Factorio stroboscopic effect in factorio

stroboscopic effect in factorio

Posted: 24 Jul 2018 10:01 AM PDT

I'd love to be able to navigate the menus with arrow keys

Posted: 24 Jul 2018 01:51 PM PDT

I'm a big keyboard>mouse/trackpad kinda guy and I know this would be a really small change but it'd be great to be able to navigate the menus with the arrow keys +enter. Like, if you're going to load a game right now you need to click the menu list to go deeper into it, but you can press esc to go back. It'd be great to be able to select with arrows and press enter/return to go deeper into it. I hope this makes sense lol

submitted by /u/ash3n
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Compact electric smelting (43x13 / 42x13)

Posted: 24 Jul 2018 01:44 PM PDT

God I love tanks

Posted: 23 Jul 2018 11:30 PM PDT

I just got my first tank (in hindsight I really should have gotten it sooner). And after sooo many hours of building and rebuilding well over a hundred turrets and fending off countless attacks, I got my sweet sweet catharsis by rolling over all 27 biter nests in the area with explosive shells, bullets, and fire.


Most fun I've had in a single moment playing this game.


God I love tanks.

Edit: Unless they're in your base and run over a roboport

submitted by /u/Burnblast277
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Compact beaconed, belt-based 1 science per second factory from raw resources

Posted: 24 Jul 2018 12:08 PM PDT

A few days ago i came across this excellent base of u/Astec123 and u/TGNThump. But this base had a few (imho) problems, mostly it wasn't fully beaconed and consumed more than it should do and could be a bit more compact.

So i started to fix it. Not long into that process i realized i should start over from almost scratch (i think only the iron/steel smelters are original). This was a nice challenge. I think it can still be improved as i'm not filling the 'rectangle' at all at the moment, but i wanted to share it. Also, if you like spaghetti, you'll love it.

So here is my base: https://i.imgur.com/9PhJGw7.jpg
Blueprint: https://factorioprints.com/view/-LI0zFZ_gkGbTHrFH6xZ


  • 3 iron ore blue belts (on average it uses a bit less than 2,5)
  • 2 copper ore blue belts (on average it uses 1,25)
  • 1 stone belt (any color)
  • 1 coal belt (any color)
  • Crude oil (260/s on average)
  • Water (1 pipe)

Draws 350-450MW of electricity (really depends on if a rocket has just launched) Can actually do ~75 science per minute if really stressed, but expect 'downtime' when something runs low.

I challenge this community; what is your most compact, belt based, 1 science/second base?

submitted by /u/aenae
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I want speed module slots in the radar for quicker scanning.

Posted: 24 Jul 2018 04:16 PM PDT

I want speed module slots in the radar for quicker scanning. Please.

submitted by /u/matrixkid29
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Over 100 hours of angelbob, I think I'm finally ready to start work on a main base.

Posted: 24 Jul 2018 04:04 PM PDT

43x21 low UPS super-beaconed full blue belt smelt! (blueprint and math in comments)

Posted: 24 Jul 2018 07:59 PM PDT

What’s the best way to produce Engine units? (This is my current setup)

Posted: 24 Jul 2018 12:34 AM PDT

Why Factorio Is So Awesome! (And Why You Should Play It)

Posted: 24 Jul 2018 05:50 PM PDT

Compact Belt Plant

Posted: 24 Jul 2018 07:22 PM PDT

Has anyone tried "SuperSonic" Train mod

Posted: 24 Jul 2018 10:28 AM PDT


Has anyone tried this mod? Is it too overpowering? How is the braking?

submitted by /u/amax3002
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How / can you put ghost buildings down for construction bots without a blue print or the building in your inventory?

Posted: 24 Jul 2018 02:52 PM PDT

I'm playing a B/A run and I have so many scrapped buildings lying around in logistic chests and there's too many building Types to carry them all. Is this what creative mode or something is for?

submitted by /u/angrathias
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Help on my wishes and dreams on train networks

Posted: 24 Jul 2018 04:16 PM PDT

Hello r/factorio - been lurking for a while now, but this is my first post here.

I like trains. So I set a goal for myself with my next factory: I want to create a factory where, when finished, most items will be produced in a seperate assembly plants scattered along the railway line(s), from gears to batteries. No main bus. Then, trains using the superbly useful "train stations with the same name" feature will allocate resources from the factories to the end suppliers dynamically. For example, trains stopping at the output side of the iron smelter will move iron plates to the chipset factory, the battery factory, the pipe factory, the radar factory, gear factory and steel smelter, depending on which of these needs it the most.

Needless to say, I quite quickly found out that this is more difficult to do than I made it out to be. On the supply side (pretty much only with mines) it works to have a train station counting how many items are in loader chests, then turning on as soon as a trainload of goods has filled up in the station. It means that mines closer to the foundry/refinery get drained quicker, but that's not necessarily a bad thing so long as mines further away get to dump their ores if there are idle trains around to get to them.

On the demand side however, trains prefer the closest destination over the furthest, and the whole dynamic system breaks down as assembly hubs of the factory close to the resource origin are oversupplied whilst assembly hubs further away systematically don't get resupplied. I hope this makes sense.

So. How do I program my trains (or probably my stations' logic networks) so that they will only turn on whichever station at the time needs the resources the most? And is what I want, a network of trains carrying a wide variety of resources to dynamically allocated locations based on their need, even possible?

tl;dr how do I build a train network that empowers subassembly proletariat to produce according to their ability, then distribute to other subassemblies according to their needs?

submitted by /u/Jelphine
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Quick question about rail signals

Posted: 24 Jul 2018 06:27 PM PDT

I know how stations work, but never used signals or dealt with multiple trains on one rail system before. If I have the rails and signals set up like this, with one train going back and forth on the upper section and one on the lower section, with this setup they will never crash or get endlessly blocked, right?

submitted by /u/VodkaAndCumCocktail
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angels+bobs my first green circuit production critique welcome (i know the ratios aren't correct)

Posted: 24 Jul 2018 02:32 PM PDT

12 beacon 40/s green, red, & blue circuits blueprint book

Posted: 24 Jul 2018 12:47 AM PDT

i've been getting really into 12 beacon designs lately and maybe i'm bad at google but i couldn't find any for circuits so i made my own. blueprint book is here: https://factorioprints.com/view/-LIAEL9j9wbvlg5eWS4D

one small note: the red circuit design inputs copper wire. i know people here don't really like wire on belts, so if there's enough demand i can try and make another version that makes wire onsite, but also it's not that hard to make a 12 beacon wire setup so idk

edit: here's a pic of them all together: https://imgur.com/a/A728Lsm

submitted by /u/ash3n
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Stupid question regarding splitters

Posted: 24 Jul 2018 03:48 PM PDT

So let's say I have, on one belt, iron plates on the left and copper plates on the right. If I put a splitter with a iron filter then in the new belt the iron will be separated from the first.

Is it possible to have iron be split onto the new belt *and* have iron and ore be able to stay on the first one? If that makes any sense.

submitted by /u/Syringmineae
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Uranium ammo - a little OP?

Posted: 24 Jul 2018 05:45 PM PDT

A suggestion/request for the devs

Posted: 24 Jul 2018 08:19 PM PDT

Would it be possible to reset the auto-save cool down after I load a game? (Not all of us pull off zero-save speed runs.)

submitted by /u/knight_check
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I have a question about throughput.

Posted: 24 Jul 2018 12:44 PM PDT

I am having trouble calculating the amount of science I need to satisfy all my labs. I couldn't find a ratio anywhere that would have helped me. Example : I have 25 labs working, how many of each science pack do I need to maintain my research with no speed bonus? Are all the science packs consumed at the same rate? Thanks in advance for the help.

submitted by /u/pandammonium_nitrate
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TIL that fires left by flame throwers produce pollution, just by burning.

Posted: 24 Jul 2018 08:13 PM PDT

For proof, make yourself a flamethrower and some ammo for it.

find a nice clean chunk, and throw that lit oil onto the ground for a few seconds.

Check your map, and notice the amount of red. that appears.

submitted by /u/sawbladex
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Mod Packs?

Posted: 24 Jul 2018 04:11 PM PDT

If you could make up a modpack to make the rocket launch as easy as possible. What mods would you put together? (except creative) Also what would be the hardest in your opinion.

submitted by /u/thep3141
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Factorio Extended Transport Error

Posted: 24 Jul 2018 02:44 PM PDT


My Friend and I are trying to start a play through using factorio extended, however we have ran into an issue.

For some reason the transport part of the suite will not work at all for him but it does for me. He has reinstalled Factorio and deleted all other mods, and used my version from dropbox. Does anyone have any suggestions about how to fix this? We'd like to lose all of our time soon...


submitted by /u/logan67100
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Trying to Helmod some Angel's ore processing for a Sea Block, but some waste water recycling won't behave

Posted: 24 Jul 2018 06:03 PM PDT

I can't find a way to get helmod to link the amount of waste water consumed to the amount produced by the block/line/whatever. It keeps trying to either demand more waste water as an input, or not consume all/any of it because I'm already producing enough purified/mineral/saline water, depending on what order I arrange the various recipes in.

Sulfuric waste water fortunately gets limited by the sulfur output matching the input needed for sulfuric acid, if I arrange the recipes in the right order, leaving a small excess to be clarified. But that doesn't work for the ones with no recycled item output, like nitric waste water.

I've tried all sorts of arrangements, linking/unlinking blocks, or even putting nitric water processing and the hydro refining that produces it into the same block with nothing else in it, but even that didn't make a difference in helmod's behavior.

If I put waste water purification before the hydrogen + oxygen chemical plant or seawater hydro plant, it ends up trying to make that the primary source of purified water, demands tons of extra waste water as input, and leaves the intended primary sources doing nothing.

If I put it after them, it won't process the waste water at all, or does so only to end up making excess purified water that isn't needed.

How can I make it consume all of the waste water first, without demanding more than the hydro refining generates, and then produce the rest of the purified water requirements from other sources without making more than is needed so I'm not over-building my water supply?

submitted by /u/Tallinu
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