World of Warcraft - 36/36 challenges done. Here are some tips for relinquished geared characters.

36/36 challenges done. Here are some tips for relinquished geared characters.

Posted: 05 Jul 2018 05:14 AM PDT

Hi guys, so the artifact level boost is insane for getting challenges done now but some are still pretty tricky and depend a lot on the kit the spec has while others you can just sleep through it if you have high ilvl. If you're still doing challenges now before the pre-patch I want to share my thoughts on each of them maybe it helps you.

For each spec I will provide the ilvl I did it at ( most are relinquished lvl except for my main which is a shaman ), the talent build, legiondaries I used and tips on the challenge itself and how I did it plus my thoughts on the challenge with a score from 1-10 based on how difficult the fight is for the spec. I will try my best not to explain the whole fight since Wowhead has that already although keep in mind some spec specific comments there are outdated.

Later Edit: The order in which i did the challenges, everything on point 1 was done before the silithus quest line, everything from point 2 with the bonus artifact level

  1. Elemental Shaman, Enhancement Shaman, Assassination Rogue, Retribution Paladin, Feral Druid, Outlaw Rogue, Fury Warrior, Arms Warrior, Havoc DH, Unholy DH
  2. Sublety Rogue, Frost Mage, Protection Paladin, Frost DK, BM Hunter, MM Hunter, Guardian Druid, WW Monk, Resto Shaman, Survival Hunter, Blood DK, Fire Mage, Destro Lock, Vengeance DH, Demo Lock, Protection Warrior, Holy Priest, Balance Druid, Disc Priest, Shadow Priest, Arcane Mage, Holy Pala, Affliction Lock, Brewmaster Monk, Resto Druid, Mistweaver Monk


  • hardest dps challenge - affliction warlock (without the slow ring, no cheese because I didn't know it existed)
  • easiest dps challenge - disc priest / feral druid
  • hardest tank challenge - blood dk
  • easiest tank challenge - prot pala
  • hardest healer challenge - resto druid
  • easiest healer challenge - holy priest
  • hardest challenge overall - healer one - srsly its hard and it scales
  • easiest challenge overall - feltotem
  • lowest ilvl used - 908
  • highest ilvl used - 930

Thwarting the Twins - Karam + Raest challenge

  • Druid - Balance - 917 ilvl
    • Starlord, Displacer Beast, Restoration Affinity, Typhoon, Soul of the Forest, Shooting Stars, Stellar Drift
    • No spec or neutral legendaries
    • On this fight Starfall > Starsurge almost always so you can cast while moving, do your normal rotation otherwise on Karam, forget about small adds since they will die from Starfall regardless (when i finished the fight my dps meter was something like this). Interrupt hands and focus them. Dont forget to clear a rune space with Typhoon if needed.
    • 9/10 - easiest twins challenge and pretty fun especially after you see your damage meter and half of it is Starfall.
  • Hunter - Marksmanship - 919 ilvl
    • Lone Wolf, Lock and Load, Post Haste, Patient Sniper, Binding Shot, Volley, Trick Shot
    • Kil'Jaeden's Burning Wish (970) + Zevrim's Hunger (940)
    • Concussive shot should be on Karam always, kite in a circle. When Raest is up and the adds spawn use your hunter's mark charge on multi-shot and activate volley, adds should die easily.
    • 8/10 - Having a slow on Karam up all the times helps a lot and makes this challenge really easy to do.
  • Mage - Frost - 919 ilvl
    • Bone chilling, Shimmer, Incanter's Flow, Splitting Ice, Frigid Winds, Arctic Gale, Thermal Void
    • Kil'Jaeden's Burning Wish (970) + Shard of Exodar (940)
    • Always make sure u cast a Frostbolt on Karam to keep him slowed, pop Icy Veins when adds spawn so you can spam ice lance into Raest as much as possible. Use your pet to soak runes (drag pet move from spellbook or use a /petmoveto macro). If you know you can't interrupt a hand casting make sure to ice block.
    • 7/10 - Was harder than I expected it to be but that has to do with my lack of skill and knowledge on frost mage mostly. The kit this spec has is awesome for this challenge tho.
  • Priest - Shadow - 911 ilvl
    • Twist of Fate, Body and Soul, Mind Bomb, Lingering Insanity, Shadowy Insight, Mindbender, Legacy of the Void
    • No neutral or spec specific legendary
    • Make sure to cast mind flay as often as possible without getting hit so you can slow Karam with a tentacle that spawns from your artifact tree. Use Mind Bomb and shield yourself to gain some distance or get vampiric touch up again or cast void eruption. If he is gonna catch you just use dispersion then Vampiric Embrace to heal back up On Raest just ignore adds completely except for hands, those are pretty difficult to deal with as a priest. I used Drums when Karam started chasing again to get back on Raest asap.
    • 6/10 - you can cheese this with surrender to madness if you're geared enough, have good stats for it and/or know how to play shadow priest. If you lack any of those 3 then just go with Legacy of the Void and do it the normal way. At 905+ ilvl I feel like Raest should die before you need to soak a second rune. Overall I think the challenge is pretty difficult.
  • Warlock - Affliction - 916 ilvl
    • Writhe in Agony, Absolute Corruption, Mortal Coil, Phantom Singularity, Burning Rush, Grimoire of Supremacy, Siphon Life
    • Pillars of the Dark Portal (1000)
    • Pet used - Doomguard
    • This is a difficult challenge without the slow ring legendary but it is possible to do it without that. Start by dotting karam and bursting as much as possible, when he gets close activate burning rush and keep it active always while running in circle around the arena, if he catches up or you have many soul shards mortal coil him and dump everything or get away a bit, use demonic gateway to gain some distance and the doomguard slow. Keep in mind the doomguard slow lasts 4 seconds here. If you get past the 1st phase the rest is easy. Dot up Raest and pop one seed when adds are clumped up. I used drums when Karam started chasing me again so I can get back to damaging Raest as soon as possible. Always focus hands and use your pet to interrupt and to absorb runes (drag pet move from spellbook or use a /petmoveto macro), if you miss one just banish and focus on Raest.
    • 3/10 - horrible fight without the ring, hate it but not as much as the healer one.
    • EDIT: There is a cheese mechanic to this involving mortal coiling Karam in p1 at the right time. Thanks to u/Kanjie and u/Naruxx. I found a video about this here.

The God-Queen's Fury - Sigryn Challenge

  • Mage - Arcane - 919 ilvl
    • Amplification, Mana Shield, Incanter's Flow, Resonace, Chrono Shift, Erosion, Arcane Orb
    • Kil'Jaeden's Burning Wish (970) + Shard of Exodar (940)
    • Make sure to start the fight by blowing every cooldown you have and spam Arcane Explosion so it hits all 3. After your Arcane power is down get some distance and try to keep Sigryn and the Jarl away from you. Frost Nova helps a lot here, blink and displacement for runes. Polymorph Sigryn when she starts casting Blood of the Father. If you don't realize she's casting it just poly her asap. Poly twice if needed but don't overdo it since it has diminishing returns and you need to be able to cast poly when she does it again.
    • 6/10 - Pretty hard without Prydaz, that legendary would make this fight really easy especially in the first part where both Jarl and Sigryn are on you.
  • Paladin - Retribution - 915 ilvl
    • Final Verdict, The Fires of Justice, Repentance, Blade of Wrath, Justicar's Vengeance, Cavalier, Crusade
    • Aggramar's Stride (970)
    • Repentance Sigryn when she casts Blood of the Father, if you miss its a wipe basically. Stun Jarl when he chases you or use Hand of Hindrance and run away. Don't be afraid to use holy power to heal with Justicar's Vengeance
    • 7/10 - relatively easy for retribution paladins, they have tons of way to deal with everything except Sigryn if she manages to get a cast off.
  • Rogue - Assassination - 914 ilvl
    • Master Poisoner, Nightstalker, Vigor, Leeching Poison, Internal Bleeding, Alacrity, Venom Rush
    • Kil'Jaeden's Burning Wish (970) + Mantle of the Master Assassin (970)
    • Blind Sigryn when she begins casting Blood of the Father. Try to keep Rupture up on Jarl and caster. if you can't reach a rune just cloak it. You can use Vanish for more damage. Stay healed with Crimson Vial.
    • 8/10 - enjoyable challenge overall.
  • Shaman - Enhancement - 930 ilvl
    • Landslide, Rainfall, Lightning Surge Totem, Hailstorm, Tempest, Crashing Storm, Earthen Spike
    • Eye of the Twisting Nether (970) + Roots of Shaladrassil (970)
    • Hex Sigryn as much as possible but keep in mind diminishing returns so you can hex her when she casts Blood of the Father. Keep Rainfall near the caster since you're gonna focus him. Slow Jarl with frostbrand and/or stun him while running away.
    • 7/10 - I overgeared this challenge a lot since enha is my main. Im pretty sure if you have shaladrassil you can change Rainfall to Feral Lunge but I kept it just to be sure. Keep in mind this challenge is not a dps race until the caster guy ( I seriously forgot his name ) starts casting back to back shields
  • Warlock - Demonology - 916 ilvl
    • Demonic Calling, Improved Dreadstalkers, Mortal Coil, Hand of Doom, Demon Skin, Grimoire of Supremacy, Soul Conduit
    • Pillards of the Dark Portal (1000)
    • Pet used - Doomguard
    • Keep Doom up on all three targets while focusing the caster guy. Fear when Sigryn starts casting Blood of the Father or use mortal coil. Kite the Jarl with the slow from your Doomguard. Interrupt the caster with doomguard interrupt.
    • 6/10 - you can run darkglare if you want to press an extra button from time to time since it does insane amounts of damage, I chose the lazy way. The fight is relatively easy for demo as long as you don't panic on valks and sigryn casting blood of the father.

The Highlord's Return - Kruul Challenge - tank burst challenge

  • Paladin - Protection - 920 ilvl
    • Blessed Hammer, First Avenger, Fist of Justice, Cavalier, Hand of the Protector, Consecrated Ground, Seraphim
    • Aggramar's Stride (970) + Uther's Guard (940)
    • Pop everything you can, drums, potion of old war, seraphim, wings, trinkets whatever just burst down the inquisitor get him as low as possible. Get adds with your Avenger's Shield. Stun the Inquisitor when you're not dpsing him and you wait for stacks to fade off. Goblin Glider Kit can save you from knock-backs if you are fast when using them. On Kruul i did Shield of the Righteous, SotR + Artifact ability, SotR + Ardent Defender, SotR + Guardian.
    • 8/10 - Pala has insane damage, sometimes it feels like it is the highest out of all the tanks and this coupled with insane self heal makes the challenge really accessible.
  • Death Knight - Blood - 917 ilvl
    • Blooddrinker, Rapid Decomposition, Ossuary, Red Thirst, Tremble Before Me, Rune Tap, Bonestorm
    • Acherus Drapes (970) + Prydaz, Xavaric's Magnum Opus (1000)
    • Same as all the tanks just hit the Inquisitor with all you can, keep Death and Decay under him so you can reduce damage by stunning him from time to time with Tremble Before Me. Keep Consumption and Bonestorm for nether adds, they should die quickly. Use AMS to block some casts of the inquisitor. Goblin Glider Kit can save you from knock-backs if you are fast when using them. On Kruul you must have charges of Rune tap up for every Annihilate and at least a stack of Bone Shield.
    • 6/10 - i don't really know why but the inquisitor was hitting me like a truck on this character compared to other tanks, that plus the lack of mobility and "oh-i-got-knocked-button" makes this pretty tricky.
  • Demon Hunter - Vengeance - 913 ilvl
    • Razor Spikes, Fallout, Flame Crash, Fracture, Quickened Sigils, Spirit Bomb, Last Resort
    • Kirel Narak (910)
    • Make use of your glide and/or Infernal Strike if you get knocked off and deal as much damage as possible with every spell you have to the Inquisitor.
    • 7/10 - pretty fun fight as a DH, you have 3 ways to counter knocks, the only problem I encountered was with the inquisitor's damage.
  • Warrior - Protection - 921 ilvl
    • Shockwave, Impending Victory, Avatar, Bounding Stride, Devastator, Booming Voice, Anger Management
    • Soul of the Battlelord (970)
    • Go all out on the Inquisitor, drums, prepot, demo shout, shield block for more damage on shield slam, battle cry, spell reflect his cast just make sure to keep some rage for Ignore Pain.Stun adds and when that is over use artifact ability on small adds with revenge and Thunder Clap. When Kruul comes down use Spell Reflect on his Twisted Reflection cast instead of interrupting it. That way you heal yourself a lot.
    • 7/10 - decent fight thought for some tanks it may be easier than for a warrior. Charge or Heroic Leap helps if you get knocked off.
  • Druid - Guardian - 922 ilvl
    • Blood Frenzy, Wild Charge, Balance Affinity, Mighty Bash, Incarnation: Guardian of Ursoc, Guardian of Elune, Rend and Tear
    • Skysec's Hold (970), Elize's Everlasting Encasement (1000)
    • Keep charge for when you get knocked off, never use it for anything else. Incapacitating Roar can help on small adds to stop their cast.
    • 8/10 - Bears are insane as tanks, really fun challenge for them. They even have charge to counter knocks.
  • Monk - Brewmaster - 909 ilvl
    • Chi Burst, Chi Torpedo, Black Ox Brew, Leg Sweep, Healing Elixir, Invoke Niuzao, the Black Ox, Blackout Combo
    • Crafted Boots (970)
    • Invoke Niuzao is GODLY here, pop him at the start and depending on your dps you can have him up for Kruul as well. Blackout Combo gives you tons of damage but never use it on anything else other than Tiger Palm. Make sure you don't forget about Transcendence if you get knocked off. For Kruul combo Ironskin Brew before Annihilate with Purifying Brew after the cast. You can delay his cast with Leg Sweep or Paralysis.
    • 8/10 - Enjoyed this a lot after switching to Invoke Niuzao, that talent is game changer.

End of the Risen Threat - Shadowsong Challenge - healer

  • Monk - Mistweaver - 912 ilvl
    • Chi Wave, Chi Torpedo, Mist Wrap, Leg Sweep, Healing Elixir, Invoke Chi-Ji, the Red Crane, Focused Thunder
    • Crafted Boots (970)
    • Chi Wave makes the first phase bearable. Never forget to use Renewing Mist. Always use Paralysis to stop the archer cast. Leg Sweep should be used on mages when they are at about 3-4 stacks and make sure you stun the mobs next to the mage when they start casting Blade Dance on waves 3 and 4. Kite the fixated dudes through your Transcendence since that slows them. Mana is not an issue for MW monks during p1 compared to other healers so if you need to stabilize go all out on Vivify, renewing mist, chi ji whatever you can to keep your party up. For the "healing adds phase" keep renewing use thunder tea + drums + life cocoon on one add, enveloping mist the 2 others and spam vivify, 2nd wave use Chi Ji and Revival + vivify to top adds, 3rd wave go thunder tea, enveloping mist on 2 adds then spam effuse to get them healed. You can let one add hit the boss, if you don't keep in mind that you will not be able to drink. Be very careful on the first leap + ignite soul combo, that killed me many times. It is better to be a bit higher hp than usual for the first one since the boom overlaps with the next leap.
    • 6/10 - if not for the first phase this would have been the easiest healer challenge I did, but I died so many times to double fixate its not even funny, oh and the first leap combo as well. Sometimes the slow from Transcendence was not working or something.
  • Shaman - Restoration - 926 ilvl
    • Undulation, Graceful Spirit, Lightning Surge Totem, Crashing Waves, Ancestral Vigor, Echo of the Elements, Ascendance
    • Sephuz's Secret (940) + Roots of Shaladrassil (970) - I switched sephuz for Uncertain Reminder (1000) on the "heal the adds phase" but it would have been better to switch the Roots of Shaladrassil.
    • Keep riptide up on everyone. Stun the Mana Sting cast if you can, interrupt the mage at 3-4 stacks. Keep Healing Stream Totem up as much as possible during periods of big damage. When kiting make sure you don't forget about Spiritwalker's Grace and Earthbind Totem. Keep Healing Rain under Jarod and the rogue girl. For the "heal the adds phase" I popped Bloodlust and Ascendance on first wave. Healing Tide Totem + Healing Stream Totem + Healing wave on second and riptide + healing surge the last adds.
    • 7/10 - although this challenge does scale with ilvl somewhat it p1 was easier because of the ilvl compared to other healers i had. Shamans have tons of AoE heals and the interrupt is awesome against mages.
  • Priest - Holy - 911 ilvl
    • Trail of Light, Perseverance, Censure, Light of the Naaru, Surge of Light, Divinity, Apotheosis
    • Muze's Unwavering Will (1000)
    • Keep Renew on the party. Use Holy Word: Chastise on the mages to make them lose stacks after 3-4 casts. Shackle Undead the Mana Sting cast of the archers or the fixate / double fixate / blade dance. Mana Sting takes priority. On the "healing adds phase" pop lust, Apotheosis and just bash your Flash Heal + Holy Word: Serenity keys, Divine Hymn, Prayer of Healing and Holy Word: Sanctify do wonders as well.
    • 8/10 - I'm gonna be honest I don't know exactly how but I did this challenge first try so my "healing adds phase" was all over the place. Thing is that priests have such awesome burst heal in Serenity that made the phase really easy paired with Apotheosis. I know Binding Heal instead of Surge of Light can do wonders as well.
  • Paladin - Holy - 914 ilvl
    • Bestow Faith, Unbreakable Spirit, Repentance, Devotion Aura, Holy Avenger, Sanctified Wrath, Beacon of Faith
    • Obsidian Stone Spaulders (940) + Maraad's Dying Breath (940)
    • Keep beacons on Jarod and granny. Make use of Light of Dawn and don't be afraid to use Light of the Martyr to save party members. Repentance every cast of Mana Sting. Stun mages at 3-4 stacks. Repentance Blade Dances when you can. You can use Blessing of Protection on the double fixate or just kite it if the party doesn't need any healing. Keep Bestow Faith up all the time. For the "healing adds phase" pop lust + wings and use holy shock + flash of light to heal adds. Go Tyr's Deliverance + Holy Avenger on 2nd wave. Use Lay on Hands to either save a party member or get an add to full quickly.
    • 6/10 - i had a hard time deciding if Beacon of the Lightbringer Virtue ( edit: I was thinking of the wrong talent ) is better or not and I think that can be used but it does provide less healing overall. Kit is good for this challenge.
  • Druid - Restoration - 915 ilvl
    • Abundance, Displacer Beast, Guardian Affinity, Typhoon, Incarnation: Tree of Life, Germination, Stonebark
    • Aman'Thul's Wisdom (970) + The Dark Titan's Advice (940)
    • Keep double Rejuvenation on your party as much as possible. Stay behind Jarod to intercept Mana Sting and use Ironbark on him when he gets hit. Make sure you Typhoon mages at 3-4 stacks as well as double blade dance + mage. Kite with Ursol's Vortex + Displacer Beast + Entangling Roots or just face tank it in bear form with Ironfur and Frenzied Regeneration. For "healing adds phase" keep hots on party + efflorescence, pop lust and tree of life and start spamming Rejuvenation + Regrowth and swiftmend on adds. Go 1 Rejuvenation on each add + Tranquility for 2nd phase. Finish healing adds on 3rd wave with Rejuvenation + Regrowth.
    • 5/10 - really hard challenge especially for resto druids since they heal over time. That makes the "healing adds phase" really tricky. I did not enjoy this at all.

Closing the Eye - Xylem challenge

  • Death Knight - Frost - 916 ilvl
    • Shattering Strikes, Freezing Fog, Ice Cap, Winter is coming, Permafrost, Gathering Storm, Obliteration
    • Acherus Drapes (970) + Prydaz, Xavaric's Magnum Opus (1000)
    • Pretty straightforward fight if you know the encounter, only thing I can recommend is using Anti magic shell + Wraith Walk in intermission when close to him.
    • 7/10 - Doing this as a frost dk was pretty okay after a couple of tries getting used to the intermission.
  • Demon Hunter - Havoc - 915 ilvl
    • Blind Fury, Demonic Appetite, Chaos Cleave, Soul Rending, Fel Eruption, Unleashed Power, Demonic
    • Achor, the Eternal Hunger (940) + Anger of the Half-Giants (940)
    • Best thing here is to get the opening sequence right and get in the groove for p1. Start close to the eye, prepot, interrupt, Fury of the Illidari, Eye Beam and go into normal single target rotation. When icicles spawn Chaos Nova and Vengeful Retreat out of them, interrupt Xylem and try to Eye Beam him and the icicles so you spawn more soul fragments, rinse and repeat.
    • 5/10 - Hardest xylem challenge for me, can't really put my finger on why but I almost rage quit because of fury RNG once or twice. Intermission caused me a ton of wipes because I misjudged Fel Rush damage and distance.
  • Survival - Hunter - 917 ilvl
    • Animal Instincts, Mortal Wounds, Disengage, Caltrops, Ranger's Net, Butchery, Expert Trapper
    • Kil'jaeden's Burning Wish (970)
    • This fight is really really fun as a survival hunter compared to other specs. Butchery just shreds the icicles so you can keep healing with exhilaration and the intermission is the best on this class since you can Flaking Strike + harpoon from target to target. You need to Flare him out during intermission.
    • 8/10 - Easiest xylem for me, tons of fun jumping from target to target, butchery damage is insane. The only problem I had was with the spec itself, seems pretty difficult to play correctly so I just mashed buttons in hopes of damage.
  • Sublety - Rogue - 918 ilvl
    • Weapon Master, Subterfuge, Vigor, Soothing Darkness, Tangled Shadow, Alacrity, Marked for Death
    • Kil'Jaeden's Burning Wish (970) + Mantle of the Master Assassin (970)
    • Best tip I can offer here is to keep one shadow dance charge for the icicles so you can shuriken them to death easily. Use marked for death in intermission and it makes the phase a whole lot easier paired with shadow step. Make sure to apply nightblade to each add in last phase so you can slow them and use marked for death to finish them off one by one.
    • 8/10 - Out of all the rogue specs sublety is my worst, still the kit it has makes this challenge easy to do.
  • Arms - Warrior - 922 ilvl
    • Sweeping Strikes, Double Time, Trauma, Second Wind, Fervor of Battle, In for the kill, Anger Management
    • Naj'entus's Vertebrae (970) + Soul of the Battlelord (970)
    • Not much to say about this fight. You have enough self heal from artifact traits and damage should be more than enough now if above 910.
    • 7/10 - meh fight but its easy

An Impossible Foe - Agatha challenge - use Lightblood Elixir and Greater Blessed Bandage if you're having a hard time with this challenge

  • Death Knight - Unholy - 917 ilvl
    • Bursting Sores, Pestilent Pustules, Clawing Shadows, Sludge Belcher, Lingering Apparition, Infected Claws, Defile
    • Acherus Drapes (970) + Prydaz, Xavaric's Magnum Opus (1000)
    • You can interrupt fuming imps with grip if needed or the healing imps. You can try Epidemic instead of Pestilent Pustules if you need even more AoE.
    • 6/10 - didn't really enjoy this fight as unholy, being inexperienced made me lose track of Festring Wounds while so much was happening around me.
  • Druid - Feral - 918 ilvl
    • Predator, Displacer Beast, Guardian Affinity, Mighty Bash, Incarnation: King of the Jungle, Brutal Slash, Moment of Clarity
    • No spec specific legendary or neutral
    • Thrash + Brutal Slash is just... brutal on the imps. Keep Agatha dotted and just watch everything die near you.
    • 9/10 - easiest Agatha and one of the easiest challenges in the game imo. You can cheese it with lighblood and greater blessed bandage and stacking command center on top of all but just lightblood is enough.
  • Mage - Fire - 919 ilvl
    • Conflagration, Shimmer, Incanter's Flow, Alexstrasza's Fury, Ice Ward, Living Bomb, Meteor
    • Shard of Exodar (940) + Kil'jaeden's Burning Wish (970)
    • Things die for no reason as a fire mage, throw in some AoE when imps spawn and just focus agatha, keep meteor for shield phase, frost nova healing imps when they spawn.
    • 8/10 - pretty fun challenge, easy, flashy with all the fire going on
  • Rogue - Outlaw - 918 ilvl
    • Quick Draw, Acrobatic Strikes, Deeper Stratagem, Cheat Death, Dirty Tricks, Cannonball Barrage, Marked for Death
    • Kil'Jaeden's Burning Wish (970) + Mantle of the Master Assassin (970)
    • Marked for death is your best friend here, use it as often as possible on every imp. Cannonball Barrage can help you when she teleports away and spawns tons of imps. I also kept Blade Flurry up most of the time if not all the time because I forgot about it.
    • 6/10 - RNG sucks and you don't really have the time to keep rolling bones. Marked for death makes this a bit enjoyable but not by much.
  • Shaman - Elemental - 926 ilvl - first challenge i ever did
    • Totem Mastery, Gust of Wind, Lightning Surge Totem, Ancestral Swiftness, Elemental Blast, Liquid Magma Totem, Lightning Rod
    • Eye of the Twisting Nether (970) + Roots of Shaladrassil (970)
    • Apply lightning rod to as many targets as possible. Use Lightning surge totem to stun healing imps when they reach Agatha. Liquid Magma + Chain lightning + Earthquake should be more than enough AoE to deal with all the imps. Single Target Flame Shock + Lava burst the fuming imps. Thunderstorm can interrupt both fuming and healing imps.
    • 7/10 - decent fight for lightning rod build although i don't like the build itself.
  • Warrior - Fury - 922 ilvl
    • War Machine, Shockwave, Wrecking Ball, Bounding Stride, Frothing Berserker, Inner Rage, Reckless Abandon
    • Naj'entus's Vertebrae (970) + Soul of the Battlelord (970)
    • Make sure you kill fuming imps as fast as possible, single target them. My fury warrior struggled a lot with getting them down fast enough so they don't explode. Make sure your shockwave hits 3 targets. Most important tip i can give here is if you can get a greater blessed bandage. It trivializes the fight.
    • 5/10 - hated it, it may be because i don't really play fury but fuming imps just didn't want to die fast enough.

Feltotem's Fall - Tugar challenge

  • Hunter - Beast Mastery - 920 ilvl
    • Way of the Cobra, Dire Frenzy, Posthaste, Bestial Fury, Intimidation, A Murder of Crows, Killer Cobra
    • The Mantle of Command (1000) + Kil'jaeden's Burning Wish (970)
    • Pet used: Spirit Beast - ferocity
    • After many tries with a shale spider as some guides were saying i stumbled upon this tip to use a spirit beast instead for the heal. The second phase of the encounter is horrible for BM if you don't have either insane DPS or Roots of Shaladrassil but spirit beast helps by healing you. Interrupt Tugar with Interrupt > Intimidation > Freezing Trap. Stay close to him if possible to reduce the travel time of freezing trap. Create a macro for your spirit heal. Intimidation and Freezing Trap can interrupt the big worm's cast in 2nd phase so use them as often as possible.
    • 6/10 - Roots of Shaladrassil makes this fight really easy, without it it's pretty awkward when it comes to the 2nd phase for BM.
  • Monk - Windwalker - 908 ilvl
    • Chi Wave, Chi Torpedo, Power Strikes, Leg Sweep, Healing Elixir, Hit Combo, Whirling Dragon Punch
    • The Wind Blows (970) + Crafted Boots (970)
    • Interrupt Tugar with Spear Hand Strike > Paralysis > Leg Sweep. Keep Chi Wave up most of the fight and healing won't be a problem. 2nd phase is really easy since you can Paralysis almost each cast of the big worm, if you do miss one pop healing elixirs or have touch of karma up.
    • 7/10 - easy challenge given the kit of this spec. Chi wave is godly and you have plenty of interrupts for both Tugar and the worm.
  • Priest - Discipline - 910 ilvl
    • Castigation, Masochism, Physic Voice, Mindbender, Sanctuary, Halo, Power Infusion
    • No spec or neutral legendary
    • Keep atonement on you while fearing as many fel burst casts as possible. When fear is down pop a shield on you + fade.
    • 9/10 - Easiest Tugar challenge by far. As someone said yesterday in a comment its basically a free appearance for disc priests.
  • Warlock - Destruction - 917 ilvl
    • Backdraft, Reverse Entropy, Mortal Coil, Soul Harvest, Dark Pact, Grimoire of Service, Soul Conduit
    • Odr, Shawl of the Ymirjar (940) + Lessons of Space-Time (940)
    • Pet used: Felhunter
    • You can run Grimoire of Supremacy instead of service and use the doomguard's interrupt if you wish to, otherwise summon a felhunter, interrupt with him + grimoire: felhunter + mortal coil. Most important thing on this fight is to fear when he casts earthquake, that way to force him to not summon worms giving you more time to focus on him. Use Drain Life for 2nd phase to heal up after a Sonic Scream cast.
    • 7/10 - relatively easy challenge even if you miss a fel burst interrupt you can recover with drain life.
submitted by /u/Zalosin
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Thursday Loot Thread

Posted: 05 Jul 2018 03:11 AM PDT

Let us know what you got this week! Achievements, meta-achievements, mounts, pets, actual loot drops, gold thresholds, or other things that you can say, "Oooh, I got this" and be excited about. Post them here! Screenshots are encouraged but not necessary.

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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Zuldazar had some heavy rain today.

Posted: 05 Jul 2018 06:39 AM PDT

Just Dreamgrove things

Posted: 05 Jul 2018 06:59 AM PDT

I see your Illidan firework copyright infringement and raise you the literal WC3 box art.

Posted: 04 Jul 2018 11:12 PM PDT

Friend of mine surprised me with a 3D print of Wyrmrest Temple ! Surprisingly detailed !

Posted: 05 Jul 2018 03:45 AM PDT

Worst part of Wrath

Posted: 05 Jul 2018 08:52 AM PDT

Really Blizz? THIS is how it sheathes?

Posted: 05 Jul 2018 04:55 AM PDT

The Horde gather to march for Silithus (Drums of War campaign, AD EU)

Posted: 05 Jul 2018 11:39 AM PDT

I thought that my first tattoo should be something speciall, Lok,tar ogar!

Posted: 05 Jul 2018 01:38 PM PDT

Apparently my pet did all the job

Posted: 05 Jul 2018 04:25 AM PDT

The Red Dragonflight's anger at the Deathlord's actions in Legion.

Posted: 05 Jul 2018 08:02 AM PDT

I just realized that my in game character (created during vanilla) is probably older than some of the real life kids playing the game.

Posted: 05 Jul 2018 04:24 AM PDT

Orgrimmar Fireworks - Inky Black vs Normal

Posted: 05 Jul 2018 01:20 AM PDT

As a new player, starting at 100 made me enjoy WoW

Posted: 05 Jul 2018 11:44 AM PDT

When I first decided to join WoW, this subreddit told me that I should go into it at level 1 and enjoy the full game as it is. As much as I did enjoy leveling in ~some~ zones (*ahem* pandaria only *ahem*), I found the experience very isolating and boring. Sometimes I felt like I was forcing myself to play instead of actually wanting to play. I honestly peaked at level 86 and then quit the game for about 4 months.

Fast forward 3 weeks ago, I realized that I still haven't used my 100 boost from my Legion purchase so I decided to use it considering, well, I bought Legion and never quite experienced it. I resubbed and wow.. finally. It feels like I'm actually playing and MMORPG now, the moment I got into Dalaran it was like a whole new game. Leveling from 0 - 100 feels you're stuck behind a fence with the cool kids on the other side.

So happy I gave this game another try. If I had to recommend it to anyone, I would tell them to start at 100 without a doubt. I know it's a shame because there's YEARS of content that you will be missing but leveling through the older zones (except Pandaria) is a really boring experience.

submitted by /u/Boosers
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Roleplayers gathering for world PVP in the buildup to the BFA

Posted: 05 Jul 2018 11:16 AM PDT

Is there any point in grinding Australian Reach or Army of the Light as a Horde toon?

Posted: 04 Jul 2018 09:43 PM PDT

I have unlocked Legion flying as well as both Horde allies, so I was curious if it mattered at all?

submitted by /u/MCPanda6969
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When asked why he died to drakes 4 times.

Posted: 05 Jul 2018 03:54 AM PDT

Legion PvP Season 7 Ending Soon

Posted: 05 Jul 2018 10:11 AM PDT

Mage Tower Coaching

Posted: 05 Jul 2018 10:12 AM PDT

A couple of days ago I made a thread on Reddit about coaching people through their Mage Tower Challenges. It kind of was removed due to there being a megathread, but since we're now maybe halfway through the last Tower before they're gone forever, I think it's time for me to make this offer again.

I'm just copying what I said at this point, but here it goes.

How it works: Send me a DM so we can exchange Discord nicknames ─ that way we can enter a private call and use their screensharing/game streaming service.

I'll watch you do the challenges and toss reminders of mechanics and help you see what you did well and what you did wrong.

I know all of the challenges by heart, so no matter what you're playing I might be able to help.

Edit: It's been suggested that I show my challenge appearance album to prove that I've completed them and am familiar with the challenges.

In order: Drimb Eihwaz Teiwaz Togore Korumo Manok Naernas Kimisu Farni Lithy Klinkz Hildana

submitted by /u/Derort
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You want me to do what?

Posted: 04 Jul 2018 07:25 PM PDT

Oh wow I finally got Ahunes Scythe!..oh.

Posted: 05 Jul 2018 12:22 AM PDT

I see you guys showing your copyright infringements. So here's my favorite slippers, found by my GF in a random russian mall. For Lordaeron!

Posted: 05 Jul 2018 07:28 AM PDT

Watch out Twitch

Posted: 05 Jul 2018 11:50 AM PDT

Server broadcasts getting cheeky on the beta

Posted: 05 Jul 2018 03:06 PM PDT

My friend and I got ourselves a horde symbol tattoo. Now we're ready for BfA.

Posted: 05 Jul 2018 11:10 AM PDT

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