Guild Wars 2 - Obrien's Full Statement on the firing

Obrien's Full Statement on the firing

Posted: 09 Jul 2018 02:59 PM PDT

Chris Cleary just answered some questions on his twitter that are mildly interesting

Posted: 09 Jul 2018 03:55 PM PDT

Q: How many raiders have been sacrificed by Matthias since the release of Wing 2? (Could be a successful or unsuccessful sacrifice, I'm not picky)

A: We don't actually track status of sacrifice :( However, I can call out some other stats on that fight.
668,869 Wipes - 6,196,518 Player Deaths - 10,027,478 Players being Downed

Q: How many confetti infusions have dropped since LS4 started.

A: 11 since Season 4 started, it's pretty rare :)

Q: How many fist bumps have I received since this post?

A: +1

Q: How many legendary weapons have been crafted since HoT?

A: 58,349 :)

Q: Not a fill in the blanks, but a question I'm dying to ask - what's the largest single-transaction RMT gold amount you ever nuked back before the 500g a week trading cap?

A: The largest single transaction RMT I've ever nuked was a stack of Ghastly Grinning Shield Skins (which is now worth about 725K gold)

Q: How many hours have players clocked on /age since launch?

A: Good Question, almost an info graphic question! I had to change this into years because the numbers were too high to math. 119,431.07 Years

Q: How many animals have you pet since summer started?

A: Not enough ;(

Q: How many Griffons have been unlocked since the launch of PoF?

A: I can't go into unlock status, but I can provide this:

Q: How many hours of Guild Wars 2 have you played since release?

A: 2,628 hours

Q: How many dinosaurs lost their claws by shooting of fireworks?

A: If you count a meteor a firework, all of them :)

Q: How many times have your cans of Pepsi's spontaneously exploded since the last time.

A: 0! Learned that lesson, got a new fridge :)

Q: How many Raptors have been unlocked compared to griffons since launch? (Ratio is fine)

A: 2/1

Link to post:

Edit: I'm bad at formatting... forgot the extra return characters

submitted by /u/Something_Memorable
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Can we take a moment to appreciate AnetBen

Posted: 09 Jul 2018 07:05 AM PDT

This guy is just the best (AnetBenP). Every interaction I've had with him made me feel like he was one of us. I would like to thank him for always being there and communicating (twitch, forums, Reddit, and In-game). It might not seem like much but it is, thank you!

submitted by /u/Solzero00
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Let's also celebrate Linsey Murdock

Posted: 09 Jul 2018 09:27 AM PDT

Since the twitter drama +claimed + to be about sexism. I think it's on point to show that things can be perfectly fine regardless of gender.
The first thing that came to my mind was Linsey Murdock's Material Storage project which gather a lot of feedback 1 year ago on the old official forum and reddit.

I can't find the quote on the forum archive or reddit, but I remember that after the feature was implemented, some items were still in a strange order and that people pointed that out, some in a nice way, others... not so much.
But her answer was something like : "- What madness have we done !"

That's pretty much the kind of answers we had from all gw2 staff for the past 5 years on the forum, reddit or twitter.
Some were serious ones, others were funny ones, but they always were respectful.
In a perfect world, every posts on those media should be like that, but that's internet ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Edit: Thanks to the people who could name other female devs. GW2 is a great game made by a lot of people and should be celebrated as such.
Edit2: slightly changed the wording from "the twitter drama +was about sexism." to "the twitter drama +claimed + to be about sexism." to better reflect my thoughs
(it's important to be clear)

submitted by /u/hirokenshin
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Don't forget to thank Susan Taylor for WvW server maintenance!

Posted: 09 Jul 2018 01:38 PM PDT

Balance patch tomorrow

Posted: 09 Jul 2018 09:28 AM PDT

While we are praising, let’s not forget about the lesser known devs and artists, especially concept artists, map tinkerer and sound engineers

Posted: 09 Jul 2018 03:51 PM PDT

Title says all. You all matter and rock. Thanks for making Tyria alive as it is

submitted by /u/Spirean
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After a lot of blood,sweat and tears I feel I worked harder for this than my legendary ;u;

Posted: 09 Jul 2018 02:06 PM PDT

The Council of Bens

Posted: 09 Jul 2018 03:27 PM PDT

Peter Fries thoughts on the GW2 community

Posted: 08 Jul 2018 10:32 PM PDT

Let's also celebrate that weird guy I forgot the name of.

Posted: 09 Jul 2018 11:51 AM PDT

He had long hair, I think he worked in programming. He made the action cam and apparently makes a bunch of other good stuff.

He's pretty cool.

submitted by /u/TheRocknight
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Just remembered I've still got this item from the first HoT beta weekend (I think I just put it in the bank back then). Hoping it's still on the table.

Posted: 09 Jul 2018 01:05 PM PDT

Why no one yet appreciated Josh Foreman?!

Posted: 09 Jul 2018 05:35 PM PDT

Guys never forget about our god of platforming! The creator of the best( in my humble opinion) festival in the game SAB!

He's also a youtuber!:)

submitted by /u/bigwhiteshogun
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Griefing in the Auric Basin Meta

Posted: 09 Jul 2018 06:41 PM PDT

This past week, a number of trolls and guilds have been sabotaging the Post-Reset Auric Basin meta on EU servers.

They take advantage of the South Lane's mechanics, deliberately oneshotting the Octovine two minutes into the fight. If the other lanes finish before them, they knock the Exalted Explosive off course or use the Exalted Armor to knock Triggerblossoms into players to prevent them from killing with the rest.

I'm not sure how widespread this behavior is, but these people holding the meta hostage for simple amusement is threatening to undermine everything that makes the Octovine fight you're not fighting against the Mordrem, you're fighting other players. So far they haven't stopped the meta from succeeding, but they have come close.

The Heart of Thorns meta events are amazing things, and seeing a group of over a hundred people cooperate together on a single encounter is very heartening. Until there's a fix, please be courteous and work together with the other lanes!

submitted by /u/Brigs_Ambiguous
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ALL the ambient dialogue in Divinity's Reach!

Posted: 09 Jul 2018 09:46 AM PDT

Hello once again!

This time I recorded all the ambient dialogue in Divinity's Reach.

you can find the 6 part series here: Playlist of all the ambient dialogue in Divinity's Reach.

These videos show all the idle NPC conversations in the Human starting capital.

There is a approximately 41 minutes and 17 seconds of idle chatter in Divinity's reach. This is less then all the dialogue in Hoelbrak (47 minutes and 48 seconds). You can find a playlist for Hoelbrak here.

On to the next City!

submitted by /u/roelski
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Started a sketch of my rev! I’ve since changed her armor but I’m not sketching it all again lol

Posted: 09 Jul 2018 06:39 PM PDT

I'm really happy I decided to play this

Posted: 09 Jul 2018 02:05 AM PDT

I have no idea if this counts as a low value post so please tell me if I should remove it but I really wanted to go ahead and say this.

I started playing a month ago and I love it! It's the really small things that make me happy with this game, like the fact that you can't just access all vistas by simply walking up to them but need to actively work to find a way to the location.

Plus the community is amazing.

So a big thanks to the devs and to all you friendly people. Happy hunting! :D

submitted by /u/Kriptonyt
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Xera will be fixed tomorrow bois

Posted: 09 Jul 2018 04:40 PM PDT

Brainstorming the wiki's Main Page

Posted: 09 Jul 2018 03:00 PM PDT

Hey Reddit. Over on the wiki we've been discussing changing the GW2 Wiki's Main Page over the last week. Admittedly we're still playing with the appearance, but we would really appreciate your helpful input on the actual content, i.e. the links.

Help us help you. What links do you want to see on the wiki main page? What useful pages would you recommend to a new player landing on the wiki for the first time? Assume we remove all the existing links, what would you keep?… and what would you want to add?"

If you give us some ideas in the comments below we will try and take these on board. Cheers!

submitted by /u/chieftainalex
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Many encounters feel anti-melee

Posted: 09 Jul 2018 07:02 PM PDT

I just finished the fight with the dogs in LWS3 and it was the fight that cemented to me that melee in these encounters seems non-viable at best. The bosses just legit COVER themselves in fire fields and I couldn't even get close. I'm playing as a weaver and I want to, you know, use the thing that weaver gives you. It just upsets me how non-viable melee feels in these encounters. Am I just bad or do other people feel this way?

submitted by /u/The0ldFish
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Maybe a neat help for Fractals, Dungeons, Open World

Posted: 09 Jul 2018 02:50 PM PDT

It's an Item that reduce applied conditions by 10%

You can use it additional to you food/nourishment, so it's "free" help.

But everything need a negativ side, the buff disappear if you switch map/fractal and also if you go downstated/die.

Here you can get it All in all it costs nearly nothing, 42 karma, so you can spamm it even if you run downstated meta.

submitted by /u/Kiroho
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I painted my character in the concept art style! I love this game!

Posted: 08 Jul 2018 09:10 PM PDT

Have you ever had to grind currency/tokens/etc. for hours or days even and then bought the wrong item?

Posted: 09 Jul 2018 04:41 AM PDT

I took a bit of a break from GW2 just as Season 4 Episode 2 came out and came back when the Roller Beetle was announced so I've been happily smashing through Sandswept Isles and Domain of Kourna since then.

While doing this I encountered an item of such beauty and elegance, and thought "If I don't get this item, my life will never be complete" - the Mini Inquest Assault Cube. One problem though, due to buying LS3 map tokens I was well and truly Karma starved, needed to get like 100,000.

I had to get it that day otherwise I knew I'd lay awake at night thinking of my beloved cube, so I started grinding fractals, Teq, LS3 Dailies, you name it, and managed to get the required karma in less than two hours. Zip over to Sandswept Isles like an excited child to get my cube fix. Click, click, click, buy item. Go into my inventory to equip sweet lovable Cubert. Mouse hovers over my newly acquired item. "Mini Inquest Exterminator Golem".

I can't believe I've done this. I'm sorry Cubert, I failed you...

I'm devastated.

submitted by /u/HookerDuck
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Very Sneaky

Posted: 09 Jul 2018 12:13 PM PDT

First legendary crafted!

Posted: 09 Jul 2018 04:50 AM PDT

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