Learn Dota 2 - Dota 2 Patch 7.18 Discussion Thread

Dota 2 Patch 7.18 Discussion Thread

Posted: 26 Jun 2018 10:20 AM PDT

Power Treads & swapping - sadly, still don't get it

Posted: 26 Jun 2018 04:34 PM PDT

OK, this is a pretty dumb question.

I fully get the mechanics of tread swapping in order to cast spells, regen at shrines (sort of), etc.

What I don't get is this -- what should I be MAINLY using for my hero 90% of the time, e.g. in battle, wandering around, etc.?

I know AGI will give slight movespeed increases and attack speed, and strength is generally recommended if you're about to take damage.

But let's take Bloodseeker. He's an AGI hero. Going into battles and without considering casting (given I'd tread swap), should I be using his AGI (maxing out his armor) or STR treads (maxing out strength)?

On other heroes, this is really clear cut to me - strength heroes staying on strength virtually all of the time except when casting spells.

I can't believe I've played so much and still don't understand this fundamental question...

submitted by /u/rswarsaw
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Tips on playing Oracle or Dark Willow as pos 5?

Posted: 26 Jun 2018 06:40 PM PDT

General tips would help but answers to questions like:

  1. After using False Promise on an ally, do I still need to use Fate's Edict before Purifying Flames? (To ensure that I don't damage them in the ultimate?)

  2. If I use Purifying Flames on an ally first during False Promise, but want to use Fortune's End to dispel something, does that dispel the heal as well?

  3. After Arcane Boots, Urn and say Glimmer/Aether Lens, what are some other items that most people buy on Oracle?

  4. For DW, are there any spell combinations in lane to ensure your carry survives a gank? I normally cast Bramble Maze and Cursed Crown then hope for the best. Is there a smarter way to cast Bramble Maze to ensure roots every time?

  5. What's the item build on DW if playing as a 5? I know items like Kaya and Veil are great when playing a more core or greedier role, but what can you get as a 5 to help your team? I can only think of Force and Glimmer that really stand out.

submitted by /u/DrSyst
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Anybody high mmr out there who has a comprehensive guide on Spectre?

Posted: 26 Jun 2018 05:11 PM PDT

Hi guys. I'm Crusader 2 and I play carry. I play a wide range of heroes and would like to add Spectre to my arsenal.

I know the hero is basically a walking creep until she has items but I would like to learn it as most games in my bracket go for a minimum of 50 minutes and upwards, Spectre being one of the strongest late game heroes I think this would be advantageous for me if I pick it.

If anyone has/or could create a guide covering laning, skill builds, how to fight, how to farm on her considering her terrible mobility etc - that would be great. Thanks and any other advice for escaping the trench as a Pos 1 is welcome!

submitted by /u/Cal9_
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Mirana was in the toilet until recently, then gained like 5% wr, what changed?

Posted: 26 Jun 2018 07:51 AM PDT

Last time I checked a few weeks ago, she was at something like 45% to 48% depending on the bracket, and the general sentiment from higher-ranked players was "no reason to pick her - everything she does, another hero does better right now."

Now she's well over 50% across the board, but I can't figure out why. Seems like the only real changes were buffs to Leap, a small buff to her ult, and a sideways move for her attack damage.

Did Leap get that much stronger that it explains this, or is something else responsible?

I haven't really touched the hero in about a year or more, but have a soft spot for Mirana because she was the first character I ever played very much, so it's good to see her faring well again.

submitted by /u/l33t_p3n1s
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When to pick Arc Warden?

Posted: 26 Jun 2018 01:17 PM PDT

I've been recently digging this hero a lot. But at times I feel like it's just not right to pick him all the time.

Have a few queries:

  1. What situation or draft best fits the hero?

  2. What are his direct counters? Haven't played him that much to figure that out myself.

  3. Is midas really a core item? Is there any situation in which I should not head towards a midas and just go on the core items?

  4. Also is this hero actually a XP hungry hero like other mid laners like invoker and others? Is it viable to run a safe lane Arc?

submitted by /u/ofmiceandmen612
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Im convonced raiper is a item you build if you're inting, bming, or losing.

Posted: 26 Jun 2018 07:44 PM PDT

There aren't too many good times to build it. I play Medusa who is a god with raiper but it's too high of a risk. If the game isn't over by the time I'm 6 slotted, I'll build a raiper and put whatever crit item or my money in my backpack for a raiper. I even try to stall the game even further to make the enemy suffer. Trolls will build it to feed it to the wnmy team. If you do that, you need to fucking kys int the worst most painful way inhumanly possible. Then if your losing, maybe you can come back. That might just be enough to cUse the enemy to throw. If you die with it, at least it will be over faster and you can play another because there's no fun in playing camera simulator. If the entire sceen went balck and white like in lol, it would be black and white simulator. There is no surrender button so if you will lose, build it. I've had a horrible game one time that went for 2 hrs and there was raipers everywhere on the map. The enemy bs had that audacity to build 6 of them and died to bladmail and techies had a bunch of mines on it as bait and it was a landmark all game. I was playing of that game and I was suffering. We still won

submitted by /u/drkshock
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Strongest pub carries of 7.18?

Posted: 26 Jun 2018 07:34 PM PDT

In your guys opinions, who are shaping up to be the strongest carries of this patch?

Lycan still seems strong but I think these changes will hurt him enough to make him not a must pick.

The standouts I can see are Chaos Knight, clinkz, and of course, spectre. I think Bloodseeker will still be very strong as well, -2 armor on a talent doesnt seem that big.

Im skeptical about TB but it looks like his winrate has spiked from 47~ to above 50, which is interesting to say the least.

submitted by /u/hellshot8
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Constantly getting one shot

Posted: 26 Jun 2018 10:06 AM PDT

The game is getting boring for me playing solo.

Almost every game is the same. I try to pick a nice hero that complements my team. The other team just picks all carries, PA, Bristle, Skywrath etc and all the tactics go out of the window.

I'm either constantly getting one shot or our heroes don't even do near enough damage to really hurt them.

It's extremely boring to be honest.

Is this because I'm being ranked low mmr? Maybe the game gets more balanced on higher mmr games, but that's not what I'm being ranked at so I don't really know what else to do.

submitted by /u/SavvyMcSavage
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Long Tornado?

Posted: 26 Jun 2018 05:12 PM PDT

I have discovered that the extra tornado time talent can make life really easy for you as an invoker player until later in the game when you level up quas. 3 levels of quas and the 1.5 sec talent is pretty much perfect to time an EMP. Later on, they are in the air so long, it might actually save the enemy in a fight when you are just trying to CC them or cancel an adverse action. What do you guys think about the ability to hold an enemy for a small eternity in the air without any way to bring them down?

submitted by /u/dotapack
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Looking for a warding guide

Posted: 26 Jun 2018 08:05 AM PDT

Lookin' for a current common warding spot guide or even hotmap.

submitted by /u/Melovesfoxes
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How to counter bash?

Posted: 26 Jun 2018 02:41 AM PDT

How do you survive, say, an AM/SB/Slardar that just blink on you, manta, and keep you stunlocked for the entirety of your hp bar with 25% change bash on every clone?

For some reason, BKB doesn't work against it, and any dispell simply makes them reapply it next hit. I feel when these characters get abyssal, the only thing saving their target is awful RNG, which usually doesn't happen.

submitted by /u/Shekish
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How hard did beast get hit?

Posted: 26 Jun 2018 12:58 PM PDT

Is he drastically worse right now? Only started playing him recently

submitted by /u/Modzh
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How do you deal with these heroes?

Posted: 26 Jun 2018 12:01 PM PDT

I usually play mid or solo, and while I think that my decision making isn't all that bad, some very specific heroes always give me trouble.

Skywrath: This hero, regardless of the role, is someone that I have no idea how to deal with other than hopefully suicide trade with them, and build a wand early. I've seen Skywraths come to midlane with 3 mangoes, and 2 clarities, and although it's strange, they have so much mana regen for Q spam, that I can't lane without taking 300 damage every 6 seconds.

Pudge: While I can always pick Lifestealer, he is the only hero I can play that specifically counters him, all of my other picks are just heroes who don't get absolutely destroyed by him (Storm, AM, Invoker etc.) Other than that, all I can really do is buy wards and/or jungle to stay out of gank opprotunities. Even playing against him mid, without any ganks he can actually sustain to level 3 or 4, and by then he can land a hook which will almost certainly kill me.

Bloodseeker: Depending on the builds that people go for, I can play against him just fine (i:e no blade mail), but if he does go for these items, it seems that all I can do is hope that he doesn't pick me to rupture. His sustain in lane is really high, and even if they constantly use Q on themselves, I can't really take advantage of the additional damage he takes because he heals it up in a single last hit anyway.

It really is starting to feel like I have to go with the "if you can't beat them, join them" mindset, and although Pudge can be fun, he is really inconsistent for me, and BS and Skywrath are not fun whatsoever for me to play, nor do I really understand how to play them.

submitted by /u/MustafaKadhem
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How to play Zeus vs Huskar

Posted: 26 Jun 2018 12:04 AM PDT

How do you play Zeus vs Huskar at mid?

submitted by /u/thekenkong
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What Boots to get on Ember?

Posted: 26 Jun 2018 09:36 AM PDT

Hello, I have been wanting to learn ember spirit for awhile, and believe I have gotten some progress with him. But one thing I tend to struggle with is itemization. Specifically, in the boot department. I always see embers split pushing and such using boots of travel, but then I have looked up some professional matches, and see them getting treads and such.

Just curious to see what situations would favor which boots.

submitted by /u/Th3l0wr1da
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It seems we have something called Quickcast

Posted: 26 Jun 2018 02:54 AM PDT

So I learned today (yeah I'm a noob :d ) that there's something called Quickcast which you can assign keys for but for some reason I cannot get my head around it.

I haven't played around that feature because I'm afraid I might mess up. Can anyone explain to me in simple terms if it's beneficial?

submitted by /u/winner_in_patching
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Going Pro Dota

Posted: 26 Jun 2018 08:12 AM PDT

MMR =3k now. What would it takes for someone to play like a pro in the offlane/ pos 4 ? Serious question.

submitted by /u/rylqking
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Around Herald 3-ish here (still uncalibrated), should I continue learning Meepo?

Posted: 26 Jun 2018 02:05 AM PDT

During the 100 games before ranked, I played Meepo and had a lot of fun with him, although I sucked big time at micro. Now that I've played 5 calibration games already (lost all matches, used Meepo in 2 of them) and it looks like I'm going to be in ELO hell as soon as I get calibrated, is it worth it to continue playing Meepo, along with learning the game sense and other mechanics of Dota? Or is it better to find another hero to spam and focus less on micromanagement?

If you want to be my friend, add me here


submitted by /u/sadbutrarepepe
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help with hero pool.

Posted: 26 Jun 2018 01:54 AM PDT

which mid heroes to spam?
3k bracket.
i love storm spirit,meepo, but just cant win on storm spirit even with 700+gpm and meepo is a last pick hero.
can play OD,invo,sf,bloodseeker,tinker without any problem and have 60+% winrate on them,but i dont like to play them.
should i spam storm spirit and meepo and tryhard to learn them at least a bit or should i just play with the 2nd group of heroes and just climb?

submitted by /u/Mademan1137
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How can I set the camera to switch to the unit I have assigned to a particular control group?

Posted: 25 Jun 2018 09:17 PM PDT

e.g. I have 1 assigned to my hero and 2 assigned to my dominator creep, i want the camera to switch to my creep location when i press 2. Is that even possible?

submitted by /u/r0sswell
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Question on laning against Invoker

Posted: 25 Jun 2018 10:12 PM PDT

Once Invoker reachers levels 7 or 8 I see a lot of them opting for a point in wex which allows them to perform early 3 spell combos. Coldsnap-Tornado-Meteor namely is a big one I see that has very high kill potential on a lot of the less mobile mid cores.

I just don't understand how to deal with Invoker once he has the ability to use this combo. If he goes on me am I suppose to walk forward and trade/use my spells on him after the tornado?

submitted by /u/mlyn148
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Does unranked party mmr change when more players are added to the party?

Posted: 25 Jun 2018 09:08 PM PDT

If me and a friend have been playing dota in a party for some time, would adding another friend,who is new to the game, to the party lower/increase/not affect our party mmr and who we would be matched with?

submitted by /u/thenumber6603
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