Heroes of the Storm - Hero Discussion: Gazlowe

Hero Discussion: Gazlowe

Posted: 24 Jul 2018 05:07 AM PDT

Welcome to the Tuesday Hero Discussion, where we feature a rotating hero discussion about popular Warriors, Supports, and Specialist every Tuesday. This Tuesday we are going to focus on a Specialist.

Gazlowe Boss of Ratchet

  • HotS Birthday & Cost (Link): March 13, 2014 & 300 Gems / 2000 Gold
  • Gazlowe Wiki Entries Wikia (Link) Gamepedia (Link) Liquipedia (Link)
  • Balance History (Link)
  • List of Pro Builds (Link)
  • Gazlowe Grandmaster HL Match w/Grubby Season 1 2018 (Link)
  • A-Z Gazlowe Rework w/Nubkeks (Link)
  • Gazlowe HL Matches w/RighteousNicky EZ-PZ (Link) LUL Game (Link) Freezelord (Link)
  • Gazlowe - Deth Lazer is Fun? w/MFPallyTime (Link)

Gazlowe has not gotten any balance changes in 2018 and is currently a Tier 3 Specialists in HGC Phase 2 (Link) selected only 1 time with a 100% win rate. Gazlowe's popularity on the HotS ladder based on Heroes.report(Link) and HotsLogs (Link) is around 4% with a win rate of about 52% over the past seven days.

  • Gazlowe is classified as Medium difficulty to play, do you agree?
  • What strengths and weaknesses do you think pros consider when choosing Gazlowe in HGC 2018 matches, and do those considerations apply to ranked and unranked matches?
  • When do you prioritize drafting Gazlowe and on what maps?
  • What heroes do you draft to counter a Gazlowe pick?
  • Are there any particular hero synergies to complement a Gazlowe pick?
  • Is Gazlowe an early, mid or late-game hero, and where are the significant power spikes"
  • Is there a particular build you would recommend to someone wanting to learn the basics of Gazlowe?
  • Is there a high skill cap build you favor to optimize Gazlowe's performance and create flashy plays?
  • Do you have any tips or tricks for positioning Gazlowe in team fights and on rotations?
  • Which of Gazlowe's heroics do you favor?
  • Do you use the "On Release" keybind feature for any of Gazlowe's abilities, if so which ones?
  • Do you think Gazlowe is balanced; if not, what abilities or talents should be reworked?

Previous Hero Discussions (Link)The sidebar for /r/Heroesofthestorm is updated to include the Hero Discussions wiki.

Please Upload Your Replays to HotsAPI.net & HotsLogs.com

Uploading your replays to these sites provides better data for the HotS community to analyze and learn from. Stats of the Storm (Link) is a utility that works for both PC and Mac that allows you to view replay stats locally on your computer and automate uploading replays to both HotsAPI and HotsLogs.

submitted by /u/LDAP
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[Twitter] First Teaser!

Posted: 24 Jul 2018 10:00 AM PDT

Remember the door

Posted: 24 Jul 2018 11:08 AM PDT

We've been jebaited before


[Edit] Inspired by Veeduh25

submitted by /u/Royalette
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I made a life size Zeratul head - my favorite hero

Posted: 24 Jul 2018 04:34 AM PDT

I made it like a year ago, but I want to show you guys anyway.


submitted by /u/maexit
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Quick joke based on the door teaser

Posted: 24 Jul 2018 02:55 PM PDT

I know what's behind the door. Have a look: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c3i1c5DKaGE

(Note: this is just a joke. I don't even know why I made this. It's not 2012 but it fits so perfectly so I had to do it.)

submitted by /u/FlyBoyG
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[Twitter] Preview of Ripper Mount - in the shop with today's reset!

Posted: 24 Jul 2018 01:34 PM PDT

Heroes of the Storm tips from a veteran MOBA player

Posted: 24 Jul 2018 10:51 AM PDT

Hello guys! I just want to share some tips I find common across many games and overall disciplines which make it easier to climb that ladder and improve your gameplay. This is mostly for new players to the MOBA genre, but hopefully everyone gets at least a thing or two out of this.

If you want to skip my bio, then just skip to the next section :)

I've been playing MOBAs on and off for about 10 years now and it's by far my favorite genre. I started out with LoL actually, unlike many old-school players who started out with DotA.

Highest I've got in LoL was Diamond 1 promos. After a few years of "detox" I decided to get back into MOBAs. For the last few months I've been playing HotS and I just love it. I finished up Platinum after my first 10 ranked matches and being hovering in that range for a while so don't expect super game-specific info here, as I'm actually quite new. What I want to share are general guidelines which can help you (hopefully) as much as they've helped me.

Forget about mechanics

Very often, players think that outplaying 1v2 or having godlike mechanics is mandatory for climbing the ladder. That's not true, especially in this game.

My first tip is forget about micro, focus on macro. Mechanics will come, you don't have to do anything to get them. Macro, on the other hand, needs work.

You need to know the game, ask your team, read wikis, browse reddit, watch streams, and learn. This is not a passive skill, it's active! Focus on developing this.

Map awareness, heroes skills, ranges, cooldowns, damage, etc. If you die, it's not because of bad mechanics, it's because of bad positioning. Sure, mechanics might save you sometimes, but the mistake was already done. Do not look to recover from mistakes, aim to never make mistakes in the first place!

The best players are the best because they know the game more. That's simply it.

Rules of the game

Follow these rules, and you'll be in the right path:

  • Do not tunnel. Tunneling, tunnel-vision or over-commiting is very common. Learn to let go. The more tilted you are, the more you overcommit. Learn to identify when you do this.
  • Objectives > Kills
  • Before engaging, have vision of the whole enemy team (or at least know where they are) and make sure your team can follow, the main reason for bad initiations is when you are too deep and your team just can't follow, this is the typical "where is my team?" mistake. It happens on warriors/tanks mostly.
  • Make a habit of seeing the map. Whenever you b, you see the map. Try to do it every few seconds, pay attention to it. Use this for a few games.
  • Learn to concede. If one member of your team dies way before a teamfight, that's it. You can't fight 4v5. The faster you accept that the better. Go get experience or mercs. Just let it go.
  • Play to learn. If you learn something that game, it was worth it. Who cares if you lost?
  • Have small goals to reach for each game, doesn't matter what it is, as long as you are working on a specific thing you will get better results over time. (thanks /u/poisongecko1)
  • Have the initiative to be a team player. Do not ever say something negative. You can say it aloud, think it, yell it, just don't type it. Try to help and protect weaker members of the team.
  • Try to find someone to make plays with. See who is making good plays and pay attention to him/her. If he wants to initiate, follow. If he wants to back, back.
  • Some games just cannot be won. Use this games to practice playing from behind and not dying!
  • NEVER do boss without vision! Especially if the enemy team is all alive

On Aggression

This needs it's own section. On some heroes, especially assassins, you want to be "smart aggressive". If there is a chance to get a kill and you don't take it, you will be making a mistake, but you are too aggressive, you will get killed.

You want to be just aggressive enough. How much? It's hard to tell. It's best found out by experience. Play super aggressive one game, then play super passive another game, play far back and try to not get initiated on (more on this here). You will eventually find the balance, you will "just know" you can go in, get the kill and get out, or win the fight.

The only way to learn this is by making mistakes and learning, so take your time. Playing aggressive heroes without dying is an art.

Hero Pool

Have a collection of heroes you can play, at least 2 per role. For example:

Assasin: Valla, Li Ming Tank: Tyrael, Johanna Support: Kharazim, Brightwing Specialist: Sylvannas, Nazeebo (OPTIONAL) 

You want to make sure your heroes are not always banned. You can pick up OP heroes later, for now, focus on consistency. Pick heroes which are never banned yet still good in most maps. It's very common in low MMR people who pick broken heroes but can't play them, and end up being worse than if they played something they are comfortable with.

Personally, I think the fastest way to build a pool is by being a One Trick Pony and just playing a single hero every chance you get. Once you are proficient with it, move to another hero. You want to do this for all roles, for at least 2 heroes.

Once you have a decent pool you can main a particular role, that's the fastest way to get to high MMR in my opinion.

NOTE: Specialists are marked as optional because they aren't really as important as filling up the other roles. They do have a role in the meta but you can add them to your pool later on.

Fine-tune your settings

You want to disable mouse acceleration, as it will make your mouse inconsistent. If you move it too fast because you are scared or something, it will make you fuck up, we don't want that.

Also, use quickcast for all abilities which are not skillshots, and use on-releast quickcast for skillshots (so you hold, aim, then release and shoot). This makes everything much more fluid.

For ranged auto-attack heroes, learn to attack-move/stutter-step. To do this, bind the key a to quickcast, so when you press a your hero will walk to your cursor location, and if there is an enemy close, it will attack whatever is closest. This is very useful for kiting, as a ranged hero, like Valla, you want to kite and stay away of everyone's range. Only when the fight is won or someone is very low you can go in and finish someone, in the meantime, you need to kite.

To kite, you simply a, move, a, move, etc. That's why it's called "attack-move" (at least it was like that in LoL, attack-move in itself is an inherited word from older times).

This is very good for teamfights so you always attack whoever is closest to you while staying safe in the backline.

Note that this is hard when there are creeps in the way, in that case, you need to just a on top of the hero you want to attack, which makes it a bit harder.

Doubt Potential

Doubt potential is basically how many enemies are missing. If you have 1 enemy missing, the doubt potential is 1. If there are 3, the potential is 3.

Pay attention to this and act accordingly. Some examples:

  • When you are playing a solo lane, you want to back off anytime the potential is 1 or greater.
  • When the potential is 4 or 5, they are probably doing boss or setting up a trap, so play extra-safe

That's it!

Hope it helps :) Let me know what you think in the comments so we can make this a decent guide together. Cheers!


Thanks guys for the feedback! I'll work on adding it to the guide eventually. I'll list some things to do in here:

  • Elaborate a bit on map objectives
submitted by /u/fedekun
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New NotParadox Video: The one feature that would improve so much of HotS

Posted: 24 Jul 2018 10:59 AM PDT

PSISTORM Gaming Heroes team video series?

Posted: 24 Jul 2018 01:30 PM PDT

Hi guys,

we are evaluating the level of interest in these kinds of videos as we get to know the community, and document our team. So far I'm pleasantly surprised to see how receptive and good the fans and community figures have been of our new team. To contrast, we had quite a bit of negative posts when we first started in StarCraft. Granted we were absolutely new to esports and there were a lot of skepticism and trolls.

Anyway here are a couple of videos we have so far; we'll make more if this does well.

"the journey begins" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AxCQ0ezk4jE

"the first test" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hpQ7qwhSm68

I hope to get the engagement started, after this, Pan1cSw1tched and FilthyRake will take over the social posts here on reddit and others as usual as I head back to the shadows as a new Heroes fan.


KJ Freeedom, owner

http://twitter.com/karljayg - personal


submitted by /u/kj_freeedom
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Reviewing old StarCraft Videos

Posted: 24 Jul 2018 02:30 PM PDT

I was reviewing old StarCraft videos and trying to see if I could match any decor or style to the teased door.

Valerian Mengsk

The bottom right is the teased door in comparison to Valerian's scene

I thought this would make for a good discussion at least.

submitted by /u/Royalette
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HGC Western and Eastern Clash Scenarios for NA, EU, and KR. Includes all possible outcomes for Clashes.

Posted: 24 Jul 2018 09:12 AM PDT

So, is this finally a right moment to buff/rework Chen?

Posted: 24 Jul 2018 03:23 AM PDT

I was always against Chen buffs.

Experienced players probably knew how oppressive he can be when drafted at the right moment and on the right map as solo laner, but something changed recently.

We got Yrel, and she does Chens thing better than Chen while being draftable against almost anything.

She is quite fun to play, she has a similar early game purpose in draft and she provides huge utility to her team later on. Compare Aldor peacekeeper vs Withering flames, hell, even her level 4 talents are stronger and easier to use than Chens level 16 talents.

I have a feeling her channeling is something which devs are looking into as a model for Chen rework. While different, essentially her ability channeling/cast minigame sustain is doing the same thing as the Chens brew sustain mechanic - and she can still move and weave autos.

Now don't get me wrong, I really like playing Yrel and I don't mind playing against her, so devs should never nerf her into the ground, just slice some numbers here and there when enough data to identify trespassers is accumulated.

Positively thinking, there is no reason why they couldn't provide similar treatment to Chen, making him usable and crunching his numbers to reside within reasonable range. Yrel kind of proved that there is a space for reinvigorated Chen - tuning numbers is something which they can surely do to keep them both fun, reasonable and viable.

I believe.

submitted by /u/NoHeal4u
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People asked for color code NA Cheat Sheet, so I created one

Posted: 24 Jul 2018 03:35 PM PDT

Cheat Sheet here

To explain this, I included seeding result of every combination as well.

No matter what happens, HHE is the one seed. Their map score is just insane this split. They can't drop to 2nd, even with an 0-3 loss this weekend.

Tempo Storm is 2 unless they lose 0-3 to ENDEMIC AND Team Freedom wins 3-0 to Octalysis

Otherwise, it's mostly Team Freedom, Octalysis, and ENDEMIC jockeying for 3rd and 4th seeds.

Hope this helps your HGC viewing this weekend! Cheers!

submitted by /u/DBSmiley
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Noticed a subtle detail about teaser tweet

Posted: 24 Jul 2018 01:40 PM PDT

Been reading a lot of convincing analysis about the door tweet released earlier today. However I couldn't help but think there was something more hidden in plain sight, and after only a few hours studying the image itself was able to get the full message. Looking for Mengsk

submitted by /u/JohanTheJuan
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You ever have a game just completely go your way?

Posted: 24 Jul 2018 07:49 PM PDT


I mostly like to play Specialists, with Sgt Hammer being probably my fourth or fifth favorite. I hadn't played her in a while so I decided to give her a go. At the start of the game a Butcher started talking about how he was going to carry us. However I started doing amazingly apparently, racking up top damage, siege damage, best experience, etc. The rest of the team started talking about how I was carrying them. I was trying to be humble but I have to say it felt pretty nice to do well and have the team appreciate me. Especially considered how I really love to play guys like Abathur and usually get the blame when things go south. Near the end the enemy team had started solo ult me.

At the end of the game I got MVP with lots of upvotes, and one of my team whispered this nice comment to me. https://i.imgur.com/qRrruHl.png

submitted by /u/Vinven
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Can we look at Sonic Arrow?

Posted: 24 Jul 2018 06:52 PM PDT

Like his brother Genji's Dash, Sonic Arrow strikes me as an ability that starts out with a few talents already built in. In Overwatch it's a useful ability that shows a specific area, but you can move around it and it only shows silhouettes, and that game is balanced by hero swapping and very specific talent/role uniqueness as well as the ability for heroes like Pharah or Reinhardt to simply not care about if you see them or not.

However in this game, which does have hero/ability overlap (which is fine) and so ability need to just not be better versions of others, it:

  • shows heroes
  • can get stuck to heroes
  • reveals them after they left the area of effect for a second
  • reveals hidden heroes
  • is really large AOE

All this in a game where vision is significantly more important.

Let's imagine Hanzo was released in 2015 or 2016. Right off the bat Sonic Arrow would need something like [Increase AOE] [Reveal Hidden Heroes] [Trailing Vision Effect] as talents and by default it'd be around 50% of its current AOE. We can look at abilities like [[Slime]] and [[Gilnean Cocktail]] for what is considered basically the "default AOE" for abilities that get significantly stronger when their AOE length is just too high, you need a talent for it. The other is so that stealth heroes aren't just screwed and trailing vision is a very specific ability that should be handed out extremely rarely.

So I'm recommending that Sonic Arrow really just gets it put down to appropriate levels. Right now it functions as one of top scouting tools in the game for a hero who really doesn't need it, he's not a support or anything, so he's gotta have a drawback - can't just have an improved version of other people's abilities that are a core part of their kit without giving up anything.

submitted by /u/ChosenCharacter
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Please, stop adding Diablo Evils Blizzard!

Posted: 24 Jul 2018 07:49 AM PDT

I'm tired of this. Every single hero release we are presented with another Diablo Evil. Please Blizzard! Stop adding greater/lesser Evils and give us something we really need. We are desperate for more futuristic hype vibes humanoid heroes, this game desperately needs more of those. I'm sick of getting Evil after Evil after Evil, is there no end to this?

Thank you Blizzard, I sincerely hope we get no more Evils in the next year or so, at least.


Edit: Blizzard posted a teaser for the next hero. The color scheme and arquitecture of the gate heavily resembles Hakan II, Belial's "host" on DIII act II. Unfortunately there are lots of people saying the gates also match Ophelia, the new meaningless character recently introduced for no reason at all. This could be my ultimate hype for new character releases, or community's ultimate disappointment when Ophelia is revealed and we're left in the vacuum for another 2 months (or none of course, we could get a meaningful hero for say warcraft or starcraft). Let's just hope it's the first option this time.

submitted by /u/Arcontes
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Please, Blizzard. Don´t kill your competitive modes in the smaller regions

Posted: 24 Jul 2018 12:33 AM PDT

Hello, everyone. As you may know, in the lower populated regions we are struggling to get matches thanks to the new rules on matchmaking. Even in low plat we are getting 15 / 19 min queues. We know that the playerbase is splitted between modes. In quickmatch, for example, we get games in just seconds (so the population is there), but people are leaving Hl thanks to the new rules. Look, we are aware of how unfair some rainbow matches can get, but we simply dont care. Just loosen the matchmaker rules and let us plats play with low golds and high diamonds. Diamonds can play with mid and low plats too. Just dont kill HOTS in Latam, the game is growing but there are no incentives to play HL.

Also, people would love to play Team league, but the queues are ridiculous. Most players play 10 matches, get the mount and never touch the mode again. You should force them to play more matches by slowly unlocking the tints, offering banners, skins or maybe even offering the epic mount if they get to diamond.

Thanks for reading me. Take care.

submitted by /u/Popolux
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Look what came to my mail today!

Posted: 24 Jul 2018 03:26 AM PDT

This morning I had a free day so decided to sleep longer... when my landlord came knocking that I got package.

Ok, I thought it was something for my GF, but couldn't remember that I ordered something this big...


It was prize from Icy Veins giveaway month ago!

And I got that drawing on post-it note that looks like something u/CarbotAnimations would make?


TY Blizz!!!!

submitted by /u/xhopeon
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When Kala shares wisdom, and you immediately put it use. #communitycoaching

Posted: 24 Jul 2018 08:40 AM PDT

The Nexus Compendium - Subuniverses and Entities added!

Posted: 24 Jul 2018 01:30 PM PDT


The Nexus Compendium expanded the Universe-section with Subuniverses and Entities, covering all the realms "in between", and the Entities (like our Heroes) that have gotten pulled into the Nexus.

Example: http://nexuscompendium.com/universe.php?u=sta (Starcraft)


Some of you might've heard about "The Nexus Compendium", which I usually use to predict Free-to-Play Hero Rotations, and give information about Hero Sales, and so on.

However, it's also meant to tie everything in the Nexus together, by making the connections that aren't openly visible - and making it all visible outside the game.

The site currently contains:

  • Basic data about all 80 heroes
  • All Free-to-Play Rotations (181 rotation weeks - back to the start at 2015-02-10)
  • All Hero Sales (177 sales - back to the start at 2015-01-13)
  • Usage of that data to predict next Rotations and Sales
  • Listings of all the 6 main Universes
  • Basic data about the 16 Battlegrounds

The New Stuff

And... to spice that up, I've now added the following:

  • A grand total of 41 different Subuniverses

There are, naturally, a lot of guesswork involved with these, and lots of them are severely underrepresented - but the list should be complete. Very much open to changes and additions.

These are also meant to go on separate pages soon - but I'll wait with that until the Skins are added.

  • The various 22 Entities dragged into or existing in the Nexus with us

This includes Realm Lords, announcers and other interesting beings, that we stumble upon.

What's the Goal?

Simple: To add Skins (and Mounts), to get a good overview of what the different Subuniverses contain, the Nexus-lore behind them, and having all that available online on a easy-to-navigate site.

Let me know what you think, and what could be made better, differently ... or just general good ideas!

Example Links

submitted by /u/Gnueless
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Azmodan Wrath vs Gluttony by Procraft

Posted: 24 Jul 2018 06:43 AM PDT

tl;dr: Always take Wrath, because you get 3x the damage compared to Gluttony.

https://clips.twitch.tv/SmellyCarelessTomatoAMPTropPunch - A great clip showing off Wrath's damage (Zera's damage helped, but the majority of the damage was from my Dunk AA combo).

Hey everyone, today I want to discuss a few things about the new Azmodan, specifically why you should take Wrath over Gluttony over 99% of your games. I'm going to but some equations down below to explain the exact math behind this.

I am going to keep the numbers as simple as I can so that I can show you the difference. Obviously explaining every single different scenario would be impossible as they are endless.

Existing preconditions: Both Azmodan's are maxed on stacks. Azmodan 1 has Wrath, and Azmodan 2 has Gluttony. Both Azmodans then have Battleborn, Bombardment, Tide of Sin, Brutish Vanguard, Total Annihilation, and then Pride. Both Azmodans are level 20.

Next lets assume that both Azmodans hit 3 heroes followed by an AA on all 3 of those heroes(1 Bombardment AA). Then let's assume that both Azmodans spam the dunk AA combo on exactly 3 heroes for exactly 70 seconds straight. This would equate to 7 total dunks for the Azmodan with Wrath, and 8 total dunks for the Azmodan with Gluttony ( 8 because of all the CDR that Gluttony provides) in the 70 second time span. Keep in mind we are NOT using Tide of Sin just to make things easier.

I am only counting the additional damage granted by Wrath and Gluttony. I can remove the base dunk damage from both equations, due to the fact that both of them contain it, to keep the equations nice and clean.

Azmodan 1(Wrath): 7 Dunks * (3 AA * 400 Wrath damage) = 7 Dunks * 1,200 Additional damage per dunk =8,400 Total Additional Damage

Azmodan 2(Gluttony): 7 Dunks + 1 Additional dunk (You get 1.5s CDR for hitting 3 heroes per dunk. 1.5 * 7 dunks = 10.5s CDR) = Approximately 3,000 (I don't have the exact numbers ATM) Total Additional Damage

Analysis: As you can see, Wrath's damage output is roughly 3 times more than Gluttony's. ALSO the biggest reason why Wrath is so much more effective than Gluttony is because you are getting this extra bit of burst damage every single time you dunk, rather than having to wait until you've hit 3 heroes 7 times for an additional dunk. It's so rare where a teamfight ever lasts even close to 70 seconds long. Hell, a lot of the times, you don't even get a chance to use your dunk a second time for Christ's sake.

Stacking: In most cases, you will get maxed faster by using Wrath. Sometimes Gluttony might help you get stacked faster on 4 lane maps such as Braxis, however the majority of the time, Wrath will get you stacked faster. Gluttony give you 1 additional stack per hero hit with your dunk, and Wrath gives you 1 additional stack per AA on heroes under 75% max HP. On most of the maps you will not constantly be hitting heroes, but instead you will get many more AA's off.

Minions/Monsters: I understand that my Gluttony equation didn't account for any minions/monsters. However a lot of teamfights take place where there are no minions/monsters nearby. You would need an exceptionally large minions wave AND heroes hit with your dunk to even come close to Wrath's damage.

Safety: With gluttony you get to stay a tad bit more back because you don't always have to hit your AA. But this argument is complete trash because the amount of damage that you're missing out on for the amount of safety that you are actually getting is huge. There have been so many times where my Wrath damage burst in that moment was able to finish the kill, or save a teammate. Keep in mind that Gluttony does NOT provide ANY immediate additional damage.

Conclusion: Obviously I cannot account for every single situation, but wrath will ALWAYS out-damage gluttony, in every practical scenario. Sometimes, on Braxis, if you are clearing a Zerg wave and hit a ton of targets, you might get some practical use out of Gluttony, however Wrath would still kill the heroes faster the majority of the time. I will say that sometimes in a more relaxed environment, that it's nicer to take gluttony and not have to worry about weaving in AA's every time, but if you are seriously trying to win, then you will ALWAYS take Wrath.

It's unfortunate because I thought that the new Azmo would actually have a few legitimate builds with the rework. It turns out he went from having 2 different builds, to only having 1 build that you can only change 1 or maybe 2 talents. I really hope that they make more talents viable, and I also hope that they will give Azmodan a real ult one day. You NEVER take Demonic invasion now, and the only reason you take tide of sin, is because it's less garbage that Demonic Invasion. Don't get me wrong, Azmodan's team fighting damage is literally Awesome, however I just wish he had more diversity, and real Ultimates. Man, I cannot express how dissapointed I am with Azmodan's ultimates right now.

Please leave any questions, if there is anything that I missed, and I'd be happy to answer them!

submitted by /u/theprocraft20
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Here's all the Heroes categorized by "Race"

Posted: 24 Jul 2018 11:51 AM PDT

I think I got everyone right. Let me know if there is any corrections needed

Human: 29 (assuming Vikings are human)

Undead: 6

Orc: 5.5 (0.5 for rexxar)

Protoss: 5

Zerg: 5

Night Elf: 4

Angel: 3

Demon: 3

Dragon: 3

Pandaren: 2

Dwarf: 2

Blood Elf: 2

Ogre: 1.5 (0.5 Rexxar) (Cho'gall counting as 1 person)

Tauren: 1

Goblin: 1

Murloc: 1

Elemental: 1

Draenei: 1

Troll: 1

Dryad: 1

Worgen: 1

Bear: 1

submitted by /u/Duff-McWhalen
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9th Episode of BRONZE LEAGUE HEROES, featuring 32 minutes of back and forth action!

Posted: 24 Jul 2018 02:54 PM PDT

Maiev + Junkrat = Boss steal

Posted: 24 Jul 2018 07:12 AM PDT

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