Learn Dota 2 - I absolutely crush my lane opponent with Enchantress, so why can't I ever win with her?

I absolutely crush my lane opponent with Enchantress, so why can't I ever win with her?

Posted: 31 Jul 2018 07:16 PM PDT

I've been playing offlane enchantress a ton recently, but I've been having 0 success actually winning with her. Over the last 10 games with enchantress, I've won 4, even though in all 10 I killed their safelane carry so much they abandoned the lane.

In some cases the answer is obvious: magic burst damage. Storm spirit, tinker, invoker, she's pretty much helpless vs them without bkb, and I feel like she's a "doom" type hero where she has so many stat problems that you need tons of items where other heros only need one or two. So even if you have bkb, good luck actually chasing down the enemy for a kill, especially natural linken's carriers like Storm.

I typically go phase boots --> dragon lance, then scepter if I'm doing really good, bkb if not. I've also tried orchid, scythe, linken's sphere. Each of them fixes one problem, but leaves her lacking in another.

I know she's strong in the pro scene right now, but maybe not so much in pubs?

submitted by /u/SuperObviousShill
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Why doesn't MK build Maelstrom and Basher??

Posted: 31 Jul 2018 03:09 PM PDT

Both of these synergize with his ult. pretty well, and, with shadow blade, you can eventually transition into Silver Edge, Mojlliner, and Abyssal Blade. I don't ever see these built on him (and it doesn't look like it's recommended based on any of the guides).

I am thinking, after early items:

  • Phase boots
  • Echo Sabre
  • Shadow Blade
  • Maelstrom
  • Basher
submitted by /u/AmagicalFishy
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SGLeroy's Regular AMA, NA immortal pos 3 player, ask me any questions on how to improve your mmr and I will give you answers.

Posted: 31 Jul 2018 08:41 AM PDT

Hi, im a NA pub star and im trying to promote myself as a coach, my AMA's so far have went really well and I got some great feedback so I thought I should do a regular AMA on r/learndota2 trying to continue to help you guys while also putting myself out there.

If you want to know my current mmr or hero experience check my dotabuff here: https://www.dotabuff.com/players/44544729, keep in mind that my dotabuff wont show competitive games/scrims on it, but as an example ive played like 500 dark seer games off my profile but it only shows my pub experience.

My specialty is position 3 but I have a large amount of knowledge in all areas of dota, I've participated in many tier 2 events and leagues, including FPL pro circuit and JDL.

If you want me to join you in-game to analyze your gameplay and give you personal coaching lessons, the best way to contact me privately is through Discord/Steam, there I can give you the details of my coaching structure, im currently charging 15$ a hour.

Discord: SGLeroy#6314 https://steamcommunity.com/id/SGLeroy/

submitted by /u/SGLeroy
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Tips for armlet toggling

Posted: 31 Jul 2018 08:40 PM PDT

Anyone got some not so obvious or lesser known tips for armlet toggling they would care to share?

submitted by /u/Pyrodrake5
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Qustions about ranked

Posted: 31 Jul 2018 04:43 PM PDT

Hello everyone.

I have recently unlocked Ranked mode and I'm hesitant to play. I have 2 questions regarding it.

1) what is the quality of the matches considering you have a normal behavior score?

2) is it true that if you calculate in the sub 1k or sub 2k brackets you will have a very hard time coming out of them even if you become good?

Regarding the 2nd question. What mean considering I calculates below 1k and after practicing a lot I became a lot lot better than before, will I still struggle to get out of there?

Do you think I should start ranked or not?

submitted by /u/IWatchAnime2Much
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How do you play as SF vs Bloodseeker mid?

Posted: 31 Jul 2018 04:36 PM PDT


Just played this game as SF, was mid against Bloodseeker. I couldn't last hit at all to get souls because of his superior damage, so I just tried to harrass him but he kept healing. I was 1 raze away from killing him on multiple occasions, but just before the raze hit him he healed by killing a creep and survived. After level 6 he just kept killing me with help from his Ursa, I asked for help but I didn't get any (my teammates were too busy wishing anal cancer to each other) so I decided to just keep pushing the wave and farming the jungle. Even then I got caught while I was trying to double raze the creepwave under my own tower. Honestly the game after the laning stage was pretty shitty so I don't think we could've won that, just looking for help with the laning stage.

submitted by /u/MrZipZap
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How do I play pos 5 Phoenix?

Posted: 31 Jul 2018 08:09 PM PDT

Hi, I'm an Archon V who mains hard support. My most played heroes at the moment are Shadow Shaman, Jakiro, and Bane.

I haven't played Phoenix before in any matches and I want to ask from you guys the things that I should know before playing a ranked match with Phoenix as a position 5.

Here are some of my questions: 1. How viable pos 5 Phoenix in this meta? 2. What early game items should I build? 3. Skill build? 4. Positioning during teamfight 5. What heroes is Phoenix great against? 6. What heroes is Phoenix has a difficulty laning against? 7. What heroes is Phoenix has a great synergy in lane with?

Any help from you is greatly appreciated!

submitted by /u/rcsale
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Why you NEED a gameplan

Posted: 31 Jul 2018 01:31 AM PDT

Before we start, lemme explain what a gameplan is-

Well, its in the name, its a plan on how do you expect to play the ENTIRE match, not just first wave, not just first 5 minutes - nonono - a real gameplan is from when the heroes spawn to when the ancient falls.

So, now the question becomes - why do i need a gameplan?

Why can't i just play dota?

The answer is very simple - your emotions control you. A gameplan does the opposite, a gameplan is a set of ideas that you'll stick to regardless of what your emotions tell you to. A gameplan in its core needs to control your emotions.

So lets say im playing a hero and my gameplan is like '' ill get my shaodow blade ill start ganking/splitpushing''

While that is an oversimpification of a full gameplan (cus you know, that's like 1 sentence and a full match is 30-60 mintues long).

Here's where our emotions trick us - they make us do stuff that is illogical

Most people i've asked

did you think you can win that fight?

they say ''no''

So, why did you join it?

''because i felt like i had to"

See, most people know that they can't farm a bad area, push against some heroes, gank some heroes, defend a tower - but the lack of a gameplan to form their gameplay upon allows their emotions to take over them.

So, how does a gameplan help?

Well, simple - if my gameplan says '' i need to finish my shadow blade so i can gank/splitpush'' then the only thing i am doing right now IS FINISHING MY DAMN SHADOW BLADE.

To make a gameplan its actually quite simple, don't invent the wheel - just copy the schematics

AKA, just find someone in the leaderboards who plays your hero and copy what he does.

Your job isn't to have the best gameplan, your job is to be best at your gameplan -

Meaning over time you will be becoming the BEST at your gameplan just by purely sticking to it.

So if you make a bad play, your question shouldn't be '' is this the right play'' no, it should be '' am i following my gameplan correctly''

submitted by /u/circis1
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I feel like I don't have enough impact as Shadow Fiend in the mid-game.

Posted: 31 Jul 2018 02:04 PM PDT

https://www.dotabuff.com/matches/4035339904 this is the game, definitely a firm win but I feel like I didn't do as much as I should have in the mid-game. Despite me feeling very weak in that stage, the enemy couldn't pressure me because the rest of my team was doing well, so I just farmed up and once I got Manta + Daedalus I could two shot everyone except Pudge, but by that time my team had already won the game.

submitted by /u/MrZipZap
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I've been playing since beta, I have 2.1k matches and I'm still 900 mmr. I'm tired of smashing my head against a brick wall.

Posted: 31 Jul 2018 03:17 AM PDT

I'm not really sure what I'm doing wrong. I've read every guide on here about getting out of the trench. I focus hard on my games. But nothing works. I just feel like I'm playing a different game than everyone else.

Here are my last 3 matches (that I lost):




My dotabuff: https://www.dotabuff.com/players/37927337

Any help would be extremely appreciated. I feel like I've wasted 5 years on this game getting nowhere.

submitted by /u/clone162
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How to play Zeus position 4?

Posted: 31 Jul 2018 12:47 PM PDT

I've been hearing about Zeus 4 being something that's becoming more popular (typically if sky is banned) what's the build for this zeus and how is he played differently from when you play him as position 2 mid?

submitted by /u/Mozzzi3
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Can anyone analyze the replay of this SF game I just played?

Posted: 31 Jul 2018 12:39 PM PDT


Felt like I lost the lane because I missed a lot of razes (doesn't usually happen) and had to play safer because they kept ganking me 3v1.

Later I felt like I couldn't do anything in fights even with bkb and the enemy kept killing me like a ranged creep because I felt like I couldn't do anything against their 5 ranged strat, and I was also underfarmed.

submitted by /u/MrZipZap
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What are you supposed to do as Windranger, when you end up fighting trilane that just dives you under your own tower solo?

Posted: 31 Jul 2018 08:24 AM PDT

I had a game of Windranger vs Ogre, Pa and CM. I've had a roaming mirana, a mid invoker and a clinkz/lion top.

In this patch, you can't just sit back and leech XP like you used to, due to how powerful denying is. Getting close to the creeps though causes you to be slowed to a halt even at level 1 (stifling/nova/ogre's bat thingy + OoV), and die.

So I tried to duck in, steal a last hit, duck out. It worked well-ish, but I spent way too much gold ferrying in regen.

Then they gained a few levels.

I was hiding under my tower, well behind it in fact. CM/Ogre/Pa just dove me and killed me. I couldn't even escape due to root/stun/slow.

Nobody TP'd.

Mirana tried to help me, but she was underleveled and just got dived as well.

I tried to farm our jungle, I got ganked by skywrath and killed.

I couldn't even think of farming their jungle, due to getting intercepted on the way.

Is there any way I could have done anything in this match up?

submitted by /u/Hoihe
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How do you play enchantress mid-late game?

Posted: 31 Jul 2018 11:43 AM PDT

In solo queue I play strictly offlane these days, and have been trying to expand my hero pool a bit. Enchant is very good against certain drafts and when I do pick her, I end up winning the lane hard. (As your'e supposed to I guess) My problem is no matter how hard I win the lane and destroy the enemy carry's farm, our team falls off mid to late game. I'm not sure if I got unlucky the last few games, or if I'm doing something wrong? I usually end up with a good amount of damage and I feel I bully the enemy carry well enough. So I guess I'm just wondering how do you play her after the laning phase properly? I've been attempting to continue to push towers and abuse my early game advantage but then we just lose team fights during sieges and it snowballs into a loss from there.

Dotabuff with my last 3 enchant games (all losses lol) https://www.dotabuff.com/players/19384549

submitted by /u/PointB1ank
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Custom Games for training New Players?

Posted: 31 Jul 2018 05:15 AM PDT

I'm looking for custom games that will help my friend who just started DotA get better. Other than the tutorial are there any other good ones you'd recommend?

submitted by /u/Phritz777
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Re-calibrating new account - Hero Spam Ideas (Support)

Posted: 31 Jul 2018 11:37 AM PDT


I'm recalibrating a new support-only account, was wanting to see what sort of supports you guys would spam. I was thinking I'd pick 3-4 supports and play only them during the normals and then pick the top performer for the calibration games. Below are the 4 I think would be good for winning/fun. Let me know what you guys would pick.

My 4 Ideas:

- CM

- Pudge

- Dazzle
- Phoenix

(I know I'll probably get the same MMR I have now, 2.7k, but i want to access my support skill only.)


submitted by /u/FeelsBadManx
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Why are kills worth nothing now days?

Posted: 31 Jul 2018 10:28 AM PDT

ive been noticing it in my games, a guy who is on a large kill streak only giving 400 gold? killing off-laners giving only 200 gold?

what changed? did they change the calculation or what?

submitted by /u/Same_Lame_Name
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Lets talk about pudge

Posted: 31 Jul 2018 06:37 AM PDT

So since the nerf what is the skill build people are going for.

Do you skip early flesh h now, guessing you do do you still max rot, or do you put some points in in, if yes how much.

Tell me so I don't have to think.


submitted by /u/killercock24
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[Need advice] I have been spamming few heroes, watched replays, read guides; still stuck at around 50% winrate.[3.4k mmr; Legend 2]

Posted: 31 Jul 2018 09:07 AM PDT


I have been reading and watching a lots of guides and have narrowed my hero pool severely.

However my winrate is still 50%.

Would anyone be able to tell me what I am doing wrong or what I should be doing to improve.

my dotabuff-https://www.dotabuff.com/players/383251451

Thank you

submitted by /u/ironaldhino1
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How to DK?

Posted: 30 Jul 2018 11:44 PM PDT

I haven't exactly been a mid player at any point, having ~200 games between Tinker, Storm, SF, QoP, Invoker and Puck with sub-40% winrates on all of those heroes. I recently came back to Dota in the hopes of trying something new and, for no particular reason, want to try out DK.

With that out of the way, I just wanted to know a few things about the hero that I'm not quite sure about myself -

1) As a DK, am I supposed to win the lane in any way, other than pressuring the tower? A hero like, say, Storm isn't particularly good at pushing towers or threatening kills (pre-6) so the best thing would be at least draw even in lane and then go back to farming your core items before truly coming online, whereas something like an SF/TA would focus on lane dominance an out-cs'ing/outfarming the other mid. So are there any matchups at all that DK can dominate (being a melee hero with no mobility), or trying to hit lv6 and taking the enemy mid T1 is supposed to be my first priority in most of the lanes?

2) Can a DK really pull off a hard-carry build compared to other farm-oriented greedy carry-ish mids like Invoker, SF and TA? From what I see on his Dotabuff page (and what I know from past experience) a well-farmed DK with lv3 Dragon Form can be quite formidable in the late game, but is worth sacrificing early game potential? Would I ever want to go a greedier item build like Treads>Midas/MoM>Maelstrom>whatever, or always stick to something traditional like Armlet/Drums>Blink/Shadow blade?

Any other tips for this hero are also welcome :)

submitted by /u/EL3kTr1C
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tips for a 4,4k scrub

Posted: 31 Jul 2018 07:46 AM PDT

I was pretty scared to share my dotabuff but w/e. I feel like I need some beating at me so I can step up my game https://www.dotabuff.com/players/55084065

Some Info about me, I play since the good old wc3 days. I did pretty good in dota 2 too. But I made a break for more than 2 years (2016-2017) and just started playing again 1 or 2 months ago. I feel pretty much lost because I can't keep up with the other mid players in my bracket and before the break I did well mid. Back in the 1 1 3 days. So my question is, do I have to get a new mindset/gameplan? (I know my mechanics are still rusty) Or am I just trash and should quit :-)

thanks for help and sorry for bad englando

submitted by /u/Knippser
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Improving MMR as a support who just started playing DOTA 2

Posted: 30 Jul 2018 09:41 PM PDT

So the title almost says it all. I used to play dota l and stopped because i was trying to get a degree. But ive got my degree and recently i've found some free time and installed Dota 2 . I watched a lot of replays of proffesional players , played 100 unranked games , and did my calibration 10 games which ranked me at 1.1k mmr and as a crusaderI.

The problem that I'm having is that i enjoy playing support or at least heros that are involved in fights from the begining. I tried playing carries but i don't really enjoy jungling/farming for 30 minutes before doing anything. And also in my bracket there is a tendency between players to not pick supports which results in 5vs5 core heros which is honestly a shit show.

But what I'm struggling with recently is that in a lot of games that i play well , my team carry ruines the game by doing some dumb shit which has resulted in me staying in pretty much the same mmr as i was two weeks ago.

Like for example I've been playing some Lion recently and in one game our PA goes for Skadi as his core item and throws the game!! Or in another game Im playing really good and have 11 kills and have blink+aghanims at 30 minutes but our Anti-mage is all in on damage items without having bkb or linkens and even though i tell him to buy some protection he dosn't listen which again costs us the game.

So is there really any way for a support to gain mmr specially in these low bracket that I'm in?

submitted by /u/PayHalfhand
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Any High level Dotes willing to teach a good player to be Divine?

Posted: 30 Jul 2018 11:33 PM PDT

As title states. I am pretty good, But not good enough to carry my entire team to victory. I need to learn how to be efficient and just OP as heck. :)

This is a real request, I have a discord and a mic.

submitted by /u/RAIDONKU
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