Learn Dota 2 - SGLeroy's Regular AMA, NA immortal pos 3 player, ask me any questions on how to improve your mmr and I will give you answers.

SGLeroy's Regular AMA, NA immortal pos 3 player, ask me any questions on how to improve your mmr and I will give you answers.

Posted: 24 Jul 2018 09:34 AM PDT

Hi, im a NA pub star and im trying to promote myself as a coach, my first AMA's went really well and I got some great feedback so I thought I should do a regular AMA on r/learndota2 trying to continue to help you guys while also putting myself out there.

If you want to know my current mmr or hero experience check my dotabuff here: https://www.dotabuff.com/players/44544729, keep in mind that my dotabuff wont show competitive games/scrims on it, but as an example ive played like 500 dark seer games off my profile but it only shows my pub experience.

My specialty is position 3 but I have a large amount of knowledge in all areas of dota, I've participated in many tier 2 events and leagues, including FPL pro circuit and JDL.

If you want me to join you in-game to analyze your gameplay and give you personal coaching lessons, the best way to contact me privately is through Discord/Steam, there I can give you the details of my coaching structure aswell as details about my fees etc.

Discord: SGLeroy#6314 https://steamcommunity.com/id/SGLeroy/


submitted by /u/SGLeroy
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The support grind is good (Underhollow losses aside). Up to Crusader 2 from Guardian 0 in two months

Posted: 24 Jul 2018 01:02 PM PDT

How to deal with a farmed Slark late game?

Posted: 24 Jul 2018 11:02 AM PDT

Without hex or massive crowd control from perfect lineups (which you don't always get) how can you possibly beat this guy outside of countering at draft (axe, lion, shadow shaman)? Not even mega-farmed, even assuming equal farm, I've had matches where it just seems impossible to kill this guy even as late game powerhouses like spectre and void. And the more you fail to kill him while he keeps getting his essence shift stacks and slipping away it just gets harder and harder.

TLDR; what are heroes that can deal with slark at all stages of the game assuming he doesn't snowball out of control, and good items to deal with him

submitted by /u/Rod_God
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6.3k analyst analyzing Archon 4 pos4 Crystal Maiden (2nd cm review)

Posted: 24 Jul 2018 11:42 AM PDT

reposted from /r/truedota2

Hey guys, Stormyq here again (Like really, again since this is my 2nd post today).

I've just completed another review on a Archon 4 position 4 Crystal Maiden.

In this review i focus primarily on warding, better utilization of spells, surviving to deal more damage as a pos 4 CM. You aren't a pos 5/6 ward bitch, you should be able to do position 4 stuffs with position 4 farm correctly to maximize your impact!

It is 27 pages in total. Link here (Google docs): https://docs.google.com/document/d/1kdc5iPwNVqKipJPf0M9zReTQJX4UqaXizTKakZcoLuY/edit?usp=sharing

If you are interested in my services, please do not hesitate to contact me at my contacts listed below.

My contact: You may pm me, email me at stormyqwer@gmail.com or add me at 187110004 in Dota 2.

I currently am experiencing heavy workload (I still have around 4 reviews to get to) so expect more public reviews to be posted. If you enjoy my writing please do look forward to them!

submitted by /u/sToRMyQweR
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6.3k analyst analyzing Legend 1 mid Zeus.

Posted: 24 Jul 2018 06:22 AM PDT

reposted from /r/truedota2

title edit: Legend 2 mid Zeus, not Legend 1. Sorry for the typo lol

Hey guys, Stormyq here again.

I've just completed another review on a Legend 2 mid Zeus.

In this review i focus primarily on positioning and item choices. Everyone knows how to zap people, but do you know how to continuously zap people without dying? Positioning is the key point between a Zeus and a good Zeus.

It is 25 pages in total. Link here (Google docs): https://docs.google.com/document/d/1H8aboRrhyDRRxR_36m2Zrglnrvmeu-n0CeP8mifDm6I/edit?usp=sharing

If you are interested in my services, please do not hesitate to contact me.

My contact: You may pm me, email me at stormyqwer@gmail.com or add me at 187110004 in Dota 2.

I currently am experiencing heavy workload (I still have around 5 reviews to get to) so expect more public reviews to be posted. If you enjoy my writing please do look forward to them!

submitted by /u/sToRMyQweR
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ELI5 damage threshold

Posted: 24 Jul 2018 03:14 AM PDT

hello can someone please explain the damage threshold for Bristle or tidehunter

for example bristle has 210 damage threshold on his 3rd skill. for example i got damaged 300? do I only get 90? plus the 40%? at back damage

submitted by /u/EternalDisAbLeD
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Wise words from the wisest of men. Works with everything including dota.

Posted: 24 Jul 2018 12:20 AM PDT

Requesting help with my 4 pos play

Posted: 24 Jul 2018 08:06 AM PDT

What the title says mainly. I calibrated as Crusader IV at 2.2k mmr. I have been doing well recently in my solo ranked games, as I am playing mainly undying and winning mainly because of other teams not knowing how to play around him. However, I want a good base to climb instead of just spamming a pubstomper in that position and was wondering if anyone has any tips and/or willing to watch my replays for specifics.

I consider myself one of the most coachable people out there, I try to be a sponge and soak up information. However, other than watching pro players replays I don't have much to go off of in my position.

I have some replays of me playing with a party where I play the same position but with a wider variety of heroes against better players so those might be valuable replays for me to figure out what I'm doing wrong

Dotabuff: https://www.dotabuff.com/players/137836833 OpenDota: https://www.opendota.com/players/137836833

Thanks any help is appreciated

submitted by /u/GregariousGroudon
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Mitigating the drow strategy?

Posted: 24 Jul 2018 05:38 PM PDT


I was arc warden mid vs Invoker. We lost in under 30 mins. How do we win this game? would ta have been a better choice to have an early game pressure?

submitted by /u/ddotaplayer
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Should I ever play tide in this meta?

Posted: 24 Jul 2018 04:16 PM PDT

Since solo offlane is rare these days, is the hero dead? Anyone here still play Tide and wanna elaborate on how to play him(if you should) in this meta.

submitted by /u/CigsAndMarxism
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Suggest a dual offlane for this team lineup

Posted: 24 Jul 2018 01:40 PM PDT

Average Player Ranking: About Archon 3

I recently got together with a group of friends and we finally have our own 5 man team that we play for fun with and maybe eventually do the battle cup. I've been relegated to Pos3 offlane, a position I haven't really played much, and wondering if you guys had any suggestions for dual offlanes.

Right now our team line up is

Pos1: Chaos Knight (Main), Sven & Spectre (Secondary)

Pos2: Visage

Pos5: Crystal Maiden

My friend and I will both play the offlane and can play pretty much any hero in the game except for the most difficult ones (for example, Meepo) but are just at a loss of who to pick to help round out our team. Any suggestions?

dotabuff if it matters: https://www.dotabuff.com/players/65549098

EDIT: Fixed wording.

submitted by /u/OrbitalComet
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Why are there heroes that people seem to ignore for the most part in pubs even though they are good?

Posted: 23 Jul 2018 09:06 PM PDT

Heroes like broodmother and brewmaster, I just never see them in normal pubs or in ranked (late crusader, early archon) what's the deal? Is it just because they are slightly more complex?

submitted by /u/haydenhayden011
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Do these skills combo with each other?

Posted: 24 Jul 2018 08:40 AM PDT

Hey guys, I wanted to know if these skills work with one another:

Upheaval + Song of the Siren

Weave + Song of the Siren

Swap + Rupture

submitted by /u/Zombii-
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What went right this game?

Posted: 24 Jul 2018 03:28 AM PDT

So I just played a pretty good Storm Spirit game, but I am not really sure why. I feel like I played the same as I do with all of my other games, yet somehow this one I just really kind of stomped. Can someone highlight the things I did right to help me better understand why this storm game in particular I did really well in?

Match ID: 4021724444

submitted by /u/MustafaKadhem
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XP from summons that expire?

Posted: 24 Jul 2018 05:07 AM PDT

Do summons like Enigma's Eidolons or NP's treants grant the enemy xp when they are not killed but rather expire in lane? Would the offlaner need to try and avoid having their summoned creatures expire within range of enemy xp?

submitted by /u/twaslol
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Laning against Templar Assassin as Invoker

Posted: 24 Jul 2018 04:54 AM PDT

Whenever I lane against a good TA player I just get demolished. I'm aware that the matchup is bad for Invoker but is there any way to survive the lane and not let TA get way ahead in a 1v1 situation? If the enemy picks it first I just play Ember and dominate but as Invoker the game is just too difficult to do anything. I was thinking whether going QW could change anything but I don't see how it can help against Templar anyway. Whenever Broodmother is picked I just switch lanes with someone but a TA pick doesn't warrant this and just makes me miserable in lane.

I'm aware that Ice Wall is very good to burn Refraction and slow but it's just not enough.

submitted by /u/Ekierkad
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What's a good 3rd pick pos 1 carry?

Posted: 24 Jul 2018 03:25 AM PDT

The above pretty much, a few games agoo I've had a smart offlaner that wanted to last pick even tho he didn't say anything nor did he actualy counter anything in the end so we lose,

but I'm pretty much sure that me randoming medusa did not help as well (or so I've heard).

Jokes aside what is a good carry hero i can not last pick cause usualy I just wait the pick out counter them and win but picking something out of nothing has been kinda hard for me.

submitted by /u/killercock24
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I (meepo) fucked up really really bad this game and would like some pointers to my biggest mistakes if anyone can be bothered to take a look at it.

Posted: 24 Jul 2018 02:21 AM PDT

https://www.dotabuff.com/matches/4021466817 The game looked very winnable in the beginning and I was fairly optimistic but then idk what happened , a couple of bad decisions made it 10x harder than it was supposed to be. And now looking back at it, I would like to know what some of the biggest misplays were and what I should have done instead.

Maybe some general bad habits I have that I should fix. Thanks to anyone to checks the link :D

submitted by /u/rival2reality
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Need Chen replays to watch

Posted: 24 Jul 2018 12:50 AM PDT

A month or so ago I wanted to learn how to play Chen and while I played with him for a bit (just enough to get the hang of him) I feel like I need to watch a few games with him in them to actually get anywhere, but since he has a really low pick rate I'm struggling with finding games in which he is played, so anyone able to help with that? (by giving me match ids for example which have him)

submitted by /u/MistaRed
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Replay analysis request--crushed lane in early game, fell apart in the mid game. What should I have done differently?

Posted: 23 Jul 2018 08:53 PM PDT

Party ranked game, uncalibrated, guessing around ~1k mmr. I was CM, my friend was Axe. We completely dominated the early game (9k lead at 13 minutes) and slowly threw away our lead.

After we won the lane, where should we have gone? Did Axe start roaming too early? Should I have left him alone, and started roaming on my own or supporting a different lane? People say when you're ahead, get more ahead, but I don't understand how to do that.

I will be grateful for any advice!


submitted by /u/ak1247
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