Learn Dota 2 - roller coaster of emotions in a token game

roller coaster of emotions in a token game

Posted: 07 Jul 2018 10:10 AM PDT

Avoid Rupture Damage with Blink + Tips and Tricks for New Players (made by a 5K MMR | 5600 Hours Player)

Posted: 07 Jul 2018 02:40 PM PDT

Question about a mid matchup

Posted: 07 Jul 2018 06:50 PM PDT

I'm not sure if this is the right place to ask this (if it isn't, refer me to the right place), but I'd like to know what I did wrong and how I could've won the lane in this match I had a few minutes ago (I'm Zeus): https://www.dotabuff.com/matches/3994286434

After losing the lane, my teammates and my enemy humilated me in the chat and I got tilted so I ended up abandoning, but I would like to get help in that laning phase.

I feel like Necro can just come up to me like he did and right click me and don't care about creep aggro, because he can heal a lot and usually makes much better trades.

My courier also died and I couldn't get regen delivered, so he definetely out regen me, he also got a lucky regen rune at some point when he really needed.

submitted by /u/sosoxiety
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Are you Malaysian/Singaporean looking for pretty chill people to play Dota with?

Posted: 07 Jul 2018 01:31 AM PDT

Hello, this is my first time posting here, so pardon my intrusion!
Introducing a Discord Server, mainly a gaming group called Inhouse Gaming Group (Inhouse.GG) www.discord.me/inhouseGG (oh no, another discord server.. T.T)

Ah, so what do we have to offer? We are inviting people to our Discord that fits these criteria:

1.Non-salty (serious play is cool, but don't try to put blames on everyone everytime.)
2.Non-toxic (okay, you dont like that guy, but you dont have to bring others to hate him too)
3.Non-elitist (yeah, hes got a low quality microphone. Forgive him already, just set his volume down..)
4.Must be 16+ (for under 18, we have "U18" tag, dont worry :D)
5.Not racist, misogynist/misandrist!

Damn, so many rules..
6. Don't worry, you can use curse words/swearing as long as it's friendly banter and no actual fight breaks out.
7. Our main communicating language is Bahasa Melayu + English.

Long post but.. We have:

-Music bot
-Gaming text channel (for now, it's just Werewolf RPG where u accuse this guy of being a wolf, as a villager!)
-Voice channel (duh!)
-Sound bot (all those fun knocking noise, John Cena, etc)
-#memes channel
-Patch updates bot!
-and many more but I'd have forgotten, come and check us out, if it doesn't suits you, just leave (no plz)

Thank you! Our invite link is www.discord.me/inhouseGG, see you there!

submitted by /u/nickosama
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Is Terrorblade stronger now than he was in his famous OP phase a few years ago?

Posted: 07 Jul 2018 09:50 AM PDT

A couple of years ago, everybody was ranting about how OP Terrorblade was. Then he got nerfed into the ground, especially his health pool.

The addition of his talents now makes him seem stronger than ever, with permanent Reflection and 5 second Sunder. Is he stronger now than he was then?

submitted by /u/TomHicks
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[Low content/just venting]Sometimes you feel like uninstalling...

Posted: 07 Jul 2018 11:33 AM PDT


Don't think I need to specify which hero or side I played there. Really really hard on me. After starting DOTA quite recently and ranked like a month ago I quickly climbed from 450 to an amazing 750-800 MMR and now I'm stuck. Don't know what to pick, can't discipline myself into spaming a role/hero, my early game farming is terrible and when somehow I play a killer game I get dragged down by 4 heralds split pushing in the middle of the map while I'm man handling 2-3 opponents near their rax.


I need a hug

EDIT - had like 6k when game ended but couldn't really find a chance to upgrade a slot as the last 5-10min were basically me and a teammate (not always the same one, rotating due to deaths/buybacks) vs 3-4 opponents in an insane battle at our throne.

EDIT2 - Bonus edition - It was a 1250 token game i think

Bonus edition 2 - lost the game before while also playing a good game (by my MMR and our team standards)

Bonus edition 3 - I don't actually enjoy playing BB but I forced myself into it as I tend to win games with him and want to get a new medal !

submitted by /u/Norz80
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Double javelin on WR?

Posted: 07 Jul 2018 03:36 AM PDT

Just started trying WR and I'm a pango player, so after doing standard WR build of maelstrom with javelin first, I noticed how powerful it is so now I tend to get double javelin and then finish 1 into maelstrom, keep 1 casual jav until I either build MKB or just sell it.

Thoughts? Any good builds you prefer?

submitted by /u/Lord_Vectron
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Why does Templar Assassin have lower base range than melee heroes?

Posted: 07 Jul 2018 09:58 AM PDT

Yes, I know about her Psi Blades range bonus.

It's just odd that Icefrog would repeatedly increase melee heroes range, but not Lanaya's, to the point that melee heroes now outrange Lanaya at level 1 if she chooses to take Refraction or Meld.

submitted by /u/TomHicks
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How do I play Lycan well?

Posted: 07 Jul 2018 08:41 AM PDT


I am a 3.9k player. I have seen a guy lately that plays a lot of lycan, he spams him no matter lane or lineup, and has managed to grind easily winning games in 20-30 minutes. The pressure he applies is incredible. I have tried to imitate it, but I fail. Has anyone any opinions or advice on how to play him? skill build? items? timings? thanks, I'm really looking forward to play him since he seems so strong.

submitted by /u/samprex
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Are Dota in-game guides automatically published?

Posted: 07 Jul 2018 08:27 AM PDT

Hey there, I recently started playing Dota 2 and have mainly been using guides from TorteDeLini. I wanted to use his guide and edit it a bit for myself, as I'd like to keep all the useful tips and tricks.

So if I copy and proceed to edit, and save the guide, will it automatically be made public for everyone to see? I'd like to avoid this, because I don't want to seem like I'm taking someone else's guide and claiming it to be my own.

submitted by /u/MetaKiting
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What do you think is the strongest offlane duo in the current meta and how would you counter them?

Posted: 07 Jul 2018 04:29 AM PDT

Which two heroes do you consider to be the strongest lane combo for the offlane and why?

I'd nominate Axe+Skywrath: they have harass, kill potential vs melee cores and Axe can peel if you try to kill Sky. Is there a safelane duo that beats Axe/Sky?

submitted by /u/swedel
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PSA: Safelane carry must always start with a salve and two sets of tangos

Posted: 06 Jul 2018 10:39 PM PDT

If you are the safelane carry, it is never acceptable to skimp on regen. Please do not skip salve in order to get a quelling blade. The quelling blade is available on the side shop.

Regen is very scarce in the safelane. If you take a shit ton of damage and caught with no salve , you have just lost the lane. Wanna get the courier? Well it takes forever for the courier to get to your lane and back, so if you use it improperly you've also just lost mid simultaneously.

If you are up against annoying heroes like axe, skywrath, or bristle, you've probably instantly lost the lane before the game even started because you skimped on regen. Even if you think the lane is going to be easy, it still doesn't make sense to skimp on regen because there is no game where you will take zero damage the entire game. They will eventually gank you, you take some damage from neutrals, or you will take some damage trying to dive their tower, etc... and the salve will pay for itself.

submitted by /u/grlthng
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I need help drafting

Posted: 07 Jul 2018 05:46 AM PDT

we are a party of 1.5k-3k players,we've just started playing captains mode but we usually just stomp or get out drafted and be helpless till we lose. probly because we have players across 1500 mmr. would like some help approaching drafts in general, thanks.

submitted by /u/reversed_paradox
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Diffusal on Riki

Posted: 06 Jul 2018 08:49 PM PDT

Why do people still recommend diff now that you can't use it to purge dust on yourself? Is the basic slow enough value?

Wouldn't it be better to go for another agi item after Aquila?

submitted by /u/dkangtheking
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Do people even play unranked cm

Posted: 07 Jul 2018 12:04 AM PDT

So cm is as you know basically the modr every tournament is played in. It's where one guy picks 5 heros and everyone declares their position. The team captin can also aban heroes. It's not the same everyone picks 5 cores. You actually get to make your own strategy. Like you can have a late game team where your safelane farms for 30 minutes then destroys everything in his/her path. You can have a siege comp where you end the game fast. You can also have a kills win games comp. the main issue I see is you dont alsways get to pick your hero. You will only get what your captin picks for you. That will definitely drive people away. Anyways do people even play unranled cm and also is it with parties only or do people play it solo

submitted by /u/drkshock
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Teammates not picking disables at the 3-4k range?

Posted: 06 Jul 2018 09:25 PM PDT

Anyone else having issues where their team flat out refuses to pick disables?

I always end up with the guy who picks Silencer as a "4," tries to build Pike/DPS, doesn't buy wards etc.

Of course my 5 will be a Lich or Skywrath, which are good heroes but lack a disable.

And somehow we end up with an offlane Veno, QoP or Clinkz.

Which forces me to pick a reliable disable hero as the safelane or mid, but really limits the options available.

I don't know why people in this bracket are allergic to disables, but somehow the other team ends up with Axe, Spirit Breaker, Lion, Chaos Knight and Storm.

Non-disable lineups just make the game so hard, how can I convey this to my teammates?

submitted by /u/SillyRabbit2121
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I'm too vulnerable to mid ganks, forgetting there's a pudge.

Posted: 06 Jul 2018 11:06 PM PDT

as a mid hero, So when I'm in pudge games I keep forgetting that he's in the game. So what ends up happening is that I always die to the mid hero even though I'm dominating the micro aspect of the game. How do I improve this aspect? How do I become more aware that pudge is missing in the nap and even though my enemy mid hero is a quarter to that I shouldn't go for it.

submitted by /u/ddotaplayer
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