Fallout - Did you know that in FO4, feral ghouls have a special bathing animation in Cambridge Crater (and likely other heavily irradiated areas)?

Did you know that in FO4, feral ghouls have a special bathing animation in Cambridge Crater (and likely other heavily irradiated areas)?

Posted: 30 Aug 2018 06:52 AM PDT


< 10 second video, sorry for quality. I'm borrowing this laptop and I wasn't about to download recording software for this small moment.

I only recently was able to actually start Fallout 4 despite owning it since release, so I haven't been everywhere yet. They might do this in other places, too. More info in the video description!

pls no spoilers

submitted by /u/Sillyvision
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[fanart] I created my own Tesla Science Magazine Cover!

Posted: 30 Aug 2018 08:50 AM PDT

If you don't kill Caesar on March 15th, are you really trying

Posted: 30 Aug 2018 08:28 AM PDT

Liberty Prime (FO3) Illustration, better dead than red!

Posted: 30 Aug 2018 09:47 AM PDT

"Democracy is truth. Communism is death."

Liberty Prime is online, ready to liberate Anchorage!

submitted by /u/Shizzletech
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What is your favorite suit of power armor and why?

Posted: 30 Aug 2018 12:48 PM PDT

Kinda curious about this since I think they all look really bad-ass.

submitted by /u/Nelispouwer
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Does anyone think that Fallout 76 might be too... Gary?

Posted: 30 Aug 2018 10:40 AM PDT

What are the enclave ranks?

Posted: 30 Aug 2018 04:49 AM PDT

In 76 I'm trying to make an enclave faction but I can't find the ranks of the enclave to put as discord roles either, if anyone knows, can I be helped?

submitted by /u/Lolokden
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A bug with veronica running off randomly.

Posted: 30 Aug 2018 12:06 PM PDT

Ps3. Ultimate edition.

I was going up the black mountain and she kept randomly running away, so I dismissed her to see if it would get fixed, but when i approach her at her default location she runs off in a random direction and I can't catch her.

I'd like to have her as a companion again but can't due to this.

Anyone know how to fix?

submitted by /u/PoopyMcpants
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I built my own Parkour World in Fallout 4, which lets you explore the world in a different way

Posted: 30 Aug 2018 08:00 AM PDT

Watch my videos to get the full picture, they show off everything i have created.

Latest vid: Fallout 4 - Parkour World Extended

Previous video: Fallout 4 turned into a surreal Mirror's Edge Parkour gamemode

This project started back in 2016 when Mirror's Edge Catalyst was in developement, it going open world was my starting motivation what i can do in FO4. Additional inspirations were taken from: Getting Over it, Assassin's Creed, Hot Lava, Source Jump/Surf maps. I continue building whenever i have the time, so this world will grow larger over time until many locales have exhilerating Parkour routes enbedded to them.

This is just a savefile where i started building routes, you just install a few mods to make the additional elements show up when you load it. Just install a few mods and download the savegame on my Nexus Page and give it a go!

The previous upload is HERE


submitted by /u/BroccoliThunder
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Bullet sponges Survival mode

Posted: 30 Aug 2018 04:18 AM PDT

So I started playing fallout again, this time in survival mode.

Having a blast, this is the way it should be played.

Just one thing: I picked this mode to avoid bullet sponges, they told me 'You take more damage but you also deal more damage'.
I don't think so, those fcking ghouls and attack dogs kill me in 1-3 hits + I kill them in 10 hits with my modded 10mm pistol.

Did something go wrong? Don't tell me it's 'Take more damage, deal less damage' because that's the feeling I get, and that's not the way it should be played.

Firing a full magazine on a unarmored raider is not immersive, it's not survival, it's a fcking arcade.

submitted by /u/yoramdg
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Where can I find T-60 + Build

Posted: 30 Aug 2018 12:45 PM PDT

Heyo all, I played some fallout 4, and I want help with my power armor (I want T-60 because its my favorite) and I wanna know where to find it

Also I remade my character, I still want a spray and pray build, but I also need good bullet weapons is well
all help is appricated for a noob for fallout 4.

submitted by /u/SnoozingPaper
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Thinking about giving FO4 another go, wondering about mods

Posted: 30 Aug 2018 12:56 PM PDT

So I bought FO4 when it launched and wasn't crazy about it. I didn't think it was total garbage or anything but I was a little disappointed for all the reasons that were rehashed infinitely back then. That being said, I still played for about 60 hours, mostly spent enjoying the much-improved power armor, combat, and some of the better quests, but I missed a lot of content and never finished the main story.

I was thinking I'd like to hop back in and give FO4 another try, especially now that its been out for ages and the modding community has had a chance to do a lot. Are there any particular mods you guys would recommend?

I loved all the older games, from Fallout to NV, and I really think FO4 prolly deserves another look, since thre are a lot of parts I really like.

Thanks in advance for any help!

ed: woops - meant to say I'm on PC and I'm looking for any like, quality of life or semi-important mods that ya'll found really improved your experience. for the base game since I don't have any DLC

submitted by /u/DongQuixote1
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Thoughts on the railroad

Posted: 30 Aug 2018 02:14 PM PDT

[Video] Miracle of Sound - FALLOUT 76 SONG - Starting Over

Posted: 30 Aug 2018 08:29 AM PDT

Miracle of Sound just released a new song for Fallout 76


submitted by /u/CptGroovypants
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What is bethesda's thing with ominous boat scenes when you start DLC's?

Posted: 29 Aug 2018 06:52 PM PDT

Point lookout, far harbor, and dragonborn. All involve some creepy fog and creaky boat noises (along with other similar aspects)

submitted by /u/DWEGOON
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How do I kill marowski without becoming enemies with good neighbour?

Posted: 30 Aug 2018 10:16 AM PDT

I'm honestly wondering if it's even possible now. I killed him at his desk, in his bed, on the way to his bed, with a suppressed weapon, with a melee weapon, with a normal weapon, while hidden, and by now I have just given up. Do I have to kill him and wait? Come back to goodneighbour in a few months? I'm seriously at a loss here guys.

submitted by /u/omnipotent_goldfish
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The fallout 76 one X bundle.

Posted: 30 Aug 2018 08:31 AM PDT

Am I the only one that is highly disappointed about the bundle. The only thing that is special is its white. A white xbox. They could come up with a special design or something for it? Like its plain white.they could have at least put the vault boy on it or something

submitted by /u/gadge4lyfe
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Piper, cait or curie?

Posted: 30 Aug 2018 03:41 PM PDT

Romance, and faction standing I guess

submitted by /u/bulletking71
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Would it be a Bethesda game without bugs?

Posted: 30 Aug 2018 03:07 PM PDT

New Vegas starting help

Posted: 30 Aug 2018 08:50 AM PDT

What is the best starting special for a melee build in NV?

This is my second play through so not sure where to start.

submitted by /u/Gwynmorfil
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New Vegas Npc spawn bug

Posted: 30 Aug 2018 02:44 PM PDT

When I try to spawn an npc in Fallout new vegas, they show up for a split second, then disappear. Does anyone know how to solve this? The NPC in question is Rachael( the vault 3 prisoner).

submitted by /u/Ricerat477
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Just got platinum in Fallout 4

Posted: 30 Aug 2018 02:34 PM PDT

Ways to get steel?

Posted: 30 Aug 2018 01:45 AM PDT

I was wondering as I'm building my vault ways to get more steel because I only have about 4000 left, and would like to know where and how to get more.

Also I've been to starlight drive in so don't recommend there


submitted by /u/SymetricGamer
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