League of Legends - Monday Megathread! Ask questions and share knowledge; newcomer questions encouraged!

Monday Megathread! Ask questions and share knowledge; newcomer questions encouraged!

Posted: 08 Jul 2018 07:36 PM PDT

Welcome to the latest Monday Megathread, where you the community get to ask your questions and share your knowledge.

This is an opportunity for the more experienced LoL players here to share some of your wisdom with those with less expertise. This thread will be a weekly safehaven for those "noobish" questions you may have been too scared to ask for fear of downvotes, but also can be a great place for in depth discussion if you so wish. So, don't hold back, get your game related questions ready and post away, and hopefully someone can answer them!

Previous threads

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Please sort this post by new, so that you can see the newer, unanswered questions.

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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I just wanted to say that, no matter how much BS happens in the game, I still love League of Legends. There is just no other game like it.

Posted: 09 Jul 2018 10:06 AM PDT

There's just no other game that gives me such excitement when I win, and such anger and disappointment when I lose. There is so much complexity, so many things to learn, and such a large community. The esports scene is the biggest and the best out of any other game I've seen. I get just as hyped with Worlds and with Finals games as I do with traditional sports like American Football and basketball. I've played a lotta big online games, but none of them have quite the same qualities that league has.

I know that there are a lot of faults and it will never be perfect, but in my opinion that's part of the experience for me. Knowing that there will always be something to adjust to or some bullshit to complain about, it keeps me invested and interested. Honestly it keeps the community active, and there are a lot of positives to League that heavily outweigh the negatives. I LOVE the shit talking in /all chat, I love making good connections with teammates.

Sincerely, a player with many bans that keeps leveling new accounts

hehe xd

submitted by /u/Mystavis
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Rekkles: why he benched HIMSELF, NA's impending ADC doom, and more

Posted: 09 Jul 2018 08:40 AM PDT

Champ idea: Phil Swift, prophet of the Flextape

Posted: 09 Jul 2018 04:35 AM PDT

LORE: Phil Swift is a god that has descended with the God's highest Treasure, Flextape. He wants to fix Runeterra by using it. Currently he is fixing the leaks evil comes out from, called the Void portals.

KIT: Passive: Phil's next attack becomes ranged, dealing a lot of damage with his Chainsaw. He passively collects Flextape pieces, this makes his next spell stronger. Both happen every 10 seconds.

Q: Phil throws a strip of Flextape at an ally, healing him and stopping DoT. The healed ally becomes immune to DoT for the next 15 seconds.

Passive Buff: Phil gets this Healing and DoT block too.

W: Phil throws a long strip of Flextape at an enemy, doing damage. If its adhesive sticks to an enemy, he can reactivate it, pulling the enemy to him.

Passive buff: The strip becomes longer.

E: Phil sprays FlexSeal at a chosen Area, enemies in that area get slowed and stunned after a while. During that time, they take Damage over time.

Passive buff: the area covered in FlexSeal becomes bigger.

R: Passive: If phil has 2 Flextape or more and hasn't fought for 5 seconds, he gets on a Boat, massively increasing his movement speed. Active: He throws 2 boat halves at enemies, doing damage on impact.

He can reactivate it and pull both halves to him. Enemies hit by the boat halves get pulled with them. He then puts the halves together, doing damage again.

It can be reactivated a third time, then he repairs the Boat with flextape and stuns enemies hit earlier.


Spawn: Hi, Phil Swift here with FlexTape!

Respawn: That was a lotta damage!

Idle: I'll fix this world. Let's just put Flextape everywhere!

Q: You're leaking! Let's fix that. Let's slap that right on!

E: Seal and Repair! Wow! It dries so quickly!




Upon a Pentakill: I sawed this Team in half!

submitted by /u/Doge_of_Dogeness
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Apparently binding a person as Kalista who is afk prevents you from remaking the game

Posted: 09 Jul 2018 05:56 AM PDT

Be cautious about this boys, I just lost 20 LP for this reason.

submitted by /u/eternalsapphire
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Ricklessabandon to leave Riot Games

Posted: 09 Jul 2018 12:46 PM PDT


"announcement for my friends and for anyone that follows me for LoL stuff:

this week will be the final week in my 7 years of working at riot games! it's been a wild ride, and thanks to the bright people i've been surrounded by i've been fortunate to grow a ton (even to this day)"

Thoughts? Understandably he's been a pretty controversial figure with some of his design direction with changes to Irelia, Ahri etc.

submitted by /u/MORDEKAISER_VGU_WHEN
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Hard to distinguish Aatrox's icon and Darkin Kayn's

Posted: 09 Jul 2018 10:59 AM PDT

The champion icons for new Aatrox and red Kayn are very similar and difficult to differentiate looking at the mini map. Was wondering if Riot could look into this or if other's were experiencing the same issue?


Edit: Upon request, the champion icons in question: https://imgur.com/a/wKgV5Po

Can be very hard to tell the difference if you're looking at the mini-map trying to track Kayn for ganks

submitted by /u/AznEastside
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Do you think every global ult that missed is still going?

Posted: 09 Jul 2018 06:07 AM PDT

I was creepblocked by a my own team Ziggs' minefield!

Posted: 09 Jul 2018 05:49 AM PDT


After those creepblock videos in the past months/year I never ever believed that people can get stucked by teammembers abillities.

Thats kinda rediculous.

Have a nice day :)

submitted by /u/Merlinos16
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When will the Xayah Rakan bracelets become available worldwide?

Posted: 09 Jul 2018 08:20 AM PDT


I have been waiting for the Xayah and Rakan bracelets from Valentines day that were only available in China. Will they ever be available to NA or anywhere else in the world?

submitted by /u/BloobyPopBop
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Why do people idolize toxic streamers?

Posted: 09 Jul 2018 01:19 PM PDT

It doesn't make sense. We know who they are. We know that they flame. We know that sometimes they threaten to run it down, but nothing happens to them.

cough cough toxic streamer removed by request of mods

submitted by /u/ArmadicVortex
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Wadid delivers banter towards Jankos: "Braum is not that hard to play, which is why I play Rakan! Jankos is not a good Support. He's just a dog."

Posted: 09 Jul 2018 07:24 AM PDT

PSA: You can win Tutorial by AFKing

Posted: 09 Jul 2018 09:57 AM PDT

I just won the tutorial part 3 by sitting in base. All the bots stayed level 1 with me and Ashe bot carried me btw ;) Here's Proof

So if you haven't done the tutorial and ceebs playing bots, y'all should just open the tutorial game and go do something else for the free XP. /s

Some pro plays by them:

-Ezreal bot tower-diving Imgur

-Teamfighting Imgur

-Taric 1v4 Imgur

-Winions Imgur

TL;DR: Afk in tutorial for free xp.

submitted by /u/Da_Egg
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[Rift Rivals] RNG Xiaohu at Championship Interview: "At this point, we can say that we’re the best in Asia."

Posted: 09 Jul 2018 05:35 AM PDT

ARURF is fun!

Posted: 08 Jul 2018 05:10 PM PDT

Very rare beyblade gameplay

Posted: 09 Jul 2018 05:52 AM PDT

7/9 PBE Update: Tentative Balance Changes

Posted: 09 Jul 2018 02:21 PM PDT

Huni at Rift Rivals: 1.4 KDA, 8.5 CSM, 476 DPM, -295 GD@15, -376 XPD@15. He ranked in the bottom 3 for every statistical category amongst all qualified top laners at the tournament.

Posted: 08 Jul 2018 07:46 PM PDT

Why KT Rolster didn't play in the 5th and Final Game of the Asian Rift Rivals

Posted: 09 Jul 2018 08:01 AM PDT

Just reached Master tier playing Vel'koz as bot lane carry AMA

Posted: 09 Jul 2018 09:04 AM PDT

Last night I finally hit Master rank for the first time playing Vel'koz in the bot lane. Feel free to ask any questions about Vel, and if there's enough interest for it I'll make a guide for it.


My op.gg: http://na.op.gg/summoner/userName=IntyMcIntface

submitted by /u/Silversnipe1
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Tbh Riot could release Ao Shin as Thunder Lord Aurelion Sol and I would totally buy it

Posted: 09 Jul 2018 01:56 AM PDT

EU's read of the League meta was far ahead of NA at Rift Rivals

Posted: 09 Jul 2018 05:04 AM PDT

I feel like Clash was a way for League to make a comeback in popularity and Riot is losing their opportunity.

Posted: 08 Jul 2018 04:13 PM PDT

Clash brought back so much hype and a lot of old friends rejoined to practice and get ready. That first beta test on NA was so much fun! Now they extended it back to "Soon" meaning end of 2018 and I feel like Riot is shooting themselves by not making it a high priority.

submitted by /u/Sepesaurus
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Comment your 3 highest masteries and people will try to guess your rank based off of it

Posted: 09 Jul 2018 12:44 PM PDT

I'll start

Darius, ________ , ________

submitted by /u/eMeSsBee
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I feel like we've gone back to League's roots

Posted: 09 Jul 2018 11:44 AM PDT

After watching Rift Rivals, I came to a conclusion: funnel comps are bullshit. Everyone is so eager to say "they're funneling onto kai'sa" or "TL is playing standard (Xayah Rakan) bot lane".

The truth is, this is the most diverse it has been in a long time. And I think that's because mechanics was king for a long time in league. People were incredibly concerned in season 3 about mobility creep, but that was because there was a severe ping discrepancy in the past. Now that we've moved past that, things can change more from game to game.

People forget about the dramatic change the second server station in the midwest was. Before that pings were all over the place, to the point where living on the east coast improved your chances of being discovered in the esports community by a significant percentage, simply due to the competition. No matter how good you were mechanically, at some point in your development in soloqueue you ran into the simple logistics problem: the further away you were from the single server on the west coast, the slower your information would be sent back and forth. Its only fractions of a second, but in this particular competition it can consistently be the difference between victory and defeat.

But also during that time, riot was releasing a new champion a month. Can you newer players imagine that? There isn't enough time on reddit to react to balancing around a new champion every month. The numbers were all you had. Hotfixes were totally unfeasible because of "spaghetti code" (but also logistics) but also there were more significant patches every two weeks due to the new elements. Think about it, what better way to combat mechanical skill than by rewarding game knowledge? Understanding what worked and why was also significantly rewarded.

Suddenly there was more even footing. Both skillsets became more important. For awhile now, mechanical skills have dramatically increased. The Insec is the best example of this. The first time anyone USED A LEE SIN ULTIMATE TO KICK SOMEONE OUT OF POSITION INTO HIS TEAM was mindblowing, now its the equivalent of only throwing a football overhand in the NFL: you have to be able to do it if you want to succeed professionally.

Then they moved the servers Chicago. Many people got a lot more even mechanically, simply due to a decrease in ping. Champion development had to go way down, and a wave of reworks swept through the existing champion pool. Ryze got four. Items were created and disappeared, only to reappear on a patch in the future to be gamebreakingly overpowered, nerfed into oblivion, then removed again. Patches became more regular between champions, there was so much game to know. Suddenly, the players with better mechanics became increasingly more prominent in the higher soloqueue rankings again.

That was three years ago. We have been building towards this for awhile. There were too many champions for awhile, and many newer players have turned away from it due to the initial learning curve of just knowing who the champions are and what they do. But I have been following the LCS since season 3, and this reminds me of the early days of international competition. So many different styles of play from different regions clash, and there isn't a hard meta as far as options in what champions go where. Flex picks ruled the land, and that's finally the case again.

And I think that it's because finally we're back to a good balance again between mechanical skill and game knowledge. That means that you need more than just one skillset to compensate for another, you also need to get more map awareness, wave control and vision (which is an entirely different conversation to be had) to be considered a prospect for a professional team.

I have been playing since the long stretch that was preseason 2. This is genuinely the most interesting game (definitely as an esports viewer, also likely as a player) I've been a part of since I started. The funnel comps aren't what they seem. You can't tell me that you're trying to funnel all your gold into kai'sa mind when you also have klepto gp in top lane. Bankplank will never stop being a thing. It's about contributing in every lane, even if you're not getting all the resources your team has. And I think that the server move was the catalyst that brought it all together.

Tldr: fucking lag

submitted by /u/RandyGrey
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