Fortnite Treasure Talk Tuesday - your weekly loot thread!

Treasure Talk Tuesday - your weekly loot thread!

Posted: 11 Jun 2018 11:11 PM PDT

Welcome to Treasure Talk Tuesday, a thread devoted to the questions, discussion, and sharing of all loot and loot accessories.

  • Brag about the awesome schematic you leveled this week
  • Ask for help on what hero to pick from this weeks nonexistant Super Person Llama.
  • Debate hero loadouts, even though we all know Pathfinder Jess/Recon Scout Jess/Gunblazer Southie is best.
submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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E3 Megathread

Posted: 12 Jun 2018 08:52 AM PDT

E3 kicks off today at 12:00 EST with the Nintendo Switch.

Or you can also watch on Twitch.

Discuss anything E3 related here.

Battle Royale releases at 10 am PST on Switch

submitted by /u/Necrologyx
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Shout out to whoever brought the nocturno into the br event

Posted: 12 Jun 2018 07:32 PM PDT

Jet fuels can't melt steel beams

Posted: 12 Jun 2018 02:30 AM PDT

Epic, Please bring Fortnite Save The World to Nintendo Switch

Posted: 12 Jun 2018 10:58 AM PDT

Why would you have only battle royale? Save the world would work very good with the portability of the switch and I'm pretty sure it can run it.

submitted by /u/radostin04
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As if the Fortnite STW Switch news wasn’t annoying enough.

Posted: 12 Jun 2018 09:55 AM PDT

So, literally not even single one word of "StW" in Fortnite E3 lol

Posted: 12 Jun 2018 07:11 PM PDT

Fortnite Have so much content (stw) that can Merge to BR (like a Survival Royale?) (or a new Hunt Showdown) but just been thrown away =/

I'm just quiting this game

Paragon 2 confirmed

submitted by /u/fepalito
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The Ignorance present by using a Save The World Clip

Posted: 12 Jun 2018 06:46 PM PDT

This is how Epic Games can make STW relevant again:

Posted: 12 Jun 2018 03:30 PM PDT

1) Implement emotes to STW (yes, this is happening. I know that)

2) Turn "Heroes" to "Power cards" and "Skin cards"

3) Change "LOOT" with "Shop" and add a new sub-category called "Battle Store" where we will get the exact same store with the BR store.

4) Transfer BR skins (if you own any) to STW as "Skin cards" and transfer STW skins (ones with thin body type / size) to BR. (If you own a skin type in both of the game modes, you will get a option to refund one for Seasonal gold or V-Bucks - Ex: Raven)

5) Add something like Battle Pass to STW too. Give us weekly quests for new emotes and skins and most of us would love to buy the STW version of the Battle Pass.

Power cards: Your heroes, without any skins. Only their powers / abilities.

Skin card: This skin type has to fit the primary power card. (Ex: A ninja skin card can't be used if a outlander power card is spotted as the primary power card)

Why should this be a thing? 1) Epic Games will start earning money from STW players too (from emotes, skins and STW version of the Battle Pass).

2) Since Epic Games will make money from STW too, they might add special content for it too (Maybe)

Basically, Epic Games should milk money off from STW too (as if Loot Llamas and founders pack isn't enough).

submitted by /u/ArmanGrey
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Save The World really needs some saving

Posted: 12 Jun 2018 07:08 PM PDT

After watching Fortnite Pro-Am and seeing the popularity of BR, it is safe to say that it is better to not expect much from STW anymore. They host a tournament having only 3 games in total and give it a prize pool of $3 mil and you out here telling me they don't have enough time and resources for STW? Don't get me wrong, I am playing STW since it came out and I so wanted it to be successful. After grinding in warframe for almost 4k hours, STW was the only game that got me hooked in the same way. STW players had a lot of expectations from E3 but we got nothing. Anyway, me and my friends will still wait till the end of 2018 and see if anything new comes up. But for now, my recommendation for everyone is, "don't give anymore of your money to STW, Epic has enough."

submitted by /u/shabby687
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Posted: 12 Jun 2018 05:40 PM PDT

Advanced mission finder

Posted: 12 Jun 2018 10:55 AM PDT

Epic Games is embarrassed about Save the World.

Posted: 12 Jun 2018 06:59 PM PDT

They haven't mentioned ANYTHING about Save the World today at E3. They only mentioned StW in a Q and A and said that they have no intentions to bring StW to the Nintendo Switch. I really hope they don't pull a Paragon and close down the StW servers...

submitted by /u/HotelMoon
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After E3 I’m officially done playing STW

Posted: 12 Jun 2018 08:19 PM PDT

Epic's clear intentions are to just follow the money. They never in their history have stuck with a game no matter what. After watching thousands of people cheer for a game that offers them 15 minutes of the same match over and over I couldn't help but feel disappointed.

I have always been attracted to games that will be around for you to see the days upon days you've put into it and still keep the experience exciting to keep you putting in more.

After watching the Bethesda stream I realized there's only a few good companies that deserve my money, that still concentrate man power on the work they created regardless if it's hot or not. Bethesda for example took a shit dive when they first released ESO in 2014, steam reported only 2,000 daily players once upon a time. But after four years of still pushing content and listening to the community that number has 15x.

It just goes to show that any game can succeed and last a long time if it's creators just simply care about it.

I've put hundreds of dollars into STW and more days (honestly weeks) of game time that I'd like to admit. I think it's a great game but in this industry that alone just doesn't make it successful.

Weekly content that honestly is just very shallow did keep me going for awhile just hoping it would get better. But after re skin after re skin and then no news of STW's future I decided to pack my bags because it doesn't have a future.

I'll still visit this sub and if lo behold epic turns their shit around, believe me I'll back

Edit: You guys can downvote me to hell but answer this. What hurts more- leaving a game you've put a lot into and move onto to something more promising? Or watching a game die that you've always been into?

submitted by /u/ofkarma
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State of Fortnite, Twine Perspective

Posted: 12 Jun 2018 02:58 PM PDT

Daily Quests / Events

  • Currently we get one of these a day. Daily quests should be expanded to give the end game player something more to strive for. This doesn't have to be limited to just getting vBucks. It could be gold, evolution materials, xp, and now perk-up materials.
  • Your daily quests should reflect where you are in the game, perhaps as you get further in the game you unlock more daily quests to do per day. This gives players a reason to get to the higher zones and to level up their power level. Nothing discourages me more than being 113 power level and getting a Stonewood missions daily quest. Why would I want to go back to Stonewood when the materials and rewards of Stonewood are not attractive at all for someone in Twine?
    • This could be something as simple as you always get a do x mission in your current highest zone (scaling the reward higher as you get to higher zones)
    • Give the players multiple dailies (A do x missions in current zone, a kill count that increases as you go up in zone, a explore, etc)
  • As of late the events are targeted towards everyone. There is no extra's like when the first STS came out and you had to be high level to earn some of the better (legendary) stuff. What reason do players have to be in Twine? With the gold rate being just as good at low level and the event store / weekly store, players really have no incentives to get to twine. (earn 30 vbucks in a 34 mission and only 40 in a 82+). A Level 20 player can earn mythics and legendaries now with ease.

Mission Rewards. Mission Difficulty, and Difficulty Scaling

  • One of the biggest issues with this game is the end game scaling. Missions in early Canny Valley and lower are incredibly easy. There are less mist monsters, less elemental's, less rotating storms, less storm modifiers, and when you bump the difficulty less husk levels per bump.
  • The rewards comparing low power level to high power level is not attractive enough for the extra difficulty added in terms of the above bullet. As you get from High Canny Valley to end of Twine, you eventually are fighting almost all mist monsters, elemental's, special husks.
  • No difference in bonus tasks on a mission (Kill mini-boss, kill x elemental's, etc), they all reward the same exact amount. So why would you struggle in a higher level mission when you can go to a lower level mission and turn on easy mode(basically afk with turrets and constructor base reflect) and earn the same bonus rewards?
  • Cache chance really does not change as you go into higher level missions nor with the difficulty bumping, so again why would anyone want to do this? If you can farm a mission 50 levels lower than you and get epic/evolve/legendary caches at the same frequency, why would you try to do this at say 94 or 100 missions where chance of success is much more involved.
  • The amount of BG you have to collect per mission for the mission itself and bumping the difficulty is both time intensive and does not reflect a difference in rewards earned. For example a single atlas vs a 4 atlas mission, you need to collect 3 more BG but earn the same rewards. It takes time to gather all the BG needed for a max difficulty bump + bluglo needed for the mission itself. This is not a fun feature. Difficulty bumping should just be straight up a vote and no bluflo farming needed (which can sometimes take an extra 4-6 minutes).
  • The difference in gold earned from bumping difficulty just once, to max difficulty and the difference in hardness of the mission verse the reward vs the zone you are on. For example in Plankertone at Plvl 34, if you bump 1 time, the mob level goes from 34 to 36. You get 31 extra gold. If you max the difficulty, the mob level increases to 45 and you get 69 extra gold. Now lets compare this to a twine mission at plvl 94. If you bump once the mob level goes from 94 to 99, and you get 49 extra gold for one bump. 19 gold difference.... for 63 difference in husk power level? Not worth it. Now this amplifies as you go to max difficulty in twine fighting mobs sometimes 20+ levels higher than the current power-level mission. Twine already inherently is harder because there are more elemental's, more mist monsters, more special husks. And the difference in gold is not worth the extra effort/trouble.

Playing in Lower Zones

  • There is no benefit for higher level players having to go backwards. Most of the time players that do this just set the game to private and don't allow players of the appropriate or under leveled players in their matches. The missions are so easy for a high level player to solo there is no need to fill the extra slots.
  • The materials you get from playing in these lower level missions have zero purpose. You no longer use these materials and there is no way to recycle or turn them into something useful. If anything its a chore that you always have to go into your inventory and dump these low level materials out to save your space.
  • No Twine players wants to go back to Canny Valley/Plankerton to farm Perk up material. Stop forcing us to go backwards in progression. Now-a-days, I'm lucky if I play 1-3 missions a day in Twine due to Perk-Up and vBuck missions almost always being in Stonewood through Canny Valley.

Perk Up

  • This is simple: Uncommon in stonewood, Uncommon/rare in plankerton, uncommon/rare/epic in canny valley, uncommon/rare/epic/legendary in Twine. By the time you get into Twine you should be able to earn ALL of these, and at higher rates than the previous zones to add some incentive to actually get to twine for players. Seeing as these show up pretty limited in each zone (Not every mission contains perk up rewards), this would just allow you to farm what you need more frequently, including the chance for more double and possibly triple perk ups in a single mission (group).
submitted by /u/SKuDD3r
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On my comute home and all I wonder is how many nuts and bolts are in here

Posted: 12 Jun 2018 05:39 PM PDT

What a coincidence

Posted: 12 Jun 2018 02:39 PM PDT

Best Perks for Grave Digger

Posted: 12 Jun 2018 11:01 AM PDT

Hey Epic, can we know what the hell is going on for the base of STW??

Posted: 12 Jun 2018 09:39 PM PDT

Honestly, all I've been seeing today is "Stw is dead" "They only care about BR" "Stw is Paragon 2.0" all because Stw wasn't mentioned pretty much at all in E3. (Trust me, I'm upset too) So could we please instead of getting a roadmap for events in the future and new reskins/ new heroes could we get an idea of how the biomes are doing and an estimate of if and when they will be finished? This would at least instill some hope into players that are on the edge of quitting to stick it out knowing there WILL be more ACTUAL game content in the future.

submitted by /u/TheShad0wM1ST
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Just spent 20 minutes doing a mission, put my traps and defences

Posted: 12 Jun 2018 07:46 AM PDT

A guy goes afk, first thing I see as soon as we start, we're 5 minutes in and another guy goes afk, 1 minute left and I get disconnected, guess what? No rewards. Guess what? The people that were afk the hole match and did jack fucking shit got all the rewards. Good job epic

submitted by /u/Ferranator117
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Epic, what's up with this Smasher?

Posted: 12 Jun 2018 08:54 PM PDT

Nope, Save the World DEFINITELY won't die just yet. Here's why.

Posted: 12 Jun 2018 09:46 PM PDT

What's keeping STW stunted? BR

What's keeping it alive? BR as well.

What will keep it going? BR again.

Go to r/fortnitebr and search "Save the World". Sort by -> New. Every 2-3 hours someone asks when STW will be free or if someone has free codes or if it is worth buying. So many players want to play it.

You guys are severely underestimating the amount of players that will flood into STW when it goes free to play.

Our playerbase will increase exponentially and all the BR players will at least come to try it out. A lot won't like it, a lot will, and once hooked, in come thousands of whales spending on llamas.

It's all about how Epic handles the situation after that.

This game has a good 4-6 months left before it'll go F2P, but on the week it does, Stonewood will be filled with full queues and missions. Playerbase will increase dramatically, r/fortnite will get a lot of traffic, r/fortnitebr will be filled with posts about STW and people commenting "Fuck you go to r/fortnite, this is the Battle Royale subreddit igaf what antimaterial charge does".

After that, if Epic uses this momentum to carry the game ahead, it's pretty much a gold mine because of the sheer number of people who will play. It won't be as huge as BR, but it's definitely something they will go for.

Everyone is saying this game is turning into a Paragon, but that's not true because Paragon didn't have the benefit of having the most popular video game in the world linked to it. We have that advantage, and for that I'm glad BR exists.

What Epic needs to do right now is work on handing that playerbase and the problems that will come with it (more leeching, server needs, etc). I assume currencies for BR and STW will be separated then.

And us Founder will get something good for putting up when it comes. I know they haven't done much in that department, but I'm pretty sure they will give us something when the game goes free. Not just that, we will be rewarded through improvisation as well. Like when the Collection Book or Twine/Canny rewards get reworked, one day all the players who have already been through the slog of getting rares and trash from these will one day wake up with a bunch of vbucks/llamas/heroes/xp/whatnot.

Keep calm and be a bear.

submitted by /u/zajhasmuscles
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If you pissed about sony blocking cross play...

Posted: 12 Jun 2018 07:29 PM PDT

If your pissed about sony blocking cross play please sign this and lets hope we can get something changed. (I assume if this goes through nintendo switch will be unblocked aswell)

submitted by /u/Sneaker2Sauce
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Make Homebase Great Again

Posted: 12 Jun 2018 06:15 PM PDT

I have a few ideas that would make building your home base a more enjoyable experience. Now all of these ideas are targeted for when you are in your Homebase building, not defending (doing a SSD).

  1. New gadgets [pt.1] When you are building in your Homebase there is no use for any of the gadgets. So let's take advantage of those 2 spots. Introducing the "Power drill" Use this to take down structure in one hit. This would be incredibly useful for destroying your T3 metal trap tunnels that are no longer used or if you want to change up your Amplifier defenses. Using this would not give back any resources just like your pickaxe.

  2. New gadgets [pt.2.] Since there are two gadget spots, my idea for the 2nd slot would be a "Husk Spawner". This would send a non aggressive husk towards a targeted point (ex. Amplifiers) and once the husk reaches the 1st structure it plans to attack, it will die and re-spawn again. This gadget would be beneficial for build trap tunnels (especially in Canny/Twine with will all the odd ground elevations) to see if husks can even enter your trap tunnel or see if they walk around or through your maze of traps.

  3. Storm Shield Council Menu. This area of the Homebase has a lot of potential. 2 things I would like to see added would be a "Repair All" and "Destroy All" option. "Repair All"would make recovering from a SSD a breeze by allowing you to repair all structures (for the correct amount or resources that is). The "Destroy All" (unlocked after SSD10) would be a great addition if you want to build your Homebase to be more fun than functional. This option could maybe refund some of your resources as it would requires SSD10 completed to unlock. You would also get various warning messages that you are about to destroy all your structures.

Again this is all just an idea but let me know what you guys think! I feel like Homebase could be so much better than what it is now. Any and all constructive criticism is welcome.

submitted by /u/Garrett3915
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"Repair All" button in the Storm Shield Menu

Posted: 12 Jun 2018 10:13 PM PDT

A simple button inside the Storm Shield Menu that give you the option to repair all structures in your Storm Shield, it would tell you how many structures, the total cost. And it could have an option to only repair structures around a certain amplifier or the storm shield itself. Just a thought

submitted by /u/Gooja
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All hail MED-BOT!

Posted: 12 Jun 2018 08:06 PM PDT

Wouldn't this be better, without a (!)

Posted: 12 Jun 2018 03:11 AM PDT

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