Overwatch - Weekly Quick Questions Thread - June 27, 2018

Weekly Quick Questions Thread - June 27, 2018

Posted: 26 Jun 2018 10:07 PM PDT

In this thread you can ask all kinds of questions you always wanted to ask without feeling like a total fool.

No matter if it's short Google-able stuff or a setting/skill in-game that you don't understand or a hardware recommendation, feel free to try your luck in here.

Trolling or making fun of people in here will be punished extra harshly! Please report such behavior.

For the purpose of helping people, make sure the comments are sorted by "new" in this thread.

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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When everyone wants an endorsement so bad..

Posted: 27 Jun 2018 07:31 AM PDT

Geoff Goodman on Sombra's changes.

Posted: 27 Jun 2018 03:21 PM PDT

Fun Thought- “Fake Nice” is actually just being nice.

Posted: 27 Jun 2018 08:22 AM PDT

Just saw the post about "fake nice" and people being nice just to get endorsements.

Isn't that like, life?

You don't HAVE to be nice in life, but it's way better and the rewards are greater than being an asshole all the time.

Just something to think about. The difference between toxic and "fake nice" is you- your choice to not be an asshole. And you make it every second of every day.

submitted by /u/TheCheckdown
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LFG Has Saved OW

Posted: 27 Jun 2018 07:39 AM PDT

I went 8-3-2 last night and it was the best night of OW I've had in as long as I can remember, played since beta.

Let me explain.

I used the LFG tool to find a group of players with voice comms required, 2/2/2 enforced (for the first game, anyways), and I got grouped with 5 other people (3 flex, 2 DPS), around 3300ish group SR rating.

We all talked briefly about who plays what, and the "owner" of the group was very direct about his intentions, as it was in the title of the group. "COMPLADS NO ATTACK TORB."

First order of business - turn your profile public or GTFO. (I have no issue with this, I have nothing to hide since I queued support and my profile is all supports).

I mostly play Zen. The group leader says "Do you mind shotcalling?" I said "of course not, I do it all the time."

The first game was quite possibly the single most intense game of OW I have ever played. We drew on Temple of Anubis after some of the most ridiculous clutch ults and plays from both sides. We all agreed to endorse the other team and were surprised to find that our team was being endorsed by theirs, LOL.

This game was followed by a two loss streak, the first loss was an extremely extremely close match. We lost by literal hundredths of a meter on a payload push in Overtime. The damn gauge said 0.00 haha!

The second loss was UGLY, like, dammit, it was ugly. We got just molested on Nepal. Turns out their Hanzo was better than our Hanzo, it happens. Theirs cleaned house on us and we just weren't able to ever get the upper hand on them.

I expected the group to fall apart, but one of the guys who had been relatively quiet was like "Well, at least we didn't lose because of attack sym or having 5 DPS and a Brigitte," which of course produced a chorus of affirmations and "let's go agains."

We proceeded to win 6, lose 2, win 1, draw 1 (I think in that order) before we all called it a night.

I played probably 6 or 7 of the most highly contested games of OW I've ever been a part of in two years all in one night.

SHOCKINGLY when you don't have 5 support/DPS/Tank mains on your team, and everyone is in comms and working together, this game is a lot of fun.

The games we lost I wasn't even remotely tilted about, and you know why?

When I looked at our team comp at the end of the game, my first thought was "damn we got outplayed" not "I wish we had a tank."

There were several points in the second loss where we were all apologizing in team chat at random intervals "I botched that ult, fuck" or "I should have been with you guys, I overextended," etc, etc. People were actually admitting gaps in the play and trying to play better together.

Someone called me out for a shitty trance and I was like "yeah, you right, that was garbo, I panicked" and the guy says "fuck it, it happens, lets win this" in OT, I 3k'd on point as Zen and we still lost and someone else piped in "forget that garbo trance, nice work."

I guess the long story short is that I can confirm 6 stacking in LFG does two or three things for a certainty.

One, it finds you like minded people if you look hard enough.

Two, it keeps you from having utter bullshit solo que team comps that don't ever work at higher ELO.

Three, it keeps out the riff raff from your games.

Soon, minimum endorsement level will keep even more riff raff out of your games, and no, I don't give two flying mickey mouse shits if no torb mains ever get endorsed and have to solo que for the rest of their life. #IDGAFaboutyoutorbmains.

LFG has given the community EXACTLY what it has needed for literally years.

You can push the trash on the curb now and make a group of people who will communicate and work together and not do stupid shit.

Most importantly - it lets you focus on improving your gameplay because when you go 2/2/2 and they go 2/2/2 and you get beat, you can't say "well, we had 2 snipers mei torb genji zen, so that's why we lost" nope. Now you gotta take the lumps. We got outplayed or "I didn't carry my weight there" what have you, whatever.

But the amazing thing is that in the losses, nobody was playing the blame game.

Literally - getting away from solo que and not having 5 dps comps combined with the endorsement system turned this group of 6 randoms into people willing to give and take constructive criticism, make swaps, encourage someone else when they had a bad play or a rough round, and just generally play better Overwatch to the extent that we had a great time and I added 5 new friends to my friends list.

I will NEVER, and I repeat, NEVER play another game in solo que and run the risk of getting attack torbs, 5 DPS, or being grouped with 5 support mains.

Also shockingly - none of the games while queued with these 6 were steamrolls.

I WONDER WHY THAT IS. (Actually I don't, it's because the shitty matchmaker wasn't putting 5 mercy mains together on a team).

Long live LFG it has revived OW for me in a major way and I only got to use it for a day.

submitted by /u/Inspyrashun
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Symmetra's new teleporter has blown my DVA game wide open

Posted: 27 Jun 2018 08:57 AM PDT

The ultimate Symmetra Teleport + D.Va Bomb

Posted: 27 Jun 2018 01:27 PM PDT

Crouching Tiger, Hidden Symmetra.

Posted: 27 Jun 2018 08:23 AM PDT

Since the update, only 1 out of 20+ matches I've played were toxic. I'm really liking this update. Thanks Jeff!

Posted: 27 Jun 2018 12:24 PM PDT

Let me preface this by stating that I don't play competitively. OW is a stress reliever for me so ranked would just stress me out even more. I mainly play QP/Arcade but you can imagine my frustration when the majority of QP games I play have teammates who are trying to make the overwatch league and will chew you out if you do so much as miss the basket in spawn.

Of course the first game I play on the new patch I joined a team of toxic assholes (probably trolling but still annoying), but after that, literally every game has been the most fun I've had in OW since I started playing it a year ago. Grouping up and strategizing the next team fight, giving and hearing callouts, winning a team fight because the strat worked perfectly. Whether teammates are kissing ass for endorsements or are just simply decent human beings, I finally feel comfortable to communicate and work with my team, which is what I've always wished I could do.

I know the system isn't perfect but if I can at least join a game with the expectation of having reasonable teammates then that's all I need.

submitted by /u/colorgrene
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4 Kills in One Punch

Posted: 27 Jun 2018 11:38 AM PDT

New Symmera is h*cking ridiculous

Posted: 27 Jun 2018 12:08 AM PDT

Fine, you can keep profiles private by default, but can we at least still look at other public profiles by just hovering over them like before?

Posted: 27 Jun 2018 04:01 AM PDT

Now I'm not one of those people to look at people's profiles to think about what to pick or to say anything mean about their most played hero or their rank, I just enjoyed looking at what other people played out of curiosity, it gave me something to do while I waited for the match to start. I'm sad that profiles are now private by default for a variety of reasons, but that's not the point here.

I noticed that you can't even hover over people's names to make the preview appear anymore, as I tested with my own profile and some other guy that I could find that didn't have it on private, you now have to click on each one of them individually, wait for them to load, and then check if they're private or not which honestly just feels like a clunky step backwards. It's not something I'd quit the game over, but it would be a small and nice QoL change to be able to just hover over profiles like before, even private ones too (but instead of what they play or their rank it would just be the "this profile is private" message of course).

submitted by /u/WafflesFried
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My Zenyatta main friend made a cool Wallpaper for Wallpaper Engine, the balls react to sound! Link in comments [Repost]

Posted: 26 Jun 2018 08:44 PM PDT

After 300 hours of Ana, we did it.

Posted: 27 Jun 2018 08:12 AM PDT

Reinhardt can Earthshatter out of a graviton even when hes in midair

Posted: 27 Jun 2018 03:13 PM PDT

Endorsements that I would rather see in-game

Posted: 27 Jun 2018 04:17 AM PDT

Sometimes i want to endorse an enemy for being a good shot, rather than their sportsmanship. To that end, I've drafted up a few endorsements that I would be much more likely to give people in-game.

Hope you enjoy!

On a serious note: I would actually really like a "proficiency" endorsement or maybe something class-based like that. Would be nice to reward good tanking, dps or healing with that kind of endorsement.

submitted by /u/vstz
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EMP Does Delete Syms New Ult, Adding Another Counter To Sym 3.0

Posted: 27 Jun 2018 11:26 AM PDT

Being petty and trying to kill D.va got me a team kill.

Posted: 27 Jun 2018 12:55 PM PDT

You can crouch while death blossoming???

Posted: 27 Jun 2018 05:03 AM PDT

after 1000 HOURS in this game, and i never knew this until today


submitted by /u/EnjiYamakuza
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Betraying Zen, but then remembering endorsements are here now

Posted: 27 Jun 2018 10:07 AM PDT

Please think about WHO you’re endorsing.

Posted: 27 Jun 2018 05:39 AM PDT

Seeing a lot of people complaining about players spamming endorsements randomly for the sweet (yet in the grand scheme of things quite measly) XP. Of course people want that extra XP and that's fine by me, but please THINK about which of the three players you choose to endorse. Did your Ana land a clutch bio nade or was your Rein constantly up front protecting the team instead of charging to his death every thirty seconds? If so, try to notice these things and then endorse because of that rather than quickly giving out a random endorsement to the first name you see.

It will help to improve your game sense by keeping track of what's going on but also make sure the right players get the credit.

I think this new system is fantastic and although in its infancy who gets what might not matter so much, but as time goes on people will start to choose group members by the colour of their endorsement wheel and that is where this kind of thinking could start to help. You wouldn't want to end up in a game where you have the most orange but not be so confident in calling out targets. So keep that in mind when handing out your endorsements.

Just a thought! Happy endorsing and LFG-ing everyone! Viva Overwatch 2.0.

submitted by /u/chocice2000
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Mystery heroes should have the endorsement feature too

Posted: 27 Jun 2018 05:43 AM PDT

I see no reason why not. Endorsement should be available in all modes really but especially mystery heroes

submitted by /u/Pickles256
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potg as ANA, made my day!

Posted: 27 Jun 2018 06:04 AM PDT

More women are in voice coms since the latest update, and that's awesome.

Posted: 26 Jun 2018 09:40 PM PDT

Since the many popular posts addressing misogyny in Overwatch, I've joined voice coms to lend a hand where possible. I would notice one female voice in every 15ish competitive games. Of those instances, they would often be part of a group.

Playing after the update tonight, literally every single comp game had at least one female voice. I am amazed at how well the endorsement system worked to facilitate an environment where half of our players feel safe enough to solo queue and make shot calls.

Thank you Jeff and the Overwatch team, this update arrived just in time for this jaded player. Thank you.

submitted by /u/SassafrasLass
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DarkHog (fanart)

Posted: 27 Jun 2018 08:22 AM PDT

I am bipolar. The new endorsement system has significantly improved my gaming experience and made the game fun again

Posted: 27 Jun 2018 02:20 PM PDT

I've never written a post like this before. I've talked about my illness a thousand times, though most of the time my words reflected the tragic reality of it, a reality filled with hopelessness. But now, for the first time in ages, I see a glimpse of hope.

If Blizzard looked at my chat logs they might think I share my account with someone else. Often cheerful, other times EXTREMELY toxic, as if there were multiple people fighting over the keyboard, instead of just one ill person whose mood can go from 100 to 0 in a fraction of a second if pushed. I deeply regret every time I was mean because someone, SOMETHING, made me feel sad, helpless, anxious. I couldn't help it if I tried - and, god, I am trying, have been since I got diagnosed. But now, Overwatch has changed, and I haven't felt anxious (and thus toxic) since. It feels like a completely different game. One that doesn't give me anxiety, one that feels rewarding.

I've played Overwatch since its release. I played exclusively dps at first, but over time, I became a tank main. And I'll have you know I'm one of those people who often tryhard in quickplay (I don't play ranked anymore because I cannot handle the pressure, so I'm stuck in mid diamond). Before the endorsement system, I always felt like no matter how well I performed... no one really cared, or showed any appreciation for anything I did, and it was frustrating. Solotanking was the worst, I had to be at 10 places at once and no one even said thank you. And on top of that, you always had someone be toxic in chat because of this and that. Other times, it was me, because something hadn't worked out the way I wanted. Bad attitude, I know. The toxic environment of overwatch was like a petri dish for helplessness. Often I felt like no matter what I did, it wouldn't matter, because "Orisas rarely ever get potgs". So I was bitter by default.

But now, people acknowledge that I am there, and I am useful. I reached lvl 2 of endorsements after a day, and I'm not trying any more than I used to, I am just.. doing the usual tanky things. People are more positive, too - and I don't care if half of it is fake and because they want endorsements, it MAKES THE ENVIRONMENT GOOD. There are still bad games. But most of them are good. I've even had a few games where I got 5 endorsements, and that felt amazing and VERY rewarding. One game of Quick play felt like a huge win streak in ranked. I haven't tilted since the endorsement system got introduced. If something bothers me, I try to not care and focus on the way I play. Maybe I can still turn things around. And even if I can't, there's a high chance people will still appreciate what I did for them. All of this... feels good. It makes me feel happy. Nature of my disease makes me depressed 60% of the time, and other times, I still suffer from extreme mood swings, so if there's something I do not take for granted, it's happiness. I know this sounds very sad - and trust me I am on a verge of tears right now (but again, that's just what my brain is like..) - but that's how it is. So I wanna say thank you to the Overwatch team, for making their game a much better, happier place. I know these changes might not mean much to others. But they mean the world to me.

(if you've gotten this far, I just wanna say... thank you for hearing me out. it really means a lot. hope you have a nice day, friend)

submitted by /u/CaptainLola
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