True Dota 2 - Is feeding firstblood for 1 initial bounty worth it?

Is feeding firstblood for 1 initial bounty worth it?

Posted: 09 Jul 2018 11:03 AM PDT

What are your thoughts?

I guess it also need to take into account gold loss (unless u can spend it before u die), also tp cost, and experience for the eneimes.

submitted by /u/Ange1M
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Is Zeus actually strong in low brackets, or is he just easy to play?

Posted: 09 Jul 2018 12:40 PM PDT

Or are those two things the same in low brackets? I have a hard time interpreting win rates in low brackets, because it's hard to tell if it's a function of inherent hero strength, or (more likely) ease of use. For example, arc Warden might be very strong but he'll always have a low win rate in low mmr because players will lose a lot of games while trying to learn him. Zeus and wraith king don't have that problem, for example.

Maybe I should be comparing the hero's current patch win rate versus its historical win rate to evaluate current strength? Like centaur has always been a pub stomper but his current win rate might be lower than his historical average, which could mean he's actually relatively weak right now.

submitted by /u/ak1247
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Warlock Talents

Posted: 09 Jul 2018 01:57 AM PDT

Yesterday, I tried the AoE Shadow Word Talent over the Golem upon death together with the -7 Cooldown. And while I Think it was a mistake in that particular game because their Void focused me hard with Chrono, I believe that it can be viable and is not just strictly worse than the Golem.

  • With Fatal Bonds Plus AoE Shadow Word you can push waves fast and safe. You can also actually farm stacked camps if the game slows down and your cores are not around to take them instead.

  • Before a fight you can cast Shadow word on multiple allies, similar like Dazzle's weave. It will be available in the Fight again with the reduced CD.

  • The AoE is actually a bit larger than what is indicated an thus catching multiple enemies is fairly easy.

So in a Scenario where my Team is being pushed into I would skill AoE shadow Word and CD reduction to help push waves. Also when there is no good catch on the enemy Team and I can survive in a fight fairly easy it's better to gain the benefits of the afformentioned Talent rather than one that only Triggers on death.

That being said I'm by no means a very experienced DotA Player. How do you skill his talents?

submitted by /u/UpperPlus
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Sniper Aghs ult unaffected by Deso armor reduction?

Posted: 09 Jul 2018 03:10 PM PDT

I wanted to test out if Deso's armor reduction amps up Sniper Aghs ult damage - seems like it doesn't.

I went into a bot game. My dummy was a level 25 Axe with 5 Hearts, I was a level 25 Sniper.

First, I bought Aghs+Deso. I ulted the Axe a bunch of times - the numbers came out to around 518-535 per hit.

Then, I sold the Deso and bought 50 damage (Deso gives 50 damage) worth of items (1 Claymore, 2 Quarterstaves, 1 Blades of Attack), waited for the Deso armor reduction to wear off on the Axe, then did the same thing. Ult did the same range of damage.

Considering the possibility that perhaps Sniper Aghs ult just doesn't proc on-hit effects, I bought Diffusal and Skadi on him and his Aghs ult ended up proccing both.

What gives? Why isn't his ult amped by Desolator? Am I missing something?

submitted by /u/eodigsdgkjw
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What hero has the best set of talents? [Discussion]

Posted: 09 Jul 2018 02:28 PM PDT

Just curious to see some people's thoughts.

It seems like some individual talents are regarded as borderline OP and some have really become the core reason to pick some heroes (PL Doppleganger CD, Warlock Golem on Death, etc.).

I'm wondering what you guys think is the best suite of 8 talents when taken as a whole.

submitted by /u/ValentineSmith
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Why is that you cant queue more than 2 items?

Posted: 09 Jul 2018 02:01 PM PDT

I practice tinker in demo and suddenly it doesnt do what it should, BoT shift bottle+soulring, instead it just attack creeps and use either bottle or soulring but doesnt complete the queue.

I tried BoT dagger soul bottle missil combo, but if your dagger final destination is within creep aquisition range then it stops at soul ring and auto attack, is this a bug or im missing something?

submitted by /u/MiloTheSlayer
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How is LD played this patch?

Posted: 09 Jul 2018 06:12 AM PDT

As title say, always loved the hero and have a decent WR on him but just not sure how he's played anymore or where he fits.

There's also a big difference in the divine bracket with a 50% wr compared to the rest which seem to sit around 42-43%, why is this?

submitted by /u/AuPale
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Ursa item build discussion

Posted: 09 Jul 2018 09:25 AM PDT

I've been playing a lot of ursa recently since the buffs and he seems extremely strong right now. But I also feel like hes very one dimensional. My build is usually phase > morbid > blink > bash > etc. I go this build basically every single game and I never really felt a need to stray from it. I've seen diffusal, SnY, deso, and even the infamous ursa radiance build. But I dont really get why you would want to differ from good ol basher into aghs/bkb. Anybody explain?

submitted by /u/Pintobag
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How to plau as an impactful support

Posted: 09 Jul 2018 08:40 AM PDT

I watched dotapro and see that pros can create so much impact by roaming and still remaining relevant by being level 6 by like 10-12 mins. And for pos 5 how do you play a useful position 5

submitted by /u/Dkks2010
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How do you beat a lvl 25 Heart PL?

Posted: 09 Jul 2018 04:00 AM PDT

Seems impossible if you don't have an ember spirit on your team. Hell, even if you have ember, unless your ember has 2 rapiers, you're not going to be able to kill him. Once PL has manta your silences are useless. Are hard AOE disables the only way?

submitted by /u/Tha_Crock
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SF vs Weaver mid? Who’s supposed to win lane?

Posted: 08 Jul 2018 09:35 PM PDT

Shiva bloodstone on Tinker? Can someone explain this build?

Posted: 09 Jul 2018 03:13 AM PDT

So I was watching a high mmr pub, and there's this guy, his name on Steam is DieMentol, and he likes to go for Shiva + Bloodstone on Tinker after Blink most of the time, sometimes a BKB in-between. At first I thought it was only that match but after further inspection I found out he does this all the time.

I don't really understand this build, if anyone out there would be kind to explain, I would be very grateful. I do get the Shiva because the active allows you to kill creeps faster or get flying vision on heroes/slow them and all that, but the Bloodstone seems pretty unnecessary. And even then, why would Shiva be better than the usual Aether + Hex and/or Agh etc.

Not going for Aether also makes sense 'cause he'll be playing pretty close to creeps/enemy heroes anyway, to be able to make use of the Shiva, but the rest kind of goes above my head.

submitted by /u/silky_chan
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