing and don't mind going up to people with phones out asking if they play, but some areas...let's just say its not the safest method.

So, we end up restricted to our car or hanging out near the raid to see if anyone comes by, usually to no avail, and sweating in the hot, hot sun. I know about raid groups/discord/blah blah but all of that has either been dead in my area or doesn't jive with our work/life schedules.

I think there should be an option to post a flag, or some kind of indicator, basically alerting other players nearby to say "Hey! I need help to take this guy down come help and make a new friend (>.)>!" I am aware that once you click on the raid you can see if anyone is in the lobby...after they used a raid pass to get in and then the lobby counter starts ticking down. Now, I'm not gonna waste a raid pass and sit around for someone to come by and see only 2 people sitting here waiting in the lobby.

I feel it would be more efficient to see a number of people over the raid gym to show that someone(s) is/are interested in doing that raid but can't do it alone or need at least a few more people for a legendary raid or what have you. I think it would be a great way to attract more people (looking at you shy-guys/gals) to come by and assist with the raid. We don't have a million gyms popping off raids all day long near us so we have to travel and it is strange to see so many gyms lit up but literally no one is playing, as it seems.

What do you all think and have any of you experienced similar situations or find a need for some kind of indicator?

inb4haters: Please do not tell me to go find a raid group in my area, I have exhausted these avenues and honestly, those hardcore players are just annoying. I grew up with pokemon, I do it for the nostalgia and escape the reality of adult life, although I do open the app every day to hit my streaks, send gifts, and hunt those elusive 'mons. I live for community day because there are so many people out and I get to really cash in on my time.

Also, sorry if this isn't an original idea I usually lurk this subreddit but don't dive deep every day.

Thanks! /rant

submitted by /u/h4xw3ll
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Two Numels I found this morning...Catdog or Requiem for a Dream?

Posted: 29 Aug 2018 06:53 AM PDT


During my morning run, I ran across two Numels. I wasn't sure if they were from Catdog or Requiem for a Dream...

submitted by /u/Acoldguy
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Shiny hunting.

Posted: 29 Aug 2018 05:46 PM PDT

I've been playing since the game was published and I've only every seen 1 shiny while there are people with hundreds. So my question is, what is a shiny's likelihood and how can I improve my odds?

submitted by /u/loner1014
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Salamence and Tyranitar are lost and cant find their way home :(

Posted: 29 Aug 2018 09:48 PM PDT

I'm honestly super upset about a bug I encountered for the first time today. I was checking my defenders when I noticed that while my Salamence and Tyranitar had been knocked off of their gyms, they had not come back to me yet. Now they are stuck in a state of limbo where I can't use them at all, or even view their information. It's made even worse by the fact that both of the Pokemon that I can't use anymore are really strong and the Tyranitar is shiny of course. Guess I should just stick to putting garbage Pokemon on gyms from now on. If anyone has had this happen to them, or knows a way to fix it, I would really appreciate it. I also have a video of the glitch in action on my account.

Video: https://imgur.com/a/lfcbri1

submitted by /u/OverreactivePi
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Type of Pokemon vs moveset

Posted: 29 Aug 2018 09:41 PM PDT

So we all know Pokemon have at least one weakness, Fire/Water, etc.

But what if your good IV Water type Pokemon doesn't even have a Water- type move in their set? Is that Pokemon still effective against Fire-Types? If I have an Electric-Type Pokemon with a Water skill, will that skill be effective enough against the opponent?

My logic says yes, but what does Pokemon logic say?

Also asking this for labeling accuracy.

submitted by /u/MaraBaelish
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[Discussion] Unown spawning in Seattle ahead of PAX West

Posted: 29 Aug 2018 01:27 PM PDT

I have seen screenshots of x unowns spawning in downtown Seattle and reports of p's and a's also. PAX West starts on Friday and runs through Monday so looks like people attending will be able to catch unowns.

submitted by /u/Kigurumix
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I know it's probably just RNG but is anyone else having trouble getting eggs?

Posted: 29 Aug 2018 05:27 PM PDT

I have just 1 egg left after hatching the other 8 at the same time. I've visited 4 different stops about 24 times since then and haven't got a single egg. I have everything from the Alolan eggs so I don't want to open any gifts until I've got an inventory full of regular eggs again.

submitted by /u/Superbeastreality
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