Learn Dota 2 - Why do in-game guides for luna have you skill glaives so early? Is it a good idea?

Why do in-game guides for luna have you skill glaives so early? Is it a good idea?

Posted: 09 Jul 2018 04:51 PM PDT

I'm doing the cookie challenge and I don't get why it has you level it at hero level 4. It makes it harder to last hit from the bounces and pushes the creep equilibrium forward. Thanks.

submitted by /u/Quafleonrs
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Best offlaners patch 7.18?

Posted: 09 Jul 2018 05:17 PM PDT

So the question stands what are the top offlaners to spam in this patch and if you could pin the playstyle as well (keep in mind I'm a legend 3 pleb)

submitted by /u/Targoun2
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7.18 beating Invoker on mid lane?

Posted: 09 Jul 2018 11:55 AM PDT

I have been spamming invoker lately (legend) and unless they pick brood, it's pretty much a guaranteed lane. It has been pretty easy: forged spirits early on, breaking clarities with coldsnap, harassing with alacrity, getting as many last hits as possible, once I get level 5 I do coldsnap->tornado->meteor combo, and pretty much no hero can escape that. I just snowball from there, many games don't last longer than 30 minutes.

However I have been facing difficulties AGAINST invoker. I used to counter him on lane with viper or OD, but they don't seem to be useful enough now. I need to deny him cs from the start. OD seems to be too squeashy; I start with Orb and essence aura, but unless that aura is level 3 I can't really spam it. I can *prevent* invoker from having mana, which pretty much leads to a draw lane, but once he starts leveling the exort he has better last-hitting and he starts gaining advantage again - because of OD's relative squeashiness and his orb not being spammable until level 3 aura, it seems I can't really push the lane in my favor and snowball.

Should I start picking brood to counter invoker now? Any other recommendations?

submitted by /u/Bladek4
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How do I increase my gpm?

Posted: 09 Jul 2018 03:48 PM PDT

I'm trying to lasthit better but beyond that, farming camps makes me feel like I'm not doing anything. As in, my time would be better spent just pushing lanes. Recently I've been playing DK but I'm not getting camps very quickly and it feels like I'm losing map pressure when I go into the jungle.


submitted by /u/sun_tzu76
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How do you win games when you're ahead of everybody else, but the rest of your team is super far behind and feeding constantly?

Posted: 09 Jul 2018 05:14 PM PDT

I've been on a huge losing streak recently and I have lost about 300 MMR because of this, and it feels like that in every single game.

I play as a carry. I do fairly well in the beginning, do really well mid game, then the rest of my team gets absolutely obliterated from being behind the enemy team. It also appears that they refuse to listen to each other after getting beaten once or twice in team fights. How can I fix this issue?

submitted by /u/Narwhalbaconguy
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Natures Prophet, When to go Meteor Hammer?

Posted: 09 Jul 2018 06:45 AM PDT

When should i pick it up? It helps me push/farm better in lots of games but i always get countered by quelling blades if i try and sprout + hammer.

submitted by /u/SpeedyMitto
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Is there a reason that so many people in my games feel like Weaver is not a real carry?

Posted: 09 Jul 2018 03:30 PM PDT

I usually wouldn't ever post anything like this but it happens so often in my games/frustrates me so much that I'm curious. In my bracket (Legend 1), I often get criticized for marking or picking Weaver as safelane carry; people will consistently tell me to either 1. Get a "real" carry or 2. Go to offlane or mid.

I know the hero pretty well; he's my most played hero at 175 games with a 4.2 KD and a 63% WR. Obviously there are a lot of carries that will outcarry him at say, 50 minutes, and he has a lot of very obvious hard counters, but his power spikes absolutely allow for him to take over a game in the midgame, and with proper itemization he can be still be an effective lategame rat/carry. Is there a particular reason so many people feel he can't be a real carry?

submitted by /u/EsotericPotato
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How to play Doom?

Posted: 09 Jul 2018 08:25 PM PDT

I want to pick up Doom because I like his kit and have fun with him but I can't seem to nail down exactly how I should play him. My laning phase always falls short of what I see other Dooms are capable of.

Any tips / general gameplan for how to play a successful Doom this patch?

submitted by /u/Nourished
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Lina playstyle and itemization questions for high mmr Lina players

Posted: 09 Jul 2018 06:33 AM PDT

High mmr Lina players whats the train of thought you take when deciding how to play and how to itemize as Lina in a game.

Like Im rarely confident on ideal itemization for games. Like SB Lina and playing the map for kills vs to just go Euls Hurrikane pike and playing around team for pickoffs and how early to go for right click Dmg items. Or when are the better games to just flash farm and peak and try end game with like bkb.

I understand the value of each item and the purpose you buy them for on Lina. But I struggle to distinguish when items are unnecessary in the respective games.

Thank you :)

submitted by /u/ClassicSchmosby-
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Whats a good early game/starter item when Aquila won't work.

Posted: 09 Jul 2018 09:51 AM PDT

Sometimes when I am playing carry Juggernaut, I get ready to build an Aquila and see that my mid is already building one. Whats a good alternative to go instead of Aquila? I used to go drums but i'm not sure they are of much value to me. I'm not a huge fan of running straight into a battle fury, leaves me feeling like I am lacking some damage before it comes online.

submitted by /u/Nie9001
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Is morbid mask better than rushing linkens on morphling?

Posted: 09 Jul 2018 01:05 PM PDT

Tips for Visage in low MMR

Posted: 09 Jul 2018 09:15 AM PDT

I was as approaching Archon last season and now have lost like 1,000 games in a row in Herald. Not sure how I calibrated there. Anyway, I have been trying to learn Visage since in my experience in low MMR....decent Visage players straight up own if they know what they are doing. I played a couple of matches and had a couple of glimmers of hope but overall, had pretty poor games. Any good Visage players please offer any experience. I have been mainly building Medallion right away, then wand and Boots of Tranquility, and going from there to Solar if possible.

1.Having never really played heroes using micro, the control group thing makes no sense to me....I must be screwing the setup up. How to I set it up so the familiars are on group and Visage himself is another, and then all of them are a third group?

  1. Im guessing when the opposing team picks heroes like drow, medusa, mirana, WR, I should stay away from Visage? What types of lineups should I look for to take him?

  2. I find that the familiars are so much faster than Visage that if I use all units together they fly ahead to fast and get killed alot. Probably related to bad control group / micro skills.

Thanks for the help.

submitted by /u/loveruby25
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Poll Results: Which Roles r/learndota2 Prefers to Play

Posted: 08 Jul 2018 10:31 PM PDT


Among 1719 votes, with up to one vote for each role allowed per voter, the number of players who prefer playing

pos. 1 carry: 352 (20% of all votes)

pos. 2 mid: 263 (15%)

pos. 3 offlaner: 405 (24%)

pos. 4 roamer: 304 (18%)

pos. 5 lane support: 395 (23%)


One error that I may have made is naming the position 4 role "position 4 roamer" in a meta where the position 4 support is not often a roamer. I did not know of the current 2-1-2 meta.

A common reason people said they preferred supports over carries was that supports are able to have a bigger impact on the game because they are the most active role in the strategic component of the game and are important in fights at all stages of a match. Where people preferred carries over supports, a reason was that playing carries is more likely to make you climb mmr. Position 5 was directly ahead of position 1 in popularity, and position 4 was directly ahead of position 2 in popularity. The "hard" positions were both more popular than both 2 and 4.

The solo offlane role was most popular. Some reasons for this preference were the difficulty and simplicity of the role and the ability to be a playmaker while having less pressure to farm than carries and mids and less responsibilities than supports.

Other reasons people preferred their roles were that they were better at them, had more experience with them, had more fun with them, or were bad at the specificities of other roles, such as those of the mid role. People also liked or disliked specific heroes for being strong/weak and complex/boring; these heroes belong to certain roles.

Some people also had preference orders. The preference order of all the people in the poll can be said to be 3, 5, 1, 4, 2.

submitted by /u/Ruminatr
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How do you beat morphling as ember mid?

Posted: 09 Jul 2018 03:24 PM PDT

He just hits you and once he get 2 points in attribute shift he gives no shits about your harass

submitted by /u/hrq123
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A Visage question

Posted: 09 Jul 2018 09:28 AM PDT

I've read some guides, watched a couple videos and played a couple turbo games with him. My mechanics with him are obviously still terrible after playing him so little, but there is something that's bugging me in terms of playstyle, and could find an answer to.

How do you handle the fact that his familiars are MUCH faster than him ? Do you kinda have to make them wait for Visage so they get his aura ? It's tempting to send the familiars somewhere (far) very fast, but then you have to keep an eye on Visage himself making sure he doesn't get caught by something on the way to his familiars.

Basically the question is, should you try to keep all the family together for buffs, less need for map awareness etc, or do you need to learn how to often have the familiars separated from Visage ?

The speed difference is what makes him feel awkward to me right now

submitted by /u/Norz80
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Didn't play since the medal system

Posted: 09 Jul 2018 05:50 AM PDT

My friend didn't quit, and just busy for a while. He was asking me how to calibrate max in this patch and I don't have the answer. Can you help? TIA!

submitted by /u/naffets11
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Tips for ending games with Kunkka

Posted: 09 Jul 2018 01:22 AM PDT

Hey guys, i have 185 games on Kunkka in the 2k bracket with a dissapointing 45%winrate. I started spamming him around january and reached winrate of around 51% while also getting better and better at him in the core position.

After a while i started losing a lot with him even tho i was winning almost every matchup and snowballing hard as you should be doing with this hero. After dominating the mid lane i usually help out other lanes getting kill after kill and creating a lot of space on the map for my carry, but this momentum stops when we reach the stage of high ground push. From this moment on the game just usually stagnates as our team "camping" on the T3 lowground. As Kunkka i usually try to sb/blink into cleaving the creeps as they come out of the T3 range, trying to snipe the enemies that are at the tower or weaken them enough that we can siege, following up with the rum buff for my team. Is there anything more besides this that i can do for the objectives as Kunkka?

I had a huge winning streak that elevated my wr from ~40% to ~51% but then a huge losing streak came and i went down to 45%. NOTE: the losing streak came before the tidebringer nerf, and i didn't play him too much after that.

My build is mostly !Attacker style: phase > bottle > armlet > blink/sb > daedalus > daedalus (+bkb/heart/travel/rapier) I think one mistake i make is itemwise is the skipping of bkb (sometimes you can get away with this in the shit tier).

I think that mechanically i am pretty good at the hero, i just have trouble at the breaching of high ground.


PS, bonus clip: https://giphy.com/gifs/kunkka-xT1Ra6pkKQXrILvXuo/fullscreen

submitted by /u/ocsike90
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What does it take to have good team communication?

Posted: 09 Jul 2018 02:07 AM PDT

Sorry, a bit of a rant, but there are three ways to win the game: pick the right hero, press the right buttons, and properly communicate with your team. All of the questions on the top page right now are about the first two things, and yet in my games there is a significant fraction of players who use team communication exclusively to complain about events in the past that are disappointing to them, rather than events in the future which could help the team win the game. Good team communicators of reddit, what are the things your teammates should be focusing on using the chat for, rather than telling you how disappointing your past play was to them, why it's your fault that they just died, or that you just dying was a bad play?

submitted by /u/euclid316
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Question about early itemization for safelaners.

Posted: 09 Jul 2018 02:59 AM PDT

Hi, I'm gingey, a 1.6k mmr safelane player and I have a few questions about early itemization in the safelane. Hopefully my questions aren't too dumb or obvious (I apologize in advance if they are). When would safelane carries not purchase quelling blade? I tend to buy it when I know my farm will be contested or I will have to jungle early on, but if you aren't being pressured I'm assuming you don't have to take it unless building bladefury or etc. Would I not take quelling blade if my support is able to create enough space to keep the offlaner away from the creeps? Also, I believe that ring of aquila is an item to help get started early and improve lane aggression (please correct me if wrong) and that it is optional on most heroes but would I take aquila in a lane that I am struggling in, winning, or is it still situational based on matchup and ability to be aggressive? For regen, I am not sure when raindrops and sticks are most useful and when to upgrade sticks. My assumption is that stick is good for early as you can buy it from side shop but only upgrade to wand if facing a hero that spams abilities. As an example with midlane would I buy wand or raindrops or both against a spamming hero like zeus? Lastly, I wanted to ask something specific to my skill bracket with very beginning itemization. In my mmr people play heroes in seemingly random lanes (just played a game against an invoker offlane) so it is very difficult to predict how much regen I actually need to sustain lane because I do not know who I will be laning against. Should I generally air on the side of caution and buy more regen than I need as opposed to a little less? I know the base gold amount isn't a big impact and I can sell anything extra at side shop if need be, but what about how it delays a potential quelling blade in a lane that contests my last hitting harshly? Would that delay make much of a difference as opposed to having less regen but being able to last hit? Thank you to anyone who takes the time to answer my questions I really appreciate it. ^

submitted by /u/Gingeyx2
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Where did we to wrong this game?

Posted: 09 Jul 2018 03:10 AM PDT


I'm the Arc Warden.

Dota can be frustrating some times. I just don't know how were losing these games. I need a new perspective on how to deal with Spirit breaker. I can't hit towers if I can be charged without an escape.

submitted by /u/ddotaplayer
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What should I do to climb and improve?

Posted: 09 Jul 2018 02:25 AM PDT

Hello, I've climbed from calibrating at 3.9k (legend 4) to currently 4.2k (ancient 1) and I feel like I've hit a wall that I can't seem to just get past.

For the past 2 days, I've just been trying to get to ancient 2 non stop but it just gets harder and harder each moment I try, be it either me or my teammates underperforming or just getting straightly outplayed by the enemy team.

I just feel like I'm running out of ideas on what to play and how to play the game. I usually main pos 4 and primarily play earth spirit, tusk, elder titan and jakiro. What should I do to improve at my role and if possible, do watch replays of my games to correct me on how to play my role better.

dotabuff: https://www.dotabuff.com/players/103143961

submitted by /u/PingitBrah
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