Heroes of the Storm - Wednesday HGC Discussion - August 29

Wednesday HGC Discussion - August 29

Posted: 29 Aug 2018 09:00 AM PDT




Pos. EU - NA - KR - CN -
1. Team Dignitas 8-0 HeroesHearth 8-1 Gen.G 7-1 BTG 4-0-0
2. Team Liquid 7-1 Tempo Storm 7-1 Tempest 7-2 SPT 3-2-0
3. Method 6-2 Team Freedom 6-2 Ballistix 6-2 RPG 2-1-2
4. Leftovers 5-4 Team Octalysis 4-4 Miracle 5-3 TheOne.SGTY 1-3-0
5. Fnatic 4-5 Endemic 3-5 Team BlossoM 5-4 CE 1-3-1
6. Granit Gaming 3-6 Simplicity 3-6 Supernova 2-7 A-Team 1-2-2
7. Monkey Menagerie 1-8 LFM Esports 2-7 Feliz 1-7 KT 0-1-3
8. Zealots 0-8 No Tomorrow 1-8 GLuck 1-8 TeamNut 0-0-4


  • KR: GLuck 0 - 3 Supernova
  • KR: Gen.G 3 - 0 Tempest
  • EU: Fnatic 3 - 0 Roll20 esports
  • EU: Granit Gaming 3 - 0 Monkey Menagerie
  • NA: HeroesHearth Esports 3 - 0 Endemic
  • NA: LFM Esports 1 - 3 Simplicity


  • KR: Feliz 0 - 3 Miracle
  • KR: Team BlossoM 0 - 3 Ballistix
  • EU: Leftovers 2 - 3 Method
  • EU: Team Dignitas 3 - 1 Fnatic
  • NA: No Tomorrow 1 - 3 Team Octalysis
  • NA: Tempo Storm 3 - 2 HeroesHearth Esports


  • KR: GLuck 0 - 3 Team BlossoM
  • KR: Tempest 3 - 0 Supernova
  • EU: Team Liquid 3 - 0 Granit Gaming
  • EU: Monkey Menagerie 1 - 3 Leftovers
  • NA: Team Freedom 3 - 2 LFM Esports
  • NA: Simplicity 3 - 1 No Tomorrow


  • Monday: TeamNut 0 - 2 TheOne.SGTY | KT 1 - 1 CE | RPG 0 - 2 BTG | SPT 1 - 1 A-Team | RPG 2 - 0 TeamNut | KT 0 - 2 A-Team
  • Tuesday: BTG 2 - 0 CE | TheOne.SGTY 1 - 1 SPT | CE 2 - 0 TeamNut | SPT 2 - 0 KT | TheOne.SGTY 1 - 1 RPG | BTG 2 - 0 A-Team
  • Wednesday: TeamNut 0 - 2 SPT | A-Team 0 - 2 RPG | TheOne.SGTY 1 - 1 CE | BTG 2 - 0 KT | RPG 0 - 2 SPT | CE 1 - 1 A-Team



  • KR: Team BlossoM - Miracle
  • KR: Ballistix - Feliz
  • EU: Roll20 esports - Team Liquid
  • EU: Team Dignitas - Granit Gaming
  • NA: Team Freedom - Tempo Storm
  • NA: Simplicity - Team Octalysis


  • KR: Supernova - Gen.G
  • KR: Tempest - GLuck
  • EU: Monkey Menagerie - Method
  • EU: Leftovers - Fnatic
  • NA: Endemic - Team Freedom
  • NA: Tempo Storm - LFM Esports


  • KR: Gen.G - Feliz
  • KR: Miracle - Ballistix
  • EU: Team Liquid - Team Dignitas
  • EU: Method - Roll20 esports
  • NA: No Tomorrow - HeroesHearth Esports
  • NA: Team Octalysis - Endemic


  • Monday: BTG - TheOne.SGTY | TeamNut - KT | SPT - BTG | TheOne.SGTY - KT | TeamNut - A-Team | CE - RPG
  • Tuesday: TheOne.SGTY - A-Team | RPG - KT | BTG - TeamNut | SPT - CE | TeamNut - TheOne.SGTY | KT - CE
  • Wednesday: RPG - BTG | SPT - A-Team | RPG - TeamNut | KT - A-Team | BTG - CE | TheOne.SGTY - SPT

HGC Open Division


Pos. EU - NA -
1. ePunks 810 Scythe Esports 780
2. Skogsapor 420 FreeBirds 585
3. Holy Bananas 385 Reborne 330
4. EPG Frozen 260 Necrodancers 320
5. Tranquility 255 Divination 230
6. SFD-Gaming 225 Psistorm Gaming 200
7. IQ129 210 TLR 190
8. Team Go 180 Firm Handshake 185

Europe - Cup 7

  • Semifinal: ePunks 2 - 0 M6E
  • Semifinal: EPG Frozen 2 - 0 Memeldors Meme Machines
  • 3rd place match: M6E 2 - 0 Memeldors Meme Machines
  • Final: ePunks 2 - 0 EPG Frozen

North America - Cup 7

  • Semifinal: Scythe Esports 2 - 0 Necrodancers
  • Semifinal: FreeBirds 0 - 2 Psistorm Gaming
  • 3rd place match: Necrodancers 1 - 2 FreeBirds
  • Final: Scythe Esports 2 - 0 Psistorm Gaming


Playoffs: September 3-5. Details: EU, NA. Top 8 teams from the standings above play in a double elimination bracket, and top 2 teams advance to HGC Crucible.

submitted by /u/lerhond
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WEDNESDAY RAGE THREAD | August 29 - September 04

Posted: 29 Aug 2018 10:00 AM PDT




submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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another whitemane cosplay

Posted: 29 Aug 2018 11:43 AM PDT

What if Haunted Mines Worked in Reverse?

Posted: 29 Aug 2018 02:53 PM PDT

What if, basically you had 5-10 minutes to gather skulls, and the more you gathered the more you weakened the enemy's golem?

Golems spawn at the end of 5-10 mins so if no one gathers skulls, both teams have to deal with a 100% strength golem. If you collect 70 then the token attacking you will be 30% strength, and if enemy collects 0 it's still 100% strength attacking them (but if they collect 30 it's 70%).

submitted by /u/beboptimusprime
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Why is Twin Blades Varian considered awful when all available statistical evidence proves otherwise?

Posted: 29 Aug 2018 09:26 AM PDT

Source Taunt winrate Colossus winrate Twinblade winrate
Stormspy filtered to Hero League 46.6% 49.5% 59.5%
Hotslogs filtered to Masters and Diamonds Hero League 49.6% 54.4% 59.6%

The actual statistics show that there is an approximately 10% winrate difference between Twin Blades and Taunt, for the formers' advantage, bringing Varian Twin Blades up to an almost 60% winrate. And no, not in Silver, but in Diamonds and Masters (with a 24% pickrate). Yes, I know Hotslogs and so are "inaccurate", but it's still the best we have, and it's still a lot more accurate than personal feelings and anecdotes.

After doing a bit of research, it seems to me that most of the hate towards Twin Blades Varians stems from bad individual experiences, like "Varian went Twin Blades when we needed a tank". Well duh, if you need a tank and he goes bruiser that is dumb, but a player's lack of communication/drafting failure shouldn't devalue a build. A proper Twin Blades player will say in advance that he plans to take the solo lane as Twin Blades and requires a proper tank to be drafted as well.

But of course "Twin Blades is weak to CC, therefore he is bad". Well, duh, he is a bruiser: a tanky melee assassin that stays alive by attacking others, and thus is vulnerable to CC that stops him from doing that. Artanis, Sonya, Thrall, and almost all the other bruisers have the exact same issue and that doesn't invalidate their existence. If any of them tries to solo tank, chances are, they will fail miserably, but that is a drafting failure, and not a failure of the hero. The only CC that really completely shuts down Twin Blades specifically, but not the others that much, are blinds, so obviously don't pick him against a Johanna/Lili/Artanis, which I think is perfectly fine: every hero has a counter, be aware of them.

That's just my two cents, and felt like I had to say it. Feel free to discuss and potentially disagree.

<prepares to be down-voted to oblivion>

submitted by /u/servantphoenix
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1..2..3.. Juke!

Posted: 29 Aug 2018 02:21 AM PDT

"I hate and that's okay" Comic [OC]

Posted: 29 Aug 2018 09:27 AM PDT

August 22nd, 2018 Patch - 7 Days Later

Posted: 29 Aug 2018 01:15 PM PDT

TLDR; How to play supports

Posted: 29 Aug 2018 03:29 AM PDT

Edit: I originally tried to create a guide for picking the right supports by sorting them in 4 distinct categories, but the write-up was dry as shit so I gave up on it and decided to make a funny instead. Regardless, the categories are legitness.

ecks dee


  1. Alexstrasza: "I'm going to plop that Abundance over there. That's where you'll follow your queen next, or die."

  2. Deckard Cain: "I'll put these potions over here, so that you can heal during the teamfight that's about to happen in 35 seconds. Stay a while. No, wait, don't pick them up yet. No. Very well, we'll wing it then."

  3. Malfurion: "I'm going to set up everyone with a half-hour healing spell, then secure an early kill by using Entangling Roots strategically. Hahaa, rooted! Hahaa, take that!"

  4. Stukov: "My Lurking Arm should prevent my enemies from doing anything for the next 20 minutes, so I'll just press 'E', dig into the minimap, and ping a variety of things. With any luck, nobody will notice that I'm completely open to every ability and dive."


  1. Kharazim: "We're taking this camp? OK, me too! We're hitting this guy? OK, me too!"

  2. Lucio: "I'll follow you around and support you in any engagement you take, buddy. Boop, you're being supported! Boop boop, supported baby! Why aren't you hitting any of your Flamestrikes?"

  3. Tassadar: "I've picked a teammate and I'm going to stick to them and everything they do, since I can't kill anything by myself and can't save anyone but myself."

  4. Tyrande: "I'll follow you around because I want anything you click on to die 15% easier."


  1. Brightwing: "You're damaged, friend! Don't worry, I'm standing next to you as hard as I can."

  2. Li Li: "I guess I'll just be buzzing around my tank and hope someone hits me every once in a while, then hold 'Q' until the red people disappear. Hey, a flower!"

  3. Lt. Morales: "You're damaged, friend! Don't worry, I'm standing next to you as hard as I can. Cool, a full team Mosh Pit! Better throw a grenade in it, see what happens."

  4. Whitemane: "I'll pretend I'm playing an assassin, and accidentally heal others while I do so."


  1. Ana: "I'll heal you up. ...Dammit. No, I'll heal you! ...For Pete's sake. OK, let's try again, I'll heal you up. ...Are you doing this on purpose?"

  2. Auriel: "Lordy, we're almost dead! There you go, everyone's healed up. Wow, we're almost dead! Healing everyone. Oh my, you're in trouble, here, have a chrysalis. ...Wait, you wanted to finish casting your Heroic, didn't you?"

  3. Rehgar: "If you dive, I'll slow them. If they dive us, I'll slow them. If you're about to take fatal damage, I'll wait until the very last moment to cast Ancestral Healing, then blame your death on latency."

  4. Uther: "If you dive, I'll stun them. If they dive us, I'll stun them. If you're about to take fatal damage, I'll wait until the very last moment to cast Divine Shield, which will actually save you but I still have 5 seconds of my Holy Light's cooldown remaining, so you'll probably die either way."

submitted by /u/Meadows_the_panda
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Blizzard should make a new skin for Falstad called Datslaf

Posted: 29 Aug 2018 05:30 PM PDT

Datslaf is a bird riding a giant hairy midget who flaps his arms to fly around

submitted by /u/Krelious
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Haunted Mines - Important thing to know

Posted: 29 Aug 2018 12:31 PM PDT

So I saw the front page Haunted Mines post and though I hate the map too, I wanted to inform the general public about an apparently little known fact about this map, but I was 19 hours late and my comment is buried.

The golem stops time scaling once 60 skulls is hit. What I mean by this is if Team A gets 60+ skulls at 4:30 into the match, then both golems are hard locked at the power level of a 4:30 golem. So if you stall Team A from getting the rest of the skulls, and your team does not pick them up either until 15:00 into the game, their 100 skull golem will be incredibly weak because it stopped scaling once 60 skulls was reached (4 min and 30 seconds into the match).

So if you lose a team fight before first objective, and the enemy team goes in the mines and gets 60 skulls or more, there is almost no value in you going in the mines for the other 40. The correct play is stalling them from finishing the golem by pushing hard, securing as many camps as possible and force a response. Even if they get the rest of the skulls later, they have diminishing returns past 50 so the difference between an early game 60 skull golem and 100 skull golem isn't that monumental.

One caveat is this is mostly an early/mid game tip, because late game 100 skull golem can be quite scary. Do note that the golem stops scaling completely past the 25:00 mark, so there is no value in stalling at that point.

Hope this makes sense.

Source for those who don't believe me: https://heroesofthestorm.gamepedia.com/Haunted_Mines#Golem_scaling


The Golems scaling by time is marked at 60 skulls in total acquired, so collecting more skulls can still make it stronger, but waiting will not.

submitted by /u/RJDoute
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Why can't we get an Elite AI when a player leaves

Posted: 29 Aug 2018 05:32 AM PDT

Okay, just played in PTR as Tyrande, but thats not the case.

I was looking for a QM game but couldn't find a game, seems like it's impossible to find a game when there's noone playing in PTR on the 2nd day.

So I decided to just play vs AI, but thought they are too weak, and changed them to Elite difficulty.

And guys they are actually pretty strong. And seems like when a player leaves the game, the player gets swaped by weaker difficulty AI, because they seem pretty garbage

And I really don't understand why Blizzard wouldn't implement Elite AI when a player leaves

submitted by /u/Trafalgar551
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Sleep is good for you, Genji.

Posted: 29 Aug 2018 10:44 AM PDT

Recovering rage-a-holic seeks new HoTS friends after period of self-reflecting.

Posted: 29 Aug 2018 02:32 PM PDT

Hey everyone. My name is TJ and I'm a recovering rager. I use the term loosely because I was never an abusive teammate (in my opinion). I am, however, sometimes guilty of taking this game too seriously. Often in my desperate attempt to either place blame or attempt to not feel completely powerless in a losing situation, I would call out teammates for what I perceived as dumb plas (we all make mistakes), I would say "GG" or "Just let them win (insert player name here) is wasting our time". Throughout all of this ,I have lost a good bit of new friends within a week of adding people. I've actually been silenced for about 50% of the time I've been playing this game (16/32 months; result of 8, 4, 2, 1 month silences etc.).

What really opened my eyes was joining a random group with a couple from New York whom I have been playing with regularly. They tolerated my seriousness and I would still often say "GG" or "Let them win" (although I wouldn't quit trying). Eventually, we all got comfortable enough with each other and one of the two would let me know that what I was doing was negatively affecting their enjoyment of the game, and I guess as a result of me getting used to playing with them and generally liking their company in-game, that bothered me. They took the time to get to know me and learned things about me such as my wife, kids, our relationships, what I do for a living, the fact that we were in the process of having a house built (our first home). They would ask me why are you so tense and serious about this game. It sounds like you got a lot of good stuff going on in your life. This question truly baffled me. I didn't have a reason to give them for being this way.

I reflected alot over the last half of my most recent 8 month silence. What I came up with is that I treated people the way I did because they were random, anonymous individuals who I felt were nothing more than inconveniences to my gaming experience. I've found lately that if I play less with randoms and consistently play with people long term and we get to know each other, I worry more about their feelings and their enjoyment of the game rather than my own selfish desier to win.

So I wrote this for many reasons. Not every player who is an ass or silenced is a lost cause beyond help. Because of the patience and kindness of two players, I learned a lot about myself and I feel that I approach this game with a completely different mindset now. I hope that we can all learn to tolerate each other (within reason) and reciprocate respect by viewing each other beyond anonymity and really invest in better relationships with potential teammates. Something I learned a long time ago from football, weightlifting and basketball is that you don't get better as a team leaving behind people you perceive as weak links, you try to bring them forward with you and strengthen that link. Some people don't think that type of investment is worth it, but if playing this game makes you frustrated then stop playing with randoms. Find a core group of people to play with and get better together. Or at the very least, enjoy one anothers company. You might find it to be a win-win. Feel free to share your thoughts or personal experiences.

Summary: Used to be a dick, met 2 fellow players, realized I enjoy this game more after investing in personal relationships with other players, recommend others that may take this game too seriously at times do the same. Please share your thoughts or similar experiences.

If anyone is interested, I'm looking for a few players that like to play this game semi-seriously (I'm no GM myself I'm currently Plat in HL). My battle-tag is TJC38#1747 (NA)

A few facts about me:

I'm 29


2 kiddos

I like dogs, well pretty much all animals

Love fishing (saltwater)

Live in the Southeast U.S. (Alabama)

submitted by /u/Tcheeks38
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Please don't stack all the specialists on one team in QM

Posted: 29 Aug 2018 08:18 PM PDT

Dear Blizzard,

I've been playing HOTS for over 3 years now. I love how attentive you are to the community. I love the high quality of the content you release. I am amazed that this remarkable game is free.

My single complaint in the whole HOTSuniverse is this: balance in QM.

When one team gets 2-3 more specialists than the other, it makes me want to throw my computer out of a window. It is good and natural for one team to have the burden of performance placed on them, but trying to coordinate a team of 5 randos against 2 split pushing specialists is actually more difficult than organizing my toddler and 4 of her friends into a cleaning party.

The ultimate injustice is that specialists all scale more than regular characters (which is largely unknown in the QM community) so unless you get lucky, you're actually falling further and further behind while you are stuck in lane trying to clear waves all game (or another popular option, just ignoring the specialists).

My modest proposal is this: balance the specialists!

I don't know how it would add to queue times if it is 10 unpartied people in one game. The 2 specs are already in the game--why not put one on each team instead of both on the same team?

It would make the quality of the game much higher if genji is able to roam for ganks instead of being stuck trying to lane against nazeebo for 10+ minutes.

Like it or not, QM is the way that the largest bloc of players experiences HOTS through. Paying a little bit more attention to it is a good way to improve the quality for new and casual players, thus making it more likely that they will take a more active interest in the game.

submitted by /u/ultimatefrisbee84
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HGC Minute - Episode 15

Posted: 29 Aug 2018 11:47 AM PDT

LFM Droplets' Maiev guide

Posted: 29 Aug 2018 02:59 PM PDT

[TL] The "surprise" viking gate block once again.

Posted: 29 Aug 2018 01:11 AM PDT

Competitive Hero Tier List August 2018

Posted: 29 Aug 2018 09:49 AM PDT

Can Illidan his Metamorphosis get some love?

Posted: 29 Aug 2018 06:32 AM PDT

While the (pseudo) global playstyle of The Hunt is nice on the bigger maps, it's pretty frustrating that Hunt is still the better heroic in the current state of the game, even after the CD nerf a while back.

Demonic Form on 20 is one of the better heroic upgrades, so maybe some of it's power could be transferred to the level 10 base heroic. For example getting the attack speed or a diminished version of the CC reduction for the 18 second duration, with Demonic Form staying the same. This would help Metamorphosis so much & maybe spark a return of the carry playstyle.

These are obviously just suggestions, but at this point in time I'll take anything that increases Illidan his power level.

submitted by /u/joshsenice
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A Big wallpaper!

Posted: 29 Aug 2018 03:17 PM PDT

Hey, you know how Smash has this awesome wallpaper?

Heroes should have this, its epic and i want it. A wallpaper with each and every one of the heroes in a similar fashion would be awesome, all fighting in one EPIC wallpaper

Blizz pls, i need this in my life


submitted by /u/Blackstar_9
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【Heroes of the Storm】Funny moment EP.39

Posted: 29 Aug 2018 08:34 AM PDT

PTR Preview: Mephisto - Daily Esports

Posted: 29 Aug 2018 10:20 AM PDT

Why do people on 2 lane maps play 4/1 instead of 3/2?

Posted: 29 Aug 2018 09:38 AM PDT

Underrated channel (not mine)

Posted: 29 Aug 2018 06:44 PM PDT

Will Gorge, Cacoon or Maw stop Mephisto from returning to his shade location?

Posted: 29 Aug 2018 11:28 AM PDT

I'm just wondering how it works with abilities that remove him from the map. Also curious about Auriel's Aegis

submitted by /u/Zakton06
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Posted: 29 Aug 2018 12:48 PM PDT

Could we maybe possibly get a skin for azmo where he's made of jello and call it Azmoflan?

submitted by /u/Wilucco
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