Fallout - If they ever make a last Fallout game, I'd like to be able to actually fix the world.

If they ever make a last Fallout game, I'd like to be able to actually fix the world.

Posted: 20 Aug 2018 03:42 AM PDT

It wouldn't have to be the last game they release; just the last one chronologically.

I get that it would kind of defeat the purpose of fallout, but sometimes the ending of the main quest feels hollow when raiders and death claws are still terrorizing the world.

I often find myself trying to restore order to the wasteland by making the settlements as clean and orderly as possible, but everything is still dirty, gross, and dangerous.

Civilization has to be restored at some point, right?

submitted by /u/flaninpan
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Bethesda should make it possible to kill a bed's owner so you can sleep on it.

Posted: 20 Aug 2018 09:17 AM PDT

It's so annoying when in survival your only way to save the game is sleeping, and you can't save because the bed is owned.

submitted by /u/phx_zephyr
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I finished the FO4 base game last night. Here are a some of the reasons why I spend so much time exploring

Posted: 20 Aug 2018 03:12 AM PDT

A Synth Brahmin attacked my settlement???

Posted: 20 Aug 2018 05:53 AM PDT

This happened a while back but one time I fast traveled to my Red rocket settlement and heard combat outside. I ran out to find everyone killing one of my brahmin. But when I checked the body I noticed it had fusion cells, an Institute pistol, and a synth component! Has anyone else encountered this? I recorded this on PS4 I didn't have any sort of mods running so this just sort of happened. r/https://twitter.com/Zenokage/status/1031521667317751808

submitted by /u/Zenokage
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New Vegas stopped making sense

Posted: 20 Aug 2018 12:24 PM PDT

I killed Caesar, I'm a terrorist in NCR territory and House is dead also I can't be with yes man because I already blew up the Bunker, its impossible to continue right?

submitted by /u/Hrafnsteinn
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did any experimental vaults survive?

Posted: 20 Aug 2018 07:37 AM PDT

there are a whole bunch of vaults so it's pretty hefty of a task to go through them, but does anyone know if there were any vaults which were not control vaults (like 101) which actually survived their experiments and performed their intended purpose?

i guess mr. house's vault was an experimental society based on gambling and that survived to the point where he filled it with concrete.

submitted by /u/Avnas
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Preston Garvey in the sky

Posted: 20 Aug 2018 03:18 PM PDT

In a weird glitch, Preston somehow wound up on an elevated highway right next to a settlement of Gunners. It's the one South of Sunshine Tidings CO-OP.

I'll check on him from time to time. He doesn't move, sometimes gets into firefights with re spawned Gunners.

I'm leaving him there. No retaking the Fort Bucko. I can help settlements on my own (they still ask) without your damn nagging. Enjoy the altitude!

submitted by /u/kestrel1000c
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r/PS4 discusses a poll placing Fallout 76 far behind Spiderman and Red Dead Redemption

Posted: 20 Aug 2018 08:45 AM PDT

Thread: https://np.reddit.com/r/PS4/comments/98p3fy/image_such_a_close_race_poor_fallout/

Poll Results: (source)

If you only had the money to buy one... %
Spider-Man 47%
Red Dead Redemption 2 46%
Fallout 76 7%
submitted by /u/fooey
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What if we could have a Fallout game in which we play as a junior Vault-Tec employee before the Great War happened?

Posted: 20 Aug 2018 09:48 AM PDT

Let's discuss what could be the story.

submitted by /u/Crazo7924
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I just realized that the same year the Lone Wanderer left the Vault, the First Battle of Hoover Dam took place.

Posted: 20 Aug 2018 03:50 PM PDT

There's this huge war between two factions going on and nobody in the DC wasteland knows it's happening. Pretty cool to think about.

submitted by /u/danielwastaken
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[spoilers for Vault 11 in NV] So what was the point of the Vault 11 sacrifices?

Posted: 20 Aug 2018 02:21 PM PDT

So I made my way through the whole of Vault 11 and while I found the backstory pretty intriguing I thought it had kind of a flat ending. Was there an explanation to why they were sacrificed? After I defeated the robots I went into the computer room but it pretty much just said that refusing to sacrifice an overseer meant the test was passed. However they never explained the point of the "test". What was the point of it and if they passed the test then why is everyone in Vault 11 dead? I might've missed some terminal entries but I thought I got everything. I'd appreciate an explanation.

submitted by /u/mitch-tibbens
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Your Character in the Fallout Universe?

Posted: 20 Aug 2018 01:22 PM PDT

If you had the ability to immedeately teleport to one of the Fallout locations, where and when would it be, and what gear would you use? What's your story? I'll start, just to give a small example: My character is human. I would want to live in the Mojave wasteland, leaving the vault with nothing but a 10mm (fallout 1 variant) pistol and a vault suit, but once I leave the cave my vault was in I have to shoot two raiders dead that were lurking on the outside, and naturally I loot them for ammo, and a small rifle, that looks like a pipe rifle, except sturdier (and a little bit smaller). I'd also steal one raiders rags to throw over my vault suit, lobotomite's helmet (I hope I spelled that correctly) to keep the dust out of my lungs and a leather shoulder pad for my left shoulder. What I do from there, I have yet to figure out. What about you?

submitted by /u/latscho4
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Any ideas for a neckbeard playthrough in Fallout New Vegas?

Posted: 20 Aug 2018 09:55 AM PDT

I'd like to know about SPECIAL stats used, weapons, armor, dialouge options, factions sided with, etc.

submitted by /u/A_Memester
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Difficulty questions fallout 4

Posted: 20 Aug 2018 08:17 AM PDT

Alright I'm playing fallout 4 on hard and it is my first fallout game. The enemies seem very inconsistent in strength. I'm trying to do "unlikely Valentine" and I had no problem slaughtering the triggermen in the first couple rooms. It seemed like I was in the right place, as long I used caution id be able to win. I enter the vault, kill a few guys get to the third or fourth room and all the sudden I can't kill anyone. I'm unloading a whole clip and barely grazing their health. Meanwhile they're like three shoting me. I don't get it.

The real problem is I've tried multiple missions and no matter where I go or what mission I try I'm getting demolished to the point where no amount of skillful play will win. I wanted a challenge, and I don't want to change from hard difficulty but it's like not possible to beat these missions or explore when I'm instantly killed and cannot deal meaningful damage.

The corvega assembly plant was fun, it was hard but I never felt like I had no chance of winning. Even if I had to use cheesy tactics on the turrets.

I have healing items but at the rate I'll be using them to survive I'll run out extremely quickly. I don't really know what I'm doing wrong.

submitted by /u/Asdfghjkl1234554321
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Fallout New Vegas Random Generator

Posted: 20 Aug 2018 12:20 PM PDT

So I made an unfinished generator awhile ago. It only makes a SPECIAL for you, but I am proud of it tho. So I figured I'd share it.


submitted by /u/WhiteChocolateEminem
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Blood stuck on character please help.

Posted: 20 Aug 2018 03:36 PM PDT

My characters hands and leather jacket are covered in blood and won't go away. How can I fix this?

submitted by /u/GageTheFighter
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I’m in a little bit of a pickle between factions. (Kinda)

Posted: 20 Aug 2018 03:31 PM PDT

So I've made it into the institute everyone's all casual... anyways so after the I was nice to Shaun (ONLY BECAUSE HE IS MY SON) I met everyone and now and they all think I like the institute, ummm NO.I'm doing the mission with X6, and FYI I'm factioned with BOS and I don't like synths. So I'm here just trying to advance in the main storyline I should say, idk though. And I'm at the destination to kill the courser and raider group, but the freaking BOS show up, I'm like yesss does that mean like I can kill this X6 dude? Nope, I'm just standing while they fight unable to complete this quest so I am confused. What do I do, like ugggh.

submitted by /u/Overseer_Of_Vault76
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Keyboard AND controller?

Posted: 20 Aug 2018 03:22 PM PDT

So, I'm in the midst of building my first PC and I'm coming from console. I k ow that on PC using the keyboard there's hotkeys and whatnot. I was wondering if it be possible to play with a controller but have hotkeys available on my keyboard at the same time. I am used to a controller, so I think I'll be more apt to using it. It's just be cool to be able to have the option to use both at the same time for quick things.

submitted by /u/aderosbert
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Are fallout 1 and 2 worth playing?

Posted: 20 Aug 2018 07:47 AM PDT

Hi all, i'm hew to the fallout franchise but after wathing my friend playing some fallout 3 and 4 decided to give fallout a try. My dilemma however is whether to play 1 and 2 before I move on to 3 or just start with 3. What do you guys recommend? Are the old games worth it? Is there some sort of story progression going from fallout 1 to 4? Or does each game have its own story?


submitted by /u/realthing1
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How likely is it for the NCR to fall into a civil war?

Posted: 20 Aug 2018 05:16 AM PDT

Throughout New Vegas it's made clear that the NCR is crippled by mismanagement, corruption and overly abundant levels of bureaucracy. So how likely is an NCR civil war?

submitted by /u/Kiem3
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Fallout 3 vs Fallout NV, Which Would Be Best For Me?

Posted: 20 Aug 2018 09:56 AM PDT

Everyone, I'm going to download fallout in my pc(this my first RPG game btw).So f3 or fnv which one do you recommend?

My taste (Generally i don't much like gameplay videos of most popular rpg games and sci-fi type games, for me those have horrible environment and interfaces) My favourite games are Max Payne 2,Cod4,Gta4,FIFA)

submitted by /u/shamilp7
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Can somebody explain what exactly Fallout 76 is supposed to be?

Posted: 20 Aug 2018 06:21 AM PDT

I understand it's a multiplayer Fallout game, but I can't seem to find any information on what the point of the game is. I'm gonna guess, based on what I've seen so far, that it'll be similar in design to how a game like Destiny played, in that you go to an area for your own personal objective and you may see other players there at random.

Is it instanced, dedicated servers? When we play the game what are we playing for? As much as I'd love Fallout with friends I'd be very disappointed if the game just feels like wandering the wasteland doing those repeatable quests like what we had for the Brotherhood/Institute/Minutemen in 4

submitted by /u/Framesjanco11
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TIL Emogene Cabot was a Badass [SPOILERS]

Posted: 19 Aug 2018 05:41 PM PDT

When you are first introduced to Emogene you're given the idea she's a bit of a flake and a layabout who needs rescuing.

If you hack Jack and Emogene's terminals you can learn some great backstory about them:

Emogene killed a bodyguard who tried to take over Cabot House when Jack and Edward were at Parsons after the bombs fell. Jack alludes to it, but Emogene addresses it directly.

Jack had trouble with his terminal from day 1, having entered Cabot as Cab0t. Everything he tried to fix it failed, even RobCo couldn't fix it. Turns out Emogene was trolling Jack for over 150 YEARS.

Take that script kiddies, Emogene is the BOSS

submitted by /u/Dr-Ulzy
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