Fallout - If Bethesda really wanted to make us sad they could put Nick Valentine in Fallout 5 but he doesn't remember the Sole Survivor or the events of Fo4 |
- If Bethesda really wanted to make us sad they could put Nick Valentine in Fallout 5 but he doesn't remember the Sole Survivor or the events of Fo4
- Was every bicycle in America wiped out during the war?
- I wish the Minutemen had unarmed musicians that went into battle just like during the Revolutionary War
- Aren’t super mutants trying to preserve their species because they think they’re superior? So why are they literally blowing themselves up?
- In defence of weapon degradation
- I hate the Minutemen, I mean I really HATE them.
- Just finished my first New Vegas run!
- The NCR Isn't as Terrible as Everyone Thinks
- NoClip: The Music & Sound of Bethesda Game Studios
- What is the funniest Fallout character?
- First time playing any Fallout game. Just finished Fallout 3. Whoa..
- Non-American players, how did you feel about the heavy American history themes in Fallout 3 & 4?
- "Lonesome Road" is the best Fallout New Vegas DLC by a LONGSHOT
- TIL Nick Valentine Has Been Researching The Mysterious Stranger All The Way Back To Fallout 1
- Giving Fallout 4 A Second Chance (Gamespot)
- [Fallout 4 Spoilers] First time playing through Fallout 4, and I've gotta say, Kellogg is your ultimate hype man.
- A Cool Vault Idea
- What scares you every time?
- Dogmeat as companion
- Mouse movements seem pretty delayed in Fallout:NV on PC for me. Anyone know why or how to fix it?
- REMINDER: Minutemen Armor/Weapon Paint are Free on FO4 until Thursday.
Posted: 09 Jul 2018 04:43 AM PDT | ||
Was every bicycle in America wiped out during the war? Posted: 09 Jul 2018 03:30 AM PDT I was just wondering if anyone knew or had any theories why we never see people riding bikes around the commonwealth/wasteland/mojave when it would be a much more convenient way to travel long distances. [link] [comments] | ||
Posted: 09 Jul 2018 08:10 AM PDT Wouldn't have that been cool to see a Minuteman that was brave enough to play the pipes or drums in front of a super mutant, raider or deathclaw with no gun? [link] [comments] | ||
Posted: 09 Jul 2018 10:42 AM PDT | ||
In defence of weapon degradation Posted: 09 Jul 2018 01:02 PM PDT I actually liked weapon degradation in the previous fallouts as it forced the player to pick a certain weapons for certain situations, if the player doesn't have a good repair skill then they could use their other skills (barter for buying repairs, charisma for your companions to do most of the work, etc.). I find without degradation I just use one weapon throughout the entire game, this isn't a problem early as ammo is limited but when you get halfway through the game you have lots of ammo to spare. I get that weapon degradation is annoying for people as they want to get straight into the action but I like having to prepare before I go into the action. [link] [comments] | ||
I hate the Minutemen, I mean I really HATE them. Posted: 09 Jul 2018 01:05 PM PDT The English language is inadequate to express just how much I hate them. I hate the way they talk a big game, but are so weak that there are literally something like five members left at the beginning of the game. I hate the way that they talk about helping settlements, but actually mean that *you* will help the settlements while they do nothing. I hate their stupid hats and appropriated name, as if the REAL Minutemen wouldn't have been embarrassed to be associated with with a bunch of lazy do-nothings who are only good at getting themselves killed. I hate the fact that they're so lame that they'll hand over the title of General to anyone willing to take on the role (presumably because they're all too lazy and weak for any of them to assume leadership themselves). I hate them more than any other faction. I have more respect for the feral ghouls than the Minutemen. I would rather work with the supermutants or raiders. Hell, I would rather stand in a pit of radscorpions, naked with a piece of meat attached to my genitals, than to work the Minutemen ever again. This playthrough, I left them to die in the museum. Thanks for the bobble-head and power armor, assholes. Good luck getting out of that museum with a Deathclaw outside. When you resort to cannibalism, be sure to eat that bitch Marcy first. See ya! [link] [comments] | ||
Just finished my first New Vegas run! Posted: 09 Jul 2018 02:07 AM PDT Omg, I can't describe how much I enjoyed it. Starting again in few hours because there is still a LOT of content i missed. Best RPG I've ever played [link] [comments] | ||
The NCR Isn't as Terrible as Everyone Thinks Posted: 08 Jul 2018 09:05 PM PDT Throughout the various forums and subreddits I've gone through in my time as a Fallout fan, I've consistently seen the NCR portrayed as this mindlessly greedy, completely inept mess that should lose the Mojave and never come back. This post exists to help clear up a few misconceptions, as well as provide insight as to why the Republic is in the position it's in, and why them taking the Mojave isn't the worst thing since the Legion. First off, the issue of the Republic's expansionism needs to be addressed. Nearly all I've seen speak of the subject, minus one particular poster, have been under the assumption that the NCR has been rapidly expanding for the sake of greed and little more. I was under this assumption for a long while too, until /u/Murder-Mountain made me reconsider that entirely. "Actually, NCR's imperialism is the key to its survival. Without the gold, that the BOS blew up, they need something tangible to back their currency. So they back it with water from lake mead. To cut the economic bullshit short, backing the dollar with water will kill any monopoly the water merchants have, side step food shortages, AND stabilize the NCR checkbook. Giving up the dam is an absolute economic disaster and will only seal the deal of the death of the NCR." This puts a LOT of the NCR's actions in the Mojave into context. Because of their war with the Brotherhood, the Republic's gold reserves were destroyed in a terrorist attack by the BoS, devaluing the NCR currency as well as sparking inflation. To make matters worse, by 2281 the Office of Science and Industry (OSI) predicts incoming food shortages within a decade. Now tell me, why would the Republic expand rapidly and recklessly at a frightening pace, eroding the moral values which it was founded upon, unless the needed resources, and fast? By claiming the Mojave as a sixth state, the NCR can revitalize it's economy by backing it with water, as well as rake in more revenue through taxation and the ever lucrative New Vegas. The NCR's campaign in the Mojave isn't just a mad grab for land without reason, it's the Republic's only hope of survival and providing it's enormous population of 700,000+. To not embark on a massive land grabbing spree when faced with such difficulties would be suicidal. Moving on, another common complaint leveled at the Republic is it's inability to secure it's newly acquired territory, as well as finish off the remaining raiders back west. While these are legitimate issues, most again simply assume the issues are the fault of incompetent leadership and nothing more. While less than capable leaders are certainly an issue, these problems can once again be derived from the NCR-BoS War. After doing the math and using information given from Mr. House about the NCR's war against the Brotherhood, estimated NCR casualties number anywhere from around 13,500-27,000 men against the Brotherhood during the war, and are still losing men back west due to continued hostilities. Couple this with the NCR having to rapidly expand to survive, as well as fighting against the Legion, and it's no wonder why the NCR can't fight all of their fires at once. Fighting against the BoS and Legion are costly in their own right, and settling the newly annexed territory while at war is bound to stretch an army thin. Knowing this, it makes it very clear as to why some raider gangs can still survive in the west, and why the situation on the frontier is so chaotic. However, like with their economic and resource crisis, taking the Mojave can fix this issue. And this leads me to my last point, which is why the NCR annexing the Mojave is a good thing. As already established, taking New Vegas and Hoover Dam will provide essential economic funds and backing the Republic needs, while also providing water and electricity, helping to improve the lives of average citizens and feed the massive population back in California. Furthermore, by breaking the Legion's assault on the Dam (and likely having Caesar and the Legion's high command either killed or retreating), the Republic can finally breath a sigh of relief and consolidate their presence in the Mojave. With their economy revitalized, the Republic can properly fund their forces on the frontier and providing better equipment, and a solid front line against the Legion (which is likely descending into civil war after losing Caesar). With their immediate war time issues taken care of, more resources can be dedicated to securing and supporting the Republic's new lands, with tax money and the increased value of the NCR currency being used to properly support the Republic's territory with infrastructure and proper protection. Just to remind the casual player, everybody in the Mojave and back west KNOW how costly the NCR's wars and expansion is, and they all know that further imperialism is suicidal and untenable. Because of this, not even the Brahmin Barons (who supposedly control everything back west) would continue to support the imperialist policies of the current NCR leadership. Kimball and his administration aren't popular, so they'll be out of office not long after the Second Battle of Hoover Dam. This further allows the NCR to stop, consolidate, manage their war with the Brotherhood, and let the Legion tear itself apart. Furthermore, with this period of rest, the Republic can likely finish off any remaining raiders back west and in their new territories, as it's even been stated in game that the raiders are mostly gone and that the government is rounding up tribals, a sign that progress on that issue is being made, although slower than usual due to fighting a two front war with a bad economy, known of which the Republic is at fault for. In conclusion, I have hope for the NCR's future, as taking the Mojave can seriously help their economy, standard of living, food and water supply, overextension, and corruption. Given the Republic's track record of having good moral values by wasteland standards, and the amount of people they are already able to support (like I said, over 700,000+ by Fallout 2 alone), I think helping them would do the most good for the wastes, as the alternatives (Independent Vegas under House/the Courier or the Legion) would not aid nearly as many people (House doesn't even aid the Mojave itself, much less all of California). By not siding with the NCR, hundreds of thousands of innocents are put in jeopardy, so in my mind at least, siding with them does the most good for the most people. Or maybe I'm a crackpot who knows nothing and should never post anything ever again, who knows? Can't wait to see the discussion below! [link] [comments] | ||
NoClip: The Music & Sound of Bethesda Game Studios Posted: 09 Jul 2018 10:00 AM PDT | ||
What is the funniest Fallout character? Posted: 09 Jul 2018 10:52 AM PDT This is kind of an odd question, but which Fallout character is simply the funniest? In my opinion I'd say Sergeant Dornan or the Toaster from the OWB DLC. [link] [comments] | ||
First time playing any Fallout game. Just finished Fallout 3. Whoa.. Posted: 09 Jul 2018 12:49 PM PDT So this is my first time playing any Fallout game. I guess I want to talk about my opinions (whether it's aged well, etc.) of it seeing as it's a relatively old game and games get dated pretty quickly. As a precursor to all this: I'd tried playing F3 before but the sense of aimlessness and (admittedly) some clunkiness with the controls threw me off it. Finally I decided to sit and play through it all and goddamn. Once you get the hang of this game it's pretty fucking great. I think the most important change in perspective for me was viewing it as an rpg way more than an fps. Trying to play this as an FPS was frustrating but once I realized that in fact the skills and customization was what was going to help me out here the game became way more fun. The VATS system too was obviously a push to make this more of an rpg. I've heard players complain that this system just makes everything too easy but like I said,seeing as how it's an rpg game the VATS makes sense to me. The quests are pretty great too. I love the idea of how there are layers to the quests. There's a lot of optional objectives and objectives that change your karma. For example you can pay to get into Paradise Falls or you can kill your way through it (which is what I did). Side quests are about as deep and fleshed out as main quests. Characters you meet tend to make an impression and stick on you whether you like or hate them. Like the Portal games I think this is one of the games where the world building is a big part of what makes this game so great. I love the idea of a post world war society where different political powers are still fighting over a ravaged wasteland. Finding documents that fleshed out the world more was always fun to read through too. It's not perfect though, the frames absolutely chug at times (played on PS3), there are bugs galore, and the story I feel could've been a bit longer and more interesting. There were interesting bits in the story but in general I felt it was pretty straightforward: fix a water purifier. Not too much more there, I hoped we'd get something with more personal resonance to the character. Maybe something that involved James (spoilers; who got killed off too quickly imo) and the Lone Wanderer? Idk. Towards the end I thought there would be more to it but the game kind of ended abruptly for me (also, why am I a coward for sending Fawkes in to turn the purifier on? The dude's resistente to high radiation levels. It seemed like a logical decision). The main quest is kinda short and ended abruptly so I didn't explore as much as I liked to but I'll do that now that I'm done. All in all, the game still holds up pretty well. It has some issues but I had tons of fun with it and can't wait to get into New Vegas and Fallout 4. [link] [comments] | ||
Non-American players, how did you feel about the heavy American history themes in Fallout 3 & 4? Posted: 09 Jul 2018 12:11 PM PDT | ||
"Lonesome Road" is the best Fallout New Vegas DLC by a LONGSHOT Posted: 09 Jul 2018 12:03 AM PDT I have 4 reasons:
[link] [comments] | ||
TIL Nick Valentine Has Been Researching The Mysterious Stranger All The Way Back To Fallout 1 Posted: 09 Jul 2018 02:22 PM PDT If you go in the back of Valentine's Detective Agency, under the bed will be Nick Valentine's note of sightings of the Mysterious Stranger that goes from Shady Sands to the NCR to the Capital Wasteland to the Commonwealth. [link] [comments] | ||
Giving Fallout 4 A Second Chance (Gamespot) Posted: 09 Jul 2018 07:18 AM PDT I really liked he video and it captured what got me so hooked on the exploration loop with settlements as a central component. What do you guys think? [link] [comments] | ||
Posted: 08 Jul 2018 08:48 PM PDT When you get to the part where you have to go through his memories and see the memory fragment of when he invaded your vault. That right there, is the hypest part of the game to me so far (I've only made it this far). The first Kellogg line that hyped me up was "I never knew why we didn't just refreeze the rest of them. But, we had our orders. I guess the old man didn't want so many loose ends. Too bad he left alive the one person he shouldn't have." And the second one: "Even then, I knew it was a mistake leaving him alive. I understood that kind of revenge. No one better. But, I was cocky enough to assume I could handle some soft, prewar, vault dweller. Even if he somehow, got thawed out, at least I know those Institute bastards will soon get what's coming to them too. If he can take me out, they won't be able to hide from him for long." Probably my two favorite lines from any Bethesda game, all in one section of the game. [link] [comments] | ||
Posted: 09 Jul 2018 02:42 PM PDT Have any of you guys heard of the Stanford Prison Experiment? If not, it's basically an experiment where some participants were guards and some were prisoners, and it was used to asses how humans adapt to roles against morals and ethical standards. To sum it up, the guards became sadist jerks while the prisoners became depressed and lost all self-worth. I think this would be a great concept for a Vault. Imagine hearing the stories of these regular people placed into roles by Vault-Tec, having them slowly transform into evil guards in a slave-like prison complex. Then, hearing the flip side of it from notes left by the prisoners would provide the context to the events described by the guards. Have the overseer be the warden, and replace half of the quarters with cells. [link] [comments] | ||
Posted: 09 Jul 2018 04:16 AM PDT Every time the sky turns green & a rad storm blows up in FO4, I suddenly get nervous and my character fast travels away. It comes from living in tornado alley (US) as a kid and how those kinds of storms terrified me. What strikes terror in your heart as a player that your character lives out? What totally freaks you out? [link] [comments] | ||
Posted: 09 Jul 2018 02:07 PM PDT Am I the only one who always has Dogmeat as their companion and never switch? [link] [comments] | ||
Mouse movements seem pretty delayed in Fallout:NV on PC for me. Anyone know why or how to fix it? Posted: 09 Jul 2018 03:31 PM PDT My frame feels pretty good. Solid 30fps. It's just when I look around my movements are pretty delayed. The menu works fine however... [link] [comments] | ||
REMINDER: Minutemen Armor/Weapon Paint are Free on FO4 until Thursday. Posted: 09 Jul 2018 02:16 PM PDT
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