Dead by Daylight Friday Bug Report Thread - July 06, 2018

Friday Bug Report Thread - July 06, 2018

Posted: 06 Jul 2018 08:14 AM PDT

Welcome people of the fog! Here you can report bugs about the game.

Some rules and guidelines specific to this thread;

  • Top-level comments must contain a bug report.
  • No tech support questions; wait for Tech Support Weekend.
  • Specify your platform (PC, PS4, XBOX) in the report and make your report as detailed as possible.
  • Don't spam the thread with reports; try and keep them contained to one comment.
  • Check before commenting to make sure the bug you are detailing hasn't been reported already.

A list of known issues being worked on by the devs can be found here.

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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2x Bloodpoints is Live

Posted: 05 Jul 2018 05:00 PM PDT

Finally got all killers guys

Posted: 06 Jul 2018 08:27 AM PDT

Huntress @kurosb.tumblr

Posted: 06 Jul 2018 04:34 AM PDT

PS4 users right now

Posted: 06 Jul 2018 06:20 AM PDT

Pallet drop is OP

Posted: 06 Jul 2018 10:14 AM PDT

New nurse skin looks dope (sorry for vertical doc was coming)

Posted: 06 Jul 2018 08:32 AM PDT

Nah lol

Posted: 06 Jul 2018 02:35 AM PDT

When you hear a survivor mess up on a generator

Posted: 06 Jul 2018 11:46 AM PDT

Bloodpoint beauty

Posted: 06 Jul 2018 04:23 AM PDT

Waiting for a lobby like-

Posted: 06 Jul 2018 11:41 AM PDT

When you are the only one who escapes Myers and you see him run DH, NOED, MYC and Ebony Mori.

Posted: 06 Jul 2018 08:49 AM PDT

D Strike

Posted: 06 Jul 2018 11:42 AM PDT

When you are playing a new Killer but haven't got Enduring yet

Posted: 06 Jul 2018 11:10 AM PDT

Single mother of four needing to vent

Posted: 06 Jul 2018 10:42 AM PDT

You ever have one of those days where nothing you do goes right? I lost my mother at a young age and recently adopted four kids of my own but they are the rowdiest bunch of miscreants. The problems all started around supper time when the kids weren't back. I searched for what felt like ever before finally spotting them playing at the old preschool. Right away after arriving I spot my son playing with broken machine so of course i go over to pull him away, what kinda mother would I be if I didn't? Just as i'm about to grab him he moves real suddenly and I accidentally hit him so he starts running away. I try to get close and apologize but he kept dropping pallets in front of me so I decided to give him him some space and look for his sisters. I start hearing this strange clicking sound and turn around to see the twins playing with some sorta ultraviolet lasers that they start shining in my face over and over. Every time I'd start to recover they would do it again, I finally found a corner to hide in and I just had to wait for the clicking to stop. At this point it was starting to get pretty late I'm pretty sure my son and the twin had left the area but I could tell my other daughter was still around, mothers intuition. I'm strolling along humming her favorite lullaby when I finally see her she is standing near some dangerous looking trap door just doing squats afraid she might fall and hurt herself I run over and grab her just as she starts to fall through. Scared I was about to lose her I just hold her tight and carry her home but she's struggling and hitting me she manged to wiggle free and takes off running. At this point I lost my temper so I through something at her and she fell to the ground. As I go to pick her up I spot a child safety hanger and decide to put her there while she calms down. I pick her up and safely put her on the hanger finally able to take a moment to breathe and some demon spider shows up and just takes her away. Its days like this that make me just want to snap and murder everyone. Thanks for letting me vent.

Inspired by this post

submitted by /u/rhonie8k
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Come on Double BP Weekend! Let’s get SICKENING

Posted: 06 Jul 2018 06:41 AM PDT

How it feels like using dead hard after the animation change

Posted: 06 Jul 2018 05:04 AM PDT

The Paradox of Toxic Survivors

Posted: 06 Jul 2018 04:51 AM PDT

Our setting? Mother's Dwelling. Our hero? The Texas Terror himself, Leatherface. And every hero needs a villain, enter the 4 man Prestige SWF, with 3 of them running the toxic flashlight build, and meta perks.

With a sigh, I readied up. Time to get destroyed.

It was Hell. They looped me for most gens, and even when I'd down a survivor, I'd end up with a flashlight up my arse, or flashlight click taunting. I decided I'd had enough, and went to chill in the shack. Suddenly, I had some amazing luck, and I downed their David King, right in front of a wall, just as the 5th generator was completed.

My eyes lit up like the 4th of July, and I hauled my prey off to the shack, though an overconfident Laurie crossed my path. One smack, two smack. Both ended up on a hook, and the Meg soon followed after a poor rescue attempt. And then, that left only their Claudette, who went in for a stupid flashlight save while I was hooking the Meg in the basement with her comrades, realising too late that she was in Bubba's Basement.

Of course, the in game salt was the best part. The David King messaged me and accused me of being a noob and a bad killer. But who is the real noob? The noob, or the one who loses to the noob?

We all play better when we play nice.

submitted by /u/Spartaren
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My little sister made a Meg Thomas artwork and I thought you might like it

Posted: 06 Jul 2018 10:30 AM PDT

I've found my new hobby.

Posted: 06 Jul 2018 08:49 AM PDT

Doctor mains now that double bloodpoints is on

Posted: 05 Jul 2018 05:31 PM PDT

When killers hear about the 2x bloodpoint event

Posted: 06 Jul 2018 01:09 AM PDT

Shrine this week!

Posted: 06 Jul 2018 06:58 AM PDT

This weekend in a nutshell

Posted: 06 Jul 2018 12:39 PM PDT

TIL: With Doom and Death engravings, Billy moves almost as fast as Usain Bolt.

Posted: 06 Jul 2018 09:52 AM PDT

Myers should get deviousness for hitting people while in T3

Posted: 06 Jul 2018 09:38 AM PDT

His deviousness point gen is pretty bad, especially with the diminishing returns he has. Doesn't have to be anything too crazy, maybe just 550 which diminishes to 300 or so. Would mean I don't necessarily have to 4k to max out deviousness or at least get close. Not to mention you rob yourself of brutality by one-shotting people so this would help compensate for that loss.

submitted by /u/no_usernames_allowed
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Happy double bloodpoints weekend.

Posted: 06 Jul 2018 03:41 AM PDT

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