Heroes of the Storm - Hero Discussion: Nazeebo

Hero Discussion: Nazeebo

Posted: 12 Jun 2018 02:29 AM PDT

Welcome to the Tuesday Hero Discussion, where we feature a rotating hero discussion about popular Warriors, Supports, and Specialist every Tuesday. This Tuesday we are going to focus on a specialist.

Nazeebo Heretic Witch Doctor

HotS Birthday & Cost (Link): November 11, 2015 & 750 Gems / 10,000 Gold

Nazeebo Wiki Entries Wikia (Link) Gamepedia (Link) Liquipedia (Link)

Balance History (Link)

List of Pro Builds (Link)

Nazeebo Hero League Matches w/Grubby Season 2 - 2018 (Link) Season 1 - 2018 (Link)

Nazeebo Hero League w/Kiye Berries Season 2 - 2018 (Link)

Nazeebo is currently a tier 3 specialist since the HGC 2018 Western and Eastern clash (Link). In HGC Phase 2 (Link), Nazeebo has only been selected 4 times and has a 0% win rate. Nazeebo's popularity on the HotS ladder based on Heroes.report (Link) and HotsLogs (Link) is around 36% with a win rate of about 54% over the past seven days.

  • Nazeebo is classified as Medium difficulty to play, do you agree?
  • What strengths and weaknesses do you think pros consider when choosing Nazeebo in HGC 2018 matches, and do those considerations apply to ranked and unranked matches?
  • When do you prioritizing drafting Nazeebo and on what maps?
  • What heroes do you draft to counter a Nazeebo pick?
  • Are there any particular hero synergies to complement a Nazeebo pick?
  • Is Nazeebo an early, mid or late-game hero, and where are the significant power spikes"
  • Is there a particular build you would recommend to someone wanting to learn the basics of Nazeebo?
  • Is there a high skill cap build you favor to optimize Nazeebo's performance and create flashy plays?
  • Do you have any tips or tricks for positioning Nazeebo in team fights and on rotations?
  • Which of Nazeebo's heroics do you favor?
  • Do you use the "On Release" keybind feature for any of Nazeebo's abilities, if so which ones?
  • Do you think Nazeebo is balanced; if not, what abilities or talents should be reworked?

Previous Hero Discussions (Link)
The sidebar for /r/Heroesofthestorm/ is updated to include the Hero Discussions wiki.

Please Upload Your Replays to HotsAPI.net & HotsLogs.com
Uploading your replays to these sites provides better data for the HotS community to analyze and learn from. Stats of the Storm (Link) is a utility that works for both PC and Mac that allows you to view replay stats locally on your computer and automate uploading replays to both HotsAPI and HotsLogs.

submitted by /u/LDAP
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HGC Mid-Season Brawl - Group stage :: Method vs HeroesHearth Esports :: Discussion thread

Posted: 12 Jun 2018 11:35 AM PDT

Previous match thread: HGC Mid-Season Brawl - Group stage :: TheOne.SGTY vs Tempo Storm.

Please upvote this thread to make it visible after another one is stickied. Thanks!

P. Team Pts Games Remaining matches
1. Team Dignitas 10 7-3
. Tempest 10 7-1 LM
2. Method 7 5-3 HHE
4. HeroesHearth Esports 4 3-3 MET, CE
5. CE 3 2-6 HHE
6. Luna Meow 0 0-8 TP

Match reports, VODs

Official stats | Master League | Twitch

Method 1:1 HeroesHearth Esports

Game Battleground Winner
1 Dragon Shire HHE
2 Tomb of the Spider Queen MET


about 11:35 PDT / 14:35 EDT / 18:35 UTC / 20:35 CEST / the same time as this post


English (Dreadnaught, Gillyweed, Heccu, JHow, Kaelaris, Khaldor, Skimmy, Tetcher, Trikslyr, Wolf)
French | German | Italian | Korean | Polish | Russian | Spanish | Spanish (LatAm) | Turkish
Find more on: Master League | Heroes on Twitch

HGC Mid-Season Brawl

The Heroes of the Storm Mid-Season Brawl will feature 12 top-ranked teams battling it out for $250,000 USD from June 9-18. It's the first global competition on the HGC calendar, and with some of the best players in the world throwing down in front of thousands of attendees in Sweden, it's sure to be epic.

Group stage: June 9-13. Teams are divided into two groups of six teams each, where they play two game matches in a round-robin format.
Playoffs: June 16-18. In a double elimination bracket, top two teams from each group start in the upper bracket, while teams placed 3-4 start in the lower bracket. All matches are best-of-5, and everything ends in a best-of-7 Grand Final.

Prediction challenge (details about rewards)

Gen.G esports | Team Dignitas | Tempo Storm | CE | Tempest | Fnatic | HeroesHearth Esports | TheOne.SGTY | Ballistix | Method | Mindfreak | Luna Meow

HGC website | Bracket and schedule | Destination: Sweden | Survival Guide
Master League | Liquipedia (group stage) | Upcomer | Probuilds


Method vs HeroesHearth Esports
Arcaner tank - flex Arthelon
Athero melee/flex - support BBJ
Cursen support - tank ishb00
Nic ranged - ranged Khroen
scHwimpi flex - melee McIntyre

Battleground bans

Method: Volskaya Foundry | HeroesHearth Esports: Sky Temple

Game version

HGC Mid-Season Brawl is played on patch 2.33.0 (with a special hotfix for the targeting bug around Diablo's Lightning Breath), so balance changes from patch 2.33.1 are not applied. Deckard Cain is allowed.

HGC match threads are created by /u/lerhond. Please mention or PM /u/lerhond if you have any feedback.

submitted by /u/HeroesEsportsThreads
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FYI: Ragnaros is First Ban-Level Bugged on Towers of Doom Now.

Posted: 12 Jun 2018 09:59 AM PDT

Lava Waves do not, as of the current patch, dissipate when they hit the enemy wall past the towers. They simply stack up there and kill minions (and players) for the rest of the match, bouncing back and forth in a small area. This makes towers effectively impossible to reclaim/defend in that you have no minions.

Just had a QM where we had no minions by the end of the match because Rag put his lava wave on all three lanes ASAP.

submitted by /u/HauntedEri
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Blizzard, please increase the chance of getting Alterec Valley over other maps the first week or so.

Posted: 12 Jun 2018 04:54 AM PDT

Nothing worse than being excited about the new map and having to go through a bunch of Blackhearts Bay and Warhead Junctions maps just to try it once.

Dunno if they did this the last time.

submitted by /u/Malfhots
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Disable Ragnaros Blizz

Posted: 12 Jun 2018 12:31 PM PDT

Ridley is too big for Smash

Posted: 12 Jun 2018 11:38 AM PDT

I mean, Deathwing is too big for Heroes

submitted by /u/WryE313
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I normally understand the reasoning for spacing out content, but having an event called "Echoes of Alterac" go live a week before the Alterac themed map and skins are available feels odd

Posted: 12 Jun 2018 10:50 AM PDT

I don't think this is some huge issue, but it felt a bit strange to log in, see the Echoes of Alterac splash screen, get hyped as you select FOR THE HORDE! (mumble or for the alliance... mumble) read about the event quests and rewards, then get into the game, have Drek'thar order you to go kill Alliance scum... annnnnd then not have the matching Horde vs Alliance map/skins available.

To be clear, I've got no issue with Yrel going live a week before the other content (they clearly stated the map and skins would be a week later, it gives them time to tweak the map, and spacing out hero releases from other content as they've been doing makes sense imo) but it feels like today should have just been Yrel and the event should have started next week along with the actual AV themed content. Yrel just really doesn't represent the old school Alterac Valley theme of the event the way the map or skins do. Not sure how others feel, but to me doing it this way just feels a little, disjointed?

submitted by /u/Ryzor99
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I know this has been suggested before, but blizz please swap Yrel's Q and W

Posted: 12 Jun 2018 02:07 PM PDT

For those unaware Yrel's 'swing/attack' is on W while her self heal is on Q. There are plenty good examples - most heroes have the spammy damage spell on Q.

Try her out, her kit feels backwards

submitted by /u/Cerpicio
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Yrel is pretty underwhelming

Posted: 12 Jun 2018 03:22 PM PDT

I don't think we have had such a worse case of a under tuned character in a long time. She hits like a wet noddle. Everyone can get away from her channeling and she's just not fun to play. Overall Im not happy with how she turned out.

submitted by /u/Rainwyrd
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Patch notes 12 June

Posted: 12 Jun 2018 08:01 AM PDT

Can Blizzard provide some numbers just how hard La Pantera Sonya lost the Nexomania event to the still undefeated La Parca Lunara?

Posted: 12 Jun 2018 07:45 PM PDT

Since we all had to choose one of the two during the Nexomania event?!

submitted by /u/Blubbstrahl
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A little-known counter to Poison damage

Posted: 12 Jun 2018 06:44 AM PDT

Having problems with poison ruining your day? Seeing too many Nazeebos, Gul'Dans, and Lunaras around? Enter Probius! Yes, that's right, Probius. His [[Shield Battery]] talent may appear lackluster to the untrained eye, but it's actually incredibly good at completely negating damage over time - the max shield is not high, but the regeneration rate of the shield IS - usually high enough to regenerate about as fast or faster than most poison damage ticks. Functionally, any allied hero inside a pylon field is nearly immune to poison damage - GREATLY reducing the burden on your team's healer and allowing your team to hold its ground against poke that would normally devastate allied health bars.

I've found this is especially useful on Volskaya and Infernal Shrines where you have to hold position over an objective. Also it just so happens that the Poison mages and Lunara are very common picks on those maps and Probius is a strong pick there for his zone control and AoE anyway.

In terms of draft, Probius can be picked specifically for this ability in situations where your team gets caught without enough answers to heavy poison poke, such as if your support is Uther. Yes, it's situational - and your team needs to know they need to be in range of Pylons - but it's an option. Blaze's Bunker is not the only counter to mass poison damage out there!

submitted by /u/DarkRaven01
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Blind, Dodge, Evade, Block: It's All a Big Mess

Posted: 12 Jun 2018 02:04 PM PDT

  • Block: Every 5 seconds, gain 75 Physical Armor against the next enemy Hero Basic Attack, reducing the damage taken by 75%.
  • Dodge: Genji dodges 1 Heroic Basic Attack every 8 seconds.
  • Parry: Parry all incoming Basic Attacks for 1.25 seconds, reducing their damage by 100%.
  • Avoidance: While moving unmounted, Cassia gains 40 Physical Armor against Heroic Basic Attacks, reducing the damage taken by 40%.
  • Elusive Brawler: Activate to evade enemy Basic Attacks for 2 seconds.

There's a theme going on here. All of these abilities or talents refer to Basic Attacks or Physical Armor. Well, what is a Basic Attack? A Basic Attack is what a Hero does in melee or from range against an enemy unit or structure when you use your attack button. It's affected by things like Attack Speed, physical damage increases, Physical Armor, and all the mechanics listed above.

Some heroes have abilities, talents, or traits that modify, use, or "tail gate" onto their Basic Attacks:

  • Varian's Heroic Strike trait says that Varian's "next Basic Attack deals bonus Spell damage." If the Basic Attack doesn't connect, the bonus Spell damage never happens.
  • Kael'thas's Sunfire Enchantment talent says that it causes his "next 2 Basic Attacks to instead deal Spell Damage."
  • Li-Ming's Cannoneer talent causes her Abilities to make her "next Basic Attack deal Spell damage instead of Physical."
  • Kel'thuzad's Chilling Touch says his "next Basic Attack hits nearby enemies, deals Spell damage instead of Physical"

In the Balance patch on June 6th, 2018, the following entry was made:

Basic Attacks: The following Basic Attacks that deal Spell Damage now correctly miss when the attacking Hero is Blinded or the target is Evading: Kael'thas: Sunfire Enchantment

Kel'Thuzad: Chilling Touch

Li-Ming: Cannoneer

All of the above talents caused the "next Basic Attack" to just do a different kind of damage. They were still tied to Basic Attacks though. The only difference is that their damage couldn't be reduced by things like Physical Armor, granted by Block (and similar abilities that Sonya, Arthas, etc. have).

And then there is Ragnaros and Xul, and maybe some others, but we'll focus on these two for now. Xul has an interesting ability called Cursed Strikes. It says "Xul's Basic Attacks deal damage in a wide area." What does that actually mean? Well, it means that his "ability" is just making his single target Basic Attacks cleave, like Leoric's or Malthael's. They also do some stuff like reduce attack speed. Because they are actually Basic Attacks still, he has a whole bunch of talents that interact with it:

  • At 13 Xul has Executioner. For a time I thought "Well that's kind of weak, he doesn't single target AA a lot, he's using Spectral Scythe and Cursed Strikes." Then I realized Cursed Strikes is actually doing Basic Attacks, so it completely benefits from the 30% damage increase from Executioner.
  • Also at 13, Xul has Rapid Harvest which increases his Attack Speed. This also affects how fast Cursed Strikes hits, because Cursed Strikes is tied to his Basic Attacks. So something like an Abathur Symbiote with 25% increased Attack Speed would also increase how fast he attacks during Cursed Strikes.

Then there's Ragnaros. Ragnaros is a bit of an odd one. A lot of people don't think too much about Empower Sulfuras, because it doesn't make a whole lot of sense. The ability reads "Ragnaros's next Basic Attack is instant, dealing Ability damage in an area."

Now let's circle back to the talents that KT, KTZ, and Li-Ming have. They all say "next Basic Attack" because they are tied to specific events. For instance, for KT, you activate his trait to empower it. For KTZ, it's tied to a cooldown (8 seconds). For Li-Ming, it's after every ability.

For Ragnaros, because it's an Ability (you have to press Q), it's like Xul's Cursed Strikes. You "power" it up, and then it starts once you hit something. But Empower Sulfuras also says it's instant, which means you can use a Basic Attack against someone, then immediately use Q and hit them. Leoric can do the same thing with Skeletal Swing. He can Basic Attack someone, then immediately use Q on them.

There are a couple of differences: Skeletal Swing is an Ability that does Spell damage. Once you use Skeletal Swing, it's immediately consumed. Empower Sulfuras is an Ability that does Spell damage and makes it so your next AA does area Spell damage instead. So you can't do a normal AA attack after activating Empower Sulfuras.

And that means things like Blind, Block, Dodge, Evade all affect it, right? Wrong...

Years ago a bug cropped up that had Q missing against evades. I know because I posted about it a lot on the forums. Several months later, it disappeared. Nothing was mentioned in the patch notes. Then it came back. This time, they listed it in the patch notes, right under Bug Fixes on March 27 2018: "Ragnaros: Blind and Evasion effects will no longer cause Empower Sulfuras's Ability Damage to miss."

Now, two months later, they add back into the patch notes under Design & Gameplay: "Ragnaros: Blind and Evasion effects will no longer cause Empower Sulfuras's Ability Damage to miss."

Well, how does Empower Sulfuras actually interact with everything?

  • When you're Blinded, you can't land it on anything. Previously when it was bugged, you would just try to swing and it wouldn't hit, but Empower Sulfuras would stay on, so once the Blind went away, you could connect it again. Now it says the cooldown is consumed, meaning you need to cast it again in 4 seconds.
  • When you're targeting an enemy that is Dodging, I presume that the same thing happens: the ability misses and the CD starts.
  • Against a target that is evading, the same thing happens, but it isn't listed in the patch notes. You will miss and it will go on cooldown.
  • But... if you target something next to the Evading target, you will damage it AND the target that was "Evading" your attack. Makes sense, right?
  • Block doesn't do anything, because Block gives you Physical Armor, and Empower Sulfuras deals Spell damage.
  • Silence will prevent you from casting Empower Sulfuras, but if you already activated it, you can still deal the damage. Remember, Silence prevents you from casting Abilities. So Li-Ming and Kael'thas couldn't empower their Basic Attacks, but Kel'thuzad could, because his activates by itself every 8 seconds.
  • Spell Armor will reduce the amount of damage that Empower Sulfuras does.
  • But Ragnaros's own Blistering Attacks won't increase the damage that Empower Sulfuras does, which is kind of weird because Blistering Attacks says "Every 10 seconds, Ragnaros's next Basic Attack against a Hero deals 60% bonus damage."

This means Ragnaros has two Basic Attacks. The first is his "normal" Attack, which is affected by Attack Speed, Physical Damage, Physical Armor and also buffed by Blistering Attacks. His second Basic Attack is his Empower Sulfuras, which is affected by things like Silence, Spell Power, and Spell Armor.

And here's where it gets messy, because Blind/Evade/Dodge affect both of these "Basic Attacks" but Evade only works against the first Basic Attack 100% of the time, and only works against Empower Sulfuras when you aren't directly damaging them. Indirect damage from Empower Sulfuras still bypasses the Evasion. And "Blistering Attacks" only affects his normal Basic Attacks, not his Empower Sulfuras.


  1. If you are Blind, do not use Empower Sulfuras, but if you have, don't hit anything with it. You will waste the charge, and the Blind cooldown is almost always shorter than the cooldown on Empower Sulfuras.
  2. If you aren't Blind, and you have Blistering Attacks, you should NOT activate Empower Sulfuras, you should use a normal Basic Attack first, so it benefits from Blistering Attacks, then activate Empower Sulfuras, because Q reduces the CD on Blistering Attacks.
  3. If your target has Block up, you can't do anything to "save" Blistering Attacks. The Physical Armor will reduce the damage still. You can hit them with Empower Sulfuras though, because it does Spell damage. But you'll want to still use your normal attacks first so you can have Q reduce Blistering Attacks cooldown.
  4. If your target has Evasion up, don't hit them with any AAs. They will miss and consume Blistering Attack. Also don't hit them with any Qs. They will miss too. But you can hit a target right next to them with Q and you will still damage them, including applying things like 9% max health damage from Giant Scorcher.
  5. If you're silenced, you can still use normal AAs and Blistering Attacks. You can't use Empower Sulfuras. But you can use Empower Sulfuras if you already activated it and haven't attacked anything.

One of the reasons Blizzard might have wanted to introduce this as a legit "synergy" is because of the previously mentioned interaction between Empower Sulfuras and "next Basic Attack." It says it's instant, but that only means anything in relation to how quickly you can use it after Basic Attacking (because every other Ability you can also use immediately after Auto Attacking).

Remember, you cannot Basic Attack after you've activated Empower Sulfuras. That is, you can't do a single normal AA against one target if you have Q up, because there is no way to cancel it. I think that's why they wanted Q to be affected by Blind. Because they figured "Well, when you're Blind, you can't Basic Attack, and since you can't Basic Attack with Empower Sulfuras up, we'll just have them be the same thing."

It's a really weird way of designing an ability, because they could just remove the Basic Attack wording from Empower Sulfuras altogether and have it read "Ragnaros deals Ability damage in an Area." Boom. Done. And then there wouldn't be any weird questions like "Wait, if my next Basic Attack is actually an Empower Sulfuras... and I have a charge of Blistering Attacks which also affects my NEXT BASIC ATTACK... why doesn't my next Basic Attack, Empower Sulfuras, deal 60% more damage from Blistering Attacks?" And the answer would be: "Because Empower Sulfuras is an Ability silly, not a Basic Attack." Instead, you activate Empower Sulfuras, but now you can't use a normal AA. So you hit a target with it and you still have Blistering Attacks up. So you use a normal AA. But now Blistering Attacks doesn't get the 1 sec CD reduction from the Empower Sulfuras, because there is a complete backward interaction between the two.

Blizzard needs to start getting some consistency with their abilities, traits, and talents. If a target is Evading, it should be Evading all the time, not just when it's directly hit. And if an ability affects your Basic Attacks, then all your talents that affect them should affect it too. And if Block affects hero Basic Attacks, then it should affect them regardless of what kind of damage they do, otherwise why are we calling them Basic Attacks? There is always someone saying "Well, pushes up glasses not all Basic Attacks deal Physical Damage." By default, they do. It's only in some 4 or 5 instances, out of 80 heroes and hundreds upon hundreds of talents, that the "Physical damage" is replaced with "Spell damage." Now suddenly Block doesn't do anything, even though they are still incoming Basic Attacks. Blinds and Evasions and Doges don't care about the damage type, should Block?

submitted by /u/igniteice
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Please fix Yrel's quickcast

Posted: 12 Jun 2018 03:21 PM PDT

It feels so clunky to me to play this way. Why can't her charged abilities work exactly like Hanzo's Q?

submitted by /u/SgtFlexxx
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New patch pushed out, rag fixed?

Posted: 12 Jun 2018 05:19 PM PDT

Tetcher breaks down where game went wrong

Posted: 12 Jun 2018 08:21 AM PDT

Wait so Yrel doesn't even get an animated home screen?

Posted: 12 Jun 2018 07:51 PM PDT

Why aren't more people complaining about that? Every single hero until now I believe has had their own unique animated home screen... when/why did that suddenly become not a thing?

submitted by /u/ready2throwaway3
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Alexstrasza for 254 Gems. Best day ever Blizzard, thanks.

Posted: 12 Jun 2018 10:49 AM PDT

Why is Probius limited to 1 Pylon every 12 seconds?

Posted: 12 Jun 2018 12:11 PM PDT

This makes Probius feel so clunky and slow.

It would make more sense to give him 2 Pylons ready to place from the getgo surely not? And when he gets his level 20 talent Construct Additional Pylons, that is increased to 3 maximum stacks of Pylon.

Right now Probius takes forever to get set up, and when you do get setup, your fortifications get dismantled pretty quickly and you are back to square one.

submitted by /u/AnakinDislikesSand
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[Feedback] Friends "In Game" timer removed

Posted: 12 Jun 2018 10:34 AM PDT

Edit1: Looks like this was hotfixed along with that Ragnaros lava wave bug.

With today's patch Blizzard subtly removed the timer from the friends list. Personally, I don't care for the change and now I'm kind of inconvenienced as I typically used the amount of time my friends were in games to see whether or not I had the time to wait for them or do other things. I don't think this is a setting I can toggle on/off.

Edit2: Moved the first edit to the top for better visibility. This is no longer an issue or a bug. o7

submitted by /u/AtticaOnline
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Why does yrel have so many weaknesses?

Posted: 12 Jun 2018 02:34 PM PDT

I tried playing her as the "main tank" she's supposed to be, and I don't really understand how this hero is supposed to be good. Her abilities do nothing when not fully charged up, and even when they are fully charged they only do a moderate amount of damage or healing.

Keep in mind to fully charge these abilities you give yourself a 25 percent slow, almost mounted speed.... and then you can't auto attack during this so essentially all the enemy has to do is walk away from you for 2 seconds to completely nullify any impact you can actually have.

Mobility heroes have just been absolutely horrible to play against. And playing vs them as yrel is even worse.

Also why is her avenging wrath animation so long? Can't hit anything but minions with it, so I eventually just stopped trying and sued it as an escape. Her ult cooldowns are pretty long for how unimpactful they are(at least without their upgrades) Her talents are powerful so that's the only saving grace.

Tl dr - She shouldn't both slow her self and not auto atatck during charging up an ability that isn't any more powerful abilities from other bruisers or tanks - Ults need to be re-evaluated, they don't seem like options until level 20 - Talent tree is fine.

submitted by /u/geoxyx
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I'm in love with Yrel!

Posted: 12 Jun 2018 04:42 PM PDT

So, first post. But I thought this would've been a more wholesome topic to talk about. I've been playing Heroes of the Storm since 2.0 dropped. I'll admit, I was an Overwatch nub who only installed it for the Genji skin. However, my love for the game quickly blossomed from there. It was a nice break from my FPS-centric gaming pool.

This whole time, I've played primarily Lunara. And while she was always a lot of fun, I've never really played any other champion (including Lunara) who I really felt I could get attached to. Fast forward to today, I picked the game back up after a long break, and insta-bought Yrel after trying her out. And she's so much fun to play!

I love the self sustain she has with her Q, and the combo potential with E + D. I'm a Poppy main in League, so this a character wielding a warhammer was too good to pass up, and I'm glad they've done her right (at least in my opinion).

TL:DR: I'm a Poppy main in League who loves Yrel, who happens to also be another lady wielding a warhammer in a MOBA.

How do you guys feel about Yrel so far?

submitted by /u/xStormze
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Thanks for the Warcraft 3 nostalgia again Blizz

Posted: 12 Jun 2018 09:26 AM PDT

Upon logging in as you pick a side, I noticed the borders were almost exactly the same with the battle.net UI back in Warcraft 3 with the chains clanking as the panels went up and down, all the feels.

Heroes is probably the closest we'll ever get to a Warcraft 4 + Cairne Bloodhoof and dread lord when?

submitted by /u/Treantwuver
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Math of the Storm: Yrel

Posted: 12 Jun 2018 06:31 AM PDT

The new end screen(s) are awesome! Well done Blizzard

Posted: 12 Jun 2018 07:52 PM PDT

I know it might be simple, and it doesn't change anything to the gameplay.But I had a little beer, playing my favorite game, and I finished my first QM since last patch, and even if we got a DEFEAT, the new animated animation is really good looking. I lost and I was still amazed by the animation. It really looks good.

submitted by /u/_MrNeurotoxin_
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Khroen got a lot of credit versus Luna Meow in bracket stage, but what's the REAL story?

Posted: 12 Jun 2018 01:20 PM PDT

Liked the Enforcer Bundle? Get ready for... The Custodians of the Storm!

Posted: 12 Jun 2018 07:38 PM PDT

Janitor Leoric. Already a community favorite.

Garbage Man Cho'gall. Blue jumpsuit and themed mount is a garbage can carried on the shoulder. Concept art pending.

Muradin the Plumber. Legally distinct Mario plumber outfit. Of course has Luigi, Wario, and Waluigi tints. Plungers in hands instead of weapons. Stormbolt throws a plunger.

Groundskeeper Xul. Just an old man tending the grounds. Cursed Scythe has green grass particle effects. Has a Willie tint with yellow skin and red hair.

Liked protecting the Nexus with the Enforcer Bundle?

Get ready for "The Custodians of the Storm!"

Credit goes to u/Lokiite, myself, some long forgotten party members in Voice Chat™, GA_麦德三世, and of course you, the HotS community!

Preese Blizzard, make it happen!

submitted by /u/EverydayFunHotS
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