Guild Wars 2 - Festival of the Four Winds Begins Next Week!

Festival of the Four Winds Begins Next Week!

Posted: 17 Jul 2018 12:01 PM PDT

Festival of the Four Winds Returns and We Talk to ArenaNet

Posted: 17 Jul 2018 12:08 PM PDT

A Music Guild Tries to World vs World

Posted: 17 Jul 2018 10:48 AM PDT

Where will our Journey go? | "Sailing the Skies with Aurene!" | by albapalacio27

Posted: 17 Jul 2018 03:03 AM PDT

New That_Shaman Data Mining. Let the speculation begin

Posted: 17 Jul 2018 06:08 AM PDT

Exclusive footage of nec after the next balance update

Posted: 17 Jul 2018 11:37 AM PDT

New Meta be like

Posted: 17 Jul 2018 04:14 AM PDT

Asura characters smile when holding a rifle. :)

Posted: 17 Jul 2018 10:29 AM PDT

Pangolin Mount, Samantha Rogers [Artstation]

Posted: 17 Jul 2018 05:02 PM PDT

When a casual, infrequent gamer meets a casual-friendly MMORPG...

Posted: 17 Jul 2018 12:00 PM PDT

Took of my boots today just to notice i got a leg injury.

Posted: 17 Jul 2018 09:35 AM PDT

Gemstore Update - Desert King Backpack/Glider & Storm Gloves

Posted: 17 Jul 2018 09:00 AM PDT

New Items

submitted by /u/dulfy
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Nuhoch Wallows and Thermal Tubes show up on the map. Why not jackal Sand Portals?

Posted: 17 Jul 2018 07:56 AM PDT

Now that A-net is bringing back old festival content, maybe it's time to bring back this gem?

Posted: 17 Jul 2018 04:37 PM PDT

Finally a use for a few gauntlet tickets I have left over!

Posted: 17 Jul 2018 01:07 PM PDT

Not enough health

Posted: 17 Jul 2018 07:22 PM PDT

Domain of Istan Farm Guide

Posted: 17 Jul 2018 11:04 AM PDT

Hi guys, this will be a brief guide about what to do with the various loot you receive in Istan. A lot of people always ask what to do with their loot, so I figure this guide might help a bit.

--------------------------------------- How to do Istan -------------------------------------

Rotation: Great Hall -> Akili Mirror Defense Event -> Graveyard -> Palawadan ( in any order)

Great Hall usually at xx:20

Palawadan every other hour at xx:45

Highly Recommended Items:

  1. Autoloot (Core Tyria Mastery Pact Commander level 5)
  2. Engineer with Turrets (espec or core, doesnt matter )/Scourge Necro
  3. Invisible *-slot Bag
  4. Several Basic Salvage Kits (or Copper-O-Matic) and several Master Salvage Kits ( or 1 Mystic )

I'm not gonna spend too much time talking about the rotation of Istan because it's fairly simple and usually you're just mindlessly following a tag anyways. But, I highly recommend using an Engineer with turrets or a Scourge to make tagging easier. Having an Engineer is nice because you can plant down turrets at Great Hall event or Akili event and cover some more tagging distance. !!!ALWAYS TAG CHAMP MOBS!!! (Do at least 5k damage) They drop a Palawan Phylactery which usually contains a Piece of Rare Gear. Also, make sure to attend Palawadan whenever possible, it gives the most loot and happens every other hour at xx:45.

As for the Invisible Bag and Basic Salvage Kits - You will get bags of Pieces of Unidentified Gear (Common, Uncommon, Rare). You don't want to Salvage them accidentally. So make sure to place them inside these bags. Now, use Basic Salvage Kits to "Salvage All" the random pieces of gear you get alongside these bags of loot. Use the Mystic/Master salvage kit to salvage rares. Sell Minor/Major runes. This will help conserve inventory space when you are grinding Istan.

------------------------------- How to Profit from Istan -------------------------------

When you do Istan, there are 3 items that really matter:

  1. Volatile Magic (VM) - Buy Crates

Shipments are bought from the vendor at the Docks for 250 VM and 1g. Use to figure out which crates are profitable. Usually Trophy/Leather is the best.

  1. Kralkalite Ore (KO) - Vendor

At current market prices ( 50s per crate ), this would price VM at 20c (50s over 250 VM). With Kralkalite Ore giving ON AVERAGE ~4 VM, this would make the price of KO 80c. The vendor price is 1s28c. Just vendor these guys.

  1. Pieces of Unidentified Gear ( Common, Uncommon, Rare) - TP

This might be a point of contention. A lot of people are claiming that it's better to open with high MF, but wasn't really sure where the cutoff for "high MF" was. I could safely say out of ~1000 bags, at 385 MF ( 140 Base + 150 SW (no VW) + 15 Banner + 60 Food/Util + 10 Guild + 10 Guild Research) That I was losing around 20 - 30% Profit salvaging as opposed to selling. And that's with a bunch of 60 - 90s exotics and 1 14g Sunspear exotic. For older players, I'm sure getting to higher MF is easier with Celebration boosts and what not, but for newer players/casual players that might be farming for a single item or who farm casually, I highly recommend selling to TP.

However - If you plan to farm Istan for weeks and weeks, then maybe I'd suggest opening it up and salvaging, just so you can build up base MF. But make sure to buy MF food, go to a Silverwastes with an MF banner, do 5 events/VW to get 150/200% MF and open bags then etc. or use boosters too.

------------------------------------------- Conclusion -------------------------------------

People need to keep in mind that guides for gold farms change over time due to how the market changes. One day, it may be extremely unprofitable to sell pieces of gear to TP (maybe because of guides like this). But I hope this guide helps a bit for new Istan farmers.

submitted by /u/BraillingLogic
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Open World PvE Builds July 2018

Posted: 17 Jul 2018 01:49 PM PDT

As promised, I am back with another installment of Open World Builds. I currently have around 120 builds to share so I will be posting the builds for each profession separately so each of them gets the space and attention they deserve. Starting tomorrow with Elementalist.

I will update this post with links to each of the new build posts for each profession once they have been posted.

Let me know if you like to continue to see open world builds from me here or if you rather I spent my time over on metabattle assisting with the open world builds there?

submitted by /u/LadyElyssa
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Chronomancer World Completion in 13 hours

Posted: 17 Jul 2018 12:52 PM PDT


It's been quite a while since my previous Chrono world completion. My last one wasn't done with mounts until 61% world comp and I've been meaning to get a Chrono world completion done with the use of mounts from 0% - this is the result of that.

Since I've been hearing about it quite recently, I feel it's worth mentioning that I didn't use Augmented Tyria - an add-on that helps guide players through a very smooth and fast world completion. My run was the product of having done World Completion a total of 19 times now; although after all those runs, I still make pretty dumb mistakes.

Fun fact: I only died one time because I was getting cocky while completing the Black Citadel. I was trying to cross a gap to save time and I got stuck and fell to my death...

Edit: Quick note: the squad I'm in is just a raiding squad - it was time to raid. I didn't receive any help

Edit 2: In case anyone wanted to know the drop rate of Black Lion Keys vs Transmutation Charges: Here you go: 8 Keys, 23 Charges (and 3 Black Lion Chests).

submitted by /u/Call_Me_Sue
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I always knew they had a thing for each other. Totally ready to see their wedding.

Posted: 17 Jul 2018 04:05 PM PDT

Started second character and really hoping for char specific keybinds someday from Anet

Posted: 17 Jul 2018 06:36 AM PDT

My first character was engineer. It's keybind city with all the toolbelt skills etc. and after a lot of experimentation found a good setup for my build/rotation. I'm RDFG btw. Now I pick up Revenant as a second character and the keybinds are suboptimal to say the least, particularly with the added weapon swapping.

For those with separate keybinds per character are you swapping in game, is there a macro to do that, or do you have different keyboard profiles, etc? Keyboard profiles seem like an obvious solution, but looking at my hotbar and seeing a different letter than the one I need to press seems even more confusing. Also having to turn it on/off for text typing.

edit:typo edit: Also, has Anet ever responded to this specific request? I tried to find something but couldn't.

submitted by /u/Shuttr0
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Deadeye and Reaper got their buffs, can it be Scrapper turn?

Posted: 17 Jul 2018 12:58 PM PDT

Scrapper used to be pretty solid at PvP, but now it's really not good at anything at all. I really hope Scrapper is next up on the rework/buff list. I'd love to see it viable/strong in some game mode. The concept behind it is cool as hell.

ArenaNet seems to be giving love to some forgotten specs, can we see some love for my hammer boy?

submitted by /u/ImNotBeyonce
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I wish they'd let you change helmets (like you can change backpacks) with outfits.

Posted: 17 Jul 2018 12:15 PM PDT

I play a Reaper who I use the exo-suit armor on to make her look like a bloodstone-power-armored space marine. I take the helmet off, though, and always wish that I could sub in an appearance helmet for it, instead.

submitted by /u/rhadamanth_nemes
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You know, I’d love to see a documentary about ArenaNet/the Guild Wars franchise.

Posted: 17 Jul 2018 02:19 PM PDT

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