World of Warcraft - Tanking Tuesday - Your Weekly Tanking Thread

Tanking Tuesday - Your Weekly Tanking Thread

Posted: 24 Jul 2018 03:12 AM PDT

Welcome to Tanking Tuesday, your weekly thread for everything related to standing in front of mobs and saying "HIT ME" and taking it like a champ. There is class specific advice below, but you can also post general questions that you have pertaining to tanking of any kind.

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submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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The sound of war rumbles from the gates of Orgrimmar.

Posted: 24 Jul 2018 04:34 AM PDT

I just wanted to plan a new xmog for my hunter :(

Posted: 24 Jul 2018 11:40 AM PDT

Aaaand back to doing nothing again.

Posted: 24 Jul 2018 08:35 AM PDT

Never been a fan of gating content so we stay subscribed. Definitely not as good as the Legion pre-patch that had hours worth of content with the invasions that you could level characters with. Maybe I'm just being greedy, but it'd be nice to have some lasting thing to do for this pre-patch.

submitted by /u/dogfan20
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So the WoW twitter account posted this...

Posted: 24 Jul 2018 07:27 AM PDT

It took an hour and a half from level 63 to 64. An hour and twenty minutes from 64 to 65. As a monk, with XP buff and BOAs.

Posted: 24 Jul 2018 10:38 AM PDT

Blizz. Please. This is excruciating. I can't imagine what the leveling experience is like for non-monks who don't have BOAs. On top of that, when I was level 59 I was getting almost 23k XP per quest, and at 60 went down to 18k. Why?

I don't care how beautiful Grizzly Hills is - it doesn't make up for the fact that gaining a single level currently takes longer than my hour-long XP buff lasts, and pulling more than two mobs means I'm likely dead.

I had planned on leveling more alts, but at this point I'm not even sure I'll finish this one. Can we please get a response regarding the leveling situation?

Slow leveling combined with the lack of content during this prepatch means I have nothing current to do on my max level characters, and I don't want to do anything on my non-maxed characters. This ultimately means I'm not playing your game. Please. Fix it.

submitted by /u/Killtrox
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Worst Pre-Patch event to date

Posted: 24 Jul 2018 08:27 AM PDT

Seriously like 10 quests that build nothing up? quite boring.. not engaging at all

submitted by /u/Drwyz
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Private Meeting with the Warchief

Posted: 24 Jul 2018 08:36 AM PDT

The Horde questline feels really bad as a Druid

Posted: 24 Jul 2018 11:26 AM PDT

I hate that I ported to the Dreamgrove, waved to Malfurion, ported to Dal, ported to UC, and then 45 seconds later was with Sylvanus, who is telling me to...murder Malfurion. No, I'm sorry, MARTYR Malfurion, because apparently that always ends well. And then we essentially bombed a sacred area and sacred defenders.

After 2 years of working together with Malfurion and spending all this time uncorrupting nature and feeling closer to my class than ever, I feel like Blizzard completely forgot about Horde druids and didn't get any of them to playtest the questline.

It felt really bad and I felt that the writing could have been done a lot differently to get horde druids on-board with this. Why not have us gunning for Teldrassil, and then have Malfurion intervene?

S: "Stand aside, Druid, I have no quarrel with your kind."M: "These people ARE my kind, and you will go no further."S: "Then you shall die with them."

That would give me a real "Oh shit!" moment, and would make me understand that there is no way around what we're doing now. As it stands it all feels very much out of nowhere to murder my neutral mentor and then bomb a sacred area.

ETA: For anyone saying "Well, Malfurion is a Night Elf Leader!", he's not nearly as much the face of the night elves as Tyrande. Consider that when doing the "For The Horde!" achievement, where you kill faction leaders in 4 cities, you do not kill Malfurion. In fact, you can't even attack him. He doesn't rush to Tyrande's aid. He watches you slaughter her. If he were even a little bit a faction leader, wouldn't he also be a target (or at least fight back once you attacked?)? He's more neutral than not at this point - at least, as a Horde player, that's how he has felt for a very long time. Has he been at the front of an Alliance army, like Tyrande was at SOO or when we attacked Suramar City?

submitted by /u/RaefWolfe
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Beware, beware, the Daughter of the Sea... My Fanart of Jaina Proudmoore inspired by the Warbringers animated short.

Posted: 24 Jul 2018 01:39 AM PDT

The “I just watched Warbringers: Jaina” starter pack.

Posted: 23 Jul 2018 08:26 PM PDT

Fresh wow player starter pack

Posted: 24 Jul 2018 04:01 AM PDT

[Opinion] If you haven't done the pre-patch even yet, don't bother. Wait until the last week/day. (Spoilers)

Posted: 24 Jul 2018 09:32 AM PDT

This... this was just incredibly disappointing. I've gotten a lot of people saying "Well they never said it was going to be GOOD." or saying "They didn't say it would be like the Legion patch." (My response to that being Legion patch should've been the standard, not the exception.) but this is comparatively just immeasurably disappointing.

I've only done the Alliance side so far, but I'm being told the Horde side is exactly the same. For those haven't done it yet, the entire pre-patch event amounts to about 30 minutes of content (it took me literally 33 minutes to finish it), where most of that time is spent waiting for mobs to respawn or flying between locations, before it abruptly ends. There are no rewards. The only "reward" is a set of 4 daily World Quests in Darkshore that offer piddly amounts of gold, piddly amounts of wakening essence compared to what you can earn on all of Argus and through dungeons/raids, and Ilvl. 190 gear that is more often than not a direct downgrade to your artifact if you made any effort on Argus. Everything else is timegated, including those beautiful mounts. The World Quests themselves are also nothing special, and turned out to be nothing more than literally the exact same quests you were required to do as part of the storyline, with a little bit of "Go here and kill until this bar is full!" thrown between.

Tl;dr This prepatch event is abysmal in my opinion compared to the Legion prepatch, and not at all living up to the near months of hype that Blizzard has been putting around this. It's timegated, short, annoying, and the rewards are bad. If you haven't done it yet, just wait until it's almost over on the last week/day so you at least get the story in one coherent piece and the mount to top it off.

submitted by /u/LinkedGaming
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Race Origin Chart

Posted: 24 Jul 2018 12:42 AM PDT

To prepare for BfA, I decided to list some of the most prominent members of The Horde.

Posted: 24 Jul 2018 04:33 AM PDT

When Your Friend Asks You To Run That +15 Teeming Fortified HoV

Posted: 24 Jul 2018 01:40 AM PDT

Weather effects are back! (+ Weather commands.)

Posted: 24 Jul 2018 10:01 AM PDT

I was flying through Mulgore earlier today and noticed it had started raining heavily. I didn't think much of it at first, but then I realized, I hadn't actually seen proper heavy weather effects in WoW for a long time now.

I did some searching, and apparently Blizzard dug into the Weather system a bit in BfA. They increased the intensity and frequency of weather effects.

I also found some commands which let you change the weather intensity:

  • /console WeatherDensity 0 (Turns weather effects off.)

  • /console WeatherDensity 1 (Low intensity.)

  • /console WeatherDensity 2 (More intense.)

  • /console WeatherDensity 3 (Heavy weather effects.)

I think I even heard some rumbling in Mulgore, which I don't recall being there in the past. I might be wrong on this, but it seems they've also enhanced weather with new sound effects.

I'm very excited about this news, because I feel that these immersive effects are very important for a game such as WoW. Finally, proper weather is back!

Some images to show off the different intensities.

submitted by /u/Atremis
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Warbringers: Jaina - My fanart!

Posted: 24 Jul 2018 11:04 AM PDT

For the last week there has been a loud screen shaking explosion every single time I login to WoW.

Posted: 24 Jul 2018 12:19 PM PDT

Pandaren soldiers in BFA look a little... smooshed?

Posted: 24 Jul 2018 12:35 AM PDT

Blizzard should bring back Caverns of Time instance with the scenario being The Founding of Durotar missions

Posted: 24 Jul 2018 04:21 AM PDT

The old Caverns of Time instances were all pretty great and was a nice way to bring some older games missions to World of Warcraft. After the release of Warbringers: Jaina we get a good picture of what happened between her and her father, but I think this is a good opportunity to show people what really happened. Also we get to hang out with Rexxar, Rokhan, and Chen, who all need more love. Thoughts?

I know it's probably too late at this point for this to actually happen sadly.

submitted by /u/Mdaha
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World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth – “Bus”

Posted: 24 Jul 2018 03:09 PM PDT

This derpy low res fish, he's adorable

Posted: 24 Jul 2018 01:56 AM PDT

I agree that the Kul'tirans are extremely convincing.

Posted: 24 Jul 2018 12:23 PM PDT

Lol wut : An Icy-Veins exclusive - Honestly how locks feel right now

Posted: 24 Jul 2018 11:46 AM PDT

Blizz pls our lives are hard enough

Posted: 24 Jul 2018 02:45 AM PDT

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