Pokémon GO - DEAR NIANTIC - ideas and suggestions for the devs

DEAR NIANTIC - ideas and suggestions for the devs

Posted: 16 Jul 2018 11:36 AM PDT

Hey Niantic! You guys made a game we all have a lot of feelings about...and this is our spot to express those feelings and make some statements about ways we think the game could be even better for us - and by extension, you!

If you want to complain about the game in a less constructive way please do so in the Salty Sunday - Rage Rants and complaints thread.

Here you will find ideas and suggestions - a mix of the positive posts and constructive criticism that reddit's Pokemon Go community have compiled and discussed and up/downvoted by importance and validity for us all. If there's one post on /r/pokemongo you guys should be paying attention to, it's this one, so please do.

Hey /r/PokemonGo Trainers! This recurring monthly post is for you guys. Sort posts by "top" to see what has been voted most important so far, but consider sorting by "new" as well to weigh in on the most recent ideas!

Please pay attention to the /r/PokemonGo rules for commenting behavior and civility, and use the report button when necessary to alert the mods to any post or thread that needs a review!

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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Failed to log in?

Posted: 17 Jul 2018 12:19 PM PDT

Cant log in for some reason. Open the app to Failed to log in. retry button doesn't work and neither does refreshing the app

submitted by /u/g18suppressed
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I finally got him! I'm so happy

Posted: 17 Jul 2018 08:42 AM PDT


he hat too big

for he gotdamn head 😭😭😭

I may have missed ash ketchum hat pichu, but this'll do. I love him

submitted by /u/Materia_Girl
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It’d be cool if there was a treadmill mode so you could hatch your eggs while working out!

Posted: 17 Jul 2018 12:01 PM PDT

I just started going to the gym about 3 weeks ago, and I had the (dumb) idea of walking/running on the treadmill to hatch eggs. Very soon after I realized that, duh, it won't work if you're walking in one spot lol. I wish there was a mode or something that could work with it!

submitted by /u/ZozoAyooo12
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Some surprising eggs appeared in our chicken run

Posted: 17 Jul 2018 05:42 AM PDT

I took this photo last year. I had been waiting for a few months for an Exeggcute to spawn in or near our house.

Edit: I meant Exeggcute, not Exeggutor

submitted by /u/nevstyles
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My Favorite Pokestop

Posted: 17 Jul 2018 11:30 AM PDT

My buddy and I found this Pokestop pretty early on in our home town. We always get a good laugh when we drive by it. Someone at Niantic didn't do their proofreading properly. Anyone else have any similarly amazing Pokestops?


submitted by /u/RvrStyxRasputin
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[Discussion] 12 y/o Pokémon GO player with leukemia requests Pokémon cards through St. Jude Children Hospital

Posted: 17 Jul 2018 01:26 PM PDT

WE should be able to see in the map where our gifts come from.

Posted: 17 Jul 2018 11:25 AM PDT

I am fortunate enough to have international friends from overseas, but it's terible I don't have a registry of all the wonderful places they send me gifts from!! It would be lovely to see them in a map, the same way we can see gyyms we have visited! We already have a map, so gifts can be a nice addittion!! Trainer089 has sent you 5 gifts from The Amazing Overseas place!!!

submitted by /u/Redditingatworktoday
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GOOGLE is having problems

Posted: 17 Jul 2018 12:33 PM PDT

Seems the outage is due to a problem at google. Discord is also having issues and reporting it is in googles end.

EDIT: Tweet from Pokemon GO Hub about what's going on and what's affected: https://twitter.com/PokemonGOHubNet/status/1019304477571125248


submitted by /u/MasterRoka
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[Photo] My Living Gender Dex - Kanto Family!!!

Posted: 17 Jul 2018 08:41 AM PDT

Hi all!

I would just like to share with you my Living Gender Dex for the Kanto family.



Everyone of us has different goals in this game. Mine is to collect every gender and form of all Pokemons. Here is my first post showing you my collection for Kanto Pokemons.


Take note that my definition of Kanto family are all Pokemons that include Kanto Pokemon in their evolution lines (e.g. Bellossom is part of the Kanto family because of the Oddish family line even though it's part of Gen2). I think you get the point haha.


Key notes:

  • I don't really mind the IVs of my Pokemons since my goal is just to complete my collection
  • I personally caught or hatched this Pokemons and none came from trading
  • Since I first started playing on the first day it went live in the Philippines, I had to recatch many Pokemons since they were genderless when the gender dex entry was introduced
    • I still have to recatch a female Snorlax because my Pokedex doesn't recognize mine
  • Most of my Pokemons were caught in my home country: Philippines
  • I allotted space for unreleased Alolan, Gen 4, and Gen 6 Pokemons and collected estimated required candies
  • Regionals
    • Farfetch'd
      • Japan: family trip (caught while in a bus going to Mount Fuji)
      • Philippines: spawned for a limited time worldwide
    • Tauros
      • New York: family trip (caught in Central Park)
    • Mr. Mime
      • Spain and France: family trip (caught 2 females and 2 males at various places)
    • Kangaskhan
      • Unfortunately, going to Australia seems to be very expensive so I will just rely in trades for this
    • Missing Pokemon
      • Alolan Vulpix (Female): Out of more than 100 7km egg hatches, I only got one Vulpix
      • Alolan Ninetales (Male and Female)


So there you go! Enjoy catching and I would like to hear from you on your goals in this game. Cheers!

submitted by /u/alvinhfrancisco
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[Screenshot] I caught a 666 CP Eevee and was not disappointed!

Posted: 17 Jul 2018 01:49 PM PDT

I caught a 666 Eevee, so of course I had to evolve it to see the outcome. I was more than pleased with the outcome of this evolution!


submitted by /u/Henry_Shark
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[Discussion] Pokemon Go, Snapchat, Discord and Spotify IS all DOWN

Posted: 17 Jul 2018 12:38 PM PDT

It seem like all the servers for Pokemon Go, Snapchat, Discord and Spotify has gone down.

Hope this doesn't affect the event bonus much. And for those who had Raid Pass, Lucky Eggs and Star Pieces activated, You should write to Niantic if you don't get it back automatically.

To you should be able to submit errors at PokemonGoLive.com when the servers are back and running.


info Thanks to Parrichan

The issue seems to be with Google Cloud's load balancer and is affecting at least the following apps – Snapchat, Discord, Rocket League, Spotify, Pokemon Go, Ingress, Social Blade.

Source: Pokemon Go Hub

submitted by /u/OstenMM
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I'm Instinct. The Scizor is mine. I don't know the other trainers. But This was cool

Posted: 17 Jul 2018 12:08 PM PDT

Funny because I'm the only one without yellow stripes but they keep feeding me berries https://imgur.com/a/hy2B47V .

bonus: I also got a shiny Togepi https://imgur.com/a/lGmzrcZ .

submitted by /u/icanseeyourpantsuu
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[photo] Can’t wait for the next gen. Three times lucky!

Posted: 17 Jul 2018 11:37 AM PDT


Lucky me! Got my third shiny Togepi today! Shiny Togekiss is on my list! Can't wait! Togepi is my favorite Pokemon!!

submitted by /u/mylienbui
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Pokemon in Pokedex should be able to reappear again in AR mode.

Posted: 17 Jul 2018 06:08 PM PDT

It would be nice to make AR photos whenever you want, even after capture. No youtuber would lose a shiny. Although the intent might be a photo for the location found, but we already have that stamped at the bottom.

submitted by /u/Hamatosensei
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PoGo goes down for the first time in a long time for 30 minutes

Posted: 17 Jul 2018 01:13 PM PDT

stares at r/pokemongo

Good thing no one over reacted or panicked....

On a real note though, having been here since the beginning it is amazing to me how little of service interruption we experience these days. Whither it be a problem with Niantic or Google, it's always fixed pretty quickly. These "down times" should be a reminder of how hard both companies work to keep a game with such a massive community up and running.

submitted by /u/Trainer_A
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Pokemon Go fest 2018 Unown collage

Posted: 17 Jul 2018 09:06 PM PDT

here it is. It's become a tradition at this point to stitch unown photos together for each event to spell out the word. Enjoy!

submitted by /u/Yeldarb10
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[Photo] After spending the weekend in the hospital and missing out on the Aerodactyl spawn opportunity..

Posted: 17 Jul 2018 09:20 PM PDT

I caught this guy on my drive home from the hospital! I was able to narrowly win a solo raid and finally have the elusive Pokémon to my Pokédex, and it's a shiny to boot! https://i.redd.it/f93t0fc0vma11.png

submitted by /u/shtty_analogy
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Lickitung decided to help clean my girlfriend's dog

Posted: 17 Jul 2018 04:08 AM PDT


Exactly what title reads. First wild lickitung I've ever seen, lucky the double candy had started as well. Well on my way to Lickilicky :)

submitted by /u/Elmonfear
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Zapdos Iv charts

Posted: 17 Jul 2018 07:13 PM PDT

Looks like coin collectin' weather ��

Posted: 17 Jul 2018 12:28 PM PDT


Got my raincoat, eyeglass windshield wipers and IP68 rated phone. With 6 gyms within a half mile it'll be the easiest 50 coins of my life.

submitted by /u/ChipAyten
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I redesigned the profile and friends list UI

Posted: 16 Jul 2018 08:57 AM PDT


I hope to see something similar in future updates. This game has so much potential and with how Niantic is steamrolling lately, I can't wait to see where we are a year from now.

Thanks for looking, I appreciate any feedback!

EDIT: Thank you for all the feedback, compliments, and gold! I finally made it home from work and had a chance to upload the full resolution for those who asked for it.

submitted by /u/Squiddytron-
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Wait... did I just walk 7km for a Rattata?

Posted: 16 Jul 2018 11:32 PM PDT

So... I knew that there were Alolan eggs but I didn't realize they included EVERY alolan Pokemon. These mustache rattatas are just as common as the regular purple pest.

Edit: I'm being informed it's not all of the Alolan Pokemon, but still, that's valuable egg space and Niantic seems pretty solid on the whole no ovicide thing.

submitted by /u/Pulse99
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Commemorate #PokemonGOFest2018 in Chicago with a free T-shirt avatar item, available now in the Style Shop!

Posted: 17 Jul 2018 03:06 PM PDT

I'm Instinct. The Vaporeon is mine. I don't know the other trainers. But This was cool.

Posted: 16 Jul 2018 10:11 PM PDT

This was my first time in this gym (actually 2 gyms) so I didn't expect other Instinct trainers in the area or this funny surprise

submitted by /u/K_Shazam
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Unable to authenticate???

Posted: 17 Jul 2018 12:30 PM PDT

So I was playing PokemonGo and all of a sudden it just froze and I couldn't do anything. I closed out of the app and then I got a screen saying I was unable to log in the my account. I shutdown my phone and got back on, I logged in as a returning player and I hit sign in with google. It kept saying unable to authenticate and then gave me a loading screen that never ended. Anyone have this same problem or a solution to it?

submitted by /u/jibs-and-gibs
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