Posted: 29 Aug 2018 05:08 PM PDT

Sitting on about 20 Vault Crates waiting for more items to be added

Posted: 29 Aug 2018 08:22 AM PDT

Concerning the kick system

Posted: 29 Aug 2018 10:04 PM PDT

I had some issues with some guy who seems to be a chinese player trying to kick me off the game calling me a
"FUCKING KORAN" or "LITTLE SHIT KOREN" which I am rather surprised to hear as I am not of muslim confession, nor am I korean. It's not too unusual to have a lot of racial tension and assumption like this in asian servers, but one thing that annoyed me was the constant kick ping-pong going on between trying to get me kicked, and some other player trying to get HIM kicked for spamming the kick feature, which the chinese guy assumed was me spamming it back despite my best attempts to explain to him in pin yin that its not the case.

The conflict ended when my game crashed with bugsplat the moment the kick vote screen appeared for the N'th time. I do hope Tripwire could adress the voting abuse which is extremely tedious to deal with. Either make the votekick non-repeatable after some 2 or 3 unsuccessful attempt to get a specific person kicked for the whole game, or make the pause between each kicks much longer. Every time I'd open the trader or perk screen I would just get spammed with VOTEKICK THIS PERSON??? pop-up.

submitted by /u/AngronTheAngry
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KF2 RPG mode

Posted: 30 Aug 2018 02:50 AM PDT

Hey guys,

I used to play KF1 RPG a lot. Been playing some Endless KF2 recently and wondered if there was a KF2 RPG server in the European region. Or maybe even if there was mod files for it so I could install it on a personal server.

submitted by /u/Sovietpi
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[Issue] The Husk Cannon is Broken(literally)

Posted: 29 Aug 2018 02:03 PM PDT

My life with stalkers and the snap glitch

Posted: 30 Aug 2018 07:25 AM PDT

Dank mems about zeds.

Posted: 29 Aug 2018 11:32 AM PDT

Favorite Track in KF 1 or 2?

Posted: 29 Aug 2018 11:06 PM PDT

Mine is Prey For The Wicked and Bled Dry.

submitted by /u/KarateCaveman2
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Anyone else get messages after playing as medic?

Posted: 29 Aug 2018 10:20 PM PDT

This is the only perk that guarantees me to get thank you messages lol

It's hard finding good medics I know I just dont like playing it now that I'm 25. You would think Suicidal players would know what they're doing =/

submitted by /u/DifficultFruit7381
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Request for Better Controller Aiming

Posted: 29 Aug 2018 02:40 PM PDT

Hello everybody. I've made a few posts of this this past year, but nothing has made it in the game yet. This post will be a copy of one of my previous ones. Killing Floor 2 is still receiving updates, so hopefully these changes will make it into one of them, ideally squeezed in this upcoming Fall/Halloween update.

A video showing these issues here:

Text version:

Square Deadzones

Killing Floor uses a square deadzone



Note: the plot were tested with a Titan One device, which has a 0-100 resolution, so these might be off by 1-2%. There also might be an acceleration jump mirrored in the vertical, but I couldn't test it properly with diagonal movement.

Those images show the issues. Square deadzones require more diagonal movement to beak out of the deadzone which isn't intuitive at all. Even more importantly however, square deadzones restrict diagonal movement in a cross the size of the deadzone, and for one at 20% this is a ton. This means in the blue regions only cardinal movements are possible, so all that stick movement is wasted on only 4 directions.

Ideally this would be changed to a circle which shouldn't have either of those issues.

Deadzone Size

Killing Floor 2's deadzone is 20%, which is normal in games, but certainly large. A slider to control the size is requested, ideally from 0% to 20%. Lower deadzones make aiming feel dramatically more responsive and make making precise adjustments much easier.

Acceleration Jump

At about 97% with turn rate noticeably increases. While I understand this is to help turn faster while keeping the general sensitivity lower, this can be awkward to deal with. It creates a separation between the normal acceleration curve and makes predicting larger flick movements more difficult, especially since the jump only occurs on more horizontal angles.

A slider to control the intensity of this jump/multiplier is requested, ideally with a range that allows us to disable it, up through and even maybe further than the current value.

Square vs. Circle Deadzone Graph

I've made a graph to show how a deadzone slider would change based on the deadzone type

Smaller deadzones would heavily mitigate the issues with a square deadzone, but a circular deadzone carries none of the issues at any deadzone size.

Additionally, as mentioned in the video and shown in the dotgrah, the acceleration jump is something of a rounded square, which that interactive graph also indicates. This is a good thing, and shows the acceleration itself is done well. It's just the deadzone that is changing the shape, and the switch to a circular deadzone would see the acceleration jump(if enabled with an added slider) follow a circular path.


Requested Items

  • Change square deadzone to circular one

  • Add a deadzone slider, Suggested Range[ 0% to 20% ]

  • Add an acceleration slider, Suggested Range[ 1x(to disable) to current multiplier ]

With these changes controller aiming should be dramatically smoother than it currently is.

Thanks for reading.

submitted by /u/EternalDahaka
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How would you guys feel about a crossover with insurgency sandstorm.

Posted: 29 Aug 2018 02:15 PM PDT

It's a really good hardcore shooter coming out soon that interestingly enough has a few distint similarities with both their game and the dev studios.

Both games feature heavily on mercenary combat, In KF2 you play as Horzine mercs, in Insurgency sandstorm you play as mercanarys fighting in the middle east.

The dev teams are also similar to size and output.

The main thing though is both games have a character that is pretty well the star attraction of their games.

Killing floor has Mr.Foster

And insurgency has Mikee

For those who don't know Mikee is the name of the guy who did the security voices for insurgency, the reason he's loved so much in the community is because the lines are really good.

And Insurgency Sandstorm is going to have character customization as well, It will even let you pick your voices.

So here's my proposition for a crossover, Insurgency sandstorm gets Mr. Fosters voice as an option for their characters.

Meanwhile Killing floor 2 gets Mikee as a character in killing floor 2, Mikee doesn't have a dedicated player model so any american character model from Insurgency sandstorm will do.

submitted by /u/corporalgrif
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Some simple improvements

Posted: 29 Aug 2018 10:33 AM PDT

For example Synchronize Music and commands output for everyone on server.

Sometimes Characters same something funny, but your team hear different words

And synchronized music will allow me sing "Am Death" with my friends

submitted by /u/andrBlack_
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Hell on earth

Posted: 29 Aug 2018 11:59 AM PDT

Is their a easy way to beat this mode besides using the berserker?

submitted by /u/Thekingofhatejb
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Downloading package failed opening file error

Posted: 29 Aug 2018 02:49 PM PDT

I can't play any custom maps now because of this, Is there any way to fix this?

submitted by /u/corporalgrif
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game stuck downloading at 100 percent

Posted: 29 Aug 2018 02:00 PM PDT

first I was having problems launching it, decided to reinstall it and now this. any ideas?

I fixed it. Game is a lot of fun.

submitted by /u/lucifertheecat
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Killing floor 2 not launching

Posted: 29 Aug 2018 09:46 AM PDT

I get an error that says: "engine not found" any ideas how to fix?

submitted by /u/lucifertheecat
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Endless without mutators?

Posted: 29 Aug 2018 09:24 AM PDT

Is there a way to disable this idiotic mutators in endless mode?
Especially that ZED Booble or whatever the fuck it's name. What the f* is that the ZEDs needs more headshot that body shot by default? This goes STRAIGHT against the nature of Killing Floor. Also it wouldn't cause much of a problem, if wouldn't be enabled in nearly EVERY FUCKING THIRD ROUND, or in worse case, continously getting picked in multiple rounds straight. There are so fucking many mutators, but NO.... In 80% of the cases, the game has to pick the retardest in the collection.

If you wanted to ask: Yes... It is a rage post.

submitted by /u/rabirx
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