Skyrim - The Elder Scrolls Reading Club; a subreddit for a book club style community play-through of the TES games (Starting with Skyrim), where we set weekly goals for our play-through and update each other on our misadventures all along the way. Come and join us!

The Elder Scrolls Reading Club; a subreddit for a book club style community play-through of the TES games (Starting with Skyrim), where we set weekly goals for our play-through and update each other on our misadventures all along the way. Come and join us!

Posted: 08 Jul 2018 01:36 PM PDT

Awesome Skyrim pic!!!

Posted: 09 Jul 2018 03:45 AM PDT

My daughter drug the skeleton from the bottom of the pool by Dragonsreach, and placed it on the bench��

Posted: 08 Jul 2018 05:48 PM PDT

My awesome Skyrim tat!!!

Posted: 08 Jul 2018 09:45 PM PDT

While Helgen convinced many people to join Stormcloaks due to being wrongfully executed.. It convinced me to join the Imperials.

Posted: 08 Jul 2018 08:26 PM PDT

Sounds weird, right? The very place that turned many people into Stormcloaks turned me into an Imperial (initially a Stormcloak at heart). I will tell you why.

Disclaimer: I had the opening scene overhaul mod

First thing you see when you arrive in Helgen is General Tullius arguing with Elenwen. She demands the General to hand the prisoners over to the Thalmor, which the General rejects. He basically spits at the Thalmor demands here.

Buncha stuff happens, dude gets decapitated... Then, Alduin comes. What was Tullius' first thought when the dragon attacked?

"Guards, get the townspeople to safety! Someone get the battlemages out here now!"

His first thought wasn't escape, or panicking and not knowing what to do. He immediately focuses on protecting the townspeople instead of running, even at the cost of letting all the prisoners escape. The Imperials would rather protect the innocent than punish the guilty.

When you see Hadvar, he doesn't cower behind the walls. He pressures the kid to get back, while being on the road himself. He could hide behind the walls and stay safe, but he decided to risk himself to save the boy.

Walking further with Hadvar, at the city gates if Helgen, you see Imperial soldiers fighting the dragon. Not fleeing. They risk their own lives, knocking at the door of death fighting the dragon to protect the innocent. I even saw an Imperial tend to a wounded man in the midst of battle. None of them are fleeing. They all stand and fight, to protect the innocent people from the dragon.

When you follow Hadvar into the keep, he tries reasoning with the Stormcloaks. Without saying a word they draw their weapons and attack, not caring about what he had to say.

In the meanwhile, where did all the Stormcloaks go? They went fleeing. They found weapons but they didn't think of working together with the Imperials to fight the dragon. The Stormcloaks at Helgen put themselves before others. They fled like cowards while the Imperials risked their necks to protect others.

This has shown me that the Imperials only care to protect their citizens, unlike the Stormcloaks who immediately went fleeing.

Even if you went with Ralof, he says "This place will be swarming with Imperials soon enough." Sending soldiers to aid the survivors and the wounded most likely after Alduin left.

Look at all the trouble the Imperials went through to protect their citizens, even against impossible odds. In the meanwhile Ulfric doesn't even let Argonians into his city because he's scared a conflict would break out against the Dunmer. Unable to control a conflict in your own city walls? How do you plan on controlling an entire nation then if you can't deal with the conflict within your walls?

Remember, this is all just in the intro. There are way more reasons to join the Empire

submitted by /u/Prime_Goliath
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Five years of playing Skyrim and I never seemed to have noticed this

Posted: 08 Jul 2018 07:17 PM PDT

Uhh... I think you need to ease up on the Mead, Skyrim. That's a Fallout 4 weapon.

Posted: 09 Jul 2018 07:51 AM PDT

Doing a run with no Fast Travel and a few mods, as well as a little backstory that I gave my character. It's only my second time playing, but I think I'm enjoying it even more than the first!

Posted: 08 Jul 2018 08:49 PM PDT

My Alduin pop love him so!!!

Posted: 08 Jul 2018 10:31 PM PDT

Lydia died but kept dragging herself along our adventuress. #dedication

Posted: 08 Jul 2018 10:20 PM PDT

Ralof is wayyy too happy watching his friends die.

Posted: 08 Jul 2018 11:53 AM PDT

After so many years and still this is my best screenshot of any game ever.

Posted: 08 Jul 2018 09:52 AM PDT

So I picked Skyrim back up after a few years away.

Posted: 09 Jul 2018 06:36 AM PDT

I've decided, since all my characters have devolved into one anyway, I'm going to purposefully make a stealth archer.

It's going great. I've picked out all the skills I'm going to work on, I'm using my perks just on them, I've got the thief stone blessing, I'm rocking through the Thieve's Guild, I'm the best thief ever.

I come out of Morthal and I see three mercenaries approaching. Uh-oh. This looks familiar. I'm about level 21 at this point, so they won't be pushovers.

The problem is I am a stealth archer. They've caught ME off-guard instead of the other way around, so I'm already at a big disadvantage there. I've got some skill in one-handed, but all I've got on me is a basic orcish dagger. Useful for an assassination while someone's asleep, but a poor excuse for a weapon when going against these three brutes.

I make a quick decision to side skirt them and run off to my next quest line. I delve into my next dungeon, shoot some foresworn, loot some treasure, avoid some traps, finish the quest bit, emerge from the dungeon successful.

As soon as I start to head off, I see three familiar shapes approaching. How long was I down there? How did they find me? Did they just walk all the way here?

I crouch down. Hidden. They're too close for me to find a good vantage point, so I can't fight them yet. I scoot behind them and keep going, rolling as fast as I can, hidden the whole time. I turn back when my stamina bar is empty to see what they've done. They're coming right for me.

Even though I was hidden, they know exactly where I am. Any new direction I go, they turn to pursue. It's a real It Follows situation, and I'm super freaked out. The only difference is I can't pass this on to someone else, and there's THREE of them.

I've decided avoiding them is my best course of action until I can come up with a plan within my character rules.

submitted by /u/KerberosKreeper
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As fun as being an Archer is...I would like to make the argument that an Illusion/Alteration mage is even MORE fun to play.

Posted: 09 Jul 2018 07:01 AM PDT

So...I've been playing Skyrim for a long time now. I've been a Destruction Mage, Alchemist Archer, One-handed Warrior, Conjuration Mage, and nearly everything in-between.

Everyone loves to go on and on about how OP Archers (Especially Stealth Archers) are, and very rightfully so. They're extremely powerful, especially if you combine them with Alchemy/Deadly Poisons on arrows.

However, after playing through my latest game as an Illusion/Alteration/Speech Bard with the Apocalypse Mod...I find myself having so much more fun with that than I had when playing as an Archer Alchemist in my last playthrough.

The main reason above all else being this: there are so, SO many different ways to deal with ANY situation the game throws at you.

Let me give you an example:

You're walking along the path northward from Falkreath to Markarth. You see a group of Forsworn on the way on the trail. What do you do?

If you're a stealth archer, you stay low, pick them off one by one and pick up the loot after they're filled with arrows. And that's pretty much where it ends for the most part.

But if you're an Illusion/Alteration mage, you could:

  • Cast Harmony/Pacify and walk right along past them with no trouble caused at all
  • Cast Hysteria/Fear Spells and walk past them while they panic and cower
  • Mayhem Spell causing them to kill each other until there is only one left, and then do one of the two options above for the last one.
  • Turn invisible and/or muffle and go past them.
  • Use a simple magelight spell to get them to wander off in another direction while you find a way to sneak past them.
  • Paralyze spell on the targets and run past.

And if you have the Apocalypse Mod, you get even more options if you go down the Illusion/Alteration road:

  • Use the Mind Control spell on then from a distance one at a time until all but one are dead.
  • Use Shadowbond spell to swap places with the remaining Forsworn once the invisibility part of the spell wears off.
  • Use Evil Twin spell to continuously create a ghost copy of the group of forsworn that will kill each other off until they are all dead.
  • Use the Entomb spell on the remaining Forsworn to basically put him in your pocket to summon him later during another fight (they will have gone insane by that point and kill anything once you release them)

Every one of the above options is a valid way to deal with the situation. I could go on and on with even more scenarios, but I think you get the idea.

Anyone else feel like the Illusion/Alteration mage is the most fun way to play? If not, which build gives you the most enjoyment?

submitted by /u/Jamey4
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War never changes.

Posted: 09 Jul 2018 02:18 AM PDT

I know the above quote is from fallout, but this is very much a Skyrim post.

I get my Skyrim fix via console (currently Xbone) and one thing that has always bothered me is the war for Skyrim. To the point that I never complete the storyline to make the world seem more... continuous.

The quests are great, the story is engaging and the characters are probably some of the best in the game.

But why on Earth didn't Bethesda ever do anything about the npc's recognition of Ulfric/Tulius dying?

Also is there a mod on the xbone to fix this issue? I've been grunting in disappointment at random npc's far too long!

submitted by /u/BobDean10
[link] [comments] is not the time......

Posted: 09 Jul 2018 03:33 AM PDT

Did anyone else use either Durnehviir or Odavhiing during the siege or protecting Whiterun?

Posted: 09 Jul 2018 01:18 AM PDT

I used Durnehviir for his Soul Tear shout and his summoning; plus I though and undead dragon helping me out was kinda neat too.

submitted by /u/Kilikaklaka
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Olava The Feeble had a few too many drinks, I see...

Posted: 08 Jul 2018 06:48 PM PDT

If I make a Male Elf character and marry a dude would that make me a gaymer?

Posted: 08 Jul 2018 07:49 PM PDT

The Shores Of Haafingar

Posted: 08 Jul 2018 08:37 PM PDT

A friend of mine is a carpenter. Look what he made for my birthday (orange for scale)

Posted: 08 Jul 2018 07:52 PM PDT

Nothing stops the Courier from delivering (underneath the docks in Riften)

Posted: 08 Jul 2018 08:39 AM PDT

1000+ hours of gameplay and this gets me every time...

Posted: 08 Jul 2018 12:56 PM PDT

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