League of Legends - Free Talk Tuesday - July 24th

Free Talk Tuesday - July 24th

Posted: 24 Jul 2018 11:06 AM PDT

Hey, /r/leagueoflegends! It's that time of the week once more - Free Talk Tuesday's back up and at it! Hope you've all had a good weekend <3

"Who needs a map?"

Apparently all of us, according to Riot - we've got a shiny new Map of Runeterra to look at! From the frostbitten frozen lands of the Freljord to the swashbuckling seaside isles of Bilgewater, the world of Runeterra has come to life right on your computer screen! It's got a ton on it - anything special you've found?

To continue our lore dive a bit, I'd like to take a sec to highlight the League Universe website! It's got short stories, awesome art pieces and a few easter eggs (and potential teasers) for you to check out! If you're interested in reading more about the world of Runeterra and her people, look no further - the Universe awaits!

That's it from me for this week, though! Back to your regularly scheduled shitposting. (I kid, I kid!) Feel free to talk about whatever tickles your fancy (be it League-related or otherwise) but just remember how our FTT (still gettin' used to that!) rules go: talk shop, play nice and as always, have a good weekend!

[PS: sorry about being a little late!]

submitted by /u/IcyColdStare
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Map of Runeterra - Universe

Posted: 24 Jul 2018 07:58 AM PDT

TSM Raises $37 Million, Investors Include Stephen Curry, Jerry Yang

Posted: 24 Jul 2018 09:44 AM PDT

Per Sources: Smoothie set to join Echo Fox

Posted: 24 Jul 2018 12:28 PM PDT

Echo Fox release Fenix

Posted: 24 Jul 2018 11:28 AM PDT

What League of Legends should look like on Twitch

Posted: 24 Jul 2018 11:20 AM PDT

After going on to the league of legends YouTube site and seeing it's amazing banner art, I immediately thought to myself, "why isn't this the twitch art as well?". Our current Twitch.tv art is a ugly picture of Jinx looking like a rat, which bothers me a lot since I really love Jinx as well. I made a quick mock up what I would much rather like to see. So this is what we have right now, and this is what it looks like with the Lux from the YouTube banner. Not only does it look better, but it's filled with joy and excitement, making it more enticing for new players to check out the game!

submitted by /u/Mamacrowhelps
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Sources: Echo Fox to pick up Smoothie, release three players

Posted: 24 Jul 2018 01:35 PM PDT

Froggen: I am not on Echo Fox. I haven't talked to them in 9 months.

Posted: 24 Jul 2018 02:09 PM PDT

Meteos on his future: 'I've really wanted to go into creating video content on the analytical side of things, I really love the high level aspects of League and those don't get talked about'

Posted: 24 Jul 2018 08:00 AM PDT

[AMA] We're the team who brought you the map, here to answer your questions from across Runeterra. Ask us anything!

Posted: 24 Jul 2018 11:06 AM PDT

UPDATE: That's all for today folks! We'll pop in on occasion throughout the day but this concludes the main segment of the AMA.

Sup /r/leagueoflegends! We're the Rioters behind the most recently released Runeterra Map, here to answer your questions from the scorching sands of Shurima all the way to the frost bitten peaks of the Freljord.

We recently brought Runeterra to life by creating an interactive map that allows you to experience story content by creating your own journey. Check it out, then come back here and ask us anything.

Joining us today are writers, artists, devs, and more:

Let's do this thing.

P.S. We'll be here for a few hours at 1:00pm as noted in the side bar to answer Q's! Stack them up!

submitted by /u/wuddaheq
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I love Papasmithy

Posted: 24 Jul 2018 09:26 AM PDT

I was watching game 1 of the Kt vs Gen.G match, and see Ambition's Gragas slowly walk into bot lane and help them push. It reminded me of jungle Nasus in season 3 who would just walk into a lane and drop a spirit fire on the wave. As I'm thinking this Papa starts talking about a jungle Nasus game Meteos played in season 3. He has such a deep understanding of competitive league of legends and it feels rewarding listening to him. It feels like other casters only ever mention a few other matches, for instance if someone is doing well on nocturne it will inevitably get compared to the famous gigabyte marines game. And Papa is out here telling stories about a Dignitas Cloud9 game from the middle of summer season 3, and he somehow manages to make it relevant without feeling forced. This man is a national treasure.

submitted by /u/bqx23
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[Steph Curry] "Hyped to be part of what @TSM REginald is building with @TSM. #letsgitit"

Posted: 24 Jul 2018 10:49 AM PDT

TSM has finally recruited world class domestic talent to take on all comers. For real though this is a pretty cool shout out from Steph, I don't think I ever expected this broad of a cross section between two of my major interests. https://twitter.com/StephenCurry30/status/1021810059272118272

submitted by /u/lolitsreality
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Memotion: Bard SCREAM

Posted: 24 Jul 2018 07:37 AM PDT

My attempt at drawing intense emotion on one of League's most poker-faced champions!

Since you don't need to imitate the emote style, I experimented with a painterly style inspired by the Scream!

You can vote for me here! (Twitter)

submitted by /u/crowned-kings
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Elementalist Lux Fanart - All 10 Forms

Posted: 24 Jul 2018 05:08 AM PDT

Elementalist Lux Fanart - All 10 Forms

This project took me a bit over a month to finish, but at last I've completed it and is proud to share with everybody. Please let me know which form is your favorite!


submitted by /u/ThanhnuFia
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Official: Kikis joins Team Vitality

Posted: 24 Jul 2018 08:54 AM PDT

Runeterra Awaits | Interactive Map

Posted: 24 Jul 2018 08:00 AM PDT

My Star Guardian Syndra Cosplay

Posted: 24 Jul 2018 02:50 AM PDT

My Star Guardian Syndra Cosplay



This took me 3 months and is my second cosplay ever! @amara_cosplay

submitted by /u/Thatrandomgrill
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Hjarnan & Wadid give a hilarious double-interview: "Our team asks us whether we win our lane or not and we go "Uuuh... It's our first time playing this matchup.”

Posted: 24 Jul 2018 06:25 AM PDT

Gen.G vs. KT Rolster / LCK 2018 Summer - Week 6 / Post-Match Discussion

Posted: 24 Jul 2018 06:01 AM PDT


Official page | Leaguepedia | Liquipedia | Live Discussion | Eventvods.com | New to LoL

Gen.G 0-2 KT Rolster

GEN | Leaguepedia | Liquipedia | Best.gg | Twitter
KT | Leaguepedia | Liquipedia | Best.gg | Website | Twitter | Facebook


Winner: KT Rolster in 51m | MVP: Deft (300)
Match History | Damage Graph

Bans 1 Bans 2 G K T D/B
GEN yasuo trundle shen camille kindred 87.8k 5 4 C2 H3 I5 E7
KT aatrox taliyah orianna zoe ryze 91.2k 12 10 C1 C4 B6
GEN 5-12-17 vs 12-5-36 KT
CuVee gangplank 3 1-2-4 TOP 3-1-6 4 jayce Smeb
Ambition gragas 3 0-4-5 JNG 2-2-10 3 sejuani Score
Fly swain 1 1-2-3 MID 1-1-6 1 galio Ucal
Ruler ezreal 2 3-2-2 BOT 4-0-6 2 xayah Deft
CoreJJ tahmkench 2 0-2-3 SUP 2-1-8 1 rakan Mata


Winner: KT Rolster in 37m | MVP: Deft (400)
Match History | Damage Graph

Bans 1 Bans 2 G K T D/B
KT trundle galio tahmkench braum orianna 72.3k 13 11 H2 I4 B5 I6 B7
GEN aatrox taliyah rakan ashe ezreal 61.3k 5 3 I1 O3
KT 13-5-31 vs 5-13-11 GEN
Smeb gnar 3 3-1-6 TOP 3-5-2 1 swain CuVee
Score sejuani 1 3-1-4 JNG 0-2-2 1 skarner Ambition
Ucal ryze 2 2-1-5 MID 1-1-2 4 Zoe Fly
Deft kaisa 3 5-0-5 BOT 1-2-3 2 varus Ruler
Mata shen 2 0-2-11 SUP 0-3-2 3 morgana CoreJJ

submitted by /u/G2Minion
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EU LCS Mic Check: Week 5 | Summer Split 2018

Posted: 24 Jul 2018 10:00 AM PDT

Griffin vs. Kingzone DragonX / LCK 2018 Summer - Week 6 / Post-Match Discussion

Posted: 24 Jul 2018 03:11 AM PDT


Official page | Leaguepedia | Liquipedia | Live Discussion | Eventvods.com | New to LoL

Griffin 2-0 Kingzone DragonX

GRF | Leaguepedia | Liquipedia | Best.gg | Twitter
KZ | Leaguepedia | Liquipedia | Best.gg | Twitter


Winner: Griffin in 41m | MVP: Viper (600)
Match History | Damage Graph

Bans 1 Bans 2 G K T D/B
GRF rakan tahmkench ashe gangplank drmundo 77.5k 15 9 M3 I6 B7 E8
KZ aatrox shen zoe jayce darius 67.8k 6 5 M1 H2 I4 B5
GRF 15-6-40 vs 6-15-7 KZ
Sword gnar 3 2-1-6 TOP 1-3-2 3 chogath Khan
Tarzan taliyah 1 2-2-12 JNG 0-3-1 1 nocturne Cuzz
Chovy orianna 2 2-0-11 MID 3-2-0 4 yasuo Bdd
Viper ezreal 3 6-0-5 BOT 1-3-1 1 swain PraY
Lehends morgana 2 3-3-6 SUP 1-4-3 2 alistar GorillA


Winner: Griffin in 44m | MVP: Tarzan (500)
Match History | Damage Graph

Bans 1 Bans 2 G K T D/B
KZ shen zoe morgana vladimir drmundo 69.0k 0 1 I1 M3
GRF aatrox rakan taliyah leblanc kennen 88.4k 8 11 H2 I4 B5 C6 B7 E8
KZ 0-8-0 vs 8-0-16 GRF
Khan jayce 3 0-3-0 TOP 1-0-4 4 gnar Sword
Peanut nocturne 2 0-1-0 JNG 1-0-5 1 trundle Tarzan
Bdd velkoz 3 0-1-0 MID 3-0-3 1 orianna Chovy
PraY swain 1 0-2-0 BOT 2-0-2 3 ezreal Viper
GorillA alistar 2 0-1-0 SUP 1-0-2 2 pyke Lehends

submitted by /u/G2Minion
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PSA: Don't take Ghost Poro on Ornn in ARAM

Posted: 24 Jul 2018 06:36 AM PDT

Ornn's passive on ARAM goes on CD whenever you proc new ghost poro in a bush. Don't take ghost poro or you pretty much won't have a passive.

submitted by /u/ValkyrieNightWitch
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Froggen denied rumor of him joining Echo fox, him getting the Visa now is just a coincidence

Posted: 24 Jul 2018 01:24 PM PDT

as title, discuss, where will he go ?

EDIT: https://clips.twitch.tv/InexpensiveSpineyPresidentKeyboardCat

credit to imreallythatguy who actually cliped it.

submitted by /u/Yeans28
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TL Olleh on community criticism: When someone says, “Olleh, you are garbage”, I don’t care. You have no brain, you don’t know how to criticize.

Posted: 24 Jul 2018 09:36 AM PDT

Is Runeterra flat?

Posted: 24 Jul 2018 12:37 PM PDT

New Leagues Youtube banner looks awesome !

Posted: 24 Jul 2018 11:04 AM PDT

New Leagues Youtube banner looks awesome !


What do you think ?

Source: Leagues youtube channel. No idea who the artist is, if anyone knows I will edit.

Edit: Thanks to /u/ChuzCuenca found that the League of Legends Latinoamérica has larger version: https://scontent-frt3-2.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/37578972_1898965813493787_7436818057223208960_o.jpg?_nc_cat=0&oh=fcc59279ee6af77dccabd346f26bab68&oe=5BD3CC82

Edit 2: Thanks to /u/kubaok who found a version with more champs on it: https://scontent-frt3-2.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/37406433_10160873854320556_4347573296686956544_o.jpg?_nc_cat=0&oh=51ce7c4d133d7bcbb517f689fbe0cff9&oe=5BC5E23E

submitted by /u/3Kayn
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