Learn Dota 2 - TIL if one of your allies farms one neutral camp stacked by you, the gold you'll get procs Greevil's Greed

TIL if one of your allies farms one neutral camp stacked by you, the gold you'll get procs Greevil's Greed

Posted: 18 Aug 2018 02:06 PM PDT

It is not a documented buff, but it might come in handy if your team somehow gets enough space to farm all the map .

More commonly, however, it means that you can get help from your allies to farm a pretty big neutral/ancient stack camp and not get too worried if one of your allies score a last hit

submitted by /u/igits
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Why is Tiny such a poor pub hero right now, but is so incredibly strong for TI?

Posted: 18 Aug 2018 05:36 PM PDT

1-2k scrub seeking help for mid game (?)

Posted: 18 Aug 2018 04:43 PM PDT

Hi guys, I'm putting my head down and hopefully I'll be a better player after this post. I usually don't play solo ranked but today I tried a few. I do not usually play AM/BS, but I did now for cavern. Dota is my first MOBA, have like 400hrs in. I seem to get the CS down, but seem to just fuck around in mid game - as in I don't know what to do other than farm between camps and occasionally team up for fights. Idk if I could do more in these matches or if my team just lost. What can I do better?

BS: https://www.opendota.com/matches/4066958487

AM: https://www.opendota.com/matches/4066920214

Worse AM match: https://www.opendota.com/matches/4066885285

Also: if my itemization is fucked up, it's cause I dont know what to buy other than whats in the guides.

submitted by /u/persistings
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How do the pros make Pugna look so good?

Posted: 18 Aug 2018 05:31 PM PDT

Yes, "good positioning," but if someone could explain it with a little more detail than that, it would be nice.

Basically every time there is a Pugna in one of my crappy games (which is not often), at best they have no impact on the game and at worst they feed. The couple times I've ever played him as a result of randoms or Single Draft, it's been the same.

The fundamental thing I can't understand is that he's a squishy spellcaster, but it seems like his spells require you to be too close, and even after getting an Aether Lens, it's still not great. And that while you can push and damage towers pretty well with your Q, you're extremely vulnerable while doing so.

I guess I just don't know what the hero is supposed to be doing in most situations other than standing in the back of fights.

To clarify, I am not really interested in learning the hero myself, just knowing how and why the pros are using him so well. And how they can do some of the things they do that look SO dangerous without being punished. I expect to see plenty more of it in the TI8 main event, so it'd be nice to know what I'm watching!

submitted by /u/l33t_p3n1s
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Why is disruptor not a meta support or often picked support right now?

Posted: 18 Aug 2018 06:54 AM PDT

Edit: Thank you all for your responses. Posting below a quick summary of what I learnt:

The meta (2-1-2) favours lanes that can trade hits and needs supports that disable/harass/sustain to enable that sort of a lane.

Disruptor is not great at this, especially at early levels - thunderstikes low-ish harass damage,and nerfed CD.

Also this meta doesn't favour catch supports, but more disable/harass/sustain supports and there are other supports that do this a lot better.

Disruptor favours a minimum of a 3 man gank at most times of the game to pose any kill threat, and with a 2-1-2 meta - this playstyle is pretty impossible to achieve; Especially when the laning phase is so vital to this meta and the trend is that you have aggro lanes with as much kill threat as possible with the heroes already in a lane.

Also I'm guessing the early BKBs that everyone is getting makes Disruptor almost completely useless.

PS: pardon the formatting - am on mobile.

submitted by /u/Likeabhas
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Why is Refresher Orb Magnus, prioritized more than Tank type Magnus (2k MMR range)

Posted: 18 Aug 2018 06:07 PM PDT

I've been playing Magnus for a month now, and the majority of my games have been won by the tank type Magnus. Is it because there's a surge of high damage heroes like, Sniper, Zeus, Invoker, and etc. that lack health?? The build of my Magnus is Arcane>Baldemail>Dagger>Vanguard> Spirit Vessel> BKB. Then if I have extra gold I'll upgrade to Crimson Guard, and buy Tarrasque. It's just weird for me, to have to farm 5100 gold, that can be used for Dagger, Blademail and Boots. IMO, maybe because by the time you get the refresher the games already snow balling in one direction, either your team is losing or you guys are winning.

submitted by /u/Pregnant_Elderly_Kid
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Help noob with micro

Posted: 18 Aug 2018 05:57 PM PDT

I use 1,2 and 3 hotkeys mainly. 1 for hero, 2 for all other units and 3 for all controlled units. Sometimes however with someone like lycan I decide to send one wolf to check rosh, I know I can do control group for it but when I try to move my other units it moves that wolf too. Any solutions? The only one I can think of is just click wherever the majority of my units are and click drag them every time if I want one unit to stay somewhere else.

submitted by /u/Dovah2121
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What happened in these brood games?

Posted: 18 Aug 2018 04:28 PM PDT

These 2 recent brood (mid) games I played, I had an excellent early game, getting Diffusal at 10 minutes in, killing the enemy mid a couple of times, taking the mid towers and then farming in the enemy jungle while I was about level 15 at 15 minutes in. Then after that, idk what happened but I really struggled in the mid game, I started dying a fair bit, and although I felt like I had farmed all game, I apparently had barely any farm in the mid game. In the first game, I was scared to push and be aggressive as there was an axe on the other team that had already killed me. Any advice as to why this happened?

TLDR: really good early game, then started playing worse at mid game.

Brood game 1: https://www.dotabuff.com/matches/4065989837

Game 2: https://www.dotabuff.com/matches/4066102984

submitted by /u/Th3M1lkM4n
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Will Valve release new heroes for Dota 2?

Posted: 18 Aug 2018 02:26 PM PDT

I know that Pangolier and Dark Willow were introduced recently. I was wondering if there would be plans to introduce some more new heroes.

submitted by /u/rohits134
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How do you win games when introducing friends to the game/friends that are MUCH below your skill-level?

Posted: 18 Aug 2018 12:49 AM PDT


So I've been playing a lot of unranked games with my friends on a new account and at this point, I'd estimate these games to take place at around the 3000 MMR level. When I was playing regularly, my solo MMR was at 5k (before the new ranking system).

I consistently have a positive attitude and try to dictate how to proceed in the game as best I can. I do extremely well in these games, usually playing mid/carry and winning my lane. However, a big issue comes up in the form of the mid/late game.

My friends are very, very much below the level of 3000 MMR. Their KDA's are often 1/10+/x. I find it incredibly hard to focus on helping my friends and also playing the game to the best of my ability. It is often in these games that wards are never purchased, so I sometimes purchase them if necessary (a lot of the time).

There are a few common scenarios in these matches but what usually occurs is that I play mid and crush the other laner simply because of the skill difference. Sometimes I face a smurf and the outcome is more even. If all goes well, I start taking control of the map. If my friends are holding up then these games usually end up being won.

But an equally common scenario is that my friends suffer heavily in their lane. I thought that playing carry/support would help negate this issue by winning the lanes with my friends, but playing support leads me to the realization that their mechanics/decision-making are far below the level we're are at and my friends playing carry/mid end up being outcarried by the other team.

I guess a mantra for this would be "There's only so much you can do." A very common joke/complaint is that "You're 5k you should be able to carry these games easily" but given the fact that the advantage I curate is fed away so easily by them, I'm not so sure about what to do.

I've thought about this a lot. I remember a thread on /r/dota2 about a hypothetical where it'd be RTZ + 4 1000MMR players vs a team of 3000 MMRs. But my situation is taken to such an extreme that I'm a little uncertain even Arteezy/Miracle/insertproplayer here would be able to consistently carry my stack (they probably would but me doubting this should illustrate how difficult this is for me personally).

When playing solo I feel a lot more comfortable knowing that I have competent teammates. But playing party makes me extremely frustrated because these games generally proceed with me stomping the early game but losing as my friends feed, AFK, don't use items, use the wrong items, use the wrong spells, don't use spells.

If anyone else has been in this situation I'd love to hear how you manage to pull off victories in situations like these.

My dotabuffs below if you want to verify that this happens: https://www.dotabuff.com/players/381458924


tl;dr: friends are very not good at the game. I am decent (~5000MMR) at the game. I play with them. I do well, they do very not well. I lose despite all my efforts. Wondering if there's a realistic way to win these games beyond playing god-like.

submitted by /u/Epichorsey1337
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How to deal with enemy offlaners pulling your creep waves?

Posted: 18 Aug 2018 01:48 PM PDT

I'm referring to this match (I'm 2385 mmr): https://www.dotabuff.com/matches/4066779886

I lost this lane horribly as phantom lancer. We were up an offlane ogre magi and earthshaker, and the ogre magi was constantly aggroing our creep waves and dragging them back between their t1 and t2. My support witch doctor was often unable to do anything to stop him, and I couldn't do anything without losing a lot of last hits and damaging my tower.

Now, I discussed the match with my brother, who was a high mmr player in Heroes of Newerth who said that he used to counter this by dragging the enemy creep wave into his hard camp to reset the equilibrium and get the extra gold/xp from the camp. Does this work in Dota?

Thanks for all the help.

p.s I also messed by going diffusal before hood. I should have done this, it would have kept the shaker from styling on me earlier on.

submitted by /u/Quafleonrs
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How to counter heros that are a counter for you such as being a zeus vs anti mage

Posted: 18 Aug 2018 07:37 AM PDT

How to play Meepo vs TA matchup?

Posted: 18 Aug 2018 05:56 AM PDT

TA seems to be a really bad matchup for Meepo. Psiblades harass shreds Meepo because he has low HP and refractions make it almost impossible to harass her without taking a bad trade. Once she reaches 6 you can't show mid lane anymore because of the damage from the traps combined with refractions. I was watching Abed's Meepo against TA and he was struggling against her too. What are you supposed to do in this matchup?

submitted by /u/wertyarty
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I'm trying to get into Dazzle and Sven. What are some good advice/guidelines to keep in mind when learning these?

Posted: 18 Aug 2018 12:26 PM PDT

I've seen people say that a good way to learn the fundamentals of dota is to learn a few heroes and only play those heroes so that you can focus on the bigger picture.

I've decided on these 2 because:

Sven is my most played hero (at 20 games) and is pretty straight-forward.

Dazzle also seems pretty simple and laned pretty well in the few games I've played with him. Making your team super tanky and bursting down a surrounded enemy with shadow wave is pretty fun.

Any advice on how to play these heroes as the game progresses? or how to build/skill these heroes? Are there any other heroes you recommend I learn to learn the basics?

submitted by /u/Unit1238640
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Clinkz Build

Posted: 18 Aug 2018 08:20 AM PDT

I've been seeing clinkz in ti8 and I wanna learn how to use him but i'm kinda getting a hard time because there build path is just so wide and can't follow because I don't know when to pick that certain item. Example is on Liquid vs EG. Miracle built diffusal but i really don't know why. Can somebody give me tips on what to build on clinkz depending on the situation? Like when to get hex,diffu, orchid,deso, etc? Thank you in advance!

submitted by /u/Ruffage_
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Am I really this bad?

Posted: 18 Aug 2018 08:18 AM PDT

I've been overwhelmed with poor quality games recently. In the last few months I dropped over 1k MMR and am now sub 1k. I pretty much exclusively pick via Dotapicker, but often end up with really poor team picks and synergy. I play all positions and tend to fill in where is needed. My GPM and XPM show positive trends but I constantly have shit games.. I regularly get teamed up with new players and unsure what to focus on. Until about a week ago Dotabuff showed my recent game score as an F. How have I played so many games, but somehow at my lowest MMR and Dotabuff assessment? How do I seem to get worse with time?

I am hoping someone qualified can offer some constructive input.


submitted by /u/OrdinaryProcess
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Feel Like My MMR Has Been Stagnant Though I Still Think I'm Improving

Posted: 18 Aug 2018 11:36 AM PDT

I typically only play party queue and my MMR is currently around 1.7k. Lately, I have felt that my mechanical skill has improved and my understanding of most concepts are relatively solid but I still seem to float around this MMR. I know that I must be missing something which I assume may be the way I'm reading plays or when I'm taking fights/rotating. If anyone would be willing to review a couple of my demos from my recent games I would much appreciate it. Would also like to preface that while I do try spamming heroes I tend to still jump around with my other comfort picks, recently I've been spamming Morph though reviewing any demos would be much appreciated, Thanks!

Dotabuff: https://www.dotabuff.com/players/119420973

submitted by /u/_paradis
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morphling guide?

Posted: 18 Aug 2018 04:35 AM PDT

trying to main him as hes a pretty cool water man. is there any guide or pro i should follow?

submitted by /u/the_miasmeth
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how do you jump early as monkey king? or how do you stop jumping?

Posted: 18 Aug 2018 06:33 AM PDT

I love playing Monkey King but feel very inefficient with him

Posted: 18 Aug 2018 12:46 AM PDT

  1. What are some "must have" items for him?

  2. What exactly should I be doing early, mid and late game?

  3. What talents should I choose

  4. When do I use his ult? I feel like I always use it too early or too late. Also, do I follow up with a stun?

Any other tips you believe a beginner MK should know are welcome. I really want to get better at playing him.

submitted by /u/ApeGoesBananas
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1,3k mmr Transitioning from support to core

Posted: 18 Aug 2018 01:42 AM PDT

Hi everyone,

I am a player that usually play pos 3 to 5 and though i enjoy some games i make, some other teams suck overall.

I just got guardian 4 (1,3k mmr).

I gave it a long thought and i decided to get up the mmr and go for more core roles, especially safelane hard carry. Eventually i want to be able to chose whever i play core or support since i still feel confortable in supporting, but in higher mmr

My concerns now before jumping into core roles are the followings:

-I don't really trust most other people in my mmr for supporting. I saw some good supports but usually, i just trust myself to do it the right way, which means it may be difficult to farm in the dark without wards. Should i play with friends (ones that i met ingame however) and tell them to support? Or can i solo queue carry anyway?

-I am also less experienced in farming and need practice to know exactly when to hit and when to run. I know for sure it is the key element in order to not feed and still go in the front of the battle. If i can practice in ranked and avoid normal (= terrible) unranked games, that would be great. But should I?

I started core roles with sven and razor but it was a long time ago. Now i want to go for antimage, wk, spectre, drow. I had decent core games with drow and venomancer. (Not pa because meh in this meta), Ursa is good as i saw it. Is Juggernaut good in this meta? I didnt see him often.

But by the way, what lvl/item do you recommend for 1st roshan with ursa?

Here is my dotabuff: https://www.dotabuff.com/players/134733698

Thank you for your time reading this and answering. I am new on Reddit, so if there is something i should do in a way, tell me!

submitted by /u/Pace974
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Is there any way to bind move command to right click?

Posted: 17 Aug 2018 09:46 PM PDT

Am looking for a way to use purely A click for everything. Use right click just for moving or chasing.

submitted by /u/SACHD
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