Posted: 07 Jul 2018 11:13 PM PDT








submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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Can we all agree that this is the best feeling ever?

Posted: 08 Jul 2018 05:49 PM PDT

Which many unique rewards again?

Posted: 08 Jul 2018 04:17 PM PDT

Hey Epic, do you mind dropping these along with 5.0?

Posted: 08 Jul 2018 04:50 PM PDT

Just a reminder that many of us want the ability to purchase the Ultimate Edition Upgrade even if we lose the ability to receive standard edition codes

Posted: 08 Jul 2018 05:15 PM PDT

'Save The World' shouldn't become free until the game is completely finished

Posted: 08 Jul 2018 05:52 AM PDT

There's some rumours flying around, admittedly from a completely unconfirmed source, that the game is supposed to go Free-To-Play sometime in August or mid-season 5 of Battle Royale. This is a very scary thought and I just want to reinforce the point that the game is still very much in early access.

They key things that must be addressed and implemented are:

  • The complete 'Canny Valley' storyline and unique biome
  • The complete 'Twine Peaks' storyline and unique biome
  • A unique biome for 'Plankerton'
  • Taxi'ing and leeching problem solved
  • A more rigorous AFK solution
  • Global Chat moderation

These are just things that must be completed in order for the game to be playable enough to be free. 'Save The World' already has a playerbase problem, the game cannot become free until the entire story is finished, each map has it's own biome and the key issues of the game are solved.

I'm sure there are plenty of things people would like to add to this list such as mission variety, a non-RNG way of obtaining survivors and much more but frankly even these important things could be added later but the other items on that list are absolutely required.

submitted by /u/chrisd848
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I can't be the only one...

Posted: 08 Jul 2018 02:31 PM PDT

Reminder: Ninja's textures are still broken and other player's gun elements are not visible

Posted: 08 Jul 2018 03:19 PM PDT

They are getting worse and worse by the day.

Posted: 08 Jul 2018 07:31 AM PDT

How low lvl players farm vs high lvl players

Posted: 08 Jul 2018 12:08 PM PDT

Make it obvious on Reddit app description that this is STW subreddit so there are less posts to sift through for mods. It should say “save the world only” somewhere in that black circle. Just trying to help

Posted: 08 Jul 2018 02:56 PM PDT

How I battled an addiction to Outlander Antics. (Spreading awareness to the lost ones)

Posted: 08 Jul 2018 03:49 PM PDT

I hate to admit it. One night I was curious so I bought Arch-Jess. I leveled her up to 30.

I got greedy so I leveled up another Jess for support.

I got curious again so I moved a Recon Eagle Eye Scout to Legendary and plugged her into Support.

But greed set in yet again.. I began weighing out my options.. do I want more harvesting tool damage, or odds to pull double loot? I bit the bullet and swapped the roles. Upon sitting on stacks and stacks of mats I couldn't even utilize, my addiction didn't stop there...

The next thing I realized... I was pumping out FAT BluGlo siphons. I needed the movement speed buff, I was hitting every fragment on the map, I had to go fast!

How was I going to clear every lootable crate on the map before my team reported me for ignoring the objective?

Would I have enough time to slip into the base and place a common floor spike before the final storm phase? Do I even want to do that? I could recycle it... let me build a wood wall instead.

I decided enough is enough. I bought Raven because I didn't have any good offense hero, My addiction made me retire the ones I once loved to fuel the quick surge of limitless power.

I loaded into a new mission with Raven. This is a new life now. A whole new meaning. I felt slower, I felt shackled to the common lifestyle. Slave to the norms and it pained me.

A few slow, weak strikes with my pickaxe on a tree next to the landing site, as bunny-suit Penny built. I felt pointless.

Some high level commuter dropped me a low durability Deathray to try and cheer me up, he could see the life being drained from me.

The mission fired up and it was now time to cut the self loathing, I needed to pay back for all those times I looted a sparkling white safe over reviving a blonde ninja who was just trying to save a survivor.

'REEEEEEEEE' Could be heard over the horizon as this ugly smasher stood before me. As time slowed down, I could hear nothing but the thumps in my heart.

The time is Now.

I hit that Dual-Pistol ability and let the bullets fly.

DOOF DOOF DOOF DOOF DOOF My shots landed in great succession as Penny and UAH cheered me on through watery eyes. Instantly I was hooked.

It was at that very moment, I realized there was more to life than getting an extra slice of bacon, or punching a brick wall... or even being sassy when I go to dance.

Next time you,or a loved one, are struggling with a demon inside, I challenge you to go above and beyond. Those few extra nuts and bolts mean nothing to me anymore. I am a Raven.


submitted by /u/MintChocolateEnema
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I would say they’re evolving but we all know evolution isn’t real.

Posted: 08 Jul 2018 08:49 AM PDT

Please let's not have an event this long again, especially with so less content.

Posted: 08 Jul 2018 09:34 AM PDT

Event lasted from May 1 to July 12, it was WAY too long and the content was either repetitive or too less. Maybe it was because we got all the excellent changes like Collection Book research, Recombobulator, etc.

The Blockbuster llamas weren't anything special.

It got very boring in the last month especially with Cloaked Star being such a letdown.

Only thing is I hope the 10 alerts per day remain permanent.

Not saying that the event was bad, because there were some amazing things from it like Carbide, Raven, Obilerator, Demolitionist, and all the QoL changes and new features that came.

Just that it was too long and blockbuster tickets meant nothing more than xp or transform fodder after a while.

submitted by /u/WNickW
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I somehow get the first Wild West Hero will be another Jonesy.

Posted: 08 Jul 2018 05:56 AM PDT

Epic Troll Epic...

Posted: 08 Jul 2018 07:51 AM PDT

I just was blessed with the extremely rare unassailable objective

Posted: 08 Jul 2018 08:40 PM PDT

How to Win Over Survivors and Influence Jonesy - A Guide to Getting Along During Armageddon

Posted: 08 Jul 2018 11:24 AM PDT

I have been playing Fortnite for going on 180 days and have had a blast. Like everyone else here, I have experienced a lot of negative players recently, so thought that I would teach everyone some lessons that I have learned along the way. Please feel free to add some of you own.

  1. When a Master Grenadier joins your game, do not throw a sticky grenade at them then type into chat, "Who is the Master Grenadier now!?"

  2. If a squeaker starts talking in voice chat, do not tell them that you are old enough to be their parent then ask if their mother/father is single, unless the parent sounds really hot, then proceed with caution.

  3. Proper etiquette states that you should level up a Stop Sign Axe and give it to low level players when they ask for a weapon.

  4. If you join a mission with players way below level, do not start the objective without warning everyone.

  5. Throwing a port-a-fort at Power Base Knox/Kyle and saying, "Here's some mats for your base." is generally not a kind thing to do.

  6. When clearing the area for a storm chest, be careful not to shoot the storm chest with an obliterater, in particular if there are a bunch of low level people farming storm chests in your mission.

  7. When dropping loot for lower level players, do not put it in a box on the edge of the map, where a door leads to a directional jump pad that launches players off the map.

  8. Singing songs in the voice chat about the valiant efforts of Pathfinder Leacher is not enjoyable for anyone, except for your self.

  9. Do not call the constructors "Bob the builder." For example, "Bob the builder, there's some sick mats in the box over by the edge of the map."

  10. When a player builds a 6x6x6 wooden box around your Retrieve the Data setup, do not start the mission unannounced and declare, "I hope your base holds up Bob"

  11. Following around UAH, Ramirez, Penny, or anyone with a scoped weapon pointed directly at their backside is generally kind of creepy.

  12. Letting survivors die in Save the Survivor missions for being a "Stuck-up baby boomer wearing high heels in an apocalypse" is not good for the team. Also, leading a smasher to said survivor and saying, "Here's your manager to talk to." is not good for the team.

  13. Vaping, ripping a bong, eating crackers, using the bathroom, etc.. while on voice chat is a sure-fire way to make everyone mad.

I am sure there are more I am forgetting about, but this should be a good base-line of things to get started. Hope you enjoy the advice and can make some friends.

submitted by /u/NorthAve
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Can we have Seebots sound fix like Now ?!

Posted: 08 Jul 2018 08:08 AM PDT

Bunnyhopping, Some Techs will never die!

Posted: 08 Jul 2018 12:03 PM PDT

This is how the V-Bucks reward system should be when the game goes free !

Posted: 08 Jul 2018 04:26 AM PDT

Now it's the time to use your Alert cooldowns :)

Posted: 08 Jul 2018 07:36 PM PDT

STW each tier described with a catch phrase!

Posted: 08 Jul 2018 05:35 PM PDT

Each tier has a catch's my experience with them. Stonewood " i can do lvl 100 mission i got 130 weapon" Plankerton "trade my hb...give host and edits" Canney Valley "pl 70 with boost i am pl100 " Twine peaks "get the fuck out.. you too low"

submitted by /u/ParaplegicOctopus
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Things that worry me about going into season 5

Posted: 08 Jul 2018 07:16 AM PDT

1: Alert missions going back to 3 per day

  • The 10 daily alert missions were my favorite part about this season, along with my OP silence pistol that never leaves my side.

2: Re-perk challenges for killing 50 misties going away

  • How in the world will I farm Re-perk (at a decent rate) if this challenge disappears?

3: Boring seasonal Llamas

  • Please give us a chance to receive legendary survivors from them (Flashes back to the glory days of Fortnitemares). Bonus points if the survivor skin is unique to the season.
submitted by /u/is24enough
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Did we just have two melee llamas in a row?

Posted: 08 Jul 2018 05:07 PM PDT

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