Pokémon GO - I just missed all my pokéballs on a shiny Kyogre AMA!

I just missed all my pokéballs on a shiny Kyogre AMA!

Posted: 12 Jun 2018 10:39 AM PDT

So yeah, just went out raiding with a group of ~20 people, and was the only one who got a shiny, but as stated I wasted all my balls on it, but we all could agree that this was an even better accomplishment, and maybe even a world first.

submitted by /u/defizzle
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PSA: You will NOT be able to send Mew to Let's Go

Posted: 12 Jun 2018 05:05 PM PDT

After missing out on shiny Ho-oh my luck turned with my first two Kyogre raids

Posted: 12 Jun 2018 06:56 AM PDT

https://m.imgur.com/a/ZhogyLy Never got around to Catch Kyogre last time since I was late to the party and my community only wanted to do rayquaza raids. I was pumped about Kyogre making a return and after these two encounters I don't feel as bad losing out on shiny Ho-oh.

submitted by /u/Pannkakspojken
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I crocheted a Larvitar for Community Day!

Posted: 12 Jun 2018 07:05 AM PDT


I'm wanting to crochet a couple more (and a shiny) to hide at popular locations for Community Day!

submitted by /u/heartbeatbreak
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[Photo] Articuno at Mendenhall Glacier

Posted: 12 Jun 2018 09:39 AM PDT

https://imgur.com/a/eZ9hvOH Articuno at Mendenhall Glacier - AR Shot

so majestic! Glacier, Waterfall AND Legendary Bird! - (trying to get to 100 characters....)

submitted by /u/Lux4Lyfe
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L, E, T, S, G, O unown will show up in the L.A. area as celebration of E3 Nintendo Direct!

Posted: 12 Jun 2018 11:09 AM PDT

After the Pokemon Let's Go gameplay, they mentioned that L, E, T, S, G, O, ! unown will show up around the L.A. area.

submitted by /u/Infinitrize
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"So... they abandoned you too, huh?"

Posted: 12 Jun 2018 08:45 AM PDT


A Farfetch'd looks curiously to a cautious Qwlfish. Both left for generations with not even a Mega Evolution, they look at each other and see... a resemblance.

submitted by /u/Nanoespectro
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Pokeball Plus Comes With Mythical Pokemon Mew Inside for Pokemon Let's Go!

Posted: 12 Jun 2018 09:38 AM PDT

It will show up in the Pokemon Let's Go game and make noises when shaken. With the purchase of the Pokeball Plus of course. As announced in E3 Nintendo Direct.

submitted by /u/Infinitrize
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Pokémon: Let's Go, Pikachu! Get's 30 minutes gameplay on E3!

Posted: 12 Jun 2018 11:13 AM PDT

It also features some info on Pokémon go compatibility!


submitted by /u/Frocharocha
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I can't catch a ditto to save my life!

Posted: 12 Jun 2018 05:16 PM PDT

Guys, help me, please someone, anyone.... Help me! I have been trying for so long and nothing seems to be a ditto. I've looked at posts that say only certain Pokemon can be a ditto, caught billions of not trillions of those and nothing. Where are these things! What am I doing Wrong! I have a 100% magicarp leveled all the way up that I'm waiting to everyone until I can Get the evolve a magicarp quest. I can't do that until I catch a ditto!!!

submitted by /u/StephenHorn
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Raid times

Posted: 12 Jun 2018 08:47 PM PDT

Can anyone tell me why raids end at 7pm? It's summer and the sun doesn't even go down until 9. This is ridiculous I work until 7 everyday so I miss all of it. They need to extend it until 9-10 during summer hours. Just awful.

submitted by /u/Harmonize1117
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What if we had a different option than ‘Transfer to Professor’?

Posted: 12 Jun 2018 12:55 PM PDT

I am going to go really happy fairytale kind of idea here, but what if we had something like 'Release into the wild' and the Pokémon would just spawn somewhere else in the world. It would mean that you might release a legendary back into the wild and someone somewhere in the world might catch that if it spawns in their area. It could have the incentive that when someone catches it you get 5 candy of that Pokémon, so that might be your incentive to release a Mewtwo vs giving it to the professor. It would be cool if it also kept Trainer usernames, as almost like a passport of who's had that Pokémon before you. It would also help people that cannot raid to have access to legendaries. It would still be rare spawns as not many people get rid of them, but still possible. I thought it would be a cool idea (although no clue about how hard it might be to implement technologically-wise), but adds to the community factor and would make things a bit more interesting in the sense you might randomly encounter something like Entei in the wild. Please feel free to shred me and my idea to pieces in the comments.

submitted by /u/michaelsarais
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Why is the cost of leveling up Pokemon the same for all species?

Posted: 11 Jun 2018 11:39 PM PDT

I'm curious about why it is this way. The main games have 6 different Level Up Curves, such that Pokemon could be Level 100 at 800,000 experience (weaker mons like Skitty, Shuppet, and Duskull families) and others are Level 100 at 1,250,000 experience (Mewtwo and most (all?) legendaries). (It is actually a thing mainly in Gen III species for achieving Level 100 with 600,000 experience (deemed "Erratic" leveling) and 1,640,000 experience (deemed "Fluctuating" leveling).)

This differentiates the use of a Pokemon. In the storyline, you can more quickly level up Pokemon that are generally regarded as weaker.

Pokemon Go could definitely take that into account to get people to love other Pokemon more. If I only had to pay 70,000 dust and 100 candies to max out a Butterfree, I'd go for it. But otherwise, that dust is better saved for stronger Pokemon.

submitted by /u/Exaskryz
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New player trying to figure out the game.

Posted: 12 Jun 2018 06:19 PM PDT

Should I be catching the same Pokemon over and over or do I only need to catch each Pokemon only once?

I realize this will probably be a stupid question to most.

submitted by /u/manolid
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Tips for Pokémon Go in Disney World?

Posted: 12 Jun 2018 07:50 PM PDT

Hey everyone! I'm heading to Disney World this week with the family, and some of us are looking forward to playing Pokémon Go while we're down in some of the parks! Does anybody have any tips for playing while in such a crazy busy location?

I've already bought a Pokémon Go+ so that I'm not staring at my phone all vacation, so any additional tips regarding that would also be appreciated!

submitted by /u/Jugqer
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Crashing on Sign-In

Posted: 12 Jun 2018 09:45 PM PDT

I have not been able to sign-in for a week now and I think I've tried everything in terms of troubleshooting.

I have an iPhone SE iOS 11.4 and the latest version of Pokémon Go:

I have deleted and re-installed the app. I have reset the phone settings. And I have erased my phone and reset to factory settings.

The erase and reset worked for 5 minutes but as soon as I spinned one Pokestop it kicked me out again and won't re-open. I'm not deleting my phone again but wondering if anyone else has experienced these issues.


submitted by /u/its_bentastic
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Caught a sudowoodo but once he was in the poke ball it was a different Pokémon!!

Posted: 12 Jun 2018 09:18 PM PDT

I found a sudowoodo so I raced over to get it and caught it but when it went to the next screen it said Chinchoo was caught instead. Any ideas on why?

submitted by /u/johnnyboy122134
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How late do raids go where you live?

Posted: 12 Jun 2018 09:05 PM PDT

Just got my game working again after a couple of months of downtime and I'm amazed at how early they're ending. Doesn't look like they're starting after 7 p.m.

submitted by /u/bhamjason
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The best shiny luck I’ve ever had.

Posted: 12 Jun 2018 07:06 PM PDT

I got two shiny shellders back to back today. I caught one outside of a grocery store, drove to another grocery store (they didn't have my sweet, sweet, precious almond milk) and caught another outside THAT grocery store. This is the best luck I think I've ever had with shinies. Anyway I think I've reached the 100 character minimum for this post pls enjoy this content.

submitted by /u/flakride
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Magikarp Discrepancy!

Posted: 12 Jun 2018 08:34 AM PDT

have you noticed that the sprite of the male and female Magikarps are wrong outside capture screen? Here are some screenshots that show this problem. https://imgur.com/a/5E7aiFf

submitted by /u/IamChubybear
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[PSA] Avoid diluting Larvitar's spawn frequency during Community Day. (Cross-posted from /r/TheSilphRoad)

Posted: 12 Jun 2018 07:48 AM PDT

[complaint] water event + rain = mostly volbeats?

Posted: 12 Jun 2018 09:14 PM PDT

is this happening to anyone else? like 60% of the spawns here are volbeat any time its raining

more volbeat than ALL WATER TYPES COMBINED?

its made even more annoying that volbeat is not only completely 100% terrible in every single possible way (especially aesthetics) but its also obnoxiously hard to catch

its been raining a lot lately and i just wish it would stop so i can catch squirtles and totadiles like everyone else

submitted by /u/131166
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Why won’t my closest gym start a raid?

Posted: 12 Jun 2018 12:19 PM PDT

I work for a university and there are 14 gyms all within a few hundred yards. There is one that is right outside my office so I boost my son's account with it. What I don't understand is that every one of the other gyms have multiple raids per day but the one next to me hasn't had a single one in several days. What triggers a raid???

submitted by /u/tuscabam
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[question] who has walked the most legendary buddy candy?

Posted: 12 Jun 2018 03:54 PM PDT

So, I recently decided to power up my best Raikou all the way to level 40, because it has both a breakpoint and a bulkpoint there against Kyogre. (PSA: It has a 13 ATK, if it had 15 it would hit the breakpoint for thundershock at 38.5) It's the first time I've maxxed a legendary, and I forgot how much candy it costs. :-/ Anyway, I ran out of rare candy at level 39 and still need 30 more for those last two half levels. Then I decided to try for more by walking. But it took me several days to get to 20km, just for one candy! I gave up and went back to walking my Larvitar for community day.

But it made me wonder, just for fun, who has stuck with it? Who has gotten lots of legendary buddy candy, and do you regret the opportunity cost of not walking other Pokemon buddies which are easier?

submitted by /u/drwowe
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