Destiny 2 Destiny 2: Forsaken - What we know so far

Destiny 2: Forsaken - What we know so far

Posted: 03 Jul 2018 01:08 PM PDT


Tangled Shore

First destination you'll go to in Forsaken, place is overrun by a new enemy type called the Scorn.

It's not a planet, it's not a moon; it's a collection of asteroids that are lashed together with grappling hooks, cables, and duct tape. You can look down and see the abyss of space all the time. It contributes to this feeling that you are never safe anywhere.


The Scorn are a new enemy type in Destiny 2, they were once Fallen, corrupted Ether, suffering through strange experiments, repeated reanimation, and being burried alive in the heart of an asteroid has mutaded these enemies.

"They are this group that was locked in the depeest parts of the Prison of Elders, they became something horrible because of that situation. They bonded and mutated within these dark caverns. They're like an evolution of the Fallen if you stuck them in a corner."

The defining feature of the Scorn; they don't take cover, and they don't retreat. They're by far the most aggressive A.I. in the game.



The new vendor for the Tangled Shore is "The Spider". This Fallen mob boss once held sway over the Tangled Shore, but the arrival of Uldren sent him into hiding. Not only is the Spider the vendor, but an uneasy alliance with him and his Fallen forces gives us the only help we can expect this far out from the Vanguard.

After the campaign, he cashes in favors to demand more work; hunting down other outlaws from the Prison of Elders as they spread out across the system, where we must confront them as they appear in random world locations, strikes, in the midst of a Gambit match, or in revitalized and high-level Lost Sectors on old destination planets.

Dreaming City

The Dreaming City is the long-hidden home of the Awoken, and acts as a location filled with secrets, new activities, a new raid and dynamic content that changes week to week.

"unlike recent expansions, there are threads that you learn toward the end of the campaign that are only fully paid off once you beat the raid"

Unlike the Tangled Shore, you won't go to the Dreaming City until you finish the campaign, and even then, you might not be powerful enough to face the threats that lurk within- there's even a quest after the campaign concludes to reopen access to this mythic land.

This is the elven homeland under threat from an insidious dragon that has infected its heart.

Filigreed domes encompass vine-encrusted terraces. Towering suspension bridges cross vast gulfs high above the ground. Cloistered shrines hide ancient gnarled trees whose roots stretch out and down cliff edges. Craggy mountains dotted with green beg to be explored.

The Dreaming City is also infected by the curse of the Taken, which you'll learn about right as you arrive for the first time, as you're pulled into the Ascendant Realm and nearly overcome by Taken foes.

The Dreaming City will change from one week to the next along a three-week cycle.

New secrets and missions reveal themselves overtime, Enemy configurations and power levels increase.

The Taken Curse takes greater hold and the environmental art changes to suit. At the end of the cycle, a greater secret awaits discovery for pinnacle players to confront.

"Over weeks, the destination becomes more and more cursed, and it's more evident that things are not right here, and the players are the ones that start this change to the world"



As the destination changes, the new Vendor move locations each week too; Petra Venj is the new vendor and guiding character of the Dreaming City.


New Activities

Loot caches provide offerings to take to the Blind Well, a vast cathedral of an arena where three to six players can confront a new take on wave-based fights ala Court of Oryx, Archon's Forge or Escalation Protocol.

"The entire arena gets shrouded in poison Taken gas, except for the places you're allowed to fight, as you work your way around, you get more and more real estate to fight in. It culminates in a boss and you have to utilize those places you defended to take out the boss."

Wandering around the periphery of the city, dropped flasks allow players to briefly glimpse into the Ascendant Realm to face special challenges, or travel along platforms or tunnels that don't exist in the real world to find secret chests. Mysterious portals, usually hidden in hard-to-find spots, link together distant portions of the destinations.


New Raid

Looming at the center of the city is a great castle on the mountain called the Keep of Voices, where the new raid will be.

Within, we're promised the continuation of the narrative introduced with Uldren's madness in the campaign, and the reveal of the greater threat behind the curtain.

New Weapon Type

The Bow

A skill-focused archetype. We'll be able to get Short-, Medium- and Long-range bows. Pulling the string more will increase the distance and damage the bow does.

New Power Level and Levelcap

Forsaken moves the level cap up to 50 and the power cap to 600.

Weapon Slot Changes

(W= Primary/Kinetic ammo - S= Special/Green ammo - H= Heavy/Purple ammo)

Weapon Type(s) Top Slot Middle Slot Bottom Slot
Auto RifleW Yes Yes No
Pulse RifleW Yes Yes No
Scout RifleW Yes Yes No
HandcannonW Yes Yes No
SMGW Yes Yes No
BowW Yes Yes No
SidearmW Yes Yes No
ShotgunS Yes Yes No (Exception: Acrius)
Sniper RifleS Yes Yes No
FusionS Yes Yes No
Linear FusionH No No Yes
Rocket LauncherH No No Yes
Grenade LauncherH No No Yes
SwordH No No Yes

New Supers


Gunslinger: Blade Barrage

Knife-trick melees fling out a fan of burning blades. In turn, killing enemies recharges your knife trick, and burning enemies also recharge your dodge. BLADE BARRAGE doubles down on your knife skills to expel a volley of explosive knives.

Arcstrider: Whirlwind Guard

Slide before a melee to unleash a staff-powered uppercut, and any melee hits increase your reload speed. All your arc abilities electrify your enemies, and subsequent melee strikes disorient them and refuel your abilities. Use your staff super like normal if desired, but WHIRLWIND GUARD means that you can guard by spinning your staff, reflecting back projectiles and tripling your staff's damage afterward.

Nightstalker: Spectral Blades

Your melee smoke bomb heavily damages and slows those in its path. Nail the perfect precision kill against a foe to vanish and gain truesight. SPECTRAL BLADES drops you into a veil of shadows to slip behind foes and stab them before they know you're even there.


Sunbreaker: Siege Hammer

Throw your hammer with the melee button, but it remains in the world - risk retrieving it where it fell to fully recharge your melee ability, and trigger health regen. The more solar-ability kills you get, the higher your damage, up to 3x. SIEGE HAMMER creates a flaming maul that hits like an earthquake and leaves behind flame tornadoes.

Striker: Thundercrash

While airborne, melee to slam into the ground like a bunker buster, and gain super energy for your trouble. If you pick up ammo while sliding you automatically reload your equipped weapon and increase weapon damage for a short time. THUNDERCRASH sends you hurtling great distances like a missile to hit a targeted area like a meteor strike.

Sentinel: Barrier Shield

Melees cause explosions, but all void ability damage also attaches a Void Detonator, and any subsequent damage causes the detonator to go off and attach detonators to enemies caught in the explosion. Grenade energy partially recharger for you and nearby allies when detonators trigger. BANNER SHIELD can still be used for offense like normal, but holding guard creates a barrier wall of light that absorbs enemy attacks but allows ally attacks to pass through.


Dawnblade: Well of Radiance

Melee attacks burn bad guys, but empower allies. Transform your grenade (by holding the button) into a Blessing, a projectile that heals allies and drops retrievable overshield orbs. WELL OF RADIENCE slams your solar sword into the ground, creating a wide-radius area that rapidly heals and enpowers your friends. Any ability that heals or enpower helps regen your non-Super abilities.

Stormcaller: Chaos Reach

Tap the melee button to fling out a long-distance electricity ball that eventually detonates and flings a lightning bolt straight downward. Arc kills sometimes create Ionic Traces, a spark of raw arc energy that travels across the ground toward you, which can be collected to recharge abilities. CHAOS REACH fires a long-range blue beam of intense and focused damage dealing, which can be deactivated early to save energy.

Voidwalker: Nova Warp

A new Atomic Breach melee ability creates a void explosion at range, while holding the grenade button down creates a short-range area explosion Supernova. Any void ability kills now heal you and grant ability energy. NOVA WARP enpowers you with trans-dimensional hopping abilities, letting you repeatedly teleport short distances and then erupt in a burst of energy.

submitted by /u/AOD_Saenai
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Accepting your fate is a good tactic in Mayhem

Posted: 04 Jul 2018 04:36 AM PDT

Just a thought i had

Posted: 03 Jul 2018 04:43 PM PDT


Posted: 04 Jul 2018 04:24 AM PDT

In game screen shot I took to use as my laptop background, whomever likes it can use it as well. :)

Posted: 04 Jul 2018 12:09 AM PDT

What I feel what will most likely happen during Forsaken campaign. (7 is bungie's favourite number)

Posted: 04 Jul 2018 05:45 AM PDT

Destiny 2 - PC Collector's Edition is now on sale -10% off

Posted: 04 Jul 2018 07:39 AM PDT

FWC celebrates responsibly!

Posted: 03 Jul 2018 12:21 PM PDT

I was so sure FWC would lose again that I had to make this, but we won! Well done everyone!

Posted: 03 Jul 2018 12:14 PM PDT

Can we round up everybody that uses tether in mayhem and have them play with themselves

Posted: 04 Jul 2018 09:15 AM PDT

Worked on some Shaxx fan art

Posted: 03 Jul 2018 07:31 PM PDT

All Sherpas Go To Heaven

Posted: 03 Jul 2018 07:24 PM PDT

Real talk though, when will we get this bullpup rifle? Preferably as an auto-rifle

Posted: 04 Jul 2018 07:34 AM PDT

Sniper triple kill (sorry for the bad quality)

Posted: 04 Jul 2018 07:46 AM PDT

Happy 4th of July

Posted: 04 Jul 2018 07:47 AM PDT

Excited for Forsaken

Posted: 04 Jul 2018 02:09 AM PDT

I'm extremely excited for the changes that are coming in forsaken, the fact that I can have a sniper in my secondary is all I need to be hyped, even with all the hate this game gets I still enjoy playing it and look forward to enjoying it for a while. Just wanted to thank bungie for giving us all a great place to spend time in. :)

submitted by /u/PlzsendhelpASAP
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Mesa Sean's newest video talks about how the new supers won't be available right away (clearly). The first batch comes out day 1 and the rest are earned differently

Posted: 04 Jul 2018 07:55 AM PDT

If this means what I'm assuming, then I think we might have another Warmind thing where we're waiting each weekly reset to unlock new content. Now I know what Bungie's intent is for doing that and I know there are some hardcore grinders out there who could possibly unlock all supers day 1. And don't get me wrong, if this means something entirely different than waiting each reset. By earning them through actual activities and new story lines I'm 100% down. More ways to earn loot in an interesting way with a story tied to it I'm all for it.

But please, do not lock content behind new weekly resets. The Polaris Lance was worth the wait. I think the gun is incredible. But having to wait for each reset just to continue the quest line wasn't really that fun. Because you left me in a situation where I was forced to wait to play the game.

This post is complete speculation based on the words I heard read to me. And the opinions are very clearly biased. I just made this post to discuss about how the new supers may be unlocked, should be unlocked, and the thoughts about locking content behind weekly resets.

submitted by /u/RMEffinger
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Cayde-6 Letter: Warning about Awoken, the Reef type.

Posted: 04 Jul 2018 01:15 AM PDT

Concept art during the main story end credits

Posted: 04 Jul 2018 01:27 AM PDT

When’s the best time to make a new character. Iron banner? - if so when does the next iron banner come out

Posted: 04 Jul 2018 07:18 AM PDT

Destiny 2 Forsaken Moving Wallpaper

Posted: 03 Jul 2018 10:01 PM PDT

Question about nightfall emblems.

Posted: 04 Jul 2018 07:11 AM PDT

So to get the 3 variants of each nightfall emblem they say to reach a certain score. But I always get at at least 1 or 2 from speed running them with a very small score. People have told me that all 3 can drop randomly no matter what score you get. Can other people confirm that they have received the third emblem variants from speed running with small scores?

submitted by /u/HarryTheAtheist
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Bungo Bungo Bungo

Posted: 04 Jul 2018 10:42 AM PDT

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